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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @SaraLenore Look at it. See how you’re creating it.
  2. @Johnny5 ??‍♂️??♥️
  3. ??☺️
  4. @zeroISinfinity Sorry, I don’t know. Some insights I ‘get’, some I don’t. I just know when it’s on the conscience so to speak. Forgive the relativity, but I feel how someone else feels, and it feels better when I share it with that someone. I hope it feels better for them when I do, but honestly I don’t know and that doesn’t even make sense to me. Why that, why Johnny, why today, etc. I don’t know. Not my business really. Conscience-less-ness, that’s all that ‘matters’. Hit or miss, fine with me.
  5. @Johnny5 Occasionally I wake up in the morning with an insight on someone’s behalf. It is dreamlike, rather than logical, and I have learned I don’t need to explain or understand, but it seems I am to express it, or share it, if you will. There is no way of me knowing why or what it might mean to someone, or if it is completely meaningless and ‘just a thought’, sans the feeling, which I care not to contend with ever. So might be insightful, might be rubbish, but what it seems I am to say is that the actuality of being, as in being creation & actually creating, the realness or aliveness of creating as ‘the true, authentic, actual self’, is the answer to what weighs on the conscience. Is the freedom.
  6. @LfcCharlie4 I have a feeling this isn’t the answer you want to hear, but I don’t see ‘an addict’, or ‘enlightened teachers’, etc.
  7. @Don Wei You are not a slave. There is no old & new self. There is no impulsiveness, there are impulses. The self can not be improved upon, behaviors, actions & perspectives can be changed, limiting beliefs can be discarded. Change is accomplished in the tiniest amounts possible. There is no problem. There is nothing to overcome. This day will be this day, and it is perfect however it is. Enjoy it. Spend a quit hour in nature, as the animals about their problems, listen well to what they say. You can not get less conscious. Relax & let go. Everything you are wanting comes from feeling your best - always put that first. There is no control. There is no problem with porn, social media, fapping, etc. Judgmental thoughts about anything don’t feel good. Unity, and perspectives of inclusion are empowering, as the self is the greatest feeling possible and the only source. One ‘thing’ or activity has no more or less power than another. Make a dreamboard. Shift focus from ‘yourself’ & ‘your growth’, to what you want to create. Meditate first thing in the morning. Eat clean. Let thoughts & perspectives which don’t feel good, go, or at the least, recognize the relationship. In other word, the thoughts that don’t feel good, let them go. Choose a better feeling thought, or an activity which you enjoy, that feels good to you. You are whole, complete, and loved more than you know.
  8. @Wisebaxter Yep. The power of forgetting can create worlds. I can feel you from here my man. ? Feels good. ??
  9. The owl is suggesting you look more closely at that rope.
  10. @LfcCharlie4 One should be single pointed in awakening, imo.
  11. @Johnny5 ??♥️
  12. @mandyjw ? wow.
  13. @Johnny5 Can’t not be you, and ‘that’ too, is you.
  14. You’re never getting rid of me.
  15. @Johnny5 ?? Johnny6 got nothin on you man. ??
  16. @Cyrene It seems as if there would have to be a past, a you, a script, and countless causations which led to this moment being possible. But there are none of these. They are ideas. They do not exist. Start a dreamboard. Write a “script”. No thing, and no one is stopping you, nor even attempting to prevent you from creating & living the life you want to live.
  17. Upon awakening, the entirety of life lived thus far is revealed to have always been absolute perfection, quite literally made of guidance every single step of the way. You are made new, in love, peace, understanding, and purpose. Prior to awakening, this is not imaginable, thinkable, conceivable, or believable. Every frustrating incident, every indecision, every moment of suffering, every apparent short coming...which all appeared to be so convincingly worthy of tension, anger, judgement, contention, spite, resentment, hatred, arguing, debating, fighting, and unfortunately even going to what can only be pointed to as divinity, or perhaps grace, or unconditional love...without any causation, any happening, and without any mechanics or explanation at all - is wholly recontextualized as you, as your own perfect love self. Always having been perfect, is now perfect, and always will be perfect. The odds, chances, or even possibility of you being anything other than absolute perfect love, are known unequivocally to be nonexistent. But the experience, the appearance, the creation... the fact that it magically continues - that you somehow just get to experience this place, these tastes, these sounds, these animals, these plants, trees and flowers, these pursuits & interests, these beautiful places, these brilliant innocent faces... this can only be pointed to as miracle. It is astounding & dumbfounding that it could ever have been missed or taken to be otherwise. In ‘dying’, as you say, there is indeed absolute perfection. There is no suffering. There is infinite unconditional love & perfect peace. What was done or not done in life has nothing to do with this. However, you’re back at square one in terms of your ineffable creation, your adventure, your realizing the miracle of life. No hero’s journey. No best of both worlds. No glory. No heavenly marvel. No dedication, no perseverance, no triumph. No supernatural, no mystical unexplainably ordinarily appearing place. Revealing to yourself you are the love, the existence, which is the game...the pinnacle of infinity, the absolute greatest of eternal potentiality, the sum total of bottomless love & perfection made manifest of all possible possibilities - is only fun, while still playing in the game. Finally finding your keys is only worthwhile, when there are endless places you can go.