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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @SQAAD How does your inquiry / perspective on this change upon the realization there is no individual ‘you’ ?
  2. It’s more reel than real. “Wakefulness” is a thought, which is an activity of mind, ‘itself’ just an assumption of separate individual rather than apparent individuation, as is the claim ‘it’ slept. What can’t and never sleeps believes it sleeps. Humor might ‘cut through’ this one if you hear what “I’m” sayin. This is quite literally a dream of some guy sayin stuff about sleep, rather than a guy who sleeps sayin stuff. Conscious isn’t a property of a thing, like all things it is an appearance, coming & going...or appearing to rather.
  3. @Rasheed Hell ya. I’m with ya. I love boxing. Can’t wait to watch this one. Been a fan of Tyson since the early days. He’s an amazing person imo. Next life, boxing for sure. ? Look out!
  4. Yes. You don’t. You can’t cause it isn’t actual. Why would you want to anyways? Running...vibrational appearance, same for the thought “running”. Sleep - no vibrational appearance, but the thought “sleep” is a vibrational appearance. Yes indeed, and there is no example in experience of anything whatsoever which is not a state of change, because “it” appears to be, “it” is a vibration. It is possible btw “ime” to “be conscious in sleep”, which is to say without the apparent veil of the finite mind. It’s possible there is a linguistic miscommunication happening at my end here, but in having experienced this non-experience of “sleep”, it was crystal I’m working from the assumption that is not what you’re referring to.
  5. @Seed One more thing I thought I’d mention, take it however you will....I have been present at Reiki I classes where people with no experience with practices or psych’s or anything have simple walked in and in their willingness & interest...have mystical healing experiences on their own behalf, so to speak, and through themselves on behalf of others. There’s a phrase or passage in the Bible something like, “where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am”. This is the power, presence, mystical nature and actuality, of love, and denotes the simplicity of intention.
  6. Try explaining sex to a virgin using experience, knowledge and ability. In that regard it communicates nothing. If and when the virgin has sex, then they know what you we’re talking about. There are no words explaining distance energy healing, but it happens. @zeroISinfinity You so funny. Stop looking through me already. Lol. @Loving Radiance I would say so, until experience is no longer known, but is the very same inseparable knowing. Such as the realization that occurs in scrutinizing direct experience for separation between objects, seeing, and knowing.
  7. @Samuel Garcia It’s a phenomena, if we are to agree that the thought “I sleep” is an, albeit apparent, phenomena. There is no actuality whatsoever which that thought points to. “Sleep” is similar to “death” in that perception seems to lead us to an assumption. Another way to say what can’t be said lol...”since I exist, I must have been sleeping when I was not awake”. This assumes there is an I which is awake at times, but there is neither an I, awake, nor time...just as there is no actuality of sleep or death.
  8. @zeroISinfinity @Seed “Illusion”, “maya” are ‘write offs’. Reality known is not illusory at all.
  9. I can attest to the actuality of this, it is prior to and beyond experience, knowledge and ability.
  10. @zeroISinfinity ? No hidden message, just appreciating ya.
  11. @Samuel Garcia What about the phenomena of a you sleeping?
  12. @zeroISinfinity Btw, I appreciate the kinds words the other day. Thank you.
  13. The slight tension of mind is enough to recoil weight back a tad bit, so just lean forward a bit. Put your body weight on the front third of your feet and toes. Also, stop giving a fuck. Nobody else is, you’re just thinking they are.
  14. Reason is insufficient in regard to what it’s ‘made of’.
  15. The resistance could be believing there is a you which possess a ’my consciousness’, or ‘human consciousness’. Impossible & resistant indeed.
  16. I’d scrutinize that more. How do you know the blank?
  17. @Member Picturing you at age two already with a task list of goals in hand. ?