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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @ShugendoRa Follow the breadcrumbs. Let thoughts which are not aligned -go. And that is the end of their apparent existence. Goodness naturally arises. It already was. Focus on an undesirable thought is already emotional suppression of reality.
  2. @Shunyata Careful not to overlook the entirety of relativity. It’s an easy blunder.
  3. @Into The Void Welcome to the forum, thanks for sharing.
  4. @The Don The resistance is hiding in the details, which I suspect are still written off as semantics.
  5. Focus on something else that you like, that feels good. Receive that message of feeling. Listen to it as swiftly as possible. This is suffering. Like if you stubbed you toe and felt the direction from there is moving on. Another direction (suffering) is continuing to focus on it, finding other people who are also focused on what doesn’t feel good to them, seeing if there is maybe a foundation for this toe stubbing situation, etc.
  6. You’re identifying yourself via the experience ‘behind the scenes’, that is what who you really are is not ‘going along with’. That’s why it feels terrible. Continuing in spite of receiving the message (the not good feeling) creates more resistance, resulting in “anger”. That you are forcing yourself to fully concentrate is a separate self identification misnomer. It’s not actually happening, and as such isn’t fitting.
  7. I know it’s a direct way to say it...but you’re focusing on escaping is focusing on what you actually don’t want. A double negative in terms of mindset doesn’t end up creating a positive. The positive, as in good feeling, comes from you. What’s the opposite mindset, what mindset do you want?
  8. @Adamq8 Same ‘no thing’. There is only creative power if there is a creator and creation, but of course, there are not two. It’s all ‘on the fly’, one eternal ‘now’. I’m just gonna make up a word now... stitlegus. And there it is. Where am I relative to that creation...where is that creation relative to me. Awareness aware of awareness. Pure magic...but I’m just making that up inescapably. I must be Omni-creative.
  9. @Amit With respect to your request and appreciation for ‘telling it like it is’... I get what you mean, yet, that there are planes is a belief, and is sneakily employed as a boundary. There is ‘one substance’ so to speak, you’re creating ‘planes and huge problems’ of it, but you don’t have to. Spend ten minutes giving your absolute best to pretending to be straight faced. Absolutely no funny-ness whatsoever. Zero. None. Seriously. You’ll notice how funny it is. ....again, you’re asking for the straight skinny...”it” isn’t a thing at all, “it” is you. So a past isn’t a ‘problem’...repetition of the belief perpetuates the identification as a ‘person’, which is only a belief in and of itself. Were it not for that re-creating, misunderstanding & emotion would naturally release...the repeating of the belief suppresses...the natural response of the love that you truly are is “ahhh, no”...but is being labeled as “anger”, and identified with. Same for the seeking of validation, respect, and acceptance. These are things that serve only to perpetuate the false notion you are a person. (That’s pretty deep, specific, existential and direct, my apologies if it is offensive in any way.) TLDR: There’s no ‘you’ ‘somethings wrong with’. That’s what’s ‘going on’. Can’t resolve what already is resolution.
  10. Yes, and also continuing to believe that.
  11. Awareness is aware of awareness, appearing to intensify a thought about ‘things’ which do not actually exist, sans appearance of the very same awareness. The thoughts are relativity, appearance of ‘things’. Awareness can literally just let them go...and end up experiencing this stuff awareness appears to be talking about. Because there is a belief awareness is believing about “omni aware”, so awareness can continue the experience of ‘being a person’. Notice dogma and deluded are beliefs the awareness being discussed is believing. This is the direct experience. It is plain, simple, readily noticeable.
  12. @Christian00 Welcome! When repressed energy is released the mind often attempts to add context. Ideally, let the thought about it go right along side the energy, especially considering you can be focusing on what feels good to you instead. ‘Refill’ with that . On a cautionary note, the belief the drug is responsible or making you or even suggesting you do anything is a slippery slope that is better off let go.
  13. @zeroISinfinity Advice can only point, transmissions can only help bring things held closer to the surface of release, so to speak. Nobody, no thing, no practice or substance has a leg up on Mind. Mind always ‘wins’. ??? @allislove Yes I think that would be ideal too. However, minutia here, but the ‘in & out’ so to speak of meo is so quick...I figured someone might have a little more time to ‘have a look around’ with the psilocybin vapor. Ultimately, I’m guesworking on this here. Tryin to help. Seems to be different for each one, given wherever one is at. Direct experience, yada yada.
  14. It’s arguably the opposite. The more one doesn’t feel good and is experiencing “anxiousness” and “tension”...the more ready the body is to let go and release. That’s precisely what is being felt / experienced. Every one acknowledges beliefs when every one does though, and I do imagine adopting beliefs about oneself which do not feel good at younger and younger ages makes the clarity more difficult. All of it. Those go hand in hand. There’s no body, just love and conditions / beliefs held to the contrary, but I digress. It will help tremendously...when you approach that point of seeing through the beliefs and releasing - don’t quit and blame her! Lol. Keep going! I know right?! What’s with this guy and his four years?! You got this. You’re ‘doing the work’ already. Let go, let go, let go! Much love for ya man, always rooting in your corner.
  15. @kagaria Still much appreciated ?? I’m pretty sure I’ve posted some songs three or fours times. Lol. Loving discovering so many new songs about ourself, and all the sharing everybody, thank you!!
  16. @zeroISinfinity Bring it on. ???
  17. My wife disagrees, but suit yourself. If you’re single that’s quite a wise production release. That is mastering relativity indeed. A month ago, had you even said six months, I’d have taken you up on a bet of any amount.
  18. I’m assuming by hand of God you’re making a proper reference to one of Leo’s older videos. Well done sir. I agree, except that the development is apparent and is a want, rather than actual and a need.
  19. @zeroISinfinity Indeed. Soooo without limit, it’s Actually yours. (I went capitol A on that for you.)
  20. Fleeting-ness appears as long-lasting-ness. That is one thing you could never be sure of.