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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @tesla How’d you take em? Eat em, tea, vapor? I’m wondering if that explains the nausea, which can sometimes send the whole trip in a direction.
  2. As if the family & others were other than infinite love. @Artsu He’s talking about awakening...being awake or alseep. Most if not all of the way Jesus is credited to have spoken is to awakening vs believing him. There’s exceptions, misquotes, etc, but I’m speaking generally to the intention portrayed. Similar to the Matrix scene with the woman in the red dress. He, and Morpheus as well are trying to convey the non-particularity of love.
  3. @Frenk Exactly. In your direct experience, “hell” isn’t and has never actually been hell...only and ever, just a thought about a “hell”. People who told you there’s a hell realm after death said what they said, because they are afraid to look at direct experience and find out they are wrong (and maybe also that they don’t exist). Being wrong can be, feeling wise, so very right.
  4. @Frenk What is it which is in your direct experience right now which you are afraid of?
  5. @WHO IS You’re making threads, receiving insights, and hammering them down with conflation. Are you doing anything in regards to expanding the mind? Any practices, retreats, inspection, contemplation, well being, etc?
  6. Because you’re imagining other-than-goodness. Do you have intuition & a conscience, or don’t you? ...taking them for granted a bit maybe? Why do you suppose experience is that way? Exactly.
  7. @Carlos MK Yes, thanks. Maybe more so though, however it works best for you.
  8. I would just add as much as the insight was really, to a new tab or a related tab. I found it plays itself out as you go. I YouTubed any specific question and found one note to be well covered with short precise videos. That made it easier to just proceed without feeling I needed to understand how the app / program really functioned, as far as any bells & whistles. Yes, the categories get reconsidered & cleaned up, but naturally over time. Sleeping on it, then seeing the list of categories again, orders and connections come into focus.
  9. @Carlos MK Very relatable thread. I made a move years back from ‘in my head’, apps, on post it’s, pads of paper, etc, using One Note to capture all notes categorically, and using physical space for all else. I now have one main dreamboard, and use other dry erase boards for thinking things out / untangling things / arriving at clarity. I also have 2 large walls where I exercise, meditate, play instruments, sing & work out, which are painted with chalk paint. Tons of room to write whatever comes to mind while doing those activities. It’s worked great. In terms of having a clear & empty mind, creativity & clarity...I found nothing beats lots of physical ‘in front of you’ space. The vantage point is entirely different. Hope something there is useful, Godspeed.
  10. @Aaron p I’m not suggesting you don’t (or that you do). But...a ‘quick fix’, that you’ll be using for the next 5 years? “Single most important”....more important than creating the life you want?
  11. @Dand What’s heaven? (The op outlined hell)
  12. @Zec I’d say it means you don’t need anything from them.
  13. @Aaron p Congrats on never taking it again. ?
  14. Priceless. ?? (Don’t post while tripping though)
  15. A beautiful, eloquent little disturbed trilogy from a suicide & heroin survivor. Dogma seen through, nationalism yet to go?
  16. @Eren Eeager Dis ease, or not to be at focusing on what does not feel good to you. Focusing on what feels good to you, no matter how small of a thing or notion that is - feels good, and puts you in kind, at ease. It is what it is to be, at ease. Thinking in steps can sometimes be more usable... The first step would be acknowledging to yourself that you are experiencing more of what you are focusing on, and have been for as long as you can remember any experience at all. The environment you were raised in plays a major role in this, but only for as long as you continue to see that it does. It’s a very slippery slope & initially hard to notice the role momentum has played in it. You can change that momentum. You are powerful beyond measure. The second step would be noticing focus is an effortless happening, and it an be effortlessly directed to what feels good to you. Think of barely lifting a finger to change channels on a tv. Then notice ten minutes later, you’re pretty into that show. If you find you don’t like how it feels, you can again, change the channel. The third step would be recognizing the tension that arises from the acknowledgment you’ve been focusing on what does not feel good to you, is why you don’t feel good. It’s called tense-sion, because it has to do with now being filtered through past tense, via holding onto beliefs about yourself, based on experience believed to have transpired “in a past”. This is not a mystery, it is simply what’s happening right now. There is now past. There is now, and it is appearing in such a way that it is very convincing there is time. That the past influences, would be The primary belief being believed, right now. To experience a change you want can take time. We can not snap our fingers and turn a lump of clay into a car...but focus does not take time. This is how it is that there appears experience at all. If you could snap your fingers and change about five snaps everything would be so perfect, you’d be right back to infinite perfection, without experience. You can change what you’re focused on right now. You are reluctant to even entertain this notion....but your inner being is all for it. Your inner being is this now, which is appearing in such a manor that there seems to be time & a past. Hence, your tension in the heart area is the mind holding back the love you are, via beliefs about who you are, via believing in, a past. If thoughts about who you are don’t feel good, they aren’t true. That is misunderstanding. When you recognize you are misunderstanding, it can be recognized that there is the potential to understand. What stands to be understood, is that this experience of being human is perpetuated by, albeit an appearance - births & deaths. Each of us is born somewhere, with some perspectives acquired from our environment. Some folks roll with that for the duration, while other open their mind, and thus transcend their culture, the beliefs, their suffering, and ultimately, their belief they are a finite form called “a person”, who is born & dies. This thread is a pretty a useable example. But alas, I digress, as you’re ignoring all of what’s being said, and focusing only on what you don’t want, and insisting the resulting feeling of not being at ease, could not possibly be due to your focusing. That’s fine, really. You’re just not ready to let go of the influence of the past & environment. As the momentum continue in the direction you do not want, the suffering intensifies, and ultimately you will acknowledge to yourself that it was your focus all along. That happens when it happens so to speak. If today is not that day for you, no worries. Going back a bit, this is the importance of recognizing momentum. That your focusing ‘got you here’ is an important factor to acknowledge, because it begins to be seen, that focus works just as readily, easily & effortlessly, with regard to what you want & how you want to feel. The goof feeling when things change for the better, is the exact same good feeling when you choose to focus on what you want. You can experience this goof feeling, and relief of the congestion in the chest, right now. It is always up to you. I acknowledge this is bold to say, but your inner being is more or less agreeable with what’s being said here. Me, and me saying it, is nothing and could & should be regarded (at best) as a pointer to your inner being, to listening to how you feel instead of what you think or believe. By inner being, I mean the unconditional love that you truly are. In experience, by the love that you are, I mean desire. By desire, I mean what you want to create. To create is intrinsic, inherent, as you are the creator. To be the unconditional love that you truly are, and to create what you want, is to be at ease in the heart and the mind. This is to be aligned, this is the joy of experience, creating. You did not come into this place to do, think, or believe as others do. You came to be you, and to create & to do what you want. I believe you are experiencing the suffering of maintaining discord with who you really are, and what you’re really capable of. Again, the “problem”, is that the truth is you are immeasurably awesome, can can do what you actually want. Believing this is not true feels like congestion in the heart area, because it is a denial of who you really are. TLDR: You can’t “fix” you. That’s just believing something is wrong with you. Nothing is wrong with you. Focus is working perfectly. Relatively, the love that you are is working perfectly. You’re being innocently hard headed, and it sucks for you. Stop aiming to “fix you”...and start focusing on what you want & what feels good to you. By not making it all about you, and making it about what you want to do, have or be, there is no “problem”...just another creator creating.
  17. @WellbeingSeeker You’re saying nothing causes...I’m saying that is nothing. You might be thinking you are a mechanical mechanism, like a combustion engine, and therefore asking about some thing mechanical, something of causes and effects. But you are nothing. Happiness can never be made to be happy, and satisfaction can never be made to be satisfied. Nothing is already happiness & satisfaction. Nothing believes it is some thing, but nothing is nothing. I would see that teacher was nothing, knowing...and presume they would then go on to explain nothing is how the engine works.