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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @wavydude What is the actuality of life you’re referring to?
  2. @Rajneeshpuram How would those not work for you? What does non-superficial look like for you? What does ‘most suitable for me’ mean or relate to? What is it which you desire to change? What’s the most ideal outcome?
  3. @actualizing25 Understand why you don’t feel amazing, at each & every occurrence.
  4. What is too basic about it? Can you be more specific about that, and about what you mean by the ‘more advanced material’ you’re seeking?
  5. What understanding or distinctions do you have or make, between suffering, and pain? In terms of pain, I meant can you isolate it and communicate specifically where in the body the actual pain is. If you can not, you might begin to consider that it is not pain, but rather, suffering. Then, you might look into information as to the fundamental nature of suffering for understanding. No = these are thoughts about an experience, but are not the experience. Similarly, if I asked if you have had a pumpkin spice latte from star bucks...there might be an inclination to replay “No...but...”. Everything that follows the “but” would be thoughts about the experience of drinking a pumpkin spice latte, which would not be indicative of the actual experience of drinking one. Likewise, with the dreamboard. Thoughts about it, are not at all related to what the actual experience is. As you said, “no success”. My intention is looking at your current approach, sifting out what isn’t working & why, in hopes you are willing to let some things go and try a different approach. How does this approach / perspective you are currently utilizing feel? I am deducing it does not feel good. Is there willingness to let it go, and adopt an approach which is rooted in, and entirely based on, feeling better?
  6. @Eren Eeager I wish you the best. Hoping you are letting misunderstanding go and realizing much understanding, and continuing to feel better and better for it. I have much respect to you for being on the path of well being and sorting through these things.
  7. What is left as to description without mind? Infinity. Nothing. Upon transcendence of the mind, there is no ‘coming back to the collective’. That’s a perspective being projected or applied rather than the actuality recognized. There’s definitely no more believing in individualism.
  8. As you are certain the congested energy is caused by the disorders...can you explain that a little? Can you describe what you’re witnessing by which you’ve arrived at that certainty?
  9. Can you isolate, point to, and share specifically where the pain is being experienced? Have you made a dreamboard...written what you do want in life on it...let go of limiting beliefs..? Curious if you’ve done this yourself, and directly experienced it, vs thought or read about it. Can you describe the one who is separate from God, making the references? Can you articulate specific properties, and describe the actual separation? (Asking with an intention to help, as all ‘things’ amply inspected disappear. If it’s too triggering or off putting, of course just ignore and move on )
  10. If you’re comfortable sharing, what psychedelic & what dose did you take prior to each of those experiences? Also, I appreciate the sharing, but I was asking what mania & psychosis is more so than what behaviors and actions are attributed to it.
  11. The belief is the thought, the duality of alive & dead, that you come & go. Find a separation in knowing. Between knowing & experience, and knowing & belief. If a separation can’t be found, then a distinction can’t be made, and there is not a duality of knowing & not knowing. And also then, there is. But only because there isn’t. Since there is.
  12. @allislove Infinite yes to all that. Beautiful man.
  13. Think feeling. Feel thinking. What do you experience?
  14. ‘Why’ is an apparent finite thought. There is direct knowing of the thought. The thought is about perception. There is direct knowing of perception. There is no perceiving a thought, and there is no thinking perception. There is direct knowing of thought & of perception. There is no separation between knowing, thought, and perception. The knowing is the mirage. Infinite can not know finite.
  15. Meditate for an hour every morning. Keep returning attention to breathing from the stomach. Days add up to a disciplined mind. All suppressed emotions will empty. It will be realized there never was a problem, just the believing of thoughts that didn’t feel good. A simpler way to say that is there is presently little to no focus. It could be said to be trained, by letting thoughts go, by focusing on breathing from the stomach and relaxing. Down the road so to speak, that explanation will eat itself. ’The mind’ goes to such great lengths to avoid this, ultimately rooted in the fear of death, or nothingness. In hindsight, you’ll see humor in having been afraid, of nothing. Before letting go though, people typically weave more thought stories, continuing to believe thinking leads to feeling. Alas, it is clearly seen that feeling can not be thought.
  16. @Halm How come I can only see the one mirage in the desert, and not all the other mirages? The actual satisfying answer is because there aren’t any mirages. But no answer is satisfying, because the answers are mirage. Only love will do.
  17. @Ponder Not sure what you mean. What outcome is being risked? How long do you think psychedelics stay in the body? What is your understanding of what mania & psychosis is, and is that understanding from your direct experience complete? Also, what is your understanding of what fear is, and what role it’s playing here?
  18. @Pugfishpanda Who would you be without the story of the past? What would you worry about, if there is no future? What would there be, to be afraid of?
  19. @Heart of Space Death is only a belief. You’re identified with past & personhood & believing in death so deeply, that you’re missing feeling is love. You’re labeling it fear, and continuing to be ‘right’ about your belief. No offense. Love ya. Sorry to hear of your current state & hope you turn it around on both accounts soon. ? Also, you’re fucking infinity awesome, and I believe in you turning this water into wine. Much to let go perhaps.
  20. What does? And then ....what?
  21. What is a who? Have you contemplated the belief you’re a who, and sustaining that belief by assessing other who’s as enlightened or in separate selves, etc? This might be keeping a charade going right under your nose, which you’re trying very hard to overcome or beat. What if there’s nothing to achieve or become, but a matter of uncovering beliefs? What if that 5meo never comes?