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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Eren Eeager Maybe describe the back & fourth of your own experience in terms of blue being with the pack so to speak, orange being a shift of focus away from the pack and to your personal development, and so on, rather than describing in terms of ism’s and society. You could also use arguably the simplest relatable model of explanation of being a kid prior to going to school, then going to school and learning how to work together, then focusing on creating the life you want as you exit school, then learning the more intimate nuances of relating with others from starting a family, etc. Might not all be in your experience yet, but it’s a extremely simple relatable way to at least convey the basic premise that there are stages we go through.
  2. @Juressic That’s a great idea imo. Maybe midway through the game it could switch from first person to third person view, or even back and forth through the stages. I don’t recall that happening in any game, it’s usually one or the other the whole way, or the ability to switch anytime. A game that switches In accordance with the plot, and transcendence from tier one to tier two would be unique and remarkable in that sense, and really communicate something more directly through thought to the inner being, if you will. It’d resonate, even if people didn’t quite recognize why. Also, maybe the goal or orientation of the game could switch midway between over taking the land & resources, to being tasked with minimizing wars and keeping the peace.
  3. @Megan Alecia What @Recursoinominado said is spot on imo. I would also make a dreamboard. When you see all that you are wanting in life, the biggest dream you can dream In front of you, the feeling, sentiment and attitude toward the task at hand changes. It is seen more as the whole of your life dream, as contributing to your vision, and is much more enjoyable & purposeful.
  4. You don’t know what it is yet not to be identified.
  5. There is only infinite consciousness. There is no such thing as infinite consciousness.
  6. @wavydude Get a dry erase board. Write one single thing you want. Something incredibly simple, like, taco’s for dinner or a coffee. That’s it. “Big” things are actually done in tiny steps. So just do the tiniest step, literally, that you can. Maybe even just ordering a dry erase board, and that is enough for today. It’s not for dealing with anything. It’s just what you want. You could write literally anything, big or small, that you want to do, be, have, experience, etc. Anything. If for now it is to lift your mood and it changes perspective for the better, awesome, perfect.
  7. There’s no one to understand or define nonduality. That’d be two. Nonduality is a pointing, not a concept. The word doesn’t suggest what it is, only what it is not. If it is a concept, follow the pointing until it isn’t. Stop looking at the finger and see the moon, sts. An idea can not be perceived any more than perception can be thought. You can mistake reality for your ideas everywhere you look, yes. You don’t have to though. The universe is an appearance. There are no process, there is an idea that there are processes. It’d all be as it is, without the idea or label. Ideas aren’t wrong or right, that in and of itself is an idea. The universe has no processes. There are no humans. Start from what is actual, now. Notice evolution is a back story, not anything which can be pointed to. The actuality of anything pointed to, is now. That there is a past comes in as an idea, about now. There are not-two. We observing some thing, any thing, is twoness. All twoness is apparent. This is why moms & dads are called a-parent. You created yourself, and not even. Nonduality is not a concept. Your insistence that it is, is the point. Yes & yes there is. When all beliefs are seen through and as such disappear, only truth remains, and not even. Universe is a thought. A universe has never existed or been witness or observed. “Understanding itself”, is twoness. What is, simply is, itself. There is not that ‘me’ or that ‘universe experiencing through it’, not-two. Like this...there is nothing to get around.
  8. That there is a why, and that it has been realized there is no self, is the deception at play here. Thinking there is no self is not realizing there is no self. Realizing no self, there’s no longer the questions of whys. Perhaps you did just think about. Problems don’t have a source. If you ask me should I constantly, or even for a second worry about _________, I will always answer no, no matter what is in that blank. Worry is bamboozlment. The mind would never trick itself because a mind does not exist. To arrive at that to begin with, is to believe thoughts.
  9. Not possible. Ya bamboozled yoself. That’s 100% belief, 0% direct experience. That there is any duality, is only a thought. Yes. Until you’ve directly experienced it. There’s nothing there to ‘get around’. You’re making that up. It’s nice descriptively speaking, but you’re believing thoughts about reality, instead of noticing reality. Still believing in “facts”, from “people”. Make all the reason and predictions you like, just notice you are doing it. Make up all the meaning you like, just notice you are doing it.
  10. Love yourself. Don’t philosophize it, don’t think about it, do it. Start with appreciation, it is love. Stop taking your hands & feet for granted for example. Notice them, appreciate them. Watch them, notice & love them. Read The Six Pillars Of Self Esteem. Then, read Ask & It Is Given. Then make a dreamboard. Then receive what you are wanting. You bamboozled yourself. You didn’t experience nothing, you conceptualized it. And not even. Be open to the possibility you’re bullshitting yourself. The thought might be about other people living cool lives...but the feeling is about you living the life you actually want. Don’t fall for the cover story of thoughts, fall in love with feeling. It is literal sensational guidance for this lifetime. Infinite Intelligence. Notice you can not take feeling off, like you would a coat. You’ll have this guidance for as long as your alive. Wether you start listening to it or not, is up to you. No one will ever come along and wake you up and make you listen to feeling. You gotta do it. Have you had enough suffering yet? If you were not love, goodness - you would not be able to experience the relativity to derive ‘that you are broken’. Beginner’s mind is very much called for. Let go of the belief you’ve figured anything out. Let the whole thought-level of ‘figuring out’ go. That ain’t it. FEEL. That self doesn’t exist is literally being said. If there was no self there would be no saying. You’re believing you at 100 / 1000 on the path, sts, and in truth you haven’t seen the path yet. Open up your mind as to what a self could be. It’s presently quite limited, and that is the feeling of suffering. Not foreign, conceptualized, via believing you know stuff. You’re made of it. Born of it. Life doesn’t happen accidently. Pregnancies, sometimes - but not Life. God is beyond conception. I love you and welcome to the forum, and I’m calling bullshit. The evidence that you do care, is the feeling of losing hope. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have made this post. Recognize that in direct feeling. Start to consider you have misunderstood much, and suppressed feeling, which told you at every turn that your perspective was off.
  11. There’s no universe, people, earth, etc. This is all thoughts you’re believing. There is no past, no individuals, and in kind no reincarnation. Notice right now, it’s not ‘in the room’, it’s ‘in your head’. Eternity = ? / ♥️ / you, not concepts we come up with about lives, pasts, others, futures, etc. Scrutinize exactly where ‘in your head’ and you’ll find, “it’s” not even a thing in a thing at all. No locations, no time, no space even to begin with. All just beliefs, thoughts, labels, ideas, concepts = the suffering / identity of a separate of love, self, who is in time, space, a universe, on earth, “thinking”. You’ve never thought, done, or moved. Ever. You’re appearing as everything which so convincingly makes it seem so - to you. Meditation however...nothing can be said about.
  12. There is not an entity. You are what is, appearing. Yes. Feeling is more simple than can be thought. “Definitely a mechanism within appearance, a pattern, a habit” - that’s an appearance - you’re believing those thoughts. Stop saying it, and it stops seeming true. A mirage is a desert is an appearance. That means there is no actuality to it. A mirage is not wet. There are not patterns & habits - you are saying there are, and believing the what you’re saying. Sit with it, look at it. Choose a causation to inspect, any will do. Then contemplate what caused that, then what caused that, and so on, until it is realized causation is a mirage. You can’t find the beginning, or ‘original cause’, because it’s a mirage! It’s you, creating as you go. Same air bruh. We ain’t separate. Look to biology, physics, and quantum mechanics. (Just some videos. Start with double slit. Watch 50 times before you think about what is being said there - listen from your soul, sts) Unconditional. Love. Love conditions. Love through them like hot butter. Express love to someone today. SEE it in response within them. See that there is only visual apparent separation. Love is infinite. There is nothing else. Love appears too. FEEL Truth. Don’t trust the sense of sight, hearing, etc. Love is blind. Let go of your belief “samsara”. It’s just one more cover up. Love is infinite. Infinite cannot know finite. As such, there appears to be suffering, yet in actuality, there is not finite nor suffering.
  13. A profound realization, which ‘sticks’, is coming. I can feel it in the bones in your regard. Can feel your doneness. Loving it. That is not pain. That is suffering. The difference, at least initially, is you’re causing one but not the other. Inspecting & realizing precisely how you are doing this is the key. Then, you can no longer actually create suffering. Pain, you might encounter, but that is transcend-able too. Ideally, this will be a bit triggering, and you’ll feel into any reactionary feeling....not a single word of that has any truth whatsoever. It’s a sympathetic intention, a story about a you that you keep retelling. It has zero truth whatsoever. If you’re going to continue story telling, tell the story you actually want, that feels good to you. Again, this is a story about a you. You’re made of passion. There are billions of options for friends, and as many common interests available to make them. “I” can not feel lonely. Uncover the label of lonely. It’s a write off, a cover up. A thought being taken to be feeling, but it’s not. Feel the loneliness then, don’t settle for thinking which doesn’t resonate, about it. Feel the feeling so deeply and profoundly, that it is either seen through and disappears, or it explodes into full realization of what it really is. That is subtle blaming. Instead, recognize you’re believing thoughts, believing a narrative about a you. You (can’t say this loud enough) are not actually passive whatsoever. That is a facade of suppression, of an infinite creator, of love yourself. Contemplate - where do desire & passion actually come from? Don’t take that they have a source for granted. Literally - inspect and find the source. Where are they coming from? Your parents? Ha! The sun?? Find the source which shatters every possibility of any doubt. Experience is the point of experience. You’re creating as you go, but yet to notice this. Fascinating life of a world traveler, or bored, passive, Settling for a narrative, blame, complaining, self doubt, etc - up to you. Nobody is coming my man. This ain’t no rehearsal. You’re already free - drop the bringing of the story of a you everywhere you go - and you’ll have fun & friends coming out of your ears, so to speak. Make a dreamboard. Get honest with desire. Shed all limiting beliefs, as reality becomes what you are wanting right before your eyes. Go into & through desire & passion, into The Self. It waits there for you. It’ll unconditionally wait for eternity. It can not do otherwise, as it is eternal & unconditional. That, that is your best friend. Been waiting all this time. Loving you. Knowing you. Wanting all for you, that you honestly desire. You have a conscience. Listen to it. Prior to every word you speak or type, listen to it. FEEL...and then. If you struggle to feel desire & passion, simply remain silent. It is unstoppable, and when thoughts are let go, it floats, rises. That is it’s nature. You’re normal. Bland. Plain. Common. (You know I say this to trigger, so you can feel those limiting beliefs & let them go simply by recognizing how they feel.) Weird is nothing, haven’t even started. Get outta that kiddie pool. Infinite love is mayhem. Love it. Don’t judge it. Yeah, mayhem. Love & understand it. That is transcendence / (trance dance). Lighten up. Loosen up. Laugh it up. Look at the weirdness, the craziness, and laugh. Break the mold of your mind. Don’t expect any one to be like minded. Look to share common interests. You eat, I eat. We’re already friends via the common interest of food. Don’t be picky, see how easy it is. Nobody dictates your acceptance or value. The feeling of Goodness which you are attributing to the actions, words or behaviors of others - is you. Don’t give you away in thought, in that manor. Use a pad of paper. Make a list of everything you don’t want. Then, leave it. For hours, or a day or two depending on how much undesirable emotion arose. Relax and completely allow it to clear. Then, go back to your list and write the opposite next to each thing you wrote. You’ve then derived what you do want, as well as shifted your attention & focus to it. Fell good. Milk the shit out of feeling good as you write the dream on your dreamboard. Let go of every and all thoughts about a future you doing anything. Reality is unconditional and will become it. You’re inevitably realize, this is already and always has been, the actuality. Again - don’t suppress, feel every feeling, so to speak. Be a student of feeling & emotion. Great. Now play in want, without attachment. And even that is not yet to have begun. Monks & no desires is a story you’re believing. Feel your way there. Be honest to where you’re at. You can skip on the path, but you can sip the path. Increase knowledge of spiral dynamics & listen to Abe Hicks. Or don’t. Again, always up to you. Don’t attach to the knowledge, allow it to come and go, to be your now ledge until which actuality unfolds. No past, no stories or narratives dragged into now. No future, and no worrying about it. Now only. Get serious about this attachment to thoughts. Stopping fucking around. Burden is felt. Feeling is telling you you’re full of shit. You’re not listening. Instead, you’re contextualizing & labeling feeling as “burden”. You believe you’re “alien” and lonely....then act surprised when what you pursue is aligned with your beliefs. Stop being so surprised. Start loving you, us, them, it, etc. LOVE unabashedly. Love the ability to see through your own bullshit stories. Love you. Indeed there is. You’re choosing to the delusion for lack of inspecting line. Up to you to let that thought go, or believe & express it. Up to you to hand your authority over to someone on a silver plate. (Again, triggering, loving you ? sometimes only a slap accross the face will do. Keep a look out for me as well. We all need one from time to time). Indeed. There isn’t even an identify or battle. That would still be narrative of the mind hijacking. In true humility, there isn’t a problem, or that story about a problem & solution. Stop underestimating that what is let go no longer exists, and you begin to realize the pure magic of attention & focus. You’re effortlessly creating, effort. Story about a past & a you, appearing now, and being believed. Drop the “Omni” horse shit for the actuality, mystery, and delight of not knowing. Or don’t. Story about a past & a you, appearing now, and being believed. Story about a past & a you, appearing now, and being believed. Story about a past & a you, appearing now, and being believed. Story about a past & a you, appearing now, and being believed. A psychedelic experience is no different whatsoever than the experience of this appearance right now. That there is any difference whatsoever, is just another story about a you & a past which ‘happened’. Wtf is this? Yes. Do that. Inspect from the ground up....sleep, diet, letting undesirable thoughts go simply for feeling, an hour of proper meditation every morning. Not guided bullshit, or thought labeling garbage. Get real with beginners mind, drop “the past”. Music to my ears. You’re great. I’m a Midwest dad & husband. Kids are the real guru’s, keeping me real, keeping me in line. Lol. My approach here, in case it isn’t obvious, is to provoke some catharsis a bit. And maybe to reveal this can be is fun as hell. Up to me.
  14. Stop believing the thoughts about you, such as that you have ideologies, habits, laziness, are doing practices, pushing through, that you have a lack of experience, that you are making up ideologies, that you’re considering them as truth, that you have nothing to show for it, etc, etc. Just sit and notice this is all a story playing out in your thoughts, mind. Try actually pointing to it, ‘in the room’ so to speak. It’s just a story. Meditation. Awareness of thoughts, rather than believing the narrative.
  15. @4201 Thought is sneakier than you’re yet imagined.
  16. @allislove Ha yes! No one escapes this love!
  17. @Someone here Examine more closely with more scrutiny who is interested in a way out of suffering, and precisely why. List the reasons on a per in front of you, so to speak, rather than ‘in the head’ / thinking. Electrobeam was rather spot on and all that he shared with you was rather blown off. One thing missed that might be ‘graspable’ sooner than later, is that the intellect which has been apparently utilized to arrive at what has previously been referred to as “Truth”, is “itself” only an appearance. That one has arrived at a realization via negation is a facade. Look enough, and there is nothing ‘there’. Any & every thought, concept, explanation, every notion, is only an appearance. What stands to be fully realized (by no one) is ‘you’ are what is appearing. You’re looking for a way out of what you are simultaneously creating. It won’t ‘work’. Thoughts about this won’t do, because they are nonexistent, only apparent. Get in touch with feeling, more than you ever have, more than you’ve ever even considered...and feeling sorts all the nonsense out ‘for you’. It always has and always will. Listen, rather than talking, labeling, etc (feeling). Open your mind to the possibility that you’ve been believing you’ve felt, experienced feeling...but have actually never yet.
  18. I’d really scrutinize direct experience. Body, mind & I are only really thoughts. To say I or you will experience multiple lifetimes isn’t actually correct. Likewise, it’s not actually possible your experience is that of a human who feels trapped. Examine with more detail precisely what you’re thinking / talking about. Be clear on what you are saying & believing a human is, and be very literal in examination of exactly how you’re trapped. You’ll find these are only thoughts, about a you, but there isn’t one. The feeling likewise labeled to cover this up, “fear”, is you, and it’s being, love. If self as unconditional love is not realized and the 24/7 actuality, don’t watch triggering videos, watch liberating videos. When it is clearly realized a you wasn’t ever born, it’s impossible to fear, and to fear being born.
  19. Have you made a dreamboard? From one perspective it could be said that relationship, job, etc, are how & what they are only due to thought & feeling.
  20. @Someone here Some weird ideas on love there man.