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Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Even that there is a call for the solution can go. -
Nahm replied to Patrick_9931's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Patrick_9931 Awesome! Great start for sure. I’d surrender all of that to that superior force guiding us. Seriously. Just as soon as it bubbles up in thought, surrender it to the higher self. -
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If nonduality could be explained, no one would believe it. You & a universe is two. Nothing is emerging to dismiss. I love creation, I’m not dismissing it. I’m saying there aren’t two. Dogma is the opposite of inspecting direct experience, or, nonduality. Yes, the idea of reincarnation is not the direct experience of it, just like everything else. Direct experience requires seeing through beliefs. Direct experience is ‘correct’, because it is direct experience. If direct experience is deception, then the direct experience is that of deception. There’s no direct experience of a brain, sans a thought, ‘brain’. The ‘brain’ appears to, but does not produce. What is can’t be predicted, it’s already what is. 100%. ? -
Nahm replied to Itsokimok's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Very understandable. You might find insight in the writings of Rumi. He wrote a lot on revealing light, divinity, beauty, truth & love from pain & suffering. There truly are no words which can communicate how the entire experience of reality can flip in regards to your op. So much so, that it couldn’t be believed or imagined, prior to experiencing it. I wish that for you very much. I feel continuing to scrutinize direct experience, especially feeling into the pain or suffering, though it is not always easy and is very counter intuitive at first, is the best way to go. I have come across people in very similar situations a few times and what I believe has been the most help is looking at events in a timeline fashion. Simple put, if you write down whatever comes to mind as events in your life in which you experienced or witnessed intense, sudden, or unfair pain, a new light shines on the situation. That light often also shines on the many other subjects or situations which were discolored by the original event(s). You might say there is a realization as to why one person can be more skewed towards the aversion than most, which occurs, or ‘clicks’ when considering events which made a significant impression. Events like spending time in a hospital, or someone passing unexpectedly, especially if you witnessed these at a young age, can be worth considering. Also, and this is a hit or miss comment...is there excitement, enthusiasm, eagerness, in your experience of living? Might be just the thing. Please don’t take this personally, but as you’ve shared at least on this topic, your outlook on the path feels a bit daunting, maybe as if it’s something you’re considering that might be ‘just something you have to go through’. I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be most helpful to liven it up, to reframe more like an adventure, a mystery to solve. If that resonates, I highly recommend Abraham Hicks on YouTube, and the book Ask & It Is Given. Sometimes people who suffer and or fear the most, become the happiest and most enlightened btw. Often, that leads to living a very fulfilling life in passion, with a profound connection of our source. Wishing you all the best. ? -
@MarkKol They’re so inherently the same imo that I’d go so far as to say anyone doing only consciousness work, practices, etc, and not continuing to expand on all fronts in their life, really isn’t doing actual consciousness work or at best is doing half the ‘work’ & missing the boat on the ‘other half’. All roads lead to making this place somehow better, ideally, in your uniquely God given way. Sounds to me like you’re right on track, headed for more & more awesomeness. Keep in mind, desire or rather the experience of it, can go through shifts, similar to those explained in spiral dynamics. It also, for some, does not.
“The nerds shall inherit the earth”. - Jesus, probably.
Nahm replied to seeking_brilliance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@seeking_brilliance ?? -
@SirVladimir Truly a joy to read. Took the mind for a lovely ride. Beautiful stuff sir.
Nahm replied to Nemo28's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@--George-- “Air” ? -
Nahm replied to Nemo28's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nemo28 “Chakra’s” is just a word of course, like love, but it points to ‘energy centers’ which can be distinctly directly experienced and activated / utilized when helping others with awakening (As well as just to experience some out of this world bodily sensations & feeling). They can be individually felt & made useful, as well as all felt as one. The ‘trick’ I’ve found, overall, is the ‘energy’ ‘going to our heads’ / thought getting involved and contextualizing the experience. In that same manor, I don’t have anything I can really explain regarding shaktipat, but it does seem awakening / opening & aligning all of the chakra’s, along with no mind, letting the samsaras go, sincere intention / life dedication / surrender, leads to it. Seems to, anyways. -
Nahm replied to seeking_brilliance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@seeking_brilliance Sounds like you got it, so to speak...couple things came to mind... Contemplating, trying to find the actual source of darkness in the appearance...seeing through the apparent dualities of asleep & awake, both spiritually and ‘as the character’ if you will, as well as alive & dead, and life & death as well. Those tend to ‘solidify’ the ‘situation’, all puns aside. Those might help contribute to the undercutting of what you mentioned...in that a point is ‘reached’ when you notice you were believing in “days”, or “changes”. Ya might already ‘be there’. -
Nahm replied to CultivateLove's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Always great to hear. ?? -
@Elshaddai America didn’t vote for Trump, they voted for Hilary. Americans vote, but then that vote is undermined by facets of the system such as the electoral vote, which was invented to undermine Americans put in less influential positions by...Americans. Information gathering, a bit behind the scenes, was allegedly how he received the votes that he did. He denies this, but there it is on record that the info gathering co was paid six million dollars.There’s a doc on Netflix about it, I think called The Great Hack. It also cover’s Facebook’s role, which I think resulted in fines into the millions. I remember watching the very first debate, and the second he had communicated that he was not really truly representing either party, and that he would switch in a heartbeat to independent if he wasn’t the parties front runner...combined with playing on the average persons fear & shifting it via projection onto the “threat” of Mexico & building a border wall to “keep us safe”...I remember saying to Ms Nahm, yep, he’s already won...people won’t see through that. So what Trump does seem to have, is an enough money, friends, business relationships, influence and intelligence, to pick people who are not only more intelligent, but uniquely specialized. He seems to be very good at putting a winning team together at just about all costs. Oddly, and arguably, he’s very up front about just about all of this.
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity Meh. He’s alright. You’re the real deal ‘my man’. -
@electroBeam ? ? ?
@electroBeam Oh boy. Next thing ya know our periods will be syncing. ? And heck yes, very insightful.
@zeroISinfinity ?
@electroBeam A thousand yeps.
@allislove Well played sirrrr.... Purity, wholesomeness....or vaginas? As usual VH leaves that up to you. Indeed it is, the real thing.
”Standing on broken dreams, but never losing sight....and in the end, on dreams we will depend, cause that’s what love is made of.“ “You don't have to die an' go to heaven, or hang around to be born again. Just tune in to what this place has got to offer, cause we may never be here again.”
@electroBeam Got me right in the feels. Nice work Zel.
Nahm replied to Some Fella's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fear is not the opposite of love. Ain’t two. ? That single belief dualizes experientially what can not be dualized in actuality, and in kind one has created a biggest picture / reality view, of a duality of fear & will power / courage. It’s relative, so courage & developing willpower could be best for now, but motive & motivation inevitably runs it’s course for one on the path, and in-spirit, inspiration, is the effortlessness sought & found. All is being done for you, as you are the appearance of all, making it seem that there is a ‘you’ ‘in here’ to begin with. Formlessness can not know effort or will, just as infinite can not know finite. Similarly, love has no mind. Never did. Just a wonderfully intrinsic sense of humor. -
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Someone here Right on. Our goal is the same, transcending suffering to whatever extent possible. I hear you on experiencing suffering as feeling, or as pain. I would consider making a distinction just for consideration, to ‘try it on’ and see if it fits at all, between pain being physical sensation, and suffering being mental anguish. There is sensation to mental anguish indeed, but you are very clear on the sameness, so making distinction can be useful. Might reference the solo / togetherness / solo / togetherness like in spiral dynamics. ‘Things’ get digested similarly in a unification perspective, distinctions perspective, unification, distinctions, so on. In a way we’re all exactly the same, yet we’re like infinite snowflakes too, no two being exactly the same. You and I might not relatively experience the same. However, when relativity is seen through, transcended, only absolute remains, and there are no longer any differences. My perspectives & comments are typically to getting to that absolute. I would utilize focus, attention, awareness, whichever word fits easiest, and use it like an inner flashlight to ‘go to’ exactly, precisely where the pain is in the body. Keep ‘shining the awareness on it’ to more and more see precisely what it is. Feel it as much as possible, as a student. Wide open to listen to it. This can be very revealing. I have experienced many times in working with people the actual lasting disappearance of pain they battled for years. People who for whatever reason didn’t respond to meds, dr’s & therapies. Also, a key, you might say ‘early on’, is recognizing that one does not actually know suffering outside of oneself in any case. Yes, there’s suffering in the world...yet, I can not say that I know that to be absolutely true. I only know my suffering, so to speak. -
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You’re still identified with thoughts. You haven’t transcended that yet, to have the reference point via direct experience, to really understand some of the perspectives which are being offered. Take a step back, zoom out a bit, and later, read this thread. Notice you made a thread asking for advice regarding the way out of suffering, and then reject all advice and maintain a position. When the positions are seen through they are transcended, and there is no inclination anymore to defend the position / self. The “self” is an idea of a self, via identifying with thoughts / attachment which thoughts / the idea of you being defended. Zero is giving you the straight skinny. One approach, is that it stems from yet to see through fear, to inspect it thoroughly and know what it is / have seen through it. Solipsism btw, is just a belief, a position. It also might be helpful to notice in your op, the establishing of your position, the ‘setting it in stone’ before anyone has a chance to converse. If you notice yourself doing this in your day to day, it is a wonderful relief to free yourself of the defensive posturing of it. It does wonders for depth of relationships as well as seeing opportunities previously unseen. Noting ‘wrong’ with it, sans how it feels to ‘carry’ it. It’s a way of asserting a belief or assumption, which one doesn’t want challenged, prior to communication.