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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. No its not, you’re love. Reality = you being. You are the cake and the eating. You can have your cake and eat it too, and when you do, when you really and every single human on this planets benefits. Soul crushed and depressed is a story to see through, to feel through to clarity, not any actuality. Love you. ??? “I feel like ayahuasca is helping me to collapse that seeker/self difference into one. I might do peyote retreat to further melt into oneness. “ Relative, where you’re at ish comment, but worth consideration imo...imagine a second version of you, same reality but not doing that. Not doing the ‘actual work’ of that ‘collapse’. How honest are you of this reality by comparison? Again, relatively speaking, imo, much, much, much more so. I would even go so far as to say you are collapsing what some settle for as a “conditioned body”.
  2. @Kalki Avatar Thoughts are in the movie, not about the movie, so to speak. It’s now, or not at all. There is only spontaneous contextlessness appearance. Into a thought of me, a past, a future...all veils of what is only ever eternally now. Nothing done, undone, or not done in a movie has anything to do with that it is a movie. ‘Movie’ = one whole ineffable free agency. Analogously, a thought about clay is not actually about clay, as thought is ‘clay’. No one is the clay. “My dilemma is the following. Is it better to get your shit together in your life and then go full enligthenment or get enlightened & dont suffer but be a misery in the game while it lasts.” Is a thought separate of you? If so, precisely where is the separation? If a thought is not separate of you, then a thought is you. If a thought is you, no thought could be about you. “No social life, no focus on money, no girls, not caring much about my career, job etc” You could say that is the path. That, life, direct experience of desire & relinquishing self limiting beliefs, is the only actual ‘teacher’. Much more so than practices, books, videos, concepts, “dilemmas”, etc. Every occurrence of the feeling of suffering, arising of the wanting and yet met by the avoidance / suppression, procrastination of it, is the actual teaching of what suffering & self limiting beliefs are. Every thought is apparent. How else could there ‘be’ thought.
  3. @khalifa Well, the theme seems to be creating the feeling of discord or resistance, by comparing to past, future, self and others. Then not liking how that feels. Then comparing & complaining about how it feels. If you were to aim at turning this around, my best guess is that it would be noticing and being impeccable with your word. Ever read The Four Agreements? Very short but impactful book. Wishing you well my friend. I think this is the same theme, though if I was in your shoes & perspective I’d feel exactly the same. A google on self fulfilling prophecies, and law of attraction (YouTube Abraham Hicks) could be very helpful if and when you’re ready to reach for a better feeling perspective. I think there’s a point we reach where it’s actually easier to let go and feel deeply than to continue thinking to avoid feeling. If it resonates. Best of luck, hoping for the best for ya.
  4. Why? Anything you’re getting out of it? A benefit? Is the complaining equaling the worrisome feeling? What about appreciating life more by forgetting about the baseline?
  5. @khalifa What if it turned out sleep was the furthest thing from something to fear, but more relaxation, peace, love? Any perspectives about sleep, life, yourself, that would then not hold up anymore so to speak?
  6. @khalifa How’s everything other than psychedelics and nonduality going my man? How’s you’re life purpose, job, career, hobbies, relationships, etc?
  7. Not, two. A thought is like a book. A book is a book. Also, you can open it up, and get lost in it. Which is fine, because you didn’t actually get lost, because it’s just a book. Same for life. Get lost in it all ya like, because you actually can’t. Always actually safe and sound, vibrationally appearing, as life. You are you. These words are the same. This is you. If you like, you can play pretend, that it isn’t you. That’s there’s me. Saying something.
  8. @electroBeam Full of it is our only possible talking point. ? Life’s a single blank cue card. (And not even Lol)
  9. @Justine Transcending meaning is the liberation to create a fulfilling meaningful life. Meaning was just other stuff love was creating anyways.
  10. I agree. Very insightful on the explanations / comparisons of the ego.
  11. @electroBeam ? Yes, jk of course. I agree. I was talking about understanding spiritual talent more specifically. It’s love, or you might say love’s. Comparison, measurement, scrutiny is none other as well. Measure on. ?? I would argue however, there’s no loop there as there’s no character there. The impression doesn’t loop.
  12. @electroBeam Yes. Like if you watched a movie about not playing a role, that would be the role somebody was playing. Yet only to you. They actually aren’t there. Which of course would be obvious... if you were more spiritually talented.
  13. @electroBeam Are you saying the person with the best techniques is most spiritually talented? ...and that duality of self & other is the scaffold for spirituality?
  14. That’s a bit of an odd statement. The love you’re feeling is the love that Is. Death wise, no one has ever actually seen that death is bad or sad, only the resonance of their own perspective on their own belief. Loss can be terrible, but not death. Worthwhile distinction imo, like that of pain vs suffering, with regard to that terrible.
  15. Spirit is love. You’re entire life is the developing of this talent. If you want to be spiritually talented, just love a whole bunch as often as possible with as little condition as possible. Get to know the most nuanced ‘places’ of your conscience, you’re liberated profoundly as you do. Dedicate some of your time, energy and or resources to this on behalf of others, and you might even experience some siddhi’s and more paranormal facets of healing & well being. In being the empty vessel of healing, you also experience healing (love). It is most worthwhile. The talent is the very love you already know, but may have not yet experienced viscerally in effortless ‘action’ , and in such subtly, intensity & experiential volume. Love can light your bones on fire with bliss, and rewire your dna, brain & mind. Have to ‘go see’ though. Only if you’re interested. It makes no difference at all wether you do or not. However, much understanding is unveiled, even the recognition of understanding itself. Something else you might consider or even readily notice...all comparisons are to a you, which there isn’t, so the comparison is counter productive to the actualizing. Rather than compare, dream big on making this place better somehow...more beautiful, more fun & less harsh, more equitable, etc. Fun to discuss & speculate, but thought I’d mention.
  16. There isn’t a you and a universe, already...nor is there a you imaging a universe, already. (Not two).
  17. Just a perspective for ya... If it’s noisy, it’s not subconscious. For a daily meditator, stillness is not temporary. The mind does not observe the stillness, the stillness appears as the mind.
  18. @NorthNow Spend an hour first thing every morning sitting up straight, with attention on breathing from the stomach. The mind will quiet to silence, and for having allowed the activity of mind to settle, you will ‘hear’ God. All day everyday, awareness of seeing, hearing, breathing (stomach) and feeling. No activity of the body or mind will do, only undoing & non-doing will do. The intelligence just through that silence is the very same intelligence of nature. Also, do one or two or twenty things everyday just because love. Begin to notice the difference between motivation & motives of your character, and being in spirit or inspiration. Notice the effortlessness of the “doing” of the loving acts, be as aware as possible of the feeling of it. Get to know that ‘silent space’ and that inspirational effortlessness so well that the presence no longer appears to come and go. It will be seen clearly that all else is coming & going, apparently.
  19. Another great resource is a show called Beyond Belief. The newer version hosted by a George. There are not only episodes explaining this, but explaining very precisely how to do this.
  20. @iceprincess Creativity is you, what is flowing, being you and this world. Creativity is more unblocked than culminated. Do you know what you want to write about? Dive into the experiencing of it, capture insights. This expands frame of reference for utilization of this creativity and results in already having the material for the writing. For creativity to flow through you in every facet of your life, inspect the you enough, and it is found there is only the flow of creativity.