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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. The beginning, the end, the middle, the journey, the adventure, it’s all love so have at it. You can’t get it wrong and you will never get it done.
  2. @James123 Oh boy. We got another absolutist.
  3. @Javfly33 Sometimes realizing the other half, is realizing there isn’t the half we have.
  4. @James123 If I were even a kilohertz happier for you I’d be ‘dead’.
  5. I address this with a marker, a dreamboard, unconditional reality and applying introspection to the thought, “what’s the point”. And poof! I am living it. No seat belt.
  6. @James123 Yes sir. Your op really draws out how two people can be living in the same time period and simultaneously decades apart. (Apparently of course) Your love is infinite & profound, and is not lost here. “I am not a crook”. Words of a man who set a country back decades by stealing consciousness. (Apparently).
  7. @Dodo Great (op) insight on self inquiry. The student has become the teacher. (So to speak)
  8. Understand it. Let the past go rather than using it to judge yourself. That is the key. Recognize rumination and understand it. You were born ignorant and innocent, just like everyone else. Don’t add judgement, seek to understand what is misunderstood. Rather than believing something separate comes to visit you, take responsibility for focus now. The body will release emotional misunderstanding. Rather than believing something else is causing you to feel a certain way, take responsibility for the perspectives you’re focused on. What you’re feeling is the relativity of perspectives. Labelling this ‘social anxiety’ is labelling yourself and affirming this is true about you. The feeling tells you this is how you’re thinking. It does not feel good precisely because it is not true about you. What is true of you, feels delightful. What you are feeling is your self judgement. Again, in taking responsibility the body releases emotional misunderstanding. Saying the feeling is caused by this or that keeps the emotional misunderstanding suppressed. Self judgement, or negative self talk if you will, does not resonate because it is not true. Take responsibility for saying something critical. Take responsibility for judging yourself (“asshole”). Notice that is what doesn’t feel good. What someone says doesn’t actually “cut you really deep”. It reveals to you that you have some self judgement and negative beliefs. If someone called you a pigeon you’d laugh and think it was light & ridiculous. This is because you don’t have beliefs that you are a pigeon, so there is no vibrational resonating with a belief / judgement held about yourself. In missing that what’s really going on is self judgement and not acknowledging your own role in it & taking responsibility, and consciously choosing perspectives which do resonate with’re entertaining further thoughts of denying responsibility. The relief & liberation is found in taking responsibility for how you feel, no longing labeling and or blaming others. You were handed a golden opportunity to recognize and see through your beliefs about yourself. Yes. Stop running so to speak and be responsible for how you feel. Notice reaction, breathe consciously and deeply from your stomach, shift focus from thinking to seeing, hearing, breathing & feeling and relax. Understanding and release ensues. Be particularly aware that when the body does release there will be a stronger tendency (initially) to ‘go into thinking’ and self judging again. Instead, return focus to breathing deeply from the stomach, and ‘be where you are’ via focusing on seeing, hearing, breathing & feeling. You did not let the emotions release. You clung to interpretations, labelling, and self judgment. But you learned something which is priceless.
  9. @trenton If reality is as it is wether accepted or not, then it is unconditional regardless of conditions apparently held or believed. If reality is unconditional... selfishness, hate, cause, limit, suffering, choice, death, identity, the mind, clinging, spirituality, itself, attachment, stubborn, and movements are conditions, which must therefore not actually be real, or, reality.
  10. Nothing has form. What is it? Why I do it? Is it the ego...or is the ego the thought? What is the ego? Those imply there is an ego, by implying there are two parts or components. Great work btw.
  11. @Arcanus There is no past. There is no self. There is no shame. You insist there is a past. You insist there is a self. You insist there is shame. Love can not join you in a past, love is the present. Love can not join you in shame, love is unconditional & innocent. Love can not join you in suffering, suffering is the denial of love. Love can not join you in resistance, resistance is the denial of truth. There is no past, only the truth. There is no self, only the truth. There is no shame, only the truth. Love is every story, every character, every role, every script. Stake your insistence of conditions vehemently & relentlessly, be determined & unwavering in your resistance. This love is only felt more profoundly, this truth more deeply.
  12. @Nemo28 Experience appears to be yours, while you’re appearing to be experience.
  13. @Nemo28 No thing to include, no actuality of “inclusion”, Tao-less-ness.
  14. Not even, as in there is no “this”.
  15. Awesome. Now compare that to your original post / thread starter. Notice this post (above) doesn’t have all the added baggage of a past, of a story about life & a you...none of which is actually present. Look around, notice that / this, is actual. You are actually telling a story about this...but the story you are telling is not actually transpiring. This post (above) is connected in feeling, as an expression of desire and creating. It is coming from who you really are, rather than being a story about you. This is a delight to you, to creation. Let all else which is not, go, by noticing when you start telling the story which does not feel good to you - and not doing so. Notice number #1... is the expression that this is what you want. In the same respect, in a ‘put this into action now’ not reply to this post. Whatever thoughts arise, let go. Feel the being carefreeness of it. Let go of any impulses or reactions, and don’t reply. Notice as you let them go, all that remains is plenty of focus for what you actually want.
  16. @Shmurda The liberation is understanding / recognizing how you’re creating the suffering as you create it, and no longer doing so.
  17. @zeroISinfinity “Scientist”...? ?
  18. @Harmony342 “Neil’s” on point. “There really is no such thing as consciousness”.
  19. @Harmony342 Really scrutinize who & what you’re talking about. That is the way. Deconstruct concepts rather than adding them. Concepts like some people, experience, permanent states, etc.