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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @trenton Schedule three days, asap, void of all doing & productivity. In nature is best. We can only put so much pressure on ourselves for so long. Feel rejuvenation in the waking state, rather than attributing it so heavily to sleep.
  2. @4201 No self, no mind. Psych’s are ideal for this work, obviously, but thought can attempt to hijack them, seemingly preventing the collapse of the inner and outer worlds.
  3. @Tim R Indeed. Consistency is only apparent of course, like everything else. I saw this as well, and went and tried out some of this seemingly consistent reality at an unsuspecting reiki class in a yoga center. Then siddhi’s were as realized as this air, and “where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am” never sounded the same again. You know how it is...sometimes an old simple saying explodes within in a new and delightful profundity. The intellect too is mere apparent consistence, and in a sense is swapped for siddhis, by the prior, or more inner krya intention & sentiment of selfless love & healing. You are already ‘there’ my friend. Simply put yourself in the location, the proximity, the together. Love will do the rest and blow your mind. Godspeed.
  4. @SonataAllegro So sorry to hear. Indeed you are tapping into that this place is eternal bliss, though the eyes & ears can tell a different story, and a bit of a tug of war between the mind and heart can be experienced. This can throw thought, perception & sensation for a loop, feeling that push & pull within, trying to make sense. But the real of us all is love, transcendent of the relative appearances. In thinking of the very best of any of us who have played our part and returned home, thought is aligned with the heart, the heart is easing & embracing of thought, truth & love are one, and loss can not be. The mind may listen to the eyes & ears, but the heart says here I am, with you now, eternally. We never leave, we never really come & go, we’re never truly apart in love.
  5. @Endangered-EGO Truth can’t be conceptualized, just like you can not be aware of yourself.
  6. Start with maybe ten minutes, two or three times a day. The point of it is to recognize & be familiar with sitting peacefully and relaxing. Then when the impulse & emotion arises, you can relax and see that it comes and goes. To think to much about it, or make a practice etc. Just relax.
  7. Let that belief go. You’ll feel the resistance to argue this point at first. Don’t react to it, don’t argue for it, just be aware of the resistance and let reacting go. This is where your developed ability to sit non-reactionaly comes to bat for you. Rather than reacting, just sit and be aware of the reaction. Some feelings will arise, but don’t react, just sit breathe, relax, and keep focusing on what you’re seeing & hearing. Allow the feeling of the feeling, don’t resist or judge it. The mind tends to ‘go into a thought story’ - and you’ll witness this - but remain present in breathing, feeling, seeing and hearing. After ‘sitting’, the feelings will come up & out and have passed. Then you will have more clarity regarding the feelings that you’ve been avoiding & masking with the activity / distraction of porn...because you just experienced the feelings. It ultimately not the porn or the wasted time or the missed opportunities which actually feels bad. Only the judgment of yourself. Again, to make a case that it is the porn which is the problem, is giving your power away. By sitting and essentially doing nothing, you are empowering yourself. Next time you experience that...choose to experience non-porn, non-reaction. Be curious what that experience is like. Be brave and willing to feel the reaction internally, without reacting externally, in behavior. .
  8. @arlin Awesome. I might be being critical here but I’d swap the word truth for spirituality. Then the mindset is letting beliefs about truth go, rather than changing beliefs. A belief is not true.
  9. Like a lego house isn’t really a house, but is legos... that idea & those things is actually love. Imagine playing with legos, and making a world and an idea. Imagine you are the legos, and forget you are, by believing there is a world and idea. You (legos) are not really a male, but are the idea. There isn’t an ‘other state of being’ (idea). You are God’s point of view, to the degree there is only an apparent point of actual “you” to it...legos ‘themself’ being a point of view. There is no downgrade or difference...there is an apparent thought that there is a downgrade or difference, and the thought is actually made of legos. You don’t agree to anything because there isn’t anything to agree to, and you are unconditional. That is another thought which is actually legos. You forget precisely because you are infinite being. If you looked through binoculars right now, and for years, you’d seem to forget you are and believe that is your point of view. If you let them go, you’d be like ‘oh, I was looking through binoculars’, but I forgot I was, but there would be no binoculars because you were being ‘them’, not looking through them, because infinite can not know finite.
  10. @Nate0068 If it’s a mirror, and you’re lookin for it...wouldn’t it reflect that? (that you’re not that which you speak of, cause you’re looking & experiencing you are the one looking) Maybe stop looking / thinking it’s something other than this. Test it out. Love. See if it’s infinitely reflected back to you. Might purify a few self beliefs out, but I’m betting it would be. Reminds me of that part in the movie Anniliation, towards the end, where the actress is toiling with a 3d reflection of herself, mirroring in real time.
  11. @riplo That’s hilarious! Love the wording. The cover is an obvious giveaway as well.
  12. @Arzack Surely I stand to look the bad guy here, but you’re doing yourself and others a disservice. This thread is mostly misinformation.
  13. @Kalki Avatar Either you’re asleep or wokefulness. Woke, there are no more unenlightened or enlightened people. The thought / question no longer makes sense. There wasn’t before either, it just seemed like there was. Sizing up, comparing people, enlightenments, awakenings, teachers, experiences, etc, this is how to stay asleep. It is veiling oneself with the activity of thought about ,and missing the actuality. No thing gets, gives, causes, delivers, or equates to enlightenment. No matter what that thing may be, it truly does not matter. Also, it’s fun to talk about. Like plants.
  14. So awareness & feeling do not come and go. Thought, comes and goes. Now we are in the light of awareness, so to speak. Now let’s look at this for more relief...patience & humility still being the key.... Awareness of “living”, that distinction, requires the ability to compare “living” to “not living”. Awareness is not aware of “not living”, or of “living”. Awareness is aware of the thoughts - ‘living’, and ‘not living’. That is what is meant by duality. This or that, this and that. Again, awareness is aware of the thoughts - “this”, “that”, “living”, “not living”. “What if” implies a future scenario. But that what if, is nothing to be concerned about. That what if, is not possible. There can not, and will not come a day, where a realization occurs that are, or are not, “living”, or “not living”. This is self evident, as you are aware, right now, of the thoughts - “living” or “not living”. There is, in your direct experience, no awareness of living or not living, only of the thoughts - “living”, “not living”. Philosophically speaking, to mistake my thought about something, for the actuality, is not really ‘living’ this life at all. To realize what is being shared here, is to realize one does not need to believe thoughts. Once the dualistic nature of thoughts is realized, it actually becomes challenging to continue to believes them - especially when they don’t feel good. Thoughts have always appeared & disappeared, and thoughts will continue to appear & disappear. What appears and disappears - is magic, and unexplainable. Explanation, is really, just more thoughts. The concern “what if I’m not really living”, is revealed to not be a concern at all. You felt concern, you expressed & inquired, because something didn’t feel quite right about the thought. Believing the thoughts, is the matrix, the prison of the mind, and indeed does not feel quite right. Concern was felt... ‘what if I’m not living’ was a thought. What didn’t feel quite right was the thought about yourself - not the content. You are beyond, transcendent of, thought. This is self evident, as again, “you” is a thought, the real you - is the awareness of that thought. And you, awareness, do not come and go. What does not come and go, does not really live and die. “Live” & “die”, are thoughts, eternal awareness is aware of. These thoughts come and go, appear and disappear. In the matrix / prison of the mind, the believing of the thoughts... “nothing matters” is indeed concerning. But ‘nothing, or better said, ‘no thing’, is awareness. “Nothing matters” can be taken as a thought, and the feeling response is ‘not good’, if you will. The feeling is responding to the misunderstanding. What is misunderstood, is that ‘nothing matters’, in the way you’re interpreting it, is just a thought. As in, “then life won’t matter, life would be pointless & meaningless - because nothing in life would matter”. That is what does not feel good. The misunderstanding is what does not feel good. So what to do about misunderstanding, which does not feel good? Understanding, of course. Which feels wonderful & liberating. And you are in luck when it comes to misunderstanding & understanding, as other people have already figured reality out. For you, there is only to choose to spend some time on it, to understand and realize. Nonduality teachers, gurus, presenters, whatever you’d like to call them, understand & have realized, what quantum physicists have proved over a hundred years ago. ‘No thing’, awareness... in quantum mechanics jargon, you might call “superposition” - that which is infinite emptiness & fullness, infinite potential, formless & limitless - Awareness - and therefore can appear as anything. ‘It’ does this, this appearing, by vibrating. This is referred to as M theory, or string theory. This vibrating can only be referred to in theory, because no thing vibrates and appears as the very thoughts, and therefore the very theories....about....that which appears as all ‘things’ by vibrating. You can experience much liberation, many great feeling epiphanies, in understanding these things, just by spending time on YouTube. Patience & humility are key. As great as it feels - even understanding reaches it’s natural ceiling, because understanding is essentially, thought. It’s still appearance, but it is the understanding that thought, and therefore understanding - is appearance. By the time this ceiling of understanding is reached, so much misunderstanding has been seen through and shedded, that you are mostly out of the matrix. Then, if interested, there is the ‘going and seeing for yourself’, so to speak. Experiencing that which is prior to experience itself. That which is prior to thought & understanding. That which is prior to the vibration of itself, prior to it’s appearance. This is the matrix. Reactionary living. You are becoming aware of this. You are ‘waking up’. This is good. You are realizing why people let go, listen to feeling, meditate, do yoga, express how they feel, seek more understanding, take psychedelics, go on retreats, etc. You might say that all of these are doing more about the situation of misunderstanding, than just thinking and settling for thoughts that don’t feel good. This is thinking, and thinking won’t be resolved by more thinking. Instead, recognize the limit, the futility of thinking. Tomatoes are chosen or not, because of feeling, sensation. Not thoughts. If you think you love tomatoes because of how they look, but they taste terrible, you won’t eat them. Taste buds change. Every thing is really vibration, which appears to be a ‘thing’. To ‘move on’ from thinking...abide in feeling. This means if a thought doesn’t feel good to you, you will swiftly and effortlessly let it go. In truth, thought appears and disappears already anyways. So it is so effortless in fact, that you don’t even have to let it go. Without your continued focus - it’s gone. Magic. And another thought appears. A better feeling, more insightful thought. There is no limit or bottom to this good feelingness. It takes time, there is momentum, there is letting go of thoughts of misunderstanding....but there is orgasmic thoughts. Imagine sitting quietly, and genuinely preferring not to have sex, because it would actually feel slightly less amazing, than the peace, bliss, and appearing thoughts. You don’t hate Jim Newman. You just want to let all misunderstanding go, to be in the state he is in. Patience. Humility. Listen more to what he is saying. Listen less to any thoughts of judgement of him. Tastes change. You might profoundly love him one day. That might be just such a blissful thought. If the separation of others doesn’t exist - then only ‘connection’ exists. For example, I am a dad, and I have a son. There is connection between us, there is a bond if you will, between us. See what that connection is, see what that bond is made of, prior to, and beyond, just the appearance.
  15. You bring up a very important distinction. Momentarily, it will be felt as more relief. To see through this distinction takes patience & humility, which I believe you have plenty of... Is there awareness - that awareness comes and goes? Or is there awareness of the thought - that awareness comes & goes?
  16. @arlin Thoughts are not quite like awareness or feeling in this regard though, yes? Thoughts appear and disappear, come & go. Yes?
  17. Indeed I can, thank you for elaborating. There are those thoughts...and there is that feeling. I want to offer something that may bring more relief, but first a foundation, or us ‘getting on a same page’ you see that you can not ‘take off’ or ‘turn off awareness, nor you could a pair of shoes? In the simplest sense, you’re aware, and there is feeling, yes? If you try to ‘turn them off’ right now, you find that you can not, right?