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Regress is as false of a premise as person.
@Darodos Finally an AMA thread of sincerity. Good for you. Could you elaborate about what went on, what transpired, in the ‘inner world’ so to speak? What realizations were key? What concepts, idea’s, etc were seen through and or discarded, etc? Also, curious as to any descriptions that come to mind regarding any change in your experience of humor, and lightheartedness. Thanks ??
@Kamran Fear has no objective actuality. It’s never seen, heard, nor felt, only apparently created via subjective projection of objective misinterpretation (“It” is you, saying “it” is not you). If there is fear, it is not coming from anywhere or anyone, you’re making it up by saying it has to do with other ‘things’ or ‘people’. In mistaking an idea of you, for you, the universe is mistaken to be not you. “I get really afraid really easily” is a belief about who you are, about an “ I “ who fears. The weed & edibles begin to reveal that “ I “ is an idea of you; an idea made of you-ness, but not a you in a separate object manor (the idea is not true). Then that feeling of losing that idea is labeled as fear. But an idea can’t be lost, as ideas only come & go already. “ I’s “ are ideas, not separate objects. Apparent individuations, not actual individuals. When love forgets itself, forgets it’s own perfection & wholeness, it lives the thrill of “fear”. Look at what you fear. Is it permanent, or does it come & go? Zoom out to a larger more transcendent view, such that it is noticed even rocks & planets are apparent change, apparent coming & going ness. What sense is there in fearing what comes & goes, when what comes & goes only appears to what has never come, and will never go? Only the real you will do, love. Only the real you will do love. Only the real you will do. Love! Vulnerability is not an opposite of fear. Love is pure innocence, precisely as love has no opposite.
Nahm replied to An young being's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The optical illusion of sight is a metaphysical illusion of Mind. “Mind” is a thought without an actuality. The ‘thought’ is an oscillation of nothing. The more seeing yourself is sought, the more it is realized you can not, and thus “self realization” is seen through, which unveils that the self is reality and can not be realized / you’ve been ‘realizing’ all along. The universe is self realization. There are no people who “self realize”. This gets referred to as ‘seeing for the first time’, or ‘seeing reality as it is’, ‘being born again’...seeing myself for the first time, seeing that I am myself. Being sees by not seeing, realizes by not realizing, as surely as love is truly blind. The eyes & other common senses = someone is standing in front of you. -
Nahm replied to mindcentral's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
? -
Nahm replied to Mosess's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
? ? Now have a look at perception. -
Nahm replied to Alfonsoo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It seems like there is a separate object, ‘human’, when false apparent self referential thought is believed. Consciousness / awareness is then attributed to being a product of the appearance, or perception, combined with the thought. Awareness is aware of awareness. Being really is Being, there is no middle’man’. Consciousness is the lamp unto itself. -
@MsNobody ?? @Dbass Notice the paradox of what beautiful woman are attracted to.
Yes, don’t add that. Wonderful. Created implies past tense creation which implies physical solidarity, time, a physical self, and or separate objects. Being creates by, being. Unexplainable magic. Creating = Being. When it is noticed that time (future) and an idea of you in the future are what’s being thought about, and you are presence, awareness, of that thought...then it is realized there isn’t actually a future, or a self. You might consider believing the arising thoughts is reaction, and meditation is letting them go, which purifies of reaction and is liberation from recreating shame. I hear ya, but there are not two of you. There isn’t another you which you are screwing over, only the thought believed, and feeling not resonating. As you said, there is the realization there is no self. This is thinking about your self. But you are you, awareness. Without the thinking of a my self, there is just...potential. Practically speaking, whatever’s been procrastinated...do it for literally two minutes, and that is enough. Notice any baggage brought to it, and breathe, relax, and focus on seeing, hearing & feeling.
@Dan502 ?? ..love reminder. ☺️
@trenton Good to hear. I’d get in as much of that as you can.
Yes, homeostasis is a thought. You’re simply choosing to focus on what you want to. If & when you want to focus on something else, you will, just as you are now. It’s worth noticing how all evidence reflects there is only now, this moment...but in believing the story you’re telling, there is “everyday”...and in believing story, there is a “you” experiencing an “everyday”. It’s unseen. It’s felt. Everything, without exception, that you are seeing is the appearance of the creator. Imagine trying to find hay, in a haystack. At some point you would realize it is all hay. Again, not seen, felt, realized. You can also inspect for any separation between the “objects” you are seeing, the seeing, and the knowing of the seeing. There are often assumed separations, but when inspected it is realized there are not. Nobody is assessing who you are, and nobody is doing this by looking at your past. That someone is, and that they would come to any conclusions, is the story you’re telling, even though it does not feel good. It does not feel good, because it isn’t true. The misunderstanding is that there is a past, and that past happened to me. Yet neither a past nor a me can be found in direct experience now. “You in the past” is a thought, an idea, arising now. You are awareness, aware of, this story. Mindfully make the distinction between continuing to suppress emotion, and letting it out. Also notice, shame requires two entities. One scenario is you did something to someone else, and feel ashamed for having done it. The other scenario is a more subtle & sneaky smoke & mirrors...that story plays out that there are two of you. The one which is present & aware, and the idea of you. That “you” is an idea. An idea is present, and awareness is aware of it. That “you” is not actually present, or aware, because it’s an idea. You are actually what is aware of it.
“True” is a thought no mind is aware of. “No mind” is a thought awareness is aware of. Awareness is a thought you are aware of. No-mind is aware of the thought “I have”. The simplest answer is that you don’t, as “I” is a thought no-mind is aware of. “All is thought” is a thought no mind is aware of. Thought is so tricky, it can seem as if this is the “not good” / “not good feeling” part of the ride...and there is an “is good” / “good feeling” part of the ride which “comes” “later”. Meanwhile, what is being attracted, is the not good feeling part of the ride experience. The nature of it not feeling good is that you are creating it as you go, and there is something else in your heart you want to create more, and feel your being through your wanting. Start creating that. That one problem must be resolved to move forward so to speak, is just another tricky thought. Think about what you want more. It is coming from the same source as the thoughts. Thought is sooo sneaky, you can even create the appearance that you are not creating, and are not the creator. I am beginning to suspect that you are missing how truly amazing you are, as you are, whatever you are doing.
You aren’t feeling what anyone thinks. Never have. You’re feeling what you think. The majority of these thoughts feel off because they are about you. But you are the awareness, aware of the thoughts. This is self evident. When you notice you’re doing this, and so is everyone else (apparently)...bricks will be shat, paradigm will shatter.
@Psychonaut Try to notice the distinction between grandiose thinking / sizing up your whole life, all of reality, etc....and the profound simplicity of what’s present now. When you notice the spiraling out into thought occurring, bring attention back to seeing, hearing, breathing and feeling.
@Zec That’s beautiful. Very happy for ya.
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
??? -
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Someone here Not entirely accurate dad. What is looked for is what is appearing as the thoughts about itself. Ultimately there is no difference, but ‘along the way’, studying quantum mechanics or the immutable laws for example, experientially exercises / expands the intellectual mind if you will, which is not quite the same as intellectualizing. It is much more already the surrender, or repurposing of “the intellectual mind”. There might be a misunderstanding that understanding or knowing could be found in the appearance of “arising thoughts”. Also, I like you so much too...but I don’t have any wisdom, and I don’t know what I’m talking about. Just having infinite fun. Not knowing is a bit like a pin that pops the balloon of the apparent finite mind. ? ? ? -
Nahm replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No. It would be delusional. -
Nahm replied to Endangered-EGO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Endangered-EGO With respect to what you’re asking, all words are relative and can only point. You have to visit The Wizard yourself so to speak. When there is no more absolute truth, that / this is ‘it’, that / this is what seemed to be pointed to. -
@trenton I think you’ll be glad. Zooming in and being productive is great and it’s equally important imo to zoom out and see the bigger & bigger picture. You might say it is creating, and remembering who’s creating. Let go, relax & enjoy.
Nahm replied to Endangered-EGO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Kind of saying the same thing. A word is conceptual. @Into The Void Yes, and also some paths go the opposite, and some are both at once. -
When you’re bored you can imagine things to do, and you feel the alignment & discord of the feeling & imagining... a spectrum from enthusiastic to disinterested. So text in a manor that is the spark which ignites the coming together of his imagination & feeling, on your behalf, with you in mind. Something along the lines of...”I want a guy who is comfortable expressing himself & his sexuality...someone who could imagine, say, six things he’d like to do with me, to me, or like me to do with him...experiences together he deeply desires, and may not have shared with other girls...what’s the first one that comes to mind?” Have lighthearted fun with it, careful not to over think guys. The picture Leo posted is so funny because it’s so true. Most guys, especially young, would be thinking about that text (and you) all day for a month.
Nahm replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Infinite can not know finite. Infinite can not love an apple, because infinite does not know an apple. There are no actions, as Well, only being, only the infinitude of you.