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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @4201 Just pop in ‘I want x’ instead of ‘I need x’.
  2. Express that you’re jealous. It’s relieving and feels better than guilt. There are people who think & believe the opposite, that they do deserve to live, and are appreciating life, love the experience of ‘stuff’, love themself & people, and therein don’t have that ‘voice in their head’. Maybe you want to experience like these people do.
  3. In not believing “your own” thoughts / meaning, you’d also see through meaning as coming from someone or somewhere else. Notice the believing of the thoughts transpired just before asking. Let it go. Experience not needing an answer because the question is meaningless. ?
  4. If “we” are in fact all one, then we are in fact all one, as in, there aren’t actually separate selves (“we”). Which would imply that “I” is a thought about there being a separate self, while there is no actuality of this separate self. Seeing, hearing, smelling doesn’t require, constitute or even have to imply a separate seer, hearer, smeller. ‘What you do’ is just a thought, an assumption, based on “I do”. You, and I, and doing, are thoughts. There’s no separate thing: pov.
  5. “Dismissive attachment” is a thought, not something you have. The attachment is to the thought, as in, believing that thought is something which is true about you, and missing it’s just a thought and isn’t true about you at all. ‘Working on it’ is feeding it life, reinforcing the belief it’s true, and that it’s something you have to somehow work on. The ‘work’ is letting go of the belief, and isn’t work at all. That is why you’re feeling as you said, extreme resistance. You’re basically trying to believe it’s true and fix it. The relevance is that carries over to the rest of the thoughts, which you are focused upon, which seem to be, as in are believed to be (true) about yourself. Attachment styles is a conceptual bypass & diversion from the direct acknowledgement and inspection of the belief (in & of itself). Through that lens so to speak, it seems like the discord felt, is related to what other people think and or say, while it’s the thoughts about yourself which are discordant. The emotional scale. If you desire to feel better and exit the rollercoaster of conceptual bypassing, let the thoughts of other people & what they might be thinking go altogether, in favor of understanding the emotions you are experiencing in relation to what you’re thinking. To be emotionally affected by what people think or say is to believe in assertion, to believe another is making you feel that way, and again, this is missing that you are feeling what you are thinking, or you might say, the discord of your own interpretation. The emotional guidance felt (I presume) is powerlessness, and not vulnerability. It would be (imo) wise to express jealousy. Perhaps you see people aware of what was said here, and desire to ‘have that’, and not the discord of the present interpretation / conceptualization.
  6. “No one comes to the Father except through me”. Self Inquiry. “Focus on the feeling of being "me," to the exclusion of all arising thoughts…”
  7. How is formlessness = form? Both thoughts that there is something (else).
  8. You’d see through meaning. Including meaning for ‘immediate’. Yes, time is conceptual, as is realistic & unrealistic, as is that real me in time results are for. As you said, it’s an idea. Also just an idea. An idea can’t meditate. That’s another idea / thought activity / assumption. The Truth.
  9. Death is another assumption, as if there are dead people hangin out somewhere which could come back from wherever that is it is believed they went / are. Even if that were true, they’d attract for themselves, vs you attracting on another’s behalf. If you’re finding your way to disappointment and despair, the beauty of loa is you’re attracting it, and therein you can reach for a better feeling thought. You might say checking your intention & the thoughts you’re focused on, rather than hoping, is indicative of loa. But if hoping feels aligned, hope away. Loa is not anti-action. (See The Universal Laws if interested).
  10. Taylor brand guitars. It’s as if the other companies have never played one. Whatever though, God bless you Taylor peeps.
  11. @Someone here Nothing. Mental health is just another thought. Mental health is desired because thoughts are believed that mental health equals feeling better. But mental health is a thought. Feeling better is the natural result of letting something go, typically in the ‘from focus’ / a belief sense, and is never the result of adding or obtaining anything.
  12. @Someone here I don’t give thoughts any importance. I didn’t say anything about negativity, nor about what you should do.
  13. @mmKay By all means, get the red carpet. Sounds sweet. I painted an entire room in my house deep red and it’s my favorite. That discord wasn’t from the red shirt, but from the conjecture of states.
  14. I didn’t and don’t.
  15. That’s a common misunderstanding on this forum. “I hope Frank gets”, makes sense in the light of there being a you & a Frank. “I hope it gets me”, does not make sense because I = me. There is not an I and a me. There is not that ‘me’ ‘in a future’ which ‘gets’. There are thoughts about there being a Frank and that me. For clarity’s sake, Frank at least can be pointed to. This is also a common misunderstanding on this forum. State chasing is trying to get to a feeling of a past experience, in the future, while there is neither in direct experience. Milestones are experiential, experience, which comes & goes. Experience is one whole, without separation(s). Inspect & see. There is ‘something’ to let go of. There isn’t anything to achieve. Achievement is for that ‘me’, the separate self of thoughts. Focusing on those thoughts is creating that experience, and the discord of this is felt, and is the belief behind the difficulty in meditation. In letting the belief go (focusing on feeling breathing from the stomach) there is no discord. There is relief. When one is willing to remain present, to acknowledge one is presence, no longer interested in the rollercoaster of state chasing (aversion), the emotional scale, a dreamboard, and loa. “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” -Jesus By ‘makes sense’ I do not mean is right, correct or even accurate. I mean alignment. How it feels.
  16. There isn’t a past or future. You’re always creating, ‘now’, so to speak. What you’re creating can be a story about a separate self with a past & a future, and the plights & struggles therein. But this is like vacuuming without plugging it in first. One can go through the motions, but not much actually changes. Meditation.
  17. There is no actuality of “an enlightened person” or “their enlightenment”.
  18. In regard to what is, recognize insecurity as an emotion you experience, and recognize that emotion as guidance in regard to what you’re thinking (about yourself). In regard to what will be, recognize jealousy as emotional guidance as well, and write down what you see others having or experiencing, which you also what to have or experience. Notice the shift in better feeling, from discordant thoughts about yourself, to what you want to experience. Then continuing expressing each emotion up the scale, and actually experience what you desire to experience.
  19. @Someone here Not believing thoughts.
  20. @flume Well I’ve learned two things today, there are children on this forum, and kinds of awareness.
  21. @WokeBloke There is very literally not two, in any way. Thoughts appear & are believed, and so it seems like there is.
  22. There’s some assumptions in the question(s). That there is a God, that God answers or could answer prayers in a material sense, that prayer & loa equate, and that loa could or does work for some but not others. While there is Reality, there is also my reality and your reality. In your reality, the prayers / needs of starving children go unanswered. In my reality, that is not the case. To be able to comment more specifically on their reality, I’d need to be talking to / with them.
  23. Computer & banana are thoughts which appear and are believed quickly, and it seems like there are separate things, and thus it seems like you are a separate thing which was born and will die. Thought activity (and therein believing thoughts) slows down meditatively. Analogously, there are no computers and bananas in a dream. There is nothing ‘in’ a dream. One can not think enough to see reality as it is, as it is the activity of thinking which veils. The thoughts are dream too. Nonduality has no meaning in the sense the word doesn’t label or define anything, only points to what “it” is not.
  24. @Raphael Hopefully not saying too much here, but have you considered he was just angry and spoke from anger, and it’s that simple… and it has nothing to do with you, and there’s nothing to work on?
  25. Meditation isn’t an it (separate thing) which could or would get a me (separate thing) somewhere (separate thing / place which isn’t here, isn’t now). That ‘me’, ‘somewhere’ & ‘getting’ are the activity of thoughts, as is ‘someone assuming’. Essentially, you’re hijacking even meditation, by mentally framing it as to get the separate self (“me”) somewhere, while meditation stands to be the allowing of that very activity of thought to settle, allowing reality to be seen as it is, allowing the answer sought herein to be. Where exactly are you hoping it’ll get ‘me’ to?