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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. There is no such existence or actuality of “religion”. There is only one holding the belief there is. Religion = that belief, and nothing more. If a trillion people get together and say they believe in or subscribe to a religion, there is still only one holding a belief, and no actuality of a religion.
  2. We are not objects. How you act around her plays a role, but your vibration is dictating your experience. The more you focus on wanting but not having her, the more you experience wanting but not having her. If you were conditional love, there’d be no resistance and you’d not have made this post.
  3. I think this is a most worthwhile topic. I’d love for you to elaborate on your experiences and findings as much as you’re willing to. Things like how is experiencing life different now (following your heart)? Have plans, aspirations, relationships, interests, world views, etc changed? How so? Thanks!
  4. @arlin Wouldn’t it also then be the case that you can’t have a bad DP because there is no “you” in the DP?
  5. @justfortoday I often hear that there are individuations suffering, so there’s that. Philosophical questions that might spark a relative interest... If you knew you were going to be born again, in say fifty years, what would you like to be different on earth upon your arrival? What is the happiest thought you can conjure? And why. What are your strengths, and how can they be applied most effectively on behalf of helping others? If you knew your next world would be created out of what you created in this world, what would you create in this world? And why. What would be the single most effective invention to reduce the suffering & delusion of humans? If reality was found to be presently exactly indicative of your thoughts, what would be the next thought you think? Have you made a list of everything you want to experience in this lifetime? If so, why was it so short, and what is the best way to expose yourself to what you are not presently aware you want to experience?
  6. @Javfly33 If there are pov’s, and knowing is aware of this....vs if there are pov’s, and not knowing is aware of this...nothing at all would change, with the exception that the thought would never arise...because not knowing would be knowing that it is not knowing and there is nothing knowable, since it is what is, and it is, not knowing.
  7. That could be a metaphysical Freudian slip. No offense if not. That question seems to be about time and space, but I would argue it is easily resolvable / realizable, when viewed as a question of identity. Then, it can be noticed that the question asks about identify while simultaneously affirming identity.
  8. In thought, yes. In direct experience, no. “Everything” is a more literally a reference to the whole of direct experience. Not “everything” else, as in all the stuff not in direct experience. That would be a thought in direct experience. If ‘everything’ is an appearance, that means there is no everything. It is possible that I cease being able to type right now, but the continuation of this typing reflects that possibility is not actual. But then again there isn’t anyone, or typing. This, ‘your direct experience’, is infinity. It is possible that you shit your pants when you read that, but it is likely not actual. Might be. Dunno. If you did actually shit your pants, I would hope that it is not infinite, as we don’t want the potential of another toilet paper shortage to be actual. Because potentiality is appearing as the thought ‘why’, and answers have no actuality.
  9. @Galyna I would say yes, and how quantum computers are different than conventional computers comes to mind. I would also say no, as the word quantum by definition denotes a measurement (albeit a smallest measurement), and potentiality in terms of infinite consciousness is immeasurable by what it appears to be. Zero is Infinity. If interested, googling and reading the acute definitions of ‘hologram’, ‘holographic’, and ‘holon’ can sometimes illuminate new insights in regard to what is pointed to as whole, and or Holy. Quantum mechanics is arguably the best pointing. The uncertainty principle comes to mind, which says the knowing of an electron is limited where it is or where it’s going and the more that is known of one ‘position’, the less that is known of an electrons trajectory. Since there is no thing which is not electrons, or atoms if you will, I like to think this pairs with something intuitively recognized, that one can focus on what is, or ‘where one’s at’...or on where one’s going, on what will be. I believe this ‘dilemma’ is recognized by everyone and is referred to in philosophical perspectives as letting go of the past (and even “present”), revealing focus to at least some degree is the effortlessness of creation creating, with obviously some ‘measure’ of ‘unfolding’ probabilistically. I also think the situation of COVID, in regard to creation-creating being subjective and or objective, and to what extent if any we have a role in it, makes for an exciting & interesting contemplation.
  10. This explanation of no limitation employs many limitations. Infinite potentiality is not ‘all possible things’, but rather an ineffable ‘substance’ which is formless and can appear as any ‘thing’. In the self discovery, seeking, or path sense, this explanation is not expansive or clarifying, it is ironically, and unfortunately, limiting.
  11. @Meditationdude Everyone is different in estimation indeed, but no Individual has consciousness, and therefore no individual can raise it. That consciousness is a product or output of a human is a finite human level belief about that which is appearing as the human & world. Consciousness does not have properties, like ‘raisability’. I understand the pointing phrasing of this, but your specifically asking about this because of the feeling of concern. The relief from that concern is the exact inverse of an understanding of consciousness as it relates to suffering. The feeling of concern is indicative of the misunderstanding, rather than an actuality or potential of having ‘too much’ consciousness. That is like worrying you will have too much love, peace of mind, and bliss. Consciousness is not a possession, or something a you has, but rather is the infinitude you actually are. An insight can be realized in the understanding of the profound difference in experience this implicates. Fully reversed in perspective and understanding, what you’re experiencing is revealed to be the sneakiness of thinking. By the claiming of infinity by the apparent finite mind, the illusory sense of the finite separate self is perpetuated & the veil is strengthened. What could be described to be experienced is the letting go of beliefs about ourself & world. In that sense consciousness could be said to be experienced as ‘filling in’, arising, or floating very much like a cork you didn’t know you were holding underwater, which, free of the ‘holding down’ of beliefs, simply floats as it always has and always will, whenever ‘we’ ‘let go’, or focus on perspectives that resonate with our being. Upon the actuality of that experience, and of the continued inspection, scrutiny & letting go of beliefs and self misunderstanding, I believe you will agree that this floating is very much like flying, and or again, effortlessness. So ultimately, thinking is not something, and is not then to be thought of as reliable or trustworthy. Having said all that, I believe you are now or will soon be recognizing the answer to your question is present and guiding via feeling. Above all thinking, ‘follow’ that gratitude & joy. It is not random, or coincidental that there is gratitude & joy. Because infinite can not know finite, there is only to let go of our misunderstandings & misperceptions, from having forgotten what we really are.
  12. @Tistepiste It sounds like you are aware and becoming more aware that the ‘culprit’ so to speak is the current perspective. The issue seems to be that those perspectives in discord with feeling continue arising, and keep discoloring the present experience, and you are not sure how to resolve the aspect of the repetition of this. Something that worked well for me was sitting comfortably and relaxed with a pad of paper, and bringing each category of my life to mind. We can feel the vibration, or energy, of each category. For example, I might think of my wife & kids, and feel no discord. Then I might think of my work / job / career, and feel not discord. Then I might think friends, or the category of being social in general, and feel the arising feeling of discord. From that point the sector or category is revealed. Then, I would feel more into that category, like...”what is the way I learned to look at this category & myself in kind, which is no longer jiving, no longer serving me”...”what is the insight, the message, of this feeling of discord?”. This may sound ‘woo woo’, but it works. Most of these would reveal a perspective about myself & the world which was indicative of my past and or childhood, which I hadn’t seen yet because I had a deep belief that something was ‘just how reality, or life, is’. When you say the thoughts in discord feel as if they are in the stomach, this adds some solidification to that course of action. The sensation in the body is an apparent physicality, which is in essence a living insight of representation of what is going on in thought & emotion. For example, I had a similar feeling in my stomach. I found it to be linked, or kicked up, when I brought the category of work / career to mind. I reflected on my upbringing as to what perspective I am holding presently, that I learned innocently, but which is not jiving with feeling anymore. I found it to be the concept of pressure, in relegation to responsibility. I thought pressure & responsibility were indicative of the objective reality. I discovered that was only my perspective. I then realized that was not even my perspective, but, a perspective which I inherited in a sense from my dad. For him, work = stress. I realized the for him factor of that. I found that in the more literal physical sense, the stomach issue was being caused by me essentially trying to ‘digest’ what is not indicative of who we really are. The willingness to be aware of the feeling, in consideration my perspective was what was unaligned, was enough. It was very impactful to recontextualizing pressure, stress, tension, and responsibility, and the stomach issues went away altogether. You also mentioned tension in the heart area, and blockage, and the chakras, and I feel your intuition is very on point. In sitting and bringing the categories to mind, you might bring each person in your life to mind and see which relationship brings up the discord in feeling. Then consider why they were or are the way they are, from the perspective that they truly are actually doing their best. We all are. You might recognize the undesirable feeling that arises within you, as having a correlation to their behavior. That might give you insight to their suffering, which might bring understanding to why they behave, in matters of love, openness and expression, as they did or do. This in turn helps you to not only realize where you ‘got it from’, but also brings understanding & compassion to the stomach & heart experienced viscerally as healing. Rupert Spira has many videos that help us explore the feeling by going to it, and also the self or “I” which is hurt or in discomfort. This can be very powerful in releasing, grounding, or ‘reconnecting’. Abraham Hicks videos are also very insightful in this regard, but may give less attention to healing and understanding the past, than they do the metaphysical actuality of focus bringing more of whatever it is pointed at anyways, and creating what is desired. There are of course many teachers and methods, but I would consider that they all ultimately aim at brining understanding to the mind to the extent that emotional misunderstanding is released bodily, and understanding arises, or fills in. It is these emotional misunderstandings that we are in actuality labeling as “fear”. I would also look at and do a bit of reading on the emotional scale, as well as The Roby Body chart. The information and imagery of these alone can be insightful and stand to trigger connections and ah ha’s, if you will.
  13. I experienced therapy and prescriptions as an attempt to resolve being in a similar situation in terms of emotion, understanding & clarity. Of course hindsight is always clearer, and no one can really tell you which way to go...but just one person’s findings...the therapy & scripts didn’t ‘work’ for me. They added side effects, and I intuitively knew they were impeding progress rather than being a productive or efficient contribution to resolving it. In hope it is useful or helpful for you, the therapists and psychiatrists I worked with did not seem to understand the bigger picture, the ‘emptying’ of emotional misunderstanding from the body, and the alignment of thought (specifically perspectives) & feeling being the resolve for emotional well being. This is difficult to do while experiencing emotional misunderstanding, and requires a certain ‘faith’ in letting go to realize the value, power, liberation, actuality & alignment of letting go. I found when I zoom into the distinction & choice you are faced with acutely, there is a line flirted with between bypassing, or numbing & perpetuating suppression and suffering with therapy & scripts...and bringing fourth the releases of emotion from the body, ultimately revealing the divinity of the body. In either case, in a sense, this ultimately culminates unknowing of & parting with, or at least the realization, that there is not a past. Yet when the past is none the less coloring, filtering or infringing on present experience & therefore future outlook & creation, addressing it is paramount to understanding it, ourselves and others. To ‘make a point’, therapy & more so prescriptions can be helpful to aid, but sometimes slow the releasing down, making the experience more fitting to the responsibilities and obligations of our day to day. You commented that your self help practices are impeded, so that is an indication the scripts might be beneficial to the bigger scheme of your life, if I am to assume those practices contribute beneficially to work, school, or generally feeling good for being productive. Yet, I hope you are realizing that everything you’re doing and have mentioned here is not other-than self help practices. You are helping & healing and transcending, this is it, so to speak. Where you’re at and what you’re doing could rightfully be said imo, to be the ‘real’ work. Thought I’d share that because it might shed light on a different perspective in consideration of the choice you’re thinking over. For some they flat out don’t work, for others they work brilliantly. Scripts didn’t work for me, but they worked well for some people I know closely. However, everyone I personally know who did go the route of scripts, and did benefit from them...found themselves in a place approximately one year later of having experienced much healing, and then were aware of a certain...”micro-disconnect”, or a pinch of numbing & slowing if you will, and they were inclined to slowly taper off. Having said all that, the ‘biggest picture’ I learned, the over arching theme, is turning pain into beauty & inspiration. Another way that could be framed, is a shift from past self to present and future self, in terms of aligned mindset, passion, and enthusiasm for living / creating. I would look for and utilize as many means of expression as you can. Really anything of emotional expression. Songwriting & singing, poetry, & trying new things I hadn’t experienced before worked for me, just to give some specific reference there.
  14. @Galyna ? All of Leo’s videos are chalked full of nuggets imo, but man, that series is amoung the best. It’s like golden punches to the face. (In the good, insightful sense). Practically beats the devil right outta ya. lol. ?
  15. @Meditationdude The breath truly is the breath of life in the metaphysical sense. Infused with intention and sentiment, the breath purifies the body of emotional misunderstanding which lies more surface level relative to intention. I agree, it is an amazing feeling. That you are not labeling this experience as feeling bad or negative as you purify yourself is an all too rare & uniquely delightful thing to hear. Reconnecting so to speak with the prana, chi, (whatever we call it) is an ideal time (if you haven’t) to extend intention & sentiment by blending it with ‘reality’ via a dream board. At the trajectory of your sentiment expressed here, as it is supposition to conception and therefore manifestation, you stand to realize profound effortlessness, synchronicity and a rather visceral intrinsic guidance. Good for you, Godspeed.
  16. @VincentArogya Awesome. Congrats. That might explain a lot of what’s coming up. Take it easy on em.
  17. @VincentArogya That might have something to do with it. From your own place, they can actually be rather enjoyable. Understanding & compassion relative to them is easier as well.
  18. The two thoughts are really one experience. As you create financial independence you are focusing on what you are wanting, which is really how it is being created.
  19. @Farnaby Yes indeed, for sure. That is the final duality we are all trying so hard to arrive at, awareness and scientific measurements. Congrats.
  20. @RestWithinTheHeart Appearance.