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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Creativity as a life purpose is inherently unreachable because creativity can not be claimed or possessed by a you. If your purpose, in the sense ‘pursuit’, is creativity, then you already believe it is to be found / you have it not, and have made a carrot of it. I would simply drop the concept and realize you’re experiencing the actuality of it, as the very means by which you can create a life purpose. “Kills my soul” is a cover up for what’s really going on with / within you. Removing the cover up reveals perspectives that don’t resonate. That as few words as possible, two or three being ideal...what is it which you know you most desire? And why is it unreachable?
  2. To ‘feel the feeling’ is not a move you can make, as you are already feeling. Trying not to focus on a perspective, is still focusing on the same perspective.
  3. @UDT You are creating that there is a life purpose, which imo is a good way to go about living. But if your life purpose is creativity, you’re at a standstill of isness, arguably evidenced by that you already expressed what you desire to do in this life, just, in the form of a question rather than a statement.
  4. @Consept When a perspective doesn’t feel good, there are two components; the perspective, and the feeling. Feeling is not going to change, because it is you, infinite unconditional love.
  5. ‘All of a sudden’ is other than noticing the perspective which is unaligned in feeling. ‘Fearful’, ‘anxious’ is other than changing perspective.
  6. @Javfly33 And is it easier to shift perspectives directly to those which resonate by holding said perspectives in mind daily, or by writing what is wanted (resonates) on your dreamboard and letting go of ‘the how’?
  7. @Javfly33 When one finds oneself in the unfortunate position of discord, is it easier to let the perspectives in discord go and then realign with perspectives that resonate, or is it easier to shift directly to the resonating perspectives?
  8. @Thestarguitarist14 “Hocus-pocus-focus” Ester Hicks Pure magic.
  9. @Stoica Doru Arguably, the first step on the path to becoming a Reiki Master is to put down the belief in demons. If & when you do, you’ll feel tremendous alignment at a most fundamental level.
  10. ? “I’m cutting myself off while doing practices intended to end the cutting off of myself.” ? “I’m doing practices to raise kundalini, while suppressing sensation, which rips me in half...and the nightmares seem ‘unrelated’.” Awareness, you, are aware. ‘I’ is a thought, ‘who’ is a thought, but you are obviously you, awareness of ‘the thoughts‘. ‘Brain’ is a thought. A thought does not have properties like ability. Focus/attention is not like things in this world. Body is releasing, this is the desired response / process. Tug of war between feeling and controlling, which is to say, between mind & body. But body & mind are Mind, and Mind is Love. Imagine Luke discovering & connecting with the force, and Yoda saying “No, stop! Don’t feel it!”. That wouldn’t make sense. We could call it The Big Transition to lighten the mood. The transition from the paradigm to get into this place, that “How I feel is due to outside forces beyond my control”, to, “I’ve always been in control, I’ve always only ever felt my interpretations of outside forces, not outside forces”. This almost always brings us to the doorstep of the ‘real’ control...acceptance, forgiveness, understanding, with not a GD thing between ‘you’ and LOVE. Write the dream content down when you wake up, and let it go 100%. Completely. Move on with your day. Later in the day, when you’ve forgot the dream (mostly) and emotions (which you created but seem to be caused by the dreams) have dissipated, then read the content and apply yourself, your real self, to the content (love, acceptance, forgiveness, understanding). Allow the transcending which you are invoking. Also, just a ‘my two cents’, I would drop the kundalini thinking. I don’t believe it’s helping because it’s a mask which in a sense holds ‘you’ apart. Maybe you can stoop down to our level and just call it love. In short, culminating love and the magic of focus via practices ??...then suppressing the actual results which were desired by labelling them, thus perpetuating “I” am the “other separate (& protected) thing”. ??
  11. @Mosess Paying more attention to details could be helpful. I would consider awareness is not causing what you’re claiming it is, but making you aware of it for the first time.
  12. @GoingHome ? The first time I heard Hangin By A Moment my whole world came to a stop. ?
  13. @tuckerwphotography The pace of everything, you know, reality, time, electromagnetic field, gravity, etc, etc, all suspiciously functioning rather perfectly.
  14. @tuckerwphotography It’s all prior & beyond ‘reason’. The entirety of your experience is synchronicity. Unrecognized, we coin words like synchronicity. It’s slow so there can be experience, and so it doesn’t freak itself out or anything.
  15. @SoonHei Awesome. “I was feelin part of the scenery...I walked right out of the heart was goin boom boom boom!...” Peter Gabrielle
  16. @Someone here This comes to mind. Read slow in feeling, let your intuition listen. I think he articulates ‘the difference’ perfectly, as well, that we must ‘go there’. Godspeed. A creed is a set of beliefs, principles, or opinions that strongly influence the way people live or work. [formal] Such as...their devotion to their creed of self-help. Always up to us.
  17. @Someone here Just reading the words - the ‘bridge’ of the absolute real and the ‘relative’ reality, is vibration - intuitively makes sense, because you, like I, are an appearance via vibration, of infinite being. Reality (including the thought “the body”) is a vibration which is made of, is, infinite being. There is not a body, there is the thought, ‘there is a body’. ‘Thought’ is self proclaimed and named vibrational appearance as well. ‘This’ is otherwise, an “illusion”, due to ignorance and veils yet to be transcended. One wakes up to this in whatever apparent state one seems bodily wise to be in. But intention and choice are unseen and prior to what is vibrationally speaking, seen. It is crystal clear what you do not want. It is not as clear yet to shift focus to what you do want. That can not rightly be said to be a problem, because you have nothing to do, forever to do it, and unending infinite love by which to shift as / with. However, love only appears as spacetime, vibrationally. So, if you are feeling the discord of what is not wanted, you can feel the alignment of what is wanted. TLDR: Notice we are creating reality right through being us, right under “our” very “noses”. Notice the literal & figurative state of this place, fear & masks. Years are perpetual, Halloween coming before Christmas, a never ending chance to notice what is going on ‘here’, what is unfolding and our role in it as creators, what makes sense and what is “logical”. It’s said what we do not focus on, we avoid. But what we do not focus on is not experienced, ‘it’ is a void, which is becoming via appearance, as we focus. Thinking never resolves thinking, and more somethings do not resolve somethings. Only meditation will do for thinking, only nothing will do for everything. Only the Truth will do. ? You and your body so to speak, and the purification of perspectives of it, are indicative of the ‘outer’ world, just as Well.