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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Someone here It is a difficult aspect to articulate communicatively because it is intimate, easily well hidden, and commonly known only of ‘one’s self’ via direct experience. To see another’s intentions kind of requires the ability to actually be the other person and see through the conceptual aspects of ‘others’ existentially. Bit of a ‘broken record’ I know....but the utilization of a dreamboard brings much clarity in terms of the visceral vs cerebral in matters of intention. One see one’s intentions through removing layers of cover stories regarding their own intentions, perhaps merging honesty or sincerity and the portrayal vs actuality of their desires. Something most are not in any hurry to do. Nor does anyone need to, imo.
  2. @Someone here Great thread, more to come I’m sure. I’d first consider the ‘order’ of intention. Is intention prior to arising thoughts, or are arising thoughts prior to intention? It can be a tricky inquiry / inspection. The forum serves as a wonderfully blatant (and innocent) example. When you look at posts, look at the intention. Feel it. Is someone commenting to help someone liberate, to ‘feel better by putting someone else down’, to exercise ‘how much higher conscious’ they are, etc? Do you see the difference in intention behind the communications? If you do, ‘look’ at thoughts in that same lens. When a thought arises, consider, what is the intention and how is it related to this thought, as in, the thought that presently arose.
  3. This is the experience of infinity. This is infinity. No people experience infinity, infinity is experiencing being ‘people’. No “thing” becomes nothing, this is not a thing already / no thing / Nothingness. “Thing” is a thought, not an actuality. There isn’t a ‘you’ which ‘merges’ with anything. Infinity is appearing to itself in a manor which seems to make it seem like there is a ‘you’ at the center, which infinity (you) are, as well as the entire appearance which makes it seem like there is a center. “Every lifetime, dimensions, versions, all those lives” are just thoughts. Infinity is the awareness, aware of the “thoughts”, which are infinity appearing to itself.
  4. @Thestarguitarist14 Pearls & swine can be a tough one. Most clarifying and illuminating of the nature of suffering though. I for one will just say thank you for your offering and efforts here.
  5. @arlin That she is your ex reveals she, at one point at least, found you to be attractive. You (anyone) can always be more authentic in your approach. It’s an ongoing experience. But if someone blatantly literally laughs at you for trying to meet and get to know them, that’s on them. Assuming you were being decent and relatively mindful & appropriate about it, laughing at you is a rude thing to do. You didn’t do it, and they have why think you should feel based on what someone else says or does? Let them. Honestly, I’d say thanks. Cause that isn’t someone I’d really want to be with, and at least they showed their ‘true colors’ upfront. ‘Ugly’, like beauty, is relative - in the eye of the beholder.
  6. I would consider it is the categorizing as need, when really it’s a want...which is ‘givin you the trouble’. You want to have sex & relationships, so have em! Life is the purpose, not an ideal. Truth is the Truth, not an ideal. Your experience of life, is the only purpose of life. As you’re already experiencing a life, that much is already done. So within living, you can create purpose - what which you most want to experience in this lifetime - and it can and will change in an ongoing manor, in accordance with experience. If currently, sex & a relationship is what you desire, then by all means have sex and a relationship. There are not absolute ‘highest ideals’, and I suspect that the idea that there is didn’t even come from you, but you’re attempting to superimpose it upon yourself, and feeling the resistance of it. You don’t have to do that. You get to choose, and do what you want to do in this life. It’s all relative, always. It’s up to you, always. More existentially...if God didn’t want to experience being a human, God wouldn’t. @arlin Attractive is relative. This might sound funny, or offensive, and I don’t mean it that ain’t up to you if you’re attractive, or how attractive you are. That’s a bogus belief.
  7. @Jono From a law of attraction basis, one needing convincing remains one needing convincing. No thing, person, words or substance has got anything on mind. Mind will always ‘win’, even while one is ‘losing’.
  8. @mw711 ?? @Moksha You kind of summed it up there imo. ‘Gravity’, the ‘fields’, ‘particles’, ‘us’, etc, all vibrational. How else could something come from nothing, but for nothing to be something. The “whole universe”...a present ?.
  9. @Raptorsin7 Life (suffering) is teaching you. You’re not listening, you’re thinking / talking. Always up to you. Listen to it, and be the answer to it. Let it help you see who you really are, what you’re really made of. Rise to the challenges without expectation. Counterintuitive maybe for now, but you will feel amazing. ?
  10. Not true. It’s something you’re doing right now. You are not ‘parts’. It feels incredibly untrue, but you’re doing / saying it once again, anyways. If you’re aware you’re saying that - then who are you talking about?! The “other you”? Then don’t read it. And don’t internalize it. You’ve never once (and never will) experience what anyone else is thinking. What you’re experiencing is the perspective you are choosing. Not someone else’s. Get a job? You could stop telling the story about yourself which feels terrible, because and only because, it feels terrible. “I’m a million miles away from what I want”. And so it is. “I’m writing what I am wanting on my dreamboard, and letting go of all the ‘how’ thinking, and just doing anything and everything that feels good to me, and letting go, and receiving what I have written on my dreamboard”. And so it is.
  11. Just a different perspective. Like a buffet, take only what resonates usefully... There’s no ego, there’s your belief (a thought you repeatedly focus on) that there is, and the projection onto “it”. Same for looking at yourself objectively. That’s not actually possible because you are you, always looking, never seeing you. Saying ‘I have a strong insecure ego’ is a cover up, it covers up that you’re choosing to focus on certain thoughts & perspectives, and perpetuate certain beliefs. Essentially, you’re doing it, creating it. You don’t have to though. You can focus on thoughts & perspectives that feel good to you. When meditating, see if you can realize that no thought about you can or will ever be true or accurate in anyway - because you are the awareness prior to the thoughts. You aren’t ‘in’ a ‘thought story’. To realize this is to realize presence. Get one by getting yourself ready for one, by letting the self limiting beliefs you’ve created, go. Rather than craving an object to ‘fix’ you, let beliefs that there is anything wrong with you go - simply because they don’t feel good. Make a dreamboard and wake up the passion & happiness ‘within’, for your living & interests. Live on purpose. It’s magically magnetic. Otherwise, you’re keeping yourself in a position (perspectives) of need. That doesn’t resonate with you, and it won’t with girls either. Most of them already have that going on, and are attracted to one who isn’t needy, because they want ‘that’, they want to feel ‘that’. (‘That’ is literally just you being yourself.) It’s ok to lighten up and just simple say ‘this thinking is garbage!’ Have a laugh at it! You’re feeling your perspectives about your future. They do not feel good. Change your perspectives rather than projecting onto a ‘future’ as the catalyst or cause. Terrible feeling story, no? Don’t have to keep telling it. Wasn’t true and didn’t feel good the first time you told it. You can’t learn to live in the present moment, you already live in the present moment. Keep up the daily meditation, as that is just ‘monkey mind’. Write about emotions and how you feel now (rather than a ‘you’ in a ‘past’ or ‘future’. What is spirituality, if not the recognition those beliefs will never resonate with truth? With you! Let them go, and good feeling floats like a cork which you were holding under water. Don’t try to ‘get to’ or ‘accomplish’ good feeling. Just let the beliefs go. Tell the story you want, and watch it become your effortlessly as it has been all along. Life, suffering, is the only teacher. Listen to it, rather than labelling it to death. Right. It can’t be your perspectives, your thought ‘about yourself’’s “the ego”. See? Do it, then you know from direct expereince. It is to let go of rumination & overthinking. So it doesn’t really work, if you just think about it. Again, just a different perspective. Feel free to call me crazy ?.
  12. @Stoica Doru lol. No they don’t. You aren’t even a separate entity.
  13. @Raptorsin7 On the loa front, my son has been a chemist for 2-3 years, and was even promoted to lab supervisor...and he hasn’t even finished his bachelor’s yet. He even has a few patents. One is the process water bottles are turned into the foam in the seats of Ford vehicles. Attitude is more important than a degree (or anything else). @communitybuilder You can’t find free will because you’re made of ‘it’. You simple do it. Thinking retards doing, especially thinking about wether you have free will or not, ‘responsibility for your life’, etc, just do what you want to do. Careful not to conceptualize your own life away, you know?
  14. I’m suspicious of electricians who can’t explain electricity. Not sure they’re really ‘all there’.
  15. Funny how “death” reveals you weren’t even rowing the damn boat. What a j?kester. Check now and see. No need to wait. Start dreaming today!
  16. Because it’s inefficient, and there could be no beginning or end.
  17. @GoingHome @GoingHome So true! I remember once reading ACIM, for a moment I looked itself through it’s own lens I swear for a hot minute there I thought I was the Sgt Pepper all the hoopla has been about. Who knows. Love is a crazy, crazy drug.
  18. @Bittu He could facilitate your wildest most outrageous bachelor party and your most beautiful breathtaking wedding ceremony, and magically everyone involved would be enamored. Lmao.
  19. That it is vibrational, as are we. Highly interactive situation all around. You might like Abraham Hicks. It’s quite dialed into the ‘between’ of that integration. Quantum Mechanics is also very informative and revealing, especially when interpreted in the way you seem to naturally. There’s ice, but ice is water. Physicality is a self labelling vibrational appearance, as is the thought ‘physicality’. If taken as separate objects, entanglement baffles, and as infinite being it’s perfectly logical (as ice & as water). ‘Breaking out of the paradigm’ is absolute, no remaining question, or even the slightest hint of dissatisfaction, self doubt, etc. You would know unequivocally. The actuality is not in this regard the thought, perception, or feelings about it. You probably didn’t buy into the human paradigm much growing up, which communicatively could be said to be the level of thought or human creation. Relatively, another “level” is perception which could be said to be a paradigm which can also be ‘broken out of’, which is parallel and prior to human creation. @Moksha “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations. These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery.” So timeless & beautiful. Welcome to the forum.
  20. He’s so undeniable. Hard not to fall in love with the guy.
  21. @I Journey The trouble with the question is that the void is not experienced or ‘reached’, but prior to appearance of thought. So it is not possible for someone to tell you what it’s really like or what it feels like because essentially the communication is thought(s). You have to ‘go and see’. Similarly, string theory and or M theory etc etc remain theoretical as what is being described is prior to the appearance of thought attempting to describe itself. So thought won’t do, so to speak. I for one can not possibly strongly enough suggest that you do, if, when & as your intuition resonates or calls that you do so. I would describe it as infinite relief, awe, wonder, and a a profundity and majesty of infinite not knowing, more visceral than visceral, more real than reality, like nothing of this world.
  22. @Eren Eeager It can be very subtle and underlying-ish experientially initially in meditation & contemplation, and ultimately can be so tremendous that it is debilitating, and you are unable to meditate or contemplate. The underlying subtle never increases, all that is covering it is released. This came to mind, and please don’t take it personally. It might be helpful / useful, and might not be. Consider a ‘raising of the bar’ (not to imply yours is low) with respect to what you choose, surround yourself with, and put in front of you. I aim to convey this in an ‘across the board’ ‘entirety of experience’ manor, but one specific example would be to imagine watching horror movies 24/7 for a week...and then watching Gaia 24/7 for a week. In that second week that subtle love is going to be popping up quite a few visceral feeling ‘he’ll yes’s’. Then bring that example home more intimately in regard to thought focused on, or let go. If I am at all ‘on point’ to ‘where you’re at’, this will open a new door, and a new deciphering via feeling becomes paramount in thought focused upon or let go, and the subtle will step right through that door.