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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Conscious life We don’t.
  2. The difference is that on lsd you’re more being yourself than thinking about “yourself”. None of these things you think about yourself are true, and believing and repeating negative self talk is self defeating, and world shaping... At some point you have to begin to notice you’re doing what you’re saying is the problem. If any of these beliefs about yourself resonated with yourself, they would feel wonderful, like you are (you: that which beliefs, thoughts, and perspectives are, or are not, resonating with.) It is difficult, I will admit that, and I am very sorry to be the one to inform you of this, but to feel good, you have to think well of yourself...literally because of the actuality of your awesomeness, the truth which beliefs aren’t resonating with. You simply must know more love. It does not matter what, just love. Momentum builds. You’ll be feeling like your ‘old self’ in no time.
  3. Wouldn’t maximum fulfillment be doing what you most want to do? Only you could define that. It will change in many ways many times. Wouldn’t what you want most come from the feeling that is the wanting? Desire, if you will. What else is needed? Clarity? Seeing it from a higher vantage point? Does the source of feeling, and the experience of feeling, come from anyone else? Is this stuff on a dreamboard in front of you, so you can experience that vantage point? And change it as you desire so? And see that new desire incorporated, from that vantage point?
  4. Life. Just being you. This must be true, as it is absolute that you are you, and there isn’t another scenario.
  5. @28 cm unbuffed You don’t actually need any of it. That belief about yourself is like a filter tarnishing perspectives, spinning your wheels and getting nowhere, zapping your creativity. Come to terms with that what you have is actually what you want, by letting conditioned judgmental perspectives go, simply because it feels good to let go of limiting beliefs. There is no getting out from behind perspective, and it is influencing your entire experience not to notice this. Society inherently can not have a brainwashing and materialistic lifestyle. You are the subject you, only. You could be a billionaire, in this lifetime, without being brainwashed or materialistic. That’s your belief & judgement, of the very thing, the very society and money, you say you need. But when you come to terms with that you honestly want that (money - not brainwashing & materialism), then you’ve aligned with what you want, and thus ‘gotten out of your own way’, and will indeed experience what you want. Beliefs and judgements about money & society, which are ultimately and presently beliefs & judgements about yourself, will not feel good, and are you ‘getting in your own way’. ‘I can't really find a match to my interests and lifestyle in society.’ ...through the lens of ruling it out.
  6. If you were to believe in a future and past you would identify as the object moving through time which has the future and past, and will in a way feel the discord of the misidentification, or, sad. If you were not to believe in a future & past, and not be identified as an object moving through time, you would feel liberated.
  7. No. It’s a thought about yourself. Which can’t be true, or you, because you’re the awareness of it. It’s a certain mentality that could use some illumination, love and purification. Psych’s come to mind. Loa works for that too. I am sorry to here that about your mom. Hard to imagine the suffering of a woman who can’t even find her way to expressing the love she has for her own son. I do not envy that experience. I am sorry for you as well and the impact that had on your experience. If we named the ten greatest creators of all time off the top of our heads, I’d bet you 9 of them realized tremendous pain into beauty. (Really ten but I’m nicing it up for you)
  8. Mania is a narrative. The Truth (psych’s) tend to show The Truth to The Truth. Then the ‘hangover’ tends to be awareness of the falsities held, relative to the previous experience of The Truth. Integration and embodiment, are spiritual vernacular for what in the dualistic psychological paradigm is referred to as mania, psychosis, etc. The difference could be said to be getting sucked into a narrative, or not. More personally speaking, if you felt you needed to go to the hospital, I’m glad you went. Had you started small and increased your dose / depth incrementally, the relativity of the falsity would have been more nominal, and not so hospital level heavy. And yet, some people want that ‘too big dose’, and want to breathe & ball through that purification. I favor the more conservative no rush approach.
  9. @Consept You think you’re in a reality where there is people, and or other people. That is not what this reality is, at all. That is the movie, what it appears to be. (No offense, in any personal sense). The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that the more you know about where an electron is, the less you can know about where it’s going, and vice versa. All there is to appearance is “electrons”. The Uncertainty Principle is not a revelation about electrons. It’s pointing out how focus is functioning. What you do not give your attention to - which could be said that you avoid - is literally a void, and does not “exist” in the usage of the word exist indicating appear. All of the findings of quantum mechanics are the same. They’re telling us the “facets” of how reality works.
  10. @Michal__ Yeah, I agree. But also, that’d be true when said about literally anything lol. Dog shit at the highest level is synonymous with enlightenment. ?
  11. That loa is a belief, that there are other people who do or don’t “believe it”, and then that it is something that could be learned & used...are reactionary thoughts. If those are breathed through & not acted upon, it can begin to be seen that loa is no more and no less what has been the case for you all along. It is descriptive of how reality is functionally appearing. What is referred to as ‘experience’ is one whole, which appears whole experience (extremely condensed version). The “person” is just vibration, and is of the experience, not separate of it. ‘They’re’ a ‘condition maker’, ‘in the middle’ of an unconditional reality, which what you really are is appearing as (The One vibrating & illuminating being the one whole experience). The first step to seeing this is already the case, is noticing your vibration (state of mind / outlook / attitude / intention / how you feel generally) is indicative of what’s happening (literally, what you are creating) in your life. It’s seemless. If that’s too big of a paradigm leap, study quantum mechanics. The initial challenge of realizing loa, is one’s own karma, and that there are not multiple beings / people. (Can’t attract for another...which is really clear throughout this thread.)
  12. @zeroISinfinity I’m not convinced you’ve even begun to put a dent In actually realizing how beautiful you are.
  13. And apparently the sense of humor sometimes. @Ibgdrgnxxv Something to consider...when all beliefs are uncovered, that narrows down what can remain.
  14. @mandyjw Woe men. Woe: Noun: Grievous distress, affliction, or trouble: His woe was almost beyond description. An affliction: She suffered a fall, among her other woes. Interjection: An exclamation of grief, distress, or lamentation. It does have a certain biblical ring to it.
  15. @Martin123 Beautiful. The healing feels like love reuniting. ??
  16. @Ibgdrgnxxv Indeed. I think we’re mostly saying the same thing.
  17. @Ibgdrgnxxv You do realize, you’re making judgement up, right? Dogma too? If your diligence, find out exactly, precisely, how there are ‘separate objects’ (in any way). Kinda hard to hold that belief without ‘something’ or ‘someone’ separate to judge.
  18. @Ibgdrgnxxv I feel like I get where you’re coming from, and it’s much like Santa Clause. Kids need parents, and parents can realize need is a belief. Also, consider the linguistic short comings of it. One who verbalizes “I am God” to another, is already missing it. It’s a tough message to get across indeed. More practically and fundamentally, if you can grasp there is no such ‘thing’ as separation, in any way, that really illuminates experience and understanding of it.
  19. Sounds like you’re doing really well, and the sessions are working for you. Always great to hear. On the free will subject, just a ‘two cents’ here, the free will vs not, and the multiple dimensions or timelines, is really about expanding the finite mind to the breakthrough point that it is realized the ‘substance’ of reality ‘itself’ and of the ‘finite mind’ is pure spontaneous infinite being, and that there is no such ‘thing’ as separation in any actual way. That a “physical ‘real’ universe” is not actually possible. That ineffable magic is fundamental to “physical reality”, that you are fundamental to their being an apparent “physical universe”. This realization usually happens in regard to ‘physical separation’, and then ‘your’ mind ‘itself’, as appearance of infinite mind. Contemplations, or maybe perhaps lightheartedly just ‘noticing the obvious’, things like that you have no actual direct experience of being born, nor of “death”, and some lighter videos on quantum mechanics, along with some trips can really ‘blow the doors’ off the place realizations wise. I have a hunch something that might ‘click’ for you might be to watch and feel into the body, noticing the “doing” or “movements”, ordinary day to day stuff is occurring rather magically / spontaneously, without there being any actual possibility of finding a ‘separation’ or ‘connection’ between body & mind. That is, ‘body’, ‘mind’, and ‘will’ are words which point to something but don’t actually describe any actuality as they indication causation, or mechanics. In a way they’re just beliefs indicative of an intellectual science jargon biased society. They infer separation where there isn’t any. You could walk, or wiggle the fingers, and even while talking or listening, just ponder and notice ‘how am I actually, literally, doing that right now’? This brings fourth the realizations that it’s all a play of infinite mind, all for the experience (and imo the fun of it) pure ineffable love and breathtakingly beautiful, total absolute not-knowing-ness. I think realization of meta majestic magical beauty of you, if you will, your inherent eternal un-lose-able, no-need-of-justification or external validation or even stimulation is naturally in order for you. Just this magical mystery of you, of being. Side note, with attention to you, this song is present as if I’m in a enormous amphitheater or something. Just fun, curious if anything comes to mind on that making any sense at all. ???‍♂️. Idk, maybe lost ‘my’ mind.
  20. @Thestarguitarist14 Beautiful. I swear I was ‘there’ for a moment when I read that. Awesome. God’s beauty, psh, forgetaboutit. ? @wolf I tend to agree with what was said on both accounts, and have found meo to be more pure consciousness / love, and psilocybin to be very healing, loving in a wisdom / healing ‘of the person’ or ‘psyche’ sense, vs the ‘directness’ of meo. Mushrooms wise, making tea is better than eating them, and the vapor form can’t be beat. Godspeed, go slow, incrementally. Aliens wise, ime, it’s (no pun intended) a very grey matter. The only thing I feel I could clearly say is experiencing that is about the love. Gotta see past ‘abductions’ and intentions of that kind (no offense anyone) and get to some realizations that if there is a civilization or ‘beings’ that much more advanced that they are able to ‘get here’ and or make contact with us, they’re past the intellectual technologically driven era we seem to be in presently. If you consider how for a person there is the meeting of the needs of living, and beyond a certain income and or lifestyle one begins to see the bigger picture of helping, loving and healing this place is the calling of reality...that’s more the ‘mindset’ through which direct contact ‘ experience occurs. Another way to say that, is a superior intelligence = a deeper knowing of love, and thus would be less interested in cutting out a pancreas or installing microchips etc, than attentive to us not continuing to destroy this planet and killing each other, and the long term effects on the evolution of finite minds these ways incur & perpetuate.
  21. @preventingdiabetes What do you mean by “the fulfillment”?