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@Consept In hindsight I’m wondering if that made any sense as I could’ve said it more clearly. It points to that you’re not ‘just’ the person, but what is appearing as the entirety of the ‘experience’ which includes the ‘person’. If it does make sense, I would look to intention, in the sense, feeling the roots of your perspectives, as a sort of damn which allows or resists the love that you are into this place. If it were the case that a certain inherent ‘design’ of this place requires the focus of the experiencing of the world & the perspectives therein to be ‘self’ serving, perhaps it could be said to inevitably lead to focus being Self serving. In kind fear & anxiety could be said to be inevitable, but yet ultimately non-existent.
Nahm replied to Thestarguitarist14's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Consept The possibility that thought is magic in and of yourSelf could be considered. It’s also possible that Leo is self aware / self realized to a degree you aren’t comprehending such that even ‘loa’ has revealed ‘itself’ to be ‘his’ very Infinite Self. As in, loa is typically a ‘person & things the person wants means’ context yet to be recognized as introductory to the actuality of Self realization. His videos imo articulate this rather expertly & in a ground breaking intimate manor, such that the intention is your own realization that you are what is appearing as this ‘universe / world’. That you are right now creating ‘it’ via being ‘it’ is (just imo) the overarching message “he” is presenting, by quite literally being. That loa is the intrinsic can’t-be-otherwise ‘order’ of the unconditional love ‘we’ are referring to as a ‘he’, and if you will, the ‘situation’ of subjectivity fully realized, aka, the whole of reality. @Thestarguitarist14 Appreciating what you’re communicating. On a housekeeping note, name calling is prohibited in the forum guidelines. If I am creating reality, and there is an asshole, it is in fact, me. -
@Tearos You’re inquiry points to the transcending of all of the thought stories of the finite mind. All narratives that you’re a human with needs, essentially. The transcending of the finite mind “itself”, and as such the “returning” Home. This human appearance is not the actual case but certainly viscerally looks & feels as such, which is not a random coincidence, but an invitation to the metadventure of uncovering the truth of reality & self. There is much to sift through, and incredible “layers” of nuance already afoot to be aligned. The ‘way’ is ‘way less’, as in, it is not falling for the stories of the mind, even as the body is wrenched in the release of the deepest and most intimate beliefs about self & world. There is no ‘getting somewhere’, as that is always another such story of the finite mind. There is only letting go. Consciousness, Truth, rises, ‘fills’, every nook & cranny of what is let go, and seen through via the illumination which emanates from within. This can occur in sudden fashion with methods like psychedelics, retreats, etc, as well as more subtly over time with daily meditation, yoga, ever changing of preferences aligning in well being, in terms of body & mind. However, no catalyst of any kind could be said to be ‘needed’, which is a difficult thing to not-understand, or to let go of the very belief in needing to understand it. The ‘trick’ if you will, is noticing this is always the case. It is most fundamental to the experiencing of ‘reality’. More practically speaking, contemplate need vs want, for any and all matters which you experience discord between what you’re thinking and what you’re feeling. Notice the subtlest of differences in feeling, between “I need her, him, this thing, or that thing”...and “I don’t need that, I can let the mind clear and again realize that I am the very happiness”. Thus, there is a renewed freedom in the wanting, known more to be the literal creating of reality in every moment, as you go about experience.
Nahm replied to Sorwyn's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Sorwyn You might say the love bubbles up in the body and is known and felt as such. When we forge relationships and feeling, thinking, and planning are involved, sometimes the mind dualizes the feeling and we hold perspectives that the feeling is coming from someone else, or is produced by the relationship. The feeling is reality, you might say the universe, I would say simply you. When a relationship ends, in a way the extent to which the mind melded the knowing & understanding of the feeling as attributed to the other person, there can be a visceral feeling (with interpretation) of loss. But the love is always ‘within’ you. ‘Love & learn’, uncovering the love within yourself as you go, realize it is ‘there’ in you to be given and experienced for all people, and all things as after all, it is / you are and there are unlimited manifesting expressions. There’s something to be said for the ‘bond’ felt within for someone more specifically on your ‘wavelength’, or a ‘vibrational match’ which can be experienced in matters of love as more intense, more ‘all consuming’ of the whole experience. It appears even more convincing that there is love produced by that relationship. Yet, what can be experienced as ‘loss’ (with focusing on certain perspectives) can also be a very strong pointing of clarity to just where the love, reality, is emanating from, and insight via ‘dialing into’ the feeling can reveal the falsity of the ‘loss’ narrative of thought / duality. It could be said such experiences point to a truth, in that love can never really be created or destroyed. It would not be uncommon for plans to have been thought about in repetition, say, relative to finances, a potential life together, etc, and for the ‘loss of the love’ to be specifically felt in corresponding areas of the body, reflected in models like the chakra’s (the stomach pain). I would make a dreamboard, take note of what was uplifting, what the experience helped you to more clearly know you are wanting, and write on your board and focus on that, which can bring a gratitude and appreciation to the hindsight perspective of the experience. In ‘the universe’ sense, the same love perhaps thought to be produced by the ‘connection’ with another, is ever present ‘for you’ without any reason or condition, and is always at the ready to infuse into your creating of the life you most desire to create. I would go so far as to say that such experiences serve your ‘opening’ up to the notion that you are quite literally being showered with love in every moment, and this can not only be felt and known, but flip reality itself, the universe and you, ‘inside out’. There is also something to be said for the ‘role’ of understanding in such a close frequency connection. It feels very good to be understood, and to really ‘get’ or understand someone in a deep meaningful way. As such, there can be a thin veneer of thought & perspective which covers this relationship between understanding and or being understood, and the wonderful feelings associated with the experience. If you take a few deep breathes, and essentially ‘ask’ feeling, or perhaps ‘ask the body’, so to speak, you can fill ‘it’ be contemplating / feeling the unity within which is love-understanding, or understanding-love. To be a bit blunt for the sake of clarity...that the mind added layers of thought to the feeling ‘itself’ can be healed and seen through, via the contemplating in feeling. Understanding & love can be known ‘within’, as one. This can have a profound effect in terms of going forward in life in matters of relationships & love, as the love ‘itself’ known within you is no longer thought to be in potential jeopardy. You might still get your heart broken, etc, but love more deeply ‘known’ arises in response to such thoughts as, you might say the real relationship - the one between ‘you & your, is clearer and more realize, and felt, and there is much certainty where there was uncertainty, much inspiration and understanding where perhaps there was worry and a certain misinterpretation of ‘risking’ the heart, as in a ‘loss’ of this love that always, forever, eternally, is, and as such is inseparable from ‘you’. So maybe the universe is always communicating with you, and maybe it’s not in thinking or talking, yet, a ‘commune’ of One, a ‘communion’... a “communication”...which is always known and present nonetheless. You might even go so far as to say the heartbreak, and any soreness of it, recontextualizes itself into a win, on the plain of a profound insight into the actuality of reality. I’m not sure what one would call that, but it seems to be. -
@Tim R Thanks, I forgot to put the link... https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319631
Different approaches work for different folks, my approach has always only been for the fun, for the experience. I tend to love uncertainty, and it’s hard to say if that has been helpful.
Nahm replied to Ibgdrgnxxv's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Fadl Maybe you could ask @mandyjw to explain the humor of it to you. Maybe she will utilize the opportunity to throw me under the bus, which imo, would be much funnier. When you realize that you are not male or female, that their aren’t any, as, so to speak, Mandy and I have, new dimensions of humor open up to you. -
Nahm replied to Ibgdrgnxxv's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ibgdrgnxxv That’s a really great answer. I can see that too. It makes me curious on your perspective on the earlier question... would you agree that when all beliefs and dogmas are let go, only The Truth remains? Further even, I mean to include the belief that there is a God, in the sense that if not of direct experience, it’s a belief. What’s your take on that? -
Nahm replied to TrustTheProcess's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@louhad Pursuing enlightenment could be said to be something you’ve been doing since the day you were born, and are doing 24/7, rather than a choice or a plan. Perhaps the only thing is question is wether one is conscious of this or not. The not, tends to look like repetition of reactionary behavior, blame, judgement, arrogance, frustration, resentment, anger, guilt, shame, etc (suffering). The conscious looks like responsibility, self accountability, listening to feeling instead of repeating the same thoughts, beliefs and perspectives. You can consider, you would never consciously choose to feel not good. So if you feel not good, it can be deduced you are not conscious that you are choosing to feel not good (if you don’t blame an outside source that is). The more one slows down and takes responsibility for how they feel and what they’re thinking and choosing, the more one realizes that is always going on. The thoughts about one’s self in a past or future which are “problematic”, as in inhibiting to create the life dream they desire to create, would be the not good feeling thoughts. If one is attested I’ve enough to this, one begins to glimpse that there is not past or future, only this apparent moment ‘now’. So one realizes, conscious creating is indeed binary. It is now, and one is conscious or not, now. Think about it in the simplest sense...have you ever experienced not-now? Have you ever been not-here? Have you ever experienced not-relative? Then maybe consider, would you yourself choose to be led by one in reactionary behavior, blame, judgement, arrogance, frustration, resentment, anger, guilt, shame - suffering? Then just smile and feel the love that you are, the leader you already are, and see it in everyone else to, wether they’re conscious now or feeling not good and reacting. -
Mystical causes is an oxymoron.
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Someone here Cool. It’s your omelette my man. -
Nahm replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That is a literal example of what you were just told happening, right under your nose. The intention is to be correct that there is no self. The sacrifice is expanding beyond no self. The means is the reaction, the ‘cling’. There’s a solid reasoning folks don’t call it No Self Realization. Realizing there is no Santa is not realizing how the presents end up under the tree. -
@Consept I think I hear ya on that. Sometimes I think it’s more of the reverse though. Often people see what they believe and don’t see the actuality of people having conspired. Kind of old news though. People just figured out to make the laws instead.
Reality = you. You don’t seem boring and practical to me.
Benefits of crying People may try to suppress tears if they see them as a sign of weakness, but science suggests that doing so could mean missing out on a range of benefits. Researchers have found that crying: 1. Has a soothing effect Self-soothing is when people: regulate their own emotions calm themselves reduce their own distress A 2014 study found that crying may have a direct, self-soothing effect on people. The study explained how crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which helps people relax. 2. Gets support from others As well as helping people self-soothe, crying can help people get support from others around them. As this 2016 study explains, crying is primarily an attachment behavior, as it rallies support from the people around us. This is known as an interpersonal or social benefit. 3. Helps to relieve pain Research has found that in addition to being self-soothing, shedding emotional tears releases oxytocin and endorphins. These chemicals make people feel good and may also ease both physical and emotional pain. In this way, crying can help reduce pain and promote a sense of well-being. 4. Enhances mood Crying may help lift people’s spirits and make them feel better. As well as relieving pain, oxytocin and endorphins can help improve mood. This is why they are often known as “feel good” chemicals. 5. Releases toxins and relieves stress When humans cry in response to stress, their tears contain a number of stress hormones and other chemicals. Researchers believe that crying could reduce the levels of these chemicals in the body, which could, in turn, reduce stress. More research is needed into this area, however, to confirm this. 6. Aids sleep A small study in 2015 found that crying can help babies sleep better. Whether crying has the same sleep-enhancing effect on adults is yet to be researched. However, it follows that the calming, mood-enhancing, and pain-relieving effects of crying above may help a person fall asleep more easily. 7. Fights bacteria Crying helps to kill bacteria and keep the eyes clean as tears contain a fluid called lysozyme. A 2011 study found that lysozyme had such powerful antimicrobial properties that it could even help to reduce risks presented by bioterror agents, such as anthrax. 8. Improves vision Basal tears, which are released every time a person blinks, help to keep the eyes moist and prevent mucous membranes from drying out.
@Preety_India ? You’re ‘grabbing this by the reigns’ and I’m very happy for you. ? You’re quite a beautiful creator, you know?
The ‘link’ is believing thoughts, rather than the feeling.
Yep, perfect, that’s all there is to it, let thinking go. Ah crap, you didn’t let thinking go, you believed the thought narrative about the feeling. Ya bamboozled yourself. And that is how that feels when you do that. Two things that can be tough to hear: Daily morning meditation will change your entire life for the better, with no end to the feeling better and better. If there is judgement, it’s you doing it. Just like fear.
That is a great realization. Here = “where to go”. That’s why there’s no where to go, you’re already here. We’re creating this / here, as we go. What if for there to be Disneyland you have to be it? And in being it, you forget who you are (cause you’re being Disneyland)? Then what if you remembered? You’d pretty much enjoy Disneyland, help other patrons to, and do what you can to make Disneyland better. It’ll never be done, because you’re infinity, but forgot your infinitude. You’re unconditional, but forgot in appearing as conditions, which are an appearance. Why do you think that way (which doesn’t even feel good to you)? Listen to the frustration, here the message in regard to your thinking, and then the frustration disappears. If there is a we and love, you are powerless. If there is not, you are the greater force. If you do listen to feeling, it walks you directly home to the love giving the messages. The ‘greater force’. It’s ‘the greater force’, the ‘underlying bond’ - the fabric of reality. Exactly!
Nahm replied to Ibgdrgnxxv's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s a joke to a female I know personally. I can assure she got the joke which you did not. For you it might be ‘marriage humor’ not yet in the radar. @Ibgdrgnxxv What if you were raised in Wyoming, and never heard of Islam? -
Nahm replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When something weighs heavy on my heart, I listen to the heart and let it go, because it’s a perspective in conflict with Truth. The last thing I’d do is focus on it, share it, etc. It’s like “this food tastes like poop...I better keep eating it and share it with others so they can taste this poop”. No self no problem. How can you be experiencing a problem right now, without perpetuating that story which is ‘itself’ the creating of the problem? Awakening can’t possibly be what you are thinking it is, as you’re the awareness of the thoughts, and more importantly, the focus. Let go of the wanting others to see you as that awakened / enlightened person, and you have no more suffering from telling the story about you, the awakened one with all the awakened experiences. Your threads are great, your comments are great. I always enjoy them, it’s deep and I like it, and am interested. In this regard however, it’s “if y’all really wanna taste this poop you gotta know the story behind it!”, but the back story recreates a ‘you’ the story is about, and you & the story are the recreation of the poop, evidenced by how it feels / tastes (suffering). If there were a subject and object, you being the subject and depression being the object....then maybe, you could fall into it. If there is not a subject & object, but rather awareness aware of a perspective which is not believed to be a separate object, then there is the opportunity to change the perspective, simply because it doesn’t feel good. Nihilism & solipsism are not love, they are perspectives about a you which is alone. It is far, far easier (effortless literally) to inspect and realize what you got wrong in your metaphysical understandings, than to continue suffering through being right. Only the separate self suffers, as that is what suffering is. Notice that’s a story. That situation is not unique to ‘you’ like ‘you’ believe it is. There isn’t a problem in the first place, sans resistance of letting a perspective go. Only in refuting this, there is a problem, which is ‘especially’ tricky to manage. “I realized nothing...struggling to manage it”. Gotta laugh at these perspectives rather than let them get you down / ignore that they don’t resonate. Consciousness didn’t need improvement to begin with. It’s (you’re) perfect already...and just entertaining some terrible feeling perspectives. “The main problem I’m having is that “I’m” alone...so...I’ll listen to what others think and how they size things up instead of the intrinsic inseparable love that I always am...which is loudly saying - No!”. Let go of that there is individual someone’s, and you realize understanding is an appearance. It is you. Only in perpetuating the separate selves, can there be the perspective “no one understands...”. All that need be understood, is that is you creating suffering. The need to be understood. You can feel right now the sweet peace of not needing to be understood, by noticing there is not understanding and a separate you. You can not see what is seen. (There’s now, not a past you think you saw). Look in front of you now. That is what is seen. What you really mean, is I can’t unknow what I know. The suffering, is what you believe you know. In short...”I know the Truth is that this sucks”. Wrong...evidence onced again, by feeling. Right. It must be ‘the path’s fault’...because it can’t possibly simply be the current perspective...cause “you’re” “right”. Love you! Wish you Well! ♥️ Let Love pop “you’re” bubble, and it will be so. Some perspectives feel as there do, because Love does not taste this poop. Love does not go with you to the poop trough. -
Conspiracy: An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. A group of conspirators. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. That is all that a conspiracy is. Two or more humans breaking a law. Conspiracy is not “stories about aliens”, or “the truth of 911”, etc, etc, etc. If two people conspired together and broke a law, that is a conspiracy. It could not possibly be more practical and less fantastical.
Nahm replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If there’s a separate self then yes indeed, there is no sense in it, and one deluded oneself via the claiming of the knowing / knowledge (as if it were an object possessed by a subject). If there isn’t a separate self, and you = knowingness, then knowing you are the knowing and not ‘the person’ is the most practical ‘thing’ that could possibly be known (yourself) and you are liberated from the prison of knowing, via the knowing you are not knowing (specifically, ‘objects’). Put another way, the most common ‘error’ (relatively) isn’t what is known or unknown, or even what is knowing or not knowing...but the believing there is something to be known, which is not / or is other than, what is already direct experience. (Such as ‘not knowing “the truth”)