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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Revisiting your initial title, “Can Creativity By Itself Be A Life Purpose?” Yes, and that isn’t the same as “Can I Be Someone Else Who Is Creative?” If you want to understand reality at it’s deepest level, and can be lighthearted, curious, and genuinely interested...inspect direct experience until you unequivocally know exactly why you are not being Jimi Hendrix or Dr. House. It would be wasteful and limiting, imo. This is ‘accomplished’ by no longer believing thoughts Which do not resonate, like needing to be gifted or not, or needing to be left handed or not. Without these limiting beliefs, play guitar right handed, and start learning some of Jimi’s songs. You’re experience his essence as you do, and learn a lot. If you want to be a med student, take the first step, see what’s required for you to do. In a rudimentary way, you’re believing you’d have to already be something, or be doing something, to begin doing something. Notice no one is standing in your way. Most people, at least most people here, are rooting for you 100%. Then make them for the sake of making them, wether it’s initially income related or not. Again, you’re creating no matter what you do, you’re choosing. Denial of this is not transcendence of this. Dreamboard is a fun easy way to do these things you want to do. Start with meditation & detaching from thoughts which aren’t serving you, and learning how to play Jimi’s songs right handed. If what you really want is to make money, and to do so doing what you love most...using both to do neither isn’t going to accomplish either. Do either with your heart leading and you’ll inevitably end up doing both.
  2. “But everything on my dream board would be a distraction from what’s above self transcendence, wouldn’t it? “ Well we’ve struck gold there. No. What you really want would not be a distraction from anything, it is The Point. The more you are expressing desire genuinely, aka what you really want, whatever that is for you, the more you are connecting directly through the feeling of desire, the source of which, is the love that you truly are, appearing as any thing or experience that you could ever want - plus - “you” are essentially ‘baked into’ this. If you literally do nothing, you are creating the experience of doing nothing. You can not get ‘out from behind’ creating, because you are the creator. Think about it this way...if there is God, Source...if there is Infinite Being...what it’s “doing”, is this - but it’d be “doing” “this”, be Being “this”. By being ‘you’! So by God man, be you to the absolute fullest extent you can dream up. You’re creating either way, because our creating is just the continuation of Being being this place, and us. You’re made of creativity, you experience and create preferences (effortlessly, intrinsically), and express and create. You’re designed perfectly for this. If for no other logical course - create the life you most want, because you’re creating by default anyways.
  3. “But everything on my dream board would be a distraction from what’s above self transcendence, wouldn’t it?“ Well we’ve struck gold there. No. What you really want would not be a distraction from anything, it is The Point. The more you are expressing desire genuinely, aka what you really want, whatever that is for you, the more you are connecting directly through the feeling of desire, the source of which, is the love that you truly are, appearing as any thing or experience that you could ever want - plus - “you” are essentially ‘baked into’ this. If you literally do nothing, you are creating the experience of doing nothing. You can not get ‘out from behind’ creating, because you are the creator. Think about it this way...if there is God, Source...if there is Infinite Being...what it’s “doing”, is this - but it’d be “doing” “this”, be Being “this”. By being ‘you’! So by God man, be you to the absolute fullest extent you can dream up. You’re creating either way, because our creating is just the continuation of Being being this place, and us. You’re made of creativity, you experience and create preferences (effortlessly, intrinsically), and express and create. You’re designed perfectly for this. If for no other logical course - create the life you most want, because you’re creating by default anyways.
  4. It is not possible that there is a loving way to ‘kill yourself’, for the very same reason these perspectives you are focused on do not feel good. It’s like saying “is there a loving way to kill love?”. Choose to love instead, which is to say, let the beliefs about yourself, the perspectives about yourself go - simply and plainly because of how they feel. You are love. You will never not be. The perspectives however, you can change. Even if you say you can’t, you’re choosing that perspective. So stop trying to be something you’re not. Stop trying to be what the thoughts are about. Stop trying to be some way you think other people think you should be. Just be you, love, and all is well. Some different perspectives.... ”I really fucked up”....I have really learned something profound here about the importance of aligning feeling & thinking from this particular experience. I see what suffering is. I see how I’ve been doing this to myself. It took a wake up situation like this, someone I really care about...but in seeing this, things can only get clearer and easier for me. It takes time, but I now see how I create my suffering. Apologies & forgiveness however, do not take time. I realize I can feel better right now, if I choose to. “I lost a good friend because I thought he didn’t care about me I had convinced myself he hated me” ....I learned that when I think on behalf of other people, I realize they have their own thoughts, and their own feelings, and I don’t need to think or feel for them, and they aren’t thinking or feeling for me. Going forward, this makes life a lot easier and lighter. This also, is, well, awesome. It’s more fun not knowing what other people are thinking. Spontaneous, interesting, exciting. I also realized how important it is not to convince myself of things that don’t even feel good, to me. If I do that again, I’ll be aware of it, and I’ll inspect why I’m doing it. I’ll uncover core beliefs, and in doing so, let them go, and that means I’ll be feeling better & better & better. “I have always struggled with this. I push people away because I feel so hated,.so unloved.”....I’ve been doing this, this focusing on perspectives which don’t feel good to me, for a long time. I am seeing more clearly that how I feel is the direct result of the perspective I am holding about myself. I am seeing that I project this onto others. It took a lot to get me to see that I’m doing this, but now I am positioned to consciously choose how I look at things, via how perspectives feel, and to let limiting beliefs about myself go. I won’t be afraid to feel anymore, and that is going to make all the difference. I’ll put feeling first, and thus I can not go wrong. “A lot happened in my childhood it really hurt growing up you guys.”....Now I’m starting to get what it means that I am “already on the path”. I’m getting a glimpse of what people mean when they talk about how we identify with the past, and that is how we hold limiting beliefs of who we are. My experiences don’t define who I am - I say who I am. I say this, now. I also learned the body seems to have stored up emotional misunderstanding, and I want to heal, and I want this body to heal. Just as I recognize that some perspectives don’t feel good - because - there is much love within me...I can also recognize emotional misunderstandings held in the body do not feel good - because they aren’t resonating with the love within me - and it only makes sense then that as I lighten up and let go of these perspectives which do not feel good, this love and source of all well being within me will flush the pain of misunderstanding and identifying out. I welcome it, and willingly allow it, as I am done creating suffering, and ready to heal and love. “Now I fear that feeling all of the time.“....It is becoming so clear to me that the perspective doesn’t feel good...and that I have been blaming and labelling feeling all along. It might take time, but I’m going to love feeling, and refrain from judging & labelling it. I will listen to it, like a student, and I will liberation in spirit as I do. I’m beginning to realize feeling has always been there for me - and because of a culture and environment where people did not recognize this within themself, I inadvertently took on their perspectives. But their perspectives suck. I now see how much they were suffering inside, and how much they really just want to be at peace with the love they truly are. They didn’t choose to be the student, to listen, and that is where they failed. I will not. I’ll listen, I won’t quit, and I won’t blame. I’ll heal, and in doing so, get to know this love intimately, and even intricately. I have a hunch this might lead to wanting to know a whole lot about this love within me. “Sometimes I think the most loving thing to do would be to kill myself. I keep hurting "others" and myself.”....Now I”m really starting to see how this would be the least loving thing I could possibly do. I’m realizing that is indicative of the environment I grew up in. I’m starting to see how that led me to develop those perspectives which never felt good in the first place. I’m not going to continue in that direction, as frankly, it sucks. I’m realizing that I’ve got some healing and love work ahead of me, but I can do it. I can feel how awesome that will be, right now, in how awesome it feels to realize that I can indeed do this. I think I’m done with the hurting. I think I’ve looking to escape feeling, and feeling was loving me the whole time, which is why perspectives like this one do not feel good. I don’t wanna hurt anymore, and I don’t wanna hurt anyone else with my words or actions anymore. It takes all of us Hyruga, we can’t do it without you. We need ya on team love my man. In many ways this world is astray, it’s a mess. But it’s us doing it. This is what we’re all waking up to, or from. We all gotta change somethings, individually & together. We are all in that boat with you, you are in that boat with everyone. There are lots of resources, practices, and help available. Take it easy on yourself, and utilize what’s available to you, and be a part of this whole, this love, this inherent intention of well being, healing, and loving. We love you, and we do indeed really actually need you. It takes every single one of us.
  5. @billiesimon If I need something, I am recreating the experience of an “I” which “needs”, and that is the lens upon all else. You can’t possibly have something you believe you need. If you already have it, you’re not believing you need it. If I want something, and have no need for it, I experience it. You = the present moment. Moment = the present. It’s all quite FUBU.
  6. Those are beliefs, and only beliefs. The beliefs do not point to some ‘other thing’ or actuality, but are the resistance. A belief is a repeated thought. “Thought” is “itself” not ‘some separate thing’. Thought is creation, appearance. In direct experience, thought appears, and this experience appeared. You create resistance, by repeating thoughts which don’t even feel good. You do this because you deeply assume there is something to know, and that that is needed. But “it” is you, and so “it” can not be needed, or known. You aren’t finite, you’re infinite. You aren’t aware, you’re awareness. You aren’t intelligent, you’re intelligence. You aren’t conscious, you’re consciousness. You aren’t loving, you’re love. To ‘get lost’ in yourself, claim those as ‘yours’, and measure yourself and others with it. That will ‘keep “you” stuck’ in relativity, and indirectly establish you are separate from ‘it’. Yet, without that belief of a you, “the measurer“, “the comparer”, none of the content of the op is possible to experience.
  7. If there is resistance to the truth, then that resistance must be belief(s). Make sense? If it does, you’ve just outline the hamster wheel of beliefs; states, ego, and death. As you previously mentioned, you’re feeling resistance without psychedelics. But you fill that ‘gap’ with psychedelics. What if there weren’t any? What if you never heard of them? I’m not suggesting you do or don’t use them, I’m suggesting you see how you’re psychologically using them as a crutch when not on them. You could consider reversing the relationship, since you’re making it up in each moment anyways, like taking a trip as a reward for kicking ass in life, rather than thinking of them as what will enable you to kick ass in life. You could inquire into people who are awake and never took them to balance your perspectives with a bit of ‘reality’ in that regard. The main point here being not to continue the beliefs / duality of tripping vs sober. Shapes and distinctions are thoughts not perception. Perception can’t be thought, just as thought can’t be percieved. Of course a “me” is going to need a lot of work. The “me” isn’t ‘there’ without the story supporting it, because the “me” is only the story. That you’re doing what you want, is easier than believing it’s because of need. What’s “it”? I think if you read this, and then read your op again, you’ll see it’s all Mind in every case.
  8. Appreciation. Gratitude. Momentum is actual. Appreciate. Try em, you’ll find they actually do. Everyone has ‘evidence in their reality’ which matches perfectly what thoughts they believe and focus on. The fundamentals of daily morning meditation, utilizing a dreamboard, eating clean, exercising, and choosing better feeling thoughts & perspectives is still liberation. The choice is still, and always in every moment, yours.
  9. @preventingdiabetes Make a dreamboard and they will inevitably both come to fruition and will be realized to be one in the same.
  10. They didn’t really. Asexual reproduction preceded sexual reproduction. A ‘they’ hasn’t technically happened. Congrats btw.
  11. @billiesimon Great work! ”Sober states” “non sober states” “states”....all still actually the very same Mind. Maybe you didn’t experience ego backlash from the trips, but unknowingly the resistance you were applying (and labelling backlash) of ‘this isn’t It’, ‘that was It’, while this ‘sober’ is It. Like, associating It to a substance, missing the actuality of the substance is also just Mind. Same as the couch.
  12. @Someone here Oh sorry man. Didn’t mean anything in a personal sense. From a certain perspective intention is paramount within a thread on loa.
  13. You said “I seek genuine understanding”. I’m suggesting genuine is to be found within you, not in any understanding. Sounds semantical, but another way to say it is seeking directed back inward to itself which is seeking, rather than conceptually outward. The attribute of genuine was being ‘placed on’ the apparent object “understanding”, rather than the subject. ‘Sweet Emotion’ is a literal and figurative example of this as the point of the song is that the stories told in it are not the point of the song. The emotion, is the point. Meaning can not be ‘a point’, because while it may seem like it’s ‘coming’ out to in, it’s being made up in to out. Lastly I was pointing out that self vs no self, and likewise selfish vs selfless, are thoughts, still meaning, in to out, so to speak. I wrote with the intention that the writing would not fit into the present ‘box’ understanding seemed to be in, leaving it to intention. The hope was the seeing of the distinction between thinking, meaning, understanding in this regard as more duality, vs genuine being ‘found’ in intention. Genuine in intention is feeling, genuine in understanding is thinking about ‘genuine’. The reference to ‘Why Can’t This Be Love’ as the only worthwhile pontification is because it is, and contemplating why it can’t be will bring all the flotsam & jetsam of purification up and out.
  14. @Forestluv Indeed. All ID’s are fake ID’s. Lol. In a way, the real crime is the distinction that the one was real.
  15. @EmptyVase A you and a world can sync to the degree they weren’t even separate to begin with. Rather than writing down what happened, write down what you want to happen. Likewise, the past & future can sync together to the degree there was only ever now.
  16. It’s weird to think of yourself as a substance, but oddly it inevitably becomes weirder to think of yourself as a person, of even at all.
  17. Attribute on wrong ‘thingy’. In. Tense. Tion. It’s found in the realization you’re being it. If indeed, you are. Real. I. Say. Tion. (Tion: makes a verb of a noun, which there isn’t, which is why the suffix) Example of Genuine. Literal, figurative, apparent & realness. Such is meaning arising from you which appears to be here. The only sensible pontification. You’re kicking yourself. That much is unequivocal. The feels or the balls, that is a freedom of yours, and yours alone. (You know neither a self nor a no self, selfishness nor selflessness, sans thinking. If you’re to not believe the thoughts, make it whole.) @Thestarguitarist14 Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Got me in the feels.
  18. @Raptorsin7 I’m really seriously you realize that if I focused on those thoughts about myself, that I would feel exactly like you do when you do? Sometimes I wonder if maybe you’re repeating the story of you so much that you miss we are all the same in this regard. To actually check this, sound weird, but, you could literally say those things to someone else about them, ‘to their face’, and notice how they feel.
  19. Not ‘can be used’, is already underway. And I’m experiencing that reality you’re creating, and co creating. If one of us was creating another experience there wouldn’t be this one. There is a subtle distinction in loa, in that you are aligning vibrationally in an on going fluid manor, vs moving up in distinct levels of consciousness. In my understanding of loa, all points of view are level, or, parallel, in a rather intimate manor. I feel I understand what you’re saying, I just haven’t seen it to really compare. Loa wise, see the reference to what other’s think or believe as only your own subjective interpretation. Try out that lens. “If ‘people’ miss deeper truths, it is me missing a deeper truth”. “If ‘people’ are dogmatic, my own judgement is the ultimate dogma”. Total accountability. “Bring it ALL home”, if you will.
  20. @Consept Yes. That ‘it’ is all hay, oneself entirely, and how it is functioning as in “unfolding” subjectivity via attraction, more so then measurements being pertinent of useful. It wouldn’t be outlandish imo to say that loa is an exploration of all ‘corners’ of ‘one’s own’ infinite being. As a journey or adventurous undertaking, the starting place being you’re literally creating reality, and inquiring in real-time-life if you will, as to how this is literally true. The experiencing of the discovery itself, the ride, being the greatest possible “reward” itself, far, far beyond any ‘haylike’ ‘thing’, yet inclusive of. @Fran11 Nice!
  21. @Consept It’s like saying there isn’t hay in a hay stack because it can’t be found.
  22. Loa is quite subjective oriented, so for the sake of grasping it, it is helpful to notice when one switches to a view on behalf of others, as a first person perspective claim, it is a view no longer grounded in direct experience. Thought thinking itself is actually one (circular) thought. A thought has no need for a thinker, and neither thought nor thinking are actually a happening. I get there is apparently to the extent there is talking about it, but the talking is intended to point to what is yet seen. You can consciously create with crayons, without a need for a crayoner. You wouldn’t even stop to think about wether there is a crayoner or not. Likewise, free will has no need of a free willer. You are neither free will, nor not free will, as those are thoughts you’re aware of. Loa In that regard isn’t a theory within the whole of experience, but is a pointer to what is indicative of the whole of experience, as subjectively as can be heard. It’s a finger pointing to the moon. Like the phrase ‘notice your direct experience’ is just words, but it points differently than ‘have some popcorn’ or the phrase ‘it’s just a finger’ without looking to the moon. If you were to edit that section / comment by changing each objective reference which is outside of subjective direct experience, and all logic which is accredited to the references, back to the whole of it being subjective... what’d remain would be pointed to by ‘the loa’. What about the direct experience that there isn’t a Leo? That has an obnoxious on my part for saying it ring to it. But then bring it back to subjective and consider it’s actually direct experience, and again it really drives home loa. ?
  23. But beyond what you are saying I can call something and wether you have a problem with it...what do you think for yourself, so to speak? Yes indeed, again, the man’s a legend....but what do you think for yourself? The implication is potentially astounding. If thought is magic, and thought defines ‘spiral dynamics’, then magic can’t be said to be found within spiral dynamics, let alone at purple. This would also be true for the thoughts, ‘Leo’, ‘loa’ & ‘reality’. (Not magic from the thoughts, not magical thoughts in comparison to ‘normal’ thoughts, not subject object, but thought being made of magic, or magical happening.)
  24. @Shiva99 Sorry to hear of the rough recent ride and congrat’s on the new job. Things will get better. On the pride & shame spectrum, one way to look at it is to scrutinize self referential thinking, the freedom to which, is feeling. Consider, in thinking about yourself in the manor of proud of yourself, there seems to be a ‘self’ there in that thinking...while in actuality you are still ‘positioned’ ‘furthest back’, as the awareness of the arising thoughts...about a ‘you’...which there isn’t (again, you are the awareness of X, no matter what X is). If you’re getting what I’m saying here, consider more simply the good feeling of proud that you are rising above the challenges of living you’re facing. It can be interpreted as confirming of the power of your attitude and choices. Likewise, shame requires two parties. Either you and another person...or you (awareness) and the thought of you, which is not an actuality, outside of being, a thought. A thought can’t really be about you. Anything else really, but never you. You are always the eternal awareness prior to the thoughts. Spending a little time with this (if it seems complex at first) can bust the cycle of self referential thinking to such a liberating degree, that as ‘thoughts of old’ arise (“about yourself”), they arise in the clarity which you literally truly are, and what stressed you out and held you back of old, quite literally becomes joyful and a funny. I don’t mean any offense in putting it that way, But hope it’s taken as a pointer to the immeasurable power you really have available in simply being you, without the facade of limited thinking about ‘you’.