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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Javfly33 True. I think my anarchist archetype is surfacing. (...slowly back steps away from thread).
  2. You may have come across some questionable teachers. Imo, that is loa. @Thestarguitarist14
  3. @LastThursday Also, you can just stand up, and while maintaining full attention on them, verrry slowly take baby steps walking backwards until you’re out of the room. I like that one because it’s so funny there’s no apparent rude factor.
  4. A dosage aimed at breaking through the ego to Truth. ‘Being your own hero’. Here’s a helpful calculator. And a ‘level’s / dosage reference guide.
  5. @molosku I agree...Matt Kahn...and then Abraham Hicks...then psychedelics....then Rupert Spira.
  6. @Javfly33 Just hold up your finger and say “wait!”...and after they all pause, say “.....nobody cares”.
  7. @Conscious life Two is not, not-two.
  8. Focus on what you want. They say what they say, you talk about what you want. Stop waiting for them to. ?
  9. @Javfly33 Hear what all of them are saying simultaneously.
  10. Yes of course. It’s again, another ‘both’ scenario. There already aren’t ‘two’, that’s a belief (a repeated thought). There is nothing “wrong”, nor “right” with that, as those are also just thoughts. You might say...I am pointing to that you are creating the WHOLE experience. Even not haven taken Leo’s LP course, I am easily rather absolutely confident in saying there is not a better LP course to be found on earth, and you should most definitely continue it, follow through and finish it. I would also suggest recommending it to every one who will hear you. I am also saying (not ‘instead’) make a dreamboard and this is going to bring ‘dimensions’ of realization in conjunction with all ‘other’ fronts. If that is not understandable...the tldr version is - make a dreamboard and finish the course. When you are challenged with these ‘this or that’ obstacles, instead see the sameness. But of course this is no more than opinion, suggestion...and possibly too gratuitous, but I can not ‘give’ you another perspective than ‘your’ perspective(s) as life, or reality, unfolds for you...but I am trying to the extent offering words and conveying the intention & sentiment behind them is found useful to you. Be mindful of your prior realization - you don’t need to know, have, or be anything beyond what you know, have are are, to proceed. It’s important to recognize a thought about something you need - is not this actual object or thing ‘out there’ which you don’t have. You totally have it...just recognize what you have, is a thought about something. That does not mean there is that something. It’s a thought. You do not need anything whatsoever to proceed. Matter of fact, ‘not proceeding’ is not an option. You’re proceeding in any and all cases. Consciously choosing, that’s what’s in question, and imo recognizing thoughts about stuff that isn’t even actual are just thoughts is most helpful. Guess what’s a really great way to cut through such ‘thoughts of nonexistent stuff’, and focusing on feeling, on what you want?
  11. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi “Knock, And He'll open the door Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.” ― Rumi
  12. There is an ‘ignore user’ feature.
  13. @wk197 Meditation can’t truly be said to be hard, as it is not an act of effort, nor can meditation be measured in any way. Focusing on breathing and feeling for example, is not an act of effort. Focusing ahead of you, if you will, or on perception, is not an act of effort. Focus is effortlessness. What requires effort, and can indeed be hard, is keeping a story going which doesn’t resonate, and feels like a burden. Meditating will change how you interpret, experience, and act in the world, all effortlessly. Prior to the thoughts, is true equanimity. Meditating is The Well & The Being, of well being. People are free to choose, but there is not a source of unwell being. There is only one source. Those scary & unsettling thoughts are not resonating with their source. Therefore, we can at least know two things about their source. You are not ‘spooky’, and you are not ‘unsettling’. If you were, those thoughts would feel just fine. But they don’t feel just fine. They feel in such a way, that you desire to change this in your experience. The only logical non-course of inaction then, is meditation, the source of which is so on your side, that it too is not resonating with the spooky & unsettling thoughts. If you get bored, meditation reveals being in peace. If you get restless, meditation reveals being at rest. If you get scared, meditation reveals being creating.
  14. @Dazgwny Takes many collapsing dualities to reconcile the universe, evolution, time, space, etc and Self, eternity, infinity, etc. The metadventure is the funnest imo. Quantum Mechanics is good for this. The info, yes, but the challenge and expansion it is to the mind much more so. Sooner or later it pops like a balloon that never was.
  15. I love you. What part? What specific questions arise? That’d help me clarify. Imo the best time for the message is always. Of course, you’re not trying to offend anyone or argue, you’re just sharing the love that you are. ‘Helpful’ is subjectively defined by (in this case) your friend. Yet, who would argue with a statement like “my life, and your life, and this place can use all the love we can realize”. Questions (rather than statements) that come to mind for him might be...“Is there the possibility of an evidence which changes your perspective?”...”If so, what would that evidence be?” Likely, this leads to talking about direct experience. Then at least he has considered this, seeing that it is in his own hands, likely & hopefully in a deeper way which he never has before. Yes, common via psychedelics without proper foundation. What happens following realization is purification. What seems to happen can range from a giant mess of a life and finite a smoother and more fulfilling series of releases and endless insights. I don’t think it’s a mistake. Love is just crazy. I have a hunch your presence already says the message. The Buddha quote comes to mind, “If someone gives you a gift, which you refuse, to whom does the gift belong?” It works ‘both ways’. (You and friend) ♥️??
  16. Make a dreamboard and they will inevitably both come to fruition and will be realized to be one in the same.
  17. You could remember that you do. You’ve had times in your life where you felt absolutely amazing, and it was precisely due to the fundamentals, exactly what you mentioned there. Right now, you’re playing a role, similar to the guy in Hoosiers who was initially ‘too good’ for the fundamentals. It is what he really wants, and the suffering of suppressing that desire, which led him humbly back to participating in the fundamentals. You can choose to create it, to go in that direction, whenever you want. You can realize you’re on ‘team humans’ with the rest of us anytime. Your question contains within it the statement, that you currently, do not want to do the basics. That’s fine. Don’t beat up on yourself for it. It truly does not matter. Other humans will indeed continue to support you. Be comforted by this, again, don’t beat up on yourself. You can take the healing time you need, and see that you have desire to be part of something bigger than ‘yourself’. All in due time. Heal up, let negative self talk go (like what you said about yourself above). Go one inch at a time. Every morning, wether you actually intend to do any of the fundamentals or not, just say aloud “I can do it, I have the discipline, I have the will power, I have the drive, I will do the basics”. The turn around starts there, intimately at ‘home’, within you. Change the inner-monologue, the self talk, and the world does very literally begin to change right before your eyes. The key imo, for you, is when feeling begins to empty out, when the emotional misunderstandings and negative beliefs about yourself begin to come up & out - (no offense saying this to point to opportunity of healing & progress) you rather immediately not only jump to believing the arising thought story about ‘yourself’, but you spider web it into the biggest worst case scenario ‘my entire life’ picture you possibly can, and you reinforce negative false beliefs about yourself. This is indicative of self-refusal. As a personal example, I went through a self-refusal around introversion and being recluse a good while back. I didn’t realize I was using it as an excuse, and that that was the basis, or root of much misunderstanding emotions and drive. Once I accepted it, all that misunderstanding came up and out. I loved that I am that way, and therefore got to experience that love is not like the ‘things’ of the world, it is magical. Hard to explain, but nowadays, being introverted and recluse pairs perfectly with being social and extroverted. None of these describe me, they never actually did. I had pigeoned holed myself by the thinking the way I, in the personhood sense was, was “wrong”, that this was “something which is wrong with me”. Self-love and acceptance changes reality and how we interact with it. It is transcendent of stuff like “introverted or extroverted”, and any other dualities that might come to mind. Suffering is something you create. Suffering is not the default, which you ‘need’ to escape from. You create your own suffering with what you say and think of yourself. You do this now - or you don’t do this now. Even the thought story “hell of my own mind”, is a cover up which perpetuates the suppression & avoidance of feeling. There is not a ‘you’, a ‘hell’, and a ‘mind’ in direct experience, by which that statement could be true. It’s one thought, which arises, which you believe and share, in a victim mindset. (“I” am the victim of “my mind”). Holding negative beliefs about yourself, and suppressing & avoiding feeling, feels so bad - that you literally make up that story and blame a “my mind”, just to try to make sense of it. But ‘making sense’ simply means feeling. If you were to feel more, you would face the fact that what’s behind all of this, is your belief something’s wrong with you. Nothing’s wrong with you to begin with. I love you exactly as you are, and this is something you can do too. Judgement is a stickler, but it can be purified / let go. Feeling wise, there is an obviousness there which seems to go right over your head. If that were true you’d feel great. Notice your life is sustained, that is to say - notice in this very moment you are living - not because of your own efforts & independence, but because other people are taking care of you. Sort of a must in the single digit ages, but it gets old the older we get. No one will ever force you to appreciate anything per se, with the exception of reality experienced as suffering. If you don’t want to thank someone, express appreciation & gratitude for anything, you certainly don’t have to. But, it won’t feel good, because of who you really are ‘inside’ you might say. There is a somewhat (and more each day) defined criteria and distinction behind that particular diagnosis, and many varying degrees therein. That has been established by the medical profession / industry. If so and to what degree would be a measurement of adjacency to that diagnosis as it has so far been defined. So you would have to go to a doctor, and compare, to see if and to what extent you meet that diagnosis. I would only caution not to go down any thought paths of it being ‘something wrong with you’ or someone else. In my personal estimate so to speak, it is just another indication of the extent to which we truly are ‘all in this together’, as ‘no man is an island’, and no finite mind is in actuality individual.
  18. @Tim R Shot in the dark here... If he were to self realize, purification of karma (or adversely / alternatively, a ‘new’ awareness ‘he’s’ carrying a ton of emotional resistance & denying it for the duration of ‘his’ lifetime) follows. Experientially, that’s no ‘small potatoes’ we’re talkin about, that’s ‘his’ life (to ‘him’). It’ll change everything in his entire life, and simultaneously it changes nothing because it’s what was already the case (no self, no lifetime to begin with). From ‘your’ or ‘my’ perspective, it might be a much welcomed perpetual delight of love, relief, release, healing and understanding...from his perspective it might be a total nightmare you’re hinting toward him unpacking. Can you honestly say you are in touch with that suffering he is experiencing, evidenced even by his consideration reality could just as well be Hate? ? Can you really ‘go back that far’ so to speak to actually share his experience / perspective / discord / suffering? I would argue that you can not. You can not unsee, unfeel, this love, and ‘get back there’. Which is why you’re wanting him to ‘know’ this love. So in a way, you’re saying ‘come on over here dude it’s unbelievably awesome!’... and he’s denying (himself) that. Anything come to mind, that might come to mind in his shoes, in his life, which he may not be ready to experience the purification of? There are countless examples, but to draw out an extreme example for communication, imagine Hitler’s purification of karma compared to a guy who say, basically worked hard at a gas station to provide for his family his whole life. I would imagine that Hitler would respond at least a hundred times in deflection of the truth being shared with him, as not to feel how ‘off the mark’ the actions of his life have been. Again, ?. Whereas gas station guy could ‘hear’ more readily, because he could just continue working as he has been, Hitler’s whole day to day is going to have to completely flip. Every thought, every relationship, every activity of his every day. The karma of “maybe I could’ve lived more to my potential, and loved more” is not quite the same as “oh my fucking God I murdered people”. In the ‘final analysis’ of course, there is no difference, but the purification of karma in getting there is quite experientially different. So, it’s possible that beneath the thinking & talking chatter, your friend does ‘hear’, but is not ready to ‘hear’. It’s good to stay mindful that one never actually knows what actual thinking is transpiring in another, or really, to the degree, if it actually is. Also of course, it’s possible I’m completely off. It just came to mind. If this is ‘on’ though, you could see that he is “keeping it up at the thinking level”, so that it does not encroach upon “the feeling level”, or his “my life”. I can appreciate the neo advaita approach-less approach, yet I can also appreciate and feel compassion for the suffering or ignore-ance, or, the complete dismissal of addressing the purification & karma. Jim Newman for example, hysterical, I laugh my head off every time. But if I was listening to him sitting next to Hitler, I might ‘laugh inside’ so to speak, because of understanding.
  19. It’s a habit of self referential thinking. Notice when you are thinking about yourself, and think about what you are wanting to create, and why, instead. It’s a habit of judgement. On both accounts, notice you are making an arbitrary measurement and distinction which is not in your favor, and does not feel inspiring. You would have to isolate a specific segment to call the beginning and end, by which you could establish you ‘failed’, or ‘are doing enough or not’, or ‘are delusional or not’. Notice that you are imposing that view and do not have to. You could also say in recognizing that, that there will always be something next, you will never reach a ‘done’ point, and so you could never ultimately establish if you ‘failed’ or ‘succeeded’, or ‘did enough’ or ‘didn’t do enough’. This points back to the only point itself, which is life for the experiencing of life. That is the joy of being. Anything else is icing on a miracle. “Think Less ? Love More”.
  20. Truly, you can be all these things and infinity more, which is precisely why you are appearing as this universe exactly as it is. There is even the potential to fully remember and be fully aware that you are. Imo, this is most worthwhile. This is no small feat however, as all conditions & identification with the body mind will be transcended. That is to say, you will experience the undoing of what you are presently forgetting you did. It can get crazy but again, I can’t recommend returning home to your true nature enough. For the time being, I would focus on positive statements as to why you want these things you do. I would weed out any motives, any desire which is really a desire of avoiding something for holding a perspective of fear. Be most articulate in stating in the form of positive vision & affirmation, as it makes all the difference. What you are focused on is being banned from the forum. If what you really desire is other-than participating on the forum, do not resist that desire. Perhaps it is a natural intuition that you want to focus on something else more so. Again, focus, positive vision & affirmation imo would serve you really well. It’s a direct experience ‘thing’, so you’d have to sincerely give it a go.