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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Much love ?? There could come a moment when you indeed realize you failed and it ended. But you would soon enough laugh at the thought, and think something else, which is the inherent evidence you didn’t fail, and it didn’t end. This would be like driving ten miles and calling it a failure and an end...while missing you’re still driving the car. I would argue that there is no infinite line, only infinite humor.
  2. You don’t have to think, act, or speak, like other people. At all. Let listening to your heart sort out some fundamental perspectives and patterns of thinking you learned from others, that might be micro, but aren’t serving you none the less. Watch out for moments of ‘trying to be understood’ / expecting other people to ‘come along’ with your new perspectives, and feel the being at peace, of undertaking your own unique journey, your way . Have compassion & understanding for them, especially those closest to you, rather than losing your head over it. Not everyone is going to ride the cusp of their own callings and expansion. Be mindful you don’t need them to, nor to understand that you are.
  3. @Javfly33 Beautiful. It is wild. The truth is just too good to be true. Yet here we are. ?
  4. @wk197 When resistant thoughts arise, resistant as in ‘doesn’t feel good to you’ - let them go. No need to change really. With so much to let go of, the change you desire will be the natural outcome of letting go.
  5. @preventingdiabetes ??
  6. @B_HAZ Could help with understanding, healing, closure. Also she might deny it, which might sting a bit. So, it’s hard to say. You’ve got to feel that out and choose for yourself. If you do, and she does initially deny it...try not to be too reactionary. Give it time for her potential shock and reactions to process. It might ‘open the door’ to talking in a few days.
  7. Yesterday I was playing with my kids, and I asked them what it was like when they were born. They both drew a blank. I asked if they’d ever thought about how weird it is that they don’t remember being born, as in, there’s a ‘gap’ as to their own ‘beginning’. They did think this was weird. I pointed out, how when they were born, having no idea what’s going on in this place, we take care of them while they’re learning the place and figuring things out. Then I explained, that mom and dad are in that same boat, that we too were born with no clue of what the hell is really going on...and that everyone here was born into here and also doesn’t remember how they actually got here, so literally no one on the planet really knows what the hell is going on at all. But, there’s no ‘stop’ or ‘pause’ nor ‘rewind’ button, so we’re all just in ‘play’ mode and figuring stuff out together as we go. They thought this was hysterical for some reason. I mentioned that it’s really important, no matter what they face, to keep an open mind that we all chose this. Knowing we will not know a damn thing, be totally vulnerable, and that it’s a total crap shoot ‘who’ you’re gonna be, entirely random, and completely unfair, still, we all chose this. My son (10) said “that doesn’t sound legit. If I chose, I’d have picked to be the fastest kid in my class”. My daughter (9) went into a deep contemplative / staring into the wall state. Then she told her brother “it’s because who we really are is love. From love’s perspective, love just loves you whoever you are. Love don’t really care if you’re the fastest or not”. Through meditation, and expression, you’ll discover anger, anxiety, and hopelessness, are all literally love, being labeled. If you label feeling, you are ‘thinking feeling’, which is not actually possible. If you don’t label feeling, and just, feel, all the labels are coming up and out. Many, we’re identified with, even though they didn’t feel good. They’re not gonna feel great coming up & out either, but you will feel amazing lasting relief after they do. The key, is not ‘falling’ for the ‘thought story’, (which you were kicking ass on btw)....until you fell for the thought story about getting lost in thoughts and feeling being anger, anxiety, and hopelessness. Those are thinking, perspectives, labels upon feeling - and we can not think feeling. By labelling, you create distinctions & define the experience, and ‘separate yourself’ from feeling. By believing the thought story, the feeling is suppressed a little bit. That suppressed feeling keeps the mind ruminating, as it has to keep up with all the labelling. It’s a lot to keep track of, a lot of effort & energy. Express feeling. Be a partner in the up & out of it. Write, draw, paint, sing, carve, ...anything you like. Expression is healing. A flower doesn’t label itself in anyway, it just blooms, and the flower does not suffer. It is in no way against itself, and it has no purpose, it is just beautiful for no one. Imo, you should be incredibly excited about the path. You will inevitably self realize, and know unequivocally that there is no randomness to who you are, that it is completely fair, and that you’d choose it again and again. The ‘traps of the mind’ are all arising from you, without exception. You learned em from this place innocently. How else could it be? Infinite can not know finite. Also, you don’t have to keep believing them, and as you don’t, feeling cleans you right out proper. Rather than there being something to escape, there is awareness creating, was all along...and you’re already making this place better, counterintuitively, just from letting go of what does not resonate with you. (It’s likely not going to resonate for the next ‘forgetter’ either). From what you said about mushrooms....I’d relabel them ‘letting go medicine’.
  8. @nahtanoj What a great read and writer. Thanks for sharing. Very insight-full. It brought this jem to mind... “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” - Corinthians
  9. @Michael569 ?
  10. ?‍♂️ ?...☺️? Deeply contemplated that. Thank you for the laugh. Can’t stop.
  11. @preventingdiabetes Thank God you ‘received it’. I was flirtin with guidelines there. ? It’s 100% up to you. Just be wise enough to make the distinction between your own direct experience, perspectives and attitude, and what someone else says about theirs. Don’t put anyone on an authority pedestal. Nobody has anything on the actuality of being you, and direct experience. One man’s “dark stuff to deal with”, is another mans’ release & relief. All the trouble starts when we contextualize feeling. It’s the most common hijack in the world. If you desire to be free of monkey mind, be mindful when you’re resonating with it in regard to someone else. Having said is my opinion that not a single word can actually be said about what meditation is. So IMO, guided meditations are not meditation, but rather soothing, which is fine. I choose to hold that distinction. What works for you, what heals (assists in release), is paramount to ‘where you are’ wherever you are. Guided meditations are a nice segway perhaps, only you could connect the dots as to if guided meditations perpetuate monkey mind. I will say from direct experience relatively for a few years now - no mind is most worthwhile. There is much to be said for “pure” meditation, focusing on stomach breathing and feeling, letting all thoughts appear and disappear, as is natural. But again, the words don’t really say anything about meditation, just pointings. You have to ‘go see’. Practically speaking, if interested, it may go something like this. One begins meditation by focusing on breathing from the stomach, relaxing, and feeling. One notices how much the focus routinely goes right back to thinking. One gently, with no self judgement, brings focus back to the stomach breathing and feeling. As this transpires, there are really only two courses: getting frustrated and quitting, or, returning focus to stomach breathing, relaxing, and feeling. It is that simple. What is not simple, only appears to not be simple...because of continuing to believe the thoughts, about it not being simple, rather than returning focus to breathing from the stomach, feeling, and relaxing the entire body. I trust you can see that the choice, in essence, is ending monkey mind or not. The monkey mind “itself” is only thoughts. There is no mind ‘there’. Analogously, there is no traffic, without cars. Traffic, is only the cars. “Traffic” has no actuality. ‘That there is a mind’ is a thought. (Unless you directly experience being outside of it, and literally get to see what it is). I would do that meditation (non guided) twice a day, for 20 minutes, and I would slowly work up to 1 hr in the morning. It is incredibly counter intuitive - initially - that everything you want in your life is going to actually come from the doing nothing that meditation is. But what you’ll likely find, is that the reason you utilize guided meditation instead of what I am calling “pure” meditation, is because of fear of feeling. Drop that. Feeling is desire, is love, is self, is creation. Not-feeling is avoidance, suppression, delusional, and suffering. Certainty is feeling (love), uncertainty is thinking (choice, creation). The human condition, when successful, is ‘riding that wave’ in between, which is why meditation is literally The Middle Way. Buy tissues or handkerchiefs. Expect emotional misunderstanding and misidentification to come up - and let it out. Focus on stomach breathing, relaxing, and feeling - while a million thought stories about feeling bubble up and are emptied out. Do not be afraid, whenever you find yourself being afraid - recognize there is a thought story you are getting sucked into. Do no be afraid to feel. Write what you really want on your dreamboard - and it is already so. “It” is not “coming”, and “it” is not going to “instantly manifest in front of you”, this , reality, is already unfolding in perfect alignment with your vibration. Reality appears solid, but is actually you (love) vibrating to create “expereince”. You do not have to think about the “how”. Reality is unconditional love, “you” are designed to experience, which inherently create preferences, and to express those preferences as the creating of this reality - just for the experience. Are You Experienced? I. MF’ing. AM.
  12. “Thoughts arrive like butterflies...but he don’t know, and so he chases them away”.
  13. @Michael569 Ya. Don’t go ‘Randy Marsh’ on the situation.
  14. Uh...what was the awakening, exactly?
  15. Laws are a lot like’s not enough to make them. It’s not enough to pretend there’s a separate self in there. Just gotta investigate and “hold the laws”.
  16. @B_HAZ That’s terrible to hear. Sorry you had to experience that. Why’d she do that? Curiosity, exploration, maybe she was molested?
  17. “Loser”, “stupid normies”, “luck”, “what most people do”, “they are too dumb”, “identifying yourself with an attitude, habits, and disorders”, “what I don’t have”.. If I was judging myself & others, and holding perspectives of lack, shortage, etc, I would be suffering exactly as you are, as that is what suffering is, and that is how you’re recreating it over & over. That is what is “so hard”. It is exhausting, and you want to quit. But that means you’re going to feel. Stop being afraid to feel. It is love. You learned all that garbage. Let it go. Unlearn it. Recognize the suffering in feeling not ‘going there’ when you do think & share the ‘garbage’. That is what feels terrible. Stop doing it, and you’ll stop suffering. You can do anything you focus on. Stop focusing on garbage. Start focusing on what you already know you want. Write it on a dreamboard to make it foolproof and easy. It is not your past nor future which you care about, nor your perspectives. It is only how you feel, right now, that matters to you. Be honest with yourself about this, and clarity and inspiration are yours. There is truly only this present moment precisely as it appears. All else is the ruminating mind. That is what meditation is for. Stop being the slave to a mind, and get behind it, where it is directed. Change your environment to what feels good to you. Change your words to those which feel good to you. Talk slower, deliberately, as if - when you speak, it is so. Notice this is already the case. Be willing to be brutally honest with yourself.
  18. @LfcCharlie4 Yep. It’s just a link to a resource, more or less. Not self promoting, or sharing copyrighted material.
  19. A dreamboard! (To be as specific & literal as possible...) My advice would be to build the foundation: Get enough sleep, and get up early. Exercise every morning, followed by meditation every morning & a second meditation again in the afternoon around 5pm. Eat / drink a clean healthy diet. Dreamboard: Write what you really want, unabashedly. Do not give a fuck what anyone thinks of you or of what you want. Nobody is gonna die for you, and ain’t nobody living for you either. Live for you, so to speak. This is your life. This is not a rehearsal, this is ‘it’. It is, and will continue to be, what you make it - what you create it to be. When you write what you really want on your board...some limiting beliefs are gonna come up. (A belief is just a thought you’ve been repeating, that’s all). You’re going to learn that suffering is focusing on perspectives rooted in these limiting beliefs about yourself and what you’re capable of. You’ll release them from the body, and in doing so you will learn never to fear feeling, but to allow it to guide you. That is spirituality. It’s never found on a page, video, practice, or trip. The “real deal” as @LfcCharlie4 is pointing out, is this living of life, this desire, this creating, this purifying yourself of your own bullshit and any negative self talk & beliefs. When you do this... inner being, Source, God, The True Self... is more and more known in feeling, and viscerally known in yourself and your living. Feel the source within loving you, and encouraging you to dream big and live the life you wanna live. That’s fearing you’re own feeling, as it is thinking / ruminating, and it is not making a dreamboard and seeing that the universe does indeed deliver. Stop being afraid by recognizing thinking is chalked full of uncertainty...feeling however is certainty. You think way to much and meditation twice a day will change this. Thinking is to choose. That’s it. It evolved as communication for humans. That’s it. The world’s addicted to thinking & conceptualizing. Break that addiction with meditation. You’ll feel amazing. Stick to it, never be afraid to feel, never be afraid to dream big. It’s all castles made of sand, you aren’t taking anything with you when you go. Don’t die with regrets, die fucking amazed at the life you lived. Start right now. Again, sort through your own ruminating to hear the love in this statement - nobody cares dude. Live your life right now. Make a dreamboard right now. Notice excuses, pause, feel, let em go, and make a dreamboard. Hold out your hands and look and see what’s in em. Nothin. Cause it’s just more thinking and it doesn’t amount to anything. Make a dreamboard. I love you, hope you feel that in this attempt to slap your face so you start life. Go splash some cold water on your face, go outside and breathe! Enough thinking! You’ve got to come to terms with that you are currently scared shitless of living your life. When you choose to stop all this ruminating about desire, life purpose, enlightenment, etc, and simple begin by writing what you want on your dreamboard, your body is going to release pent up emotions and limiting beliefs, and the outcome is going to be ACTUAL passion and clarity. Not more thinking. You have more than enough time in your days to do everything you want to do. Enough with your bullshit my friend. Wake yourself the fuck up. I love you, I really, really do. When I need the wake up slap in the face, I expect you to help me too.
  20. @cetus Gotcha. Yes I agree. That could give folks the wrong idea. The hero of the day....@Eren Eeager ? ?