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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. The same era / generation which dubbed psychedelics ‘bad’ also repurposed the term ‘conspiracy theory’ / or ‘theorist’. A conspiracy is when two people break the law. Like if my kids take money out of my wallet. Lol. I am not the conspiracy theorist which questions and investigates this - they are what the word conspiracy points to. What’s in question is if my little devils teamed up, planned it, and executed the plan. If so, they conspired. An investigator is not a conspiracist, or a conspiracy theorist. The people being investigated are being investigated to determine if they conspired - which only means, if they broke a law knowingly together. The only relevant information is who, what laws, and if they were broken. The best way that I can think of in mustering & exercising as much devilry as possible to break laws with my buds and have our actions go unchecked, would be to sling identity onto those who are potentially inspecting, and passive aggressively (even that is saying too much) attack their self esteem, self worth, character, reputation, and self image. With a label. That has no actual meaning.
  2. In ‘your own’ immediately verifiable direct experience, there is no actuality of an objective view or perspective, by which anything could be said to be or not be valid. That is kind of the prior & overall point. All points of view, in all of existence = “human” points of view. That’s it. The ‘point’ of the ‘all of existence ‘part’ ‘, is only the experience. If you are getting what I’m saying, the implications would likely be profound. So much so that it sounds crazy or impossible. I’d say it is crazy & impossible too. But it is, nonetheless. Apparently (which is in accordance with direct experience). You can look for separation in de between an object seen, the seeing, and the awareness or knowing of the seeing, and notice there is no actual separation. You can inspect the apparent ‘ring’ of your peripheral vision and notice though it sure as hell seems like there is an edge there, between what is seen and what is not, or behind you so to speak, there actually is not. At all. There is only the thought “behind me”.
  3. I agree. All concepts are conceptual. Direct experience rules out what is not direct experience, what is only conceptualized. That’s all. ? Well, you can if you abide only by direct experience.
  4. That’s an assumed concept, it is not direct experience. Also concept and not actual. Me. There is not really any “consciousness” . That is you. Experienced what?
  5. @RedLine I suppose it’s your games to play, your pain to hold. Godspeed.
  6. Well, in kind, I didn’t say I’m confused, I said I think there is some confusion, as in I think your statements conflict each other. I also think ‘everyone is missing the point’, because there is no point. As in, you’re not really interested in feedback, but rather just sharing, which is great. That you take that comment as an assessment of some sort, as to “how awoke or not you are”, is really on you, if indeed that is how you’re thinking. I understand you giving an impression of being awake, in a thread entitled “Leaving everything to pursue love”. That in & of itself is nonsensical of course. If you don’t want to work, and the tax paying working people of your country will pay for you, and that is actually what you want to do (homelessness), I wish you the best. In the end, thread wise, it’s unconscious trolling, imo.
  7. @Moksha The ‘point’ (if you will) is this experience. All else is secondary and apparent, serving that there is, experience, including “a brain”. It’s a blatant all encompassing cover up. Consider the odds of this moment as it is in eternity, or even ‘since the big bang’. What are the chances man is the size between an atom & the earth? There are no odds or chances of this, because they would be based on a physical universe existing, determinism, causation, separation, etc. It is also blatantly evidenced in the non sensory of words (which did not and do not come from humans). When you are saying ‘brain’, there is awareness of ‘brain’ (wether it’s recognized as a thought or thought to be a separate object) but when I say ‘there is brain of awareness’, I sound like a love drunk fool. We can observe the brain stopping in others. That is perception & thought. The cover up is that tight.
  8. If the separate self is an illusion, what is the actuality? That’d have to be the answer to the why. Again, if there is an illusion, what is actual? No. That is literal nonsense.
  9. I think there is some confusion. I’m not sure being homeless would be helpful.
  10. @Someone here Well, what’s ‘the finite mind’?
  11. @Someone here It might sound odd at first but one can get so lost in conception one misses the actuality of it, infinite creation. “The first time you feel it, it might make you sad, the next time you feel it, it might make you mad, but you’ll be glad baby when you’ve found, that’s the power makes the world go round.” - Huey Lewis & The Message @VeganAwake Well said not God. ??
  12. Anger = I’m not feeling. F that. (Fear) Sit and feel into it, rather than weave a story, or another into it, and it disappears every single time. Love never fails. “I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder, as I’m gettin older y’all people gets colder. Most of us only care about money makin, selfishness got us followin the wrong direction. Wrong information always shown by the media, negative images is the main criteria, infecting young minds faster than bacteria - kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema. What ever happened to the values of humanity? What ever happened to the fairness in equality? Instead of spreading glove we’re spreading animosity, lack of understanding leading us away from unity. That’s the reason why sometimes I’m feelin under! That’s the reason why sometimes I’m feelin down! It’s no wonder why sometimes I’m feelin under - gotta keep the faith alive till love is found. Where is the love?!” A band named indicative of that message, The Black Eyed Peas. The black eye is already here. At least get the peas of it.
  13. Ya buuuuuut.....what if it’s literally actually true that there’s no you? In that case, “you’d” be telling infinity (yourself) what it can’t give an apparent ‘you’ (itself), and missing the Message of the intuition and suffering. “You” would be attracting precisely that. “This stuff” could not be more about, more intrinsically, more indicative of, ‘your life’. “It” is only bypassing if “it” is utilized as such.
  14. Someone who believes they are not worthy compensates for that suffering by judging, measuring & comparing themself to others. It’s monkey mind, rumination, trying to ‘fix’ the feeling without addressing the belief. But they miss they aren’t actually comparing themself, only the idea of themself. It does not feel true because it is not true, and feels like suffering because of the discord with The Truth, until the belief in “worthy” and “unworthy” is inspected, transcended & intrinsically surrendered. Yes. Yes. Meditation every morning. It was realized attachment to thought was the issue, not to ‘things’ per se. “Worthy & unworthy” are thoughts I identified with, limiting beliefs. No mind isn’t per se a mindset. Mindset is like ice cubes, no mind is water.
  15. Leave everything to persue love? What if love is everything?
  16. I agree. Yet, only up to the point where the infinity you speak of is direct experience. Then, it is most definitely not all relative, baby.
  17. No, it’s entirely the opposite direction if you will. Your perspective there is solipsistic. One only thought one loved a wife because there is only love.
  18. Without the thought narrative of a myself, the clear sky is ever present. The narrative is the clouds. What are the clouds, the beliefs, the barriers?
  19. @wk197 Great to hear you’re meditating! When thoughts arise like “negative feeling”, feel instead.
  20. @SirVladimir Absolutely nailed it man. Wonderful share. ??