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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Yes, I got the self reference. It was just a suggestion.
  2. Meditation could be thought of as unthinkable truth, and if so, allow the truth that you don’t actually know how others see you. Receive that relief of what is true. If you receive that truth you’ll feel liberated. Careful with vilifying meditation, truth, and awareness. Sometimes people fragment their way into nihilism like that. If a perspective doesn’t feel good, inspect the perspective, rather than avoiding or suppressing. There may be a hint of the fragmentation already present. Meditation, like retreats, isn’t in the ‘productive’ category really. That is In large part so to speak, what is let go in meditation & retreats.
  3. Devil. @electroBeam Lol! I see it now. Nice.
  4. @Persipnei Absolutely astounding how direct, simple & clear it was all along isn’t it! ? . . . . . ? ☄️ ? ? ? ?
  5. @Someone here Try to Rewrite your post without using the words... "you”, “your”, “not you”, or “whom”.
  6. @Quantum Toad ? “The only thing I’ll ever ask of you - gotta promise not to stop when I say when.” Everlong. ? ?
  7. Zero Is Infinity. ? Everything's so blurry, and everyone's so fake. Everybody's empty, and everything is so messed up. Preoccupied without You, I cannot live at all. My whole world surrounds You, I stumble then I crawl. You could be my someone, You could be my scene. You know that I'll protect You, from all of the obscene. I wonder what You're doing, imagine where You are. There's oceans in between us, but that's not very far. Can You take it all away? Well You shoved it in my face! This pain You gave to me! Can You take it all away? Everyone is changing, there's no one left that's real. So make up Your own ending, and let me know just how You feel. Cause I am lost without You, I cannot live at all. My whole world surrounds You I stumble then I crawl. Nobody told me what You thought, nobody told me what to say. Everyone showed You where to turn, told You when to run away. For seventeen year I been throwin em back. Seventeen more will bury me. Won’t somebody please tie me down... or somebody just give me another god damned drink. My heart is achin. My hands are shakin. Bugs are crawlin all over me. My heart is achin, hands are shakin, monster are crawling Inside of me. Somewhere over the rainbow way up high, there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why, can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow, why, oh, why can't I? Just a young gun with a quick fuse. I was uptight, wanna let loose. I was dreaming of bigger things, and wanna leave my old life behind. Not a yes-sir, not a follower. Fit the box, fit the mold, have a seat in the foyer, and take a number. I was lightning before the thunder. Kids were laughing in my classes, while I was scheming for the masses. Who do you think you are? Dreaming 'bout being a ‘big star’. They say You're basic, they say You're easy, You're always riding in the back seat, now I'm smiling from the stage while You are clapping in the nosebleeds. I was lightening before the thunder. I was playing in the beginning, but the mood all changed. Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got to go. I cannot grow old in Salem's Lot, so here I go, it's my shot - feet, fail me not - this may be the only opportunity that I got. I don’t care. I can’t pay attention. And I don’t give a damn about your intentions, at all. I don’t care if it’s seven in the mornin, for all I care it could be the second coming. You say you can’t take it anymore - it’s a really big deal, an extremely big deal! We’re always alright. We’re always alright. Were always alright. We’re always alright. We’re always alright. I used to spend my nights out in a bar room. Liquor was the only love I've known. But you rescued me from reaching For the bottle, and you brought me back from Being too far gone. You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey, You're as sweet as strawberry wine, You're as warm as a glass of brandy, And I stay stoned on your love all the time. We were howlin at the moon.
  8. Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses. Evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death's construction. In the fields the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to Mankind poisoning their brainwashed minds... Oh Lord. Politicians hide themselves away, they only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor. Time will tell on their power minds, making war just for fun. Treating people just like pawns in chess, wait 'till their judgment day comes. Now in darkness, world stops turning - ashes where the bodies burning. No more war pigs have the power, hand of God has struck the hour. Day of Judgment, God is calling, on their knees the war pigs crawling. Begging mercy for their sins, satan, laughing, spreads his wings. Oh Lord. But I'm holding on for dear life! Won't look down, won't open my eyes! Keep my glass full until morning light! 'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight! Help me, I'm holding on for dear life! Won't look down, won't open my eyes! Keep my glass full until morning light! 'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight! On for tonight! Sun is up, I'm a mess, Gotta get out now, gotta run from this, Here comes the shame, here comes the shame. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink And we'll never be royals. It don't run in our blood. That kind of luxe just ain't for us. We crave a different kind of buzz. Let me be your ruler (‘ruler’), You can call me queen Bee. And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule. Let me live that fantasy. ?
  9. You do not need someone else to motivate you. You want someone else to motivate you. Very important distinction, because it’s in the direction of the deeper realization, that you actually don’t want someone else to motivate you. You want to feel the visceral inspiration of your dream for your life manifesting, actualizing. You want to dream it and live it consciously. You want to be creating consciously, and to know in every cell of your body that you are living the fullest life possible, having no regrets when you are done here. You are fully capable of imagining the life you want to live and living it in your true nature of love, inspiration and creating. What you want is both beyond and yet relative to what you’ve experienced. Looking for that to come from someone else will never fit, because you have not experienced the relativity of their life, relatively speaking. Only ‘yours’. You can inspect, let go of, and thus remove the barriers you have put in place with regard to your well being and natural inspiration to consciously create. This thread exemplifies the opposite, and that (I presume) is what isn’t resonating. (Not anything anyone else says). It would be hard to make a case that any other human has shared more content, with more nuance, passion & insight in precisely this matter, than Leo. Not to mention, via a vehicle or means of delivery - which is literally - free - to you. I realize that could be interpreted as having a certain ‘overly gratuitous’ ring to it, but I am saying it because I find it to be true & accurate by a very large margin. It’d be a shame for someone to contextualize their own way out of missing what he’s offering by spinning it back on him. If ever you do not find someone inspiring enough - stop and recognize where inspiration is, where it’s coming from. To draw out the point more deeply you might consider a neighbor, who hasn’t done anything or offered anything to others, and then compare them (really their offering) with Leo(‘s). You might find you are telling an ocean it is not wet enough for you while missing the boat it is pointing to all together. The fulcrum of your resistance, imo, is your belief that it is even possible to “work on myself’. You are yourself, and are perfect. You will not be able to change perfect. You can however, inspect all beliefs to the contrary. I would nip that in the bud, cut it at it’s root. When a thought arises about how you need to “work on yourself”, instead bring what you actually want in this life experience to mind, and write it on your dreamboard. This is to welcome desire, to unify through it, with it, as it, and to realize and bring to life more clearly your preferences, your vision, and to shift focus to them rather than on lack, be it yours or someone else’s. This in and of itself Is the ever present, ever available love which flushes out it’s own self limiting beliefs...such as that there is anything ‘wrong’ with you, or that you have ‘short comings’, or are ‘lacking’, and need someone else.
  10. @LfcCharlie4 Well then, you sir are a goat.
  11. @electroBeam Was not meant as a ‘bold claim’ lol. Simply humor related to the nature of the thread. Admittedly, I often forget people are serious about their egos & views etc. Did not mean any offense or ‘boldness’.
  12. @Adam M (I’m assuming we’re both laughing.)
  13. @wk197 Yes, lots of work. But I have feet and sight to find work. I have hands to do it. I have feeling & thoughts, and can change my attitude & perspective accordingly. I feel very grateful for these things, as I see not everyone is as blessed. @LfcCharlie4 ...Googling this ‘goat’ thingy.
  14. @Adam M You are stupid and not as woke as me.
  15. @wk197 Yes indeed, thank you. The luckiest man on earth.
  16. @Anon212 Just some sharing here, don’t mean to be self indulgent but thought a share of a different perspective & frame of reference might be useful to you. I have a deeply fulfilling marriage, a wonderful fun family, some really precious deep friendships, very fulfilling hobbies & interests like poetry, drawing, painting, guitar & singing that develop more & more as I go, am a millionaire, and meet with people daily on skype, zoom, and at a yoga & reiki center helping with self realization & awakening. I worked three jobs while in college full time to pay for it. I never had a loan, or any financial backing. I got my first job when I was 13, to buy clothes that weren’t my older brothers. I exercise & meditate each morning, and eat in accordance with well being. I’ve never been to an ashram. I don’t believe my thoughts. I use a dreamboard every day, and I never think about what I should be doing, and am never at a loss for what I want to do next. It is already on the board. I add to it as I go. I am just get started.
  17. Meaning for ‘things’ arises in humans, and as such ‘things’ should do what ‘things’ should do, relative to the meaning, and the human the meaning arose in. No ‘thing’, and by that I mean to say no person, object, or experience, will ever be as Good, as Goodness is, Good. Which is not a problem at all, for no thing. No thing can compare no thing to a thing, but misses that it is, no thing, and all apparent things.
  18. @arlin Your experience of definitions, is actually that of connotations.
  19. @Inder What is this “life” you keep talking about?
  20. I’m not even trying to go that far really. Just that the terms, conspiracy, conspire, has nothing to do with the identity of a person looking into it. As an example, imagine if someone was alleging they’re being abused. They wouldn’t call an ‘Abuse Theorist’. The subject matter at hand of abuse is not associated with the identity of a Police Officer, Detective, Social Worker, or maybe Nurse who looks into the abuse. Not necessarily. And I would say they’re you. ? What difference that makes if any in terms of identity remains to be seen. Again, I wouldn’t say it detracts someone else. If it detracts, I would say I am detracted. ‘Real investigation’ likewise imo, if it is to be defined as anything, it could not be secondary to your investigation. Not in the personal sense, but in the ‘direct experience is always king’ sense. I don’t know if I would agree that labeling people as separate things such as conspiracy theorists is a ‘campaign’ in that way. It seemed like a one-off kind of thing to me. Like each of us do or don’t.
  21. You might be mistaking what I’m saying. I am not changing a label, and I am not talking about conspiracy theorists. I am saying it’s a legal matter. People either broke a law or they did not. Then maybe laws & regulations change, maybe not. Just like if you were to rob a house. Nobody cares about your story legally speaking, you either did or didn’t rob a house, and laws about robbing houses change, or don’t.