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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. It is good to recognize, that a belief is already recognized, as a belief. Also, there are billions of people. One will say video games are great, another will say they’re terrible. Which one do you listen to? I vote you, and the realization you don’t actually ever experience or know what anyone else is thinking. It only seems like this is so, if you mistake your thought about what someone else thinks, or what society thinks, as what someone else or society thinks. I think Leo has a video entitled something like “How to not give a fuck”. I’d watch that. “...the problem is to believe what I am now has anything to do with what I was in the past.” May seem like I’m being critical or semantical, but I am saying this for your benefit - that is still a belief that there is a past & a ‘you’ that is or was in it. The belief is that there is a “past”. Direct experience says there is no past. Thought ‘says’ there is a past. Thought ‘says’ there is an “I “. In the same manor it can be said - are you going to listen to what you think other people think, or are you going to abide in your source? It can also be said - are you going to continue believing thoughts, or listen to your source and recognize you are believing thoughts which do not resonate with feeling, with source, with what is True - presently? That is presence.
  2. @electroBeam Appreciating the sharing, enjoyed reading that, thanks man. And wishing you all the well being I can muster my friend.
  3. Awareness of breathing from the stomach, feeling, and relaxing every specific muscle head to toe over and over. All letting go-ish, rather than methodical to reach or produce anything.
  4. That’s the best question imo. Imagine what our experience of this place would be like if everyone meditated daily. I feel it’s important to recognize that nothing can be said of meditation, and that is why it’s such a great question, and points to why meditation is so effective. It could be said to strike at the heart of collective attachment gone wild. I feel it could easily be said to be more effective than Judgment, name calling, labelling and projecting identities & separate self -dome. Meditation, imo, can’t be said to be a method, but is distinct in a methodized world as meditation is not-a-method, or, the letting go of All, which includes methods.
  5. If absolute is not measurable, is ‘not your experience’ a measurement? How is that distinguished from a ‘mental fabrication’? Is there is nonexistence? Any direct experience of nonexistence? What’s ‘exist’ relative, to? It will inevitably hit you in regard to what this has to do with the topic. Or, you’ll ‘cash out’ on the convo, so to speak. One of those scenarios is inevitable.
  6. In keeping with your op... Would you say experience such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, autism, personality disorder, etc are mental fabrications? If so, what exactly is a “mental fabrication” in this case? (Not intending any right or wrong, but a deeper dive.) Also, is that what you would say to someone experiencing those? Can you elaborate a bit? What is the distinction between acting, and free will? “You can act” but not freely...? Is the true self a thing, and at what point is there not the true self? How do you arrive at a distinction of what is not the true self? (Sincerely trying to understand your comment) What is the ‘you’ which is or is not conditioned, and what is the ‘that’ in “as that”? There‘s no self & no free will...but yet the changing of habits, and a ‘new person’ / ‘old person’ ..? If “you are not conditioned as that” - what’s “that” ? And what’s the “you”, in that context? Yeah? (Also twss) How is a lucid dream distinguishable from a non lucid dream?
  7. Notice that is how ‘its happens’, so to speak..believing the thought about you and a past and a state you were in. You aren’t and object moving through time. ?
  8. @zeroISinfinity Funny you mention wives. Went for a walk, just got home, said “I’m back”...wife said “you think so huh?”. Lol. Gd absolutists. ( Also, didn’t mean prior post as a ‘topper’ or ‘absolutist’, or even ‘in addition’, but inquisitively applicable to what was said prior. Sorry to out you as the true absolutist. It’s just something that happens.)
  9. Not trying to be argumentative, but I’m finding that to be unequivocally false more and more each day.
  10. @Mu_ I didn’t think you were writing off anything. It was more of a preface. In hindsight, my comment was after yours so it may have seemed like it, sorry about that, I actually have the op in mind. Thanks for the reply, much appreciated! ??
  11. @Someone here @Mu_ Thread made me curious, if you will. Hopefully without ‘writing it off’... Would you guys absolutely deny experience? While I’m at it, if you’re game, would you say what is absolute is measurable in any way? @Leo Gura Care to weigh in? @VeganAwake If interested as well, love to hear from ‘ya’ too.
  12. Sorry...I didn’t mean comparatively, I meant more experientially. How are you seeing ‘acting’ in comparison to ‘free will’? How can there be, in the defined sense, ‘habit’ without ‘not habit’ to reference? How does that relate (if at all) to ‘mental illness’? What makes one dream ‘lucid’ and another dream not? “Look you are using the finite pathetic human...” ? Intention!
  13. What’s mental illness relative to? If there’s no free will, what’s with the ‘acting’, ‘surviving’, ‘conditioned’ vs ‘not conditioned’ references etc? Never had a lucid dream?
  14. @Someone here ‘Free will’ is thinking, like ‘the finite mind is a concept’, is thinking. Or, a thought, rather.
  15. Somebody gonna tell him about that fly or what?
  16. @Hawkins If you employ patience, humility & sincerity, you can inspect your actual direct experience now and know the answers to what you’re asking. You would have your ‘concrete answers’, unequivocally. They might not be what you expect, but you’d know.
  17. This is still the dream. That might help with your inquiry.