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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Thoughts about perception are not perception. You are believing you are defining perception. The definitions are actually connotations. In other words, that is not how it is, that is how you think it is, and you are experiencing how you think it is, but believing the thoughts and thus believing that is how it is. But perception is undefinable. The simplest way to say that is rather than not knowing, you are believing you are knowing. This makes you the knower, and all that you know, separate of you, the knower. That is how you’re creating the idea you are a separate self and simultaneously an adversary of the world and other people. That is why it feels that way, not because of ‘how it is’. We create meaning ‘on the fly’. It is nowhere in which it could be pointed to, and is only ever apparent now, and only as “thoughts”. Perception labeled with the thought ‘apple’, seems to define what an apple is, by indirectly defining all else that it is not. Thus you think ‘that’ is ‘an apple’, only if you believe the thought ‘apple’ is perception. An apple has never actually existed, only the experience of the appearing thought ‘apple’ and perception, and ‘ultimately’, perception is a ‘thought’, which is undefinable because ‘it’ is you. ‘Come back’ to direct experience. You definitely know what you don’t want. Write a list of it down, and write the opposites next to it. That, is what you do want, and you can have, do and be that. The “shit you can’t fucking stand which is offensive and wrong” (to ‘you’) is thoughts, not perception. It is an apparent perspective of a world which does not actually exist. Choose a hopeful perspective simply because it feels better than a pessimistic perspective. What you are wanting in terms of change for the world, you are wanting so you feel better. Nothing need change to feel better, as the perspective is what you feel discord or alignment with, not a world.
  2. If you are the subject, and the awakenings are awakening the objects? Something you have? Question, inspect, scrutinize... How is time more than the thought, about time? How is a state more than the thought, about states? Can you describe / answer this, without talking about a yourself / without being the knower of (objects) time & states? Is perception “other selves”, or is perception perception? Are thoughts & words about yourself, actually about a yourself? What is the ‘you’ which is in time, in states? How precisely are you not the ‘time’, and not the ‘states’? What separates ‘you’ from time & states? Can a thought about a yourself, and or other selves, be true...if it is a thought? “And im not in that perspecive most of the time.” Are you aware of perspective, or is perspective actually something you are “in”? (If you ‘shift away’ from inspecting / answering those questions...just be sure to notice that, and not ‘beat up on yourself’ for it. Letting the thoughts appear & disappear, and feeling, is ‘the bigger point’. Careful not to miss that. )
  3. @BipolarGrowth Love it! Short, sweet, warm concise delivery. Great work Brandon. Subscribed as well. Looking forward to whatever’s next from ya!
  4. @Antor8188 Why not you can let go of why me. ♥️
  5. That’s gonna happen. You can let go of any inclination she is your job to work on. You don’t have to match someone’s vibe to love them. You got you’re own, and it rocks. You can not feel good enough to make someone else heal and feel good. They keep the past alive, or they don’t. Same for you. Be bold, you are already in the direction of well being. Can’t take anyone with you. I agree it is innocent as you said. As innocent as being on a forum talking about her now. Innocent, yet, you can notice where you’re focus is, and thus put it where you want it instead. Same for her. Suffering in life is the only actual teacher.
  6. @justfortoday Wait’ll you find out Leo’s your father. ?
  7. @tuckerwphotography Thanks! Appreciating this place! Nice to be able to share openly.
  8. Same thing you’ve done here. You attach “invulnerability” to character & intention by saying “his invulnerability to be blocked by others”, but I’m not thinking that at all. The forum apparently has this feature, or depending on how you look at it, lacks this feature. But to you, it’s “Nahm’s”....”Nahm’s invulnerability”. Invulnerability is descriptive of a person, but what you’re talking about is not of this person, it’s of the forum features & design.
  9. @Martin123 After I said I wouldn’t comment to carried on talking about me, instigating with character attacks, and projecting your perspective on my intentions. You’re then attempting to fault me for responding.
  10. “bro can you please start a thread to weep about your own problems?“ Rationalization. You make comments about me on threads, when I didn’t mention you at all. Then I reply to you, and you make a point to say you didn’t even read my reply. This way there can be no communication about what was said. Then you say the problem is that I make comments to you, as you attack my character and make accusations about me. Then when I reply you call it abuse, and try to block it. Pretty much everyone else sticks to the subject at hand and discusses their points. You’re essentially making false accusations from one side of a duality, believing what was said implies the other side, and then ‘blocking’ all possibilities of seeing what you’re doing.
  11. If I said this there’d be riots! lol.
  12. @Someone here Write it on your dreamboard, and it is done.
  13. @EmptyVase Lightening is seen, then thunder felt. Though not by I, would say the sky.
  14. Truth Is good. You’re recognizing how ‘self limiting thoughts’ feel, and asking if this can be painful. Consider the analogy of how holding your hand on a hot stove feels, and what the solution could be. Truth is good. The light is good. Feeling can not feel feeling. Feeling is feeling. Feeling can not be thought.
  15. @Seraphim Why would you join a crazy sect? What’s the motive, or incentive?
  16. @Dumuzzi Direct experience is king.