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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @SirVladimir The ‘loophole shake’ was basically kept nice & simple to make it easy, both for me and in recommending it. The only adjustments I tried was lots of peanut butter in the beginning, and none after a while. Occasionally two bananas to make it really creamy. Of course, there are countless protein shake recipes. Sometimes I make a berry oriented concoction with vanilla powder, org vanilla almond milk, blueberries, strawberries, etc, but I always end up back with chocolate. Have you tried juicing? I found I had to keep an eye on the sugar levels, but otherwise whipped up some pretty delicious potions. This particular website proved to be a staple, as you can check the boxes of what you have on hand, and it then shows all juicer recipes you can make. Pretty neat.
  2. @zeroISinfinity One of the beauty’s of the dreamboard situation is ‘what to do’ is already answered, already there on the board in terms of things you can do & focus on that you enjoy, and on the other side of the coin, the purification is therefore already unfolding, Big Love is already cleaning out the house (yeah bamboozled sorry, got me too, whatchgonnado). You don’t have to ‘do’anything sans maybe let the habit of doing something about it go. You just chill, and re-chill, again & again, breathe from the stomach and feel it, and let Big Love clean you out by fillin ya up. Non-doing in that regard...non-thought-narrativing, non-avoidance, non-blaming, non-roping someone else into it, non-kicking-dog, etc, is enough. Just ‘staying out of the way’. Also, I know you know we know yada yada so I’ll say it this way.... Big Love is the creator. You are the creator. You can be on purpose, you can expedite and ‘meet in the middle’, by creating purposefully. Turn pain into beauty. Doesn’t have to be some Momo Kapor level. Simple sketching, writing a short story, planting flowers in a vase for ya lady, etc, anything creative will do. This is closing any gap (not to imply you are not 100% legitimately fully completely “enlightened”) of creator-creation, and This is always non-past, non-future, non-self, non-other, so yeah, some emptying may indeed occur. In hindsight, it’ll just be all the baggage you were done carrying anyways. One notion from di that I think is helpful to hear...whereas before I’d create an emotion in discord not realizing I did and it’d last for days....then eventually it was just hours...then I saw how I was creating ‘them’, and didn’t anymore. Sending you the ‘vibes’ best man. You got this. (By that I mean keep giving it away). Shload of love to you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️? Also came to mind...writing some, any, agenda the day before is a game changer. That way when you wake up during the purification period days (also good for regular old days), there’s no call to thinking. Creation at the ‘us’ point begins at the supposition, so even just one single good feeling relaxation oriented thought can change the course and tone of the whole day.
  3. @en-el hak Not sure if that is meant in a mocking humor. Pretty funny if so. ...but I think it had the word food in the title. I googled and couldn’t quite find it, but one came up called “Slaughterhouse” which is on YouTube. From the thumbnail, that one probably packs a bigger punch anyways.
  4. @SpaceLaika01 I’m at like 99% vegan. Still working out that once or twice a year occasion something has meat in it and I just go with the flow at a Holiday thingy or whatever and just eat what mom or mom in law made. But you’re right, at least in my regard, when I do it feels like I ate toxic sludge for the rest of the day compared to what I normally eat. Which led me to mention...I ate meat like a sleeping king for decades until I saw a documentary where they showed the inside of the meat processing facilities. Wish I could remember which movie it was. I was fortunate that the timing was right in the sense, it hit really hard at a time I was ready for change anyways. But that alone didn’t inspire the change. It was googling, and discovering the countless benefits of physiological & psychological well being, not to mention collectively speaking health premiums, resources over allocated to treatment programs and hospitals, losing people prematurely (relative to more agreeable diets) etc, etc. Anyways not trying to grand stand, just wanted to say that I think you get more bee’s with honey, and sharing information in the ‘what’s in it for you & our well being’ approach. Not to imply any judgement, I really don’t care what people eat, but from direct experience, and I bet you can relate...if you’re interested in helping others make that change, you have to recognize you’re addressing people who are very easily triggered about this subject already. Especially in this covid present situation, it’s like a trigger pressure cooker. Maybe you’re ‘going for’ an aggressive approach and some shock-wake-up responses, idk. More power to ya either way and Godspeed. If anyone is interested, this was an easy game changer for me. Maybe give it a try, love to hear back if so.
  5. @afy355 Sounds like you have a good view introspectively, and it’s growing by the minute. I did want to mention, psych’s can go either way. Sometimes they ‘show you’ exactly what the root or core is. I may have been overly cautious. Also may have helped ‘center the pendulum’ so to speak. Only you can know, and I wish ya infinite clarity unfolding. I know what helped me release a ton of childhood baggage was writing songs. Not even songs anyone really will hear, just the process of it. I’d basically write one or two with someone & our relationship in mind. Utilize the many talents and outlets you mentioned of course, just wanted to mention that because there something to vibrationally connecting between source & music. Might just be me. Now I’m just beating a dead horse, and sorry...this is why the focus is always on direct experience. Can’t know what something tastes like without eating it. Give it a taste. 5 minutes each morning, increase as you go. There are really no words for how profoundly life changing meditation can be. Totally understandable that prior to the direct experience of a few weeks and months, it would seem like it couldn’t possibly have significant effect because you’re just ‘sitting there doing nothing’. But in a way, No Thing is what’s needed when ‘things’ are a bit ‘numb’. Worth noticing imo, all feeling arises within you. It doesn’t come from anywhere else. Some of the greatest artists, song writers, movie producers, novelists, etc, swear by daily morning meditation. Now it seems like I’m selling meditation lol, but it’s even beyond right ways and wrong ways. Imagine a different world where people have cold, sore feet, because shoes haven’t been invented yet, and you invent them. In hindsight, it would seem incredibly obvious. Meditation is like that. It is what is present, but always remains unseen & unheard. Once ‘tapped into’, it is very difficult to imagine how it was ever missed. God bless and be sure to notice, this is already you ‘doing the work’. This is already ‘having a look at it’, this post. ??
  6. @seeking_brilliance So weird! I swear I was having the same dream! Crazy.
  7. Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. Imagine that was Horton’s quote... ”If I (Horton) as an apparent “Who” believe, claim, hold, ‘keep’ this life as mine (aka my consciousness), then all experience is through the lens of the separate self, and there is birth, death, survival, fear, doubt, etc, and “ I “ (Horton) have lost truly ‘living’, have lost the entire point of experience and seemingly in feeling ‘lost’ myself / ‘our’ infinite being (Horton?). But when I see and ‘lose’ these delusions, I am eternal ‘life’, aka, what ‘life’ literally actually is. TLDR: Swap ‘life’ w ‘love’. Give you (love) away...and there is only more present. “Be as children”...”gather in My name”, etc.
  8. Some editing & a different perspective just for your consideration...maybe useful, maybe not... This category of your life is not currently resonating. What are some other things you like doing, some other categories you easily love? Something expressive, like any kind of art...or creating of any sort perhaps? My intention is not to make you feel bad, but for you to have unbelievably awesome future trips. I would give some consideration to the doubt expressed there. Technically, you aren’t doubting her, you’re doubting meditation. To assess what meditation is, by confusing it with what someone says it is, would be a most grave path error (imo). You said she helped you a lot but there is a feeling of ‘not being here’. Could it be that not feeling, is contributing to the “feeling not being there”? Similar to the sneaky nature of a belief being that the holder of it thinks it’s true, and therefore can not readily recognize their can grow so accustomed to suppressing feeling with labels and beliefs in ideas of ‘myself’ that one does not readily know one is doing so. Again, I have your trips & your aim of well being & happiness in mind. If there are some feelings to release, a case could be made that it is easier to do so sober than while tripping. I’d suggest meditation, feeling, and expressing how you feel in activities that you enjoy. I think this would clear some emotion out and make for really beautiful tripping. Down the road, psych’s can help clear out some deeper more nuanced stuff, but there is something to be said for ‘slow & steady wins the race’, as the trips proceed enjoyable, fascinatingly, chalked full of healing & insight - without a rush, expectations, or any objectives. Meditation in a sense is the not-doing something other than relaxing and thus inherently - feeling. There may be some hesitance to feel, and a heavy perspective which is labelling that as feeling. It is highly likely some dynamics of past & family arise via feeling, and understanding & forgiveness as well. Yes. Very wise. That something else might be feeling, because this is already existence, and it is not “yours”, but is you. Notice in the simplest sense, you are existing already, and thus your existence could never be ‘found’. I get what you meant...and hope you get what I mean as well.
  9. This is par for the course on the path. There is emotional misunderstanding which releases from the body and it can indeed be an epic experience. It is relieving, releasing. It is love healing, it is healing love. But - you contextualize it, to be about “you”, and thus create suffering, confusion, and the insomnia for reconciliation. Lost, unproductive, and confusingly angry - are not feeling, but are perspectives. When you believe those thoughts, to the extent you have convinced yourself those are not thoughts (aka perspectives) - you suffer needlessly. When you instead, shift focus to feeling breathing from the stomach, and focus on the here & now of perception, or, seeing & hearing - ‘you give permission’ for the body to continue to release the ways of old. The resolution will not come. The resolution is letting the thoughts & perspectives which feeling (and “sleep”) are telling you to let go, go. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with your life. You are an angel in heaven. ? Make focus & feeling breathing from your stomach your best friend, and you will sleep like a baby. Some perspectives have not served you or your creating for a long while now. Let them burn in the love within. It can take it.
  10. @seeking_brilliance Weeeellllll Nice to see somebody’s actually awake on this thread. (For the cheap seats...just kidding) @Someone here You react as if it had nothing to do with you.
  11. @peachboy Indeed. Reminded me of a light quartet I saw recently. Four guys; violinist, violist, and two cellists. These guys were beyond amazing musicians, they were clearly in love with each other, and knew it. Truly delightful. Did that thingy where you get farklempt, and do that subtle ‘am I the only one in this’ look around, and that was when that the elder lady & I truly saw each other through this ode of time, and her husband began to sing so sweetly, I missed him as well. I saw that she saw this, and heard that she heard him, and it was indeed wishwashy and more tangible than tangible.
  12. @Someone here Even with all the patience and humility you’ve displayed, I feel you ignored my comment by chalking it up to Nahm’s crazy.
  13. I meant, you’re listening to your intuition, rather than people. I meant it more complimentary.
  14. @zeroISinfinity “When I am with you, we stay up all night. When you’re not here, I can’t go to sleep. Praise God for those two insomnias! And the difference between them.” Rumi I love you!
  15. Mr. Snuffleupagus normally plays a jem77p, but yesterday it rained.
  16. @RedLine Like a lego house is only legos and not a house, awareness sees awareness.
  17. Between here and .... ...these... ...a thought appeared which is still the present, a book or it’s content...and the story continues or is noticed to be passing by. Couldn’t matter less either way. Another story will always appear, and you never leave. You’re always here.
  18. @Dodo ? Nice. I hear ya on being the kids. I’d never be a teacher. Maybe bebe-‘dodo’.