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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. I was just referring to this comment below. Well, I wouldn’t say I’m not open to the possibility, only that it would still be me. Fair enough, and yes, I know. doesn’t need to be typed on a forum though.
  2. Yet again, no worries man. There isn’t actually a ‘problem’, surely you notice the discrepancy. You’re saying ‘it’s not personal’...and yet articulating a view that is a verbal finger pointing (and also actually naming Mu) that there are individuals. You’re clearly using the semantics of “awakening has simply not occurred “there” as a sort of ‘fill-in’ to mask yourself from the seeing of what you yourself are actually saying about someone else, ‘relative’ to you. It is possible that you genuinely don’t know or don’t recognize that you are not offering anything constructive or of substance conversationally speaking, but are projecting onto ‘individuals’ and making accusations against ‘them’. What you are expressing amounts only to your opinion. If you are interested in seeing this, this here is about as good of an example as any... “All you have done is adopted someone else's beliefs, identified with the thought that these are the end-all-be-all (TRUTH).” These thoughts, or, perspectives are actually occurring to ‘you’. Indicative of the op, ‘you’ don’t actually have a clue what anyone else is or isn’t believing, is or isn’t identified with. Again, notice the direct experience if you will. These are your beliefs, your thoughts, your perspectives...about someone else. There is no ‘true thought’, or ‘righteous / true perspective’. So to speak, each of us is in the position to ‘buy into’ these arising thoughts and accuse, or not. What you’re saying has literally nothing to do with that which you believe you are saying it about. If you have something to express about a topic, something to contribute or rebuke, you are totally free to do so. But you are not, at least presently. You’re attacking & insinuating on the level of reputation perhaps, or character.
  3. Still talking about an apparent me. You’ve made mention more than once that I am trying to ‘discredit you’ in some way. I think a certain out pouring of that is present today as a projection onto me, in that I am not fit to help any one etc. I wonder if you realize this is just ‘your’...just one, opinion, of ‘someone else’ who truly does not exist as the individual you are painting. In consideration of direct experience, as more substantial than opinion, you don’t actually know the first thing about the reiki sessions ‘I ‘do’ & what transpires, nor of the Skype & Zoom sessions ‘I’ ‘do’ & what transpires. In regard to this thread and or forum, you’ve expressed nothing of actual substance on my behalf, only projection via discrediting & accusation (though the quotes you paste are quite insightful). If you are interested in opinions, surely you have noticed, though I try not to ‘billboard it’, that there are people if you will, which have had this direct experience and are present on the forum. You could ask them their opinion if you’re interest in ‘me’ and what ‘I’m doing’ persists. I don’t mind at all, and trust they wouldn’t either. Getting back to the accusation you expressed on my behalf, and the ‘discrediting’ lens, you could consider that it is as least a possibility that what is occurring is the counterintuitive paradoxical opposite, and that it really truly actually has nothing at all to do what what or who you think I am, and maybe has to do with a certain calling & interest on your behalf to do something similar to what I’m doing, so to speak.
  4. Well, appreciated, but you are accusing me of some dark & ill intended motives, and saying really nasty stuff about me as of late. I ‘get it’, and I don’t mind at all. I’m actually happy for you. Some ‘sections of the path’ are lovely, and some are a bit frustrating, or rather, releasing. Just an opinion / suggestion, but let the deducing of if someone else is enlightened or not go. That already misses the point and just makes for backtracking & more undoing, and it’s really the heart of judgement, or perhaps the apparent absence of. Judgement is a real bitch man. It’s so ‘deep down in there’ so to speak for us all. It’s the ‘human condition’, the ‘situation’ we find ourselves in. But (again just one opinion here) this is transcend-able, in the sense / direction (as I recognize you obviously ‘know’) of ‘returning home’ (vs more concepts). “I” do not ‘believe I have arrived’. It is just linguistically subject object / noun verb, and it is just clear ‘who’ I really am, and also that just saying it directly is least helpful or useful, logical or even sensical. Yes, agreed & beautiful btw. There is no me and nowhere to go or arrive indeed. ? If there is something to be said on Leo’s behalf or perspectives, it is probably best said, to Leo. Let’s not lump us ‘who’s’ together. That won’t work either, as we already are.
  5. “Bud” ? There really are no individuals my man. It’s actual. There is no ‘he’ which has a clearer understanding than ‘you’, and ‘you’ are not the individual ‘knower’ of who among ‘other individuals’ has a clearer understanding. There is likewise, not actually an individual, which believes itself to be a reliable source. You - are saying that, and that you are, and that there isn’t that ‘you’, is totally between you and your source, so to speak. Nor is there anyone else’s beliefs at play here - literally just your own. That is textbook projection - telling someone else what they believe. lol. Come on man. This is fundamental deconstruction. The agreeing & being a moderator verbiage only reveals your own perspectives about that subject - you are saying that. There is no & no one understanding nonduality my man, it means not-two (as you know, just a point of relevance to what you said - about ‘me’). “You are not a reliable course in these areas whether you believe you are or not” - again, come on dude. You can’t see that’s all what you are saying? All projection? There isn’t actually an individual ‘here’ ‘stuck in a belief system’, that is the whole ‘thing’ you’re missing! Nonduality! ? ”It takes someone to be completely selfless...” that there is not a ‘separate self’ ‘in the body’ is actual. This nonduality ‘stuff’ is actual! “Someone that is not awake should not be attempting to guide individuals on this section of the forum period” I mean, really?! You might be having an ‘off day’ or something, but come on. Are you even reading what you’re writing? I wish you only the best. If we were sitting together, I’d be the first to open a beer for ya and tell you I love ya, and appreciate all you do. You also can feel free to make whatever accusations about me you desire to, and I hope it is some form of relief.
  6. It seems as if you have misunderstood and projected, in responding to a comment that was not even to you yet again. I am not suggesting anything is missing - you are saying that. I am not suggesting 5meo is needed - you are saying that. I am not suggesting there is that which is not true love - you are saying that. I’m not suggesting anyone is holier than thou - you are saying that. I am not suggesting anyone has anything to prove to anyone else, nor to themself - you are saying that. I’m not suggesting there is a divine masculine & feminine - you are saying that. I understand how you read what I wrote (to someone else) and interpreted as you did. I am merely pointing out, that you did this. You can see in a plain evident sense that you are doing this, because you are resorting to talking about ‘me’, in charector accusations, etc, rather than commenting to the topic at hand. It seems you have a whole ‘scene’ of ‘Nahm & his 5meo, him saying ‘something is missing’, him believing he’s ‘holier than thou’, etc, etc, etc. None of it is accurate, none of it is what was said. Same thingy here. Notice, you’re not interested (in this comment like the other) in adding anything to the topic, but in attacking me, making accusations about me, etc. This is just advice, but dude, I am telling you you’ll be infinite being forever. Relationships are sensitive, most fleeting, and imo, most precious. You can continue making accusations of me all you like, and I hope it’s some sort of relief.
  7. @Someone here ??☺️? (For the sake of clarity btw, nothing is being said about anyone, just the topic at hand).
  8. @Elisabeth Just one person’s opinion, don’t give it any weight beyond that, but just weighing in as someone who has experienced jobs, a ‘career’, and self employment too...the most fulfilling of all experience - in my experience and opinion - is family.
  9. @Someone here Freakin love ya and I hear you. All I can say it live & let live. Let everyone else ride their ride, and, if interested, plunge deeper and deeper into yourself & far less what anyone else says. You essentially have to pick your it debunking someone, or realizing the answer to your inquiry for yourself, even if every person on earth says you’re wrong and an arrogant prick. Lol. ‘Who’ cares. Love will indeed wash it all out in any & every case. You might consider (not trying to stir a pot lol) in the physical regard, it’s not (presently) possible for you to ‘quantum entangle’ from point a to point b 100 miles away. Yet, in regard to metaphysical realizations, it is possible (with psychedelics) to be at point a and be at point b, but not experienced the 100 miles that were in between. This is nothing personal, on anyone’s behalf. Just some guy’s two cents.
  10. @Someone here I think this is a particularly beautiful thread, and it has aided in sort of ‘kicking up’ some surface level ‘feeling baggage’ (in general, not specific to you), and in a way that’s really what it’s all about. It might be ‘written off’, dismissed, idk & I love you and also idc to ‘be understood’ lol...but I will said it again, these couple marbles clankin in our brains are not intelligence. Feeling is ever present infinitude, intelligence, so to speak. Some sit with projection, frustration, claim after claim, non-claim after non-claim, parrot after parrot, while intuition is saying no & a mouth and ‘mind’ is saying yes and projecting... and some sit with siddhis and just look. Notice, likely even now this arises, and if one is willing to let go of all ‘layers’, much is seen. Personally speaking, mad props to you for pushing the inquiry limits like ya do as of late. It’s a new place in that way forum wise and I am really enjoying it. Hope ya have the best day ever brother!
  11. You’re not ‘having a realization again & again’. Gotta swap that lens / distinction. That particular perspective isn’t resonating with you. A thought which doesn’t resonate is not a ‘realization’. Realize points more like ‘actualize’. Realize your dream for this life, allow it to be actualized. We can not hold in mind what doesn’t feel good, while legitimately feel good, and ‘full’ of our being. Make a dreamboard. Soon it’ll be filled with lots of what you love, and it will be realized the feeling of desire is not per se for ‘things’, but for the thrill, the ‘aliveness’ of now. More pragmatically speaking, the entirety of your life experience, in using the dreamboard, will paint itself a picture of a most fulfilling & most ideal specifically for you vision going forward. Thinking about ‘doing’ that is not the direct experience of it. Gotta do it and see. Money is made up, by us. We are Happiness. When that perspective arises...try out other perspectives. Feel them, and feel your way in the reaching for a more resonating better feeling perspective. See perspectives are like shoes, but feeling never comes, and never goes. Live & abide accordingly.
  12. @Someone here I love you too, and nobody’s ‘woke’ here, and I respect you too! Lol. To whatever extent you can or want to, and anyone else interested, let that projective perspective ‘Nahm’s frustrated / cold’ ‘Nahm’s thinks this or that’ go and notice only what is being said. This is literally ‘you’, saying something (refer back to Mr Snuff comment) that ‘you’ could not possibly have come up with, and that is the only point being demonstrated. I am with you on what you are saying (op). You’re right & I’m saying ‘here’s a literal example’. ? Watch that ‘just dismiss the entity’ trap. Likewise, I am not a mod. Also...communicating in love isn’t quite the same as flirting. @electroBeam Oh I know. Lol. I’m dying over here. Also just housekeeping. Some people take a certain mix of crazy & funny yet existentially personal.
  13. What appears as light need not travel it. Just sayin.
  14. @28 cm unbuffed Well, sense is all there is ultimately, so, yeah.
  15. @electroBeam All right all right. Let’s play nice. Two wrong’s don’t make a right.
  16. ? Just because you haven’t yet realized what is being said, doesn’t mean there is a miscommunication or frustration ‘somewhere else’. @Someone here explained it pretty well. Not sure if he realizes what ‘I’m’ ‘showing’ ‘him’ yet either. Love ya both. Enlighten up! Lol. Stop thinking and look at what is obvious. Simple.
  17. So hasty! Right. That is the point of the absurdity of the comment. It is obviously entirely outside of your psyche, frame of reference, subconscious, whatever. (Your op)
  18. Oh heck no. I tried that already & failed. Rules are all yours.
  19. ? Me too. Not for fasting per se. I think my overall food theme is nutrient dense & lower calories now that I think about it. Juicing is a neat way to make some delicious new flavors every time, while getting the ‘turmerics’ etc in there.
  20. You are you wherever you are. Why can’t you be your blissful self in school? Who’s stopping you? Obviously you’re going to do what you’re going to do, and I’m not attempting to change your mind at all. I do think your inquiry however is kind of an impossible ask. In a way, you’re asking how do I give up a diploma, a residence / address, and make money - living in a van. Relative to income, van life is more challenging generally speaking. If you’re going to remain in Sweden anyways...why not have a diploma and an address to put on applications? Odds are you have like, eighty years, to go. Graduating high school seems kind of fundamental, and voluntarily choosing homelessness / van life seems, odd. I’m in the US though, and there is surely bias at my end. In the Us homeless unfortunately tends to equate to some pretty horrific situations of desperation for money. For all I know though, in Sweden it’s a joy ride.