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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Awesome. Now see awareness isn’t a possession, nondual means not two, and see the delusion right up close, where relief can be. There is only the enlightened one, and the very thought “I am not”, is the deluding. It is easier and easier to spot as judgement, or projection, or even more close to home - nonsense. (Feeling is self evident). Please take care to note, that I am not talking about a Jed McKenna. I am talking about the content. There isn’t a Jed McKenna, as a separate self, which possess any kind of awareness.
  2. @VeganAwake Indeed. Doesn’t even need remembering. I love you man, I really do.
  3. @mandyjw (no one) ? ? @VeganAwake My man, I love ya. In plain English, go directly experience infinity without appearance. It’ll clear all this up instantly. Truly wishing you the best. Take this any which way that serves. ?? “What you seek is seeking you.” -Rumi
  4. @from chaos into self You’re freaking awesome & I love you. Your story about you sucks though. What’s’ “well”? That story about you sucks too. (I am with you on how bad that story sucks, not against you)
  5. @from chaos into self Does it sometimes seem like one day you’re rockin life, killin it, burning desire & inspiration - unstoppable, and yet other days somewhat inexplicably, the total opposite?
  6. The finite mind can not tolerate hearing of it’s ‘non existence’ and therefore must be right les much is undone in truth. Tethered, ‘it’s’ own lack of backtracking confines it perpetually. ?
  7. @from chaos into self No you have not. ? Awakening is not some passing thought.
  8. Not foolish, just solipsism. Conceptual / theoretical. Not to continue inspection, to settle for solipsism, would be foolish. Yet, also, an ample amount of ignorance can in a way be blissful, such as in denial.
  9. @ajai There is ‘direct’ awareness of thought, perception, and feeling. That’s it. Awareness IS clarity.
  10. Where do you keep this identity you do have? If you’re aware you have it, surely you’re aware of where you keep it. Why are you continuing to believe thoughts to be about identity, while they are for choosing & creating? Are you not already you? There is one apparent finite thought at a time. You couldn’t have made creation more simple & foolproof. You want sincerity, honestly, authenticity, a silky smooth liquid conscience, and that ain’t it.
  11. Right on, there it is, coming up. Let it up & out. Writing about it can really help. You’re convincing yourself feeling can be thought, and that the feelings of others is an actual duality. As in, in your direct experience, you’ve never actually experienced what you just described, only the thought of it. This is also a maneuver of avoidance of ‘one’s own’ feeling. Literally, no one is thinking you’re a ‘crackhead’. This is your thought. It would be quite resistant to think this way about people, and or yourself, and want to help people (as you mentioned) at the same time.
  12. And not even. ☺️ (Which might be the subtle point of the post) Can you focus, ‘choose’ a different thought? Try it with ‘body’.
  13. Like a light cast upon a wall, there is no such thing as “depth”. It’s a thought about the light on the wall, but the thought itself is only the light on the wall. You’re already doing what you want to do, and there is nothing to figure out. Thinking about thinking, and thinking about yourself, is often referred to as rumination. This is most often actually avoiding feeling / trying to create a thought story that makes logical sense of how you feel, instead of feeling. You’ve never experienced what other people think. Only what you think they think. This again is a form of ruminating which you can liberate from in recognizing that you are choosing to do it.
  14. @from chaos into self Begin noticing what you are already noticing, but pretending you are not noticing. Feel reactional thinking, without reacting. Feel subtle thoughts of judgement, without judging. Feel thoughts that feel good & inspire - and actually just do that.
  15. It is self evident, there is no ‘subconscious’. SImply notice you never have and never will experience anything which you could say is “not real”, because - experience. Then choose a thought you love. None of this has the first thing to do with existentialism, just focusing on what you like in your life. Just imagine if you were using rainbows & unicorns as your reasons, instead of the ‘subconscious’, the ‘lord’, etc. Let feelings come up and let them out. You’ll enjoy much release and understanding.
  16. @preventingdiabetes Yes, of course. Anytime.
  17. @Applegarden This is an atrocity and it can not stand. Pm me his address and I’ll come straighten him out. Maybe sitting at the other end of your place? Otherwise the foam board is the way to go. I’ve nailed sleeping bags inside out on walls in lieu of foam board and it works great. You could put several layers, and thick blankets would work alright too. Could also use your mattress. Also, be sure to learn some Yngwie Malmsteen, so if he comes over and gives ya any trouble you can just melt his face.
  18. Continuous experience. When you’re saying happiest and most fulfilled, you are referring to feeling. Feeling has never, and will never ‘be’ anywhere. Feeling is not a separate object, an ‘it’, that a you, could ‘get’. In your direct experience, feeling = now, always. Feeling has never been in a past or future. You are looking for what yo in fact can never actually be without. There is absolutely nothing you can do about how you feel. It doesn’t matter what perspectives you choose or what happens in life, it doesn’t matter if you have a life purpose, or pursue or become, enlightened. There is literally nothing you can do about how you feel. If you want to, you can make a dreamboard, discover synchronicity, and nonduality, and also create what you want to experience. But it really doesn’t matter if you do or not.
  19. @preventingdiabetes No. You can can deduce that your experience is one unseparated whole (including the person), and also that that whole of experience is entirely relative to you, awareness, which is not ever relative to any thing or experience...revealing there isn’t anything other than awareness. You can question your direct experience of birth & death, or scrutinize the literal difference between a seed, a tree, and an apple, and see there aren’t any beginnings or endings. You can also of course do practices, attend retreats, takes trips, and have tons of fun across all avenues of life experience. You can explore and experience within yourself without end. You can trip to Pluto and back, and even beyond. This life will be the baseline, or the sufficiently seemingly constant grounding in and of itself, as a backdrop. You’re creating this ‘back drop’ already. The only thing in question is if you are conscious that you are. So I would focus on your life purpose, and I would use a dreamboard.
  20. @preventingdiabetes By how your life is going and or by how you feel.