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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @electroBeam Truly beautiful. @Marinador Thank you only infinite awareness there is, I appreciate you too.
  2. @Claymoree And I will. Thanks!!!
  3. @Claymoree Hey! If anyone is dumb here it’s me!
  4. @bejapuskas The message doesn’t belong to anyone. Everyone belongs to the message. Stop being so dumb.
  5. @Tim R God can be so dumb. No problem.
  6. How would you tell a child to ‘deal with’ the ‘fear’ of their parent telling them to take their burning hand off the stove? Either there is a new mind reading technology I am unaware of, or you’re sharing your ideas and holding the belief they’re being stolen. In any case take big big breath into the stomach and release it and every muscle in the body head to toe, and love.
  7. Most people in a movie are the screen. All of em really, ‘you’ too. The screen talking about the screen, is the screen. It’s not a dynamic and it doesn’t work or not work for a you. Thank you. Can’t warm and not be warmed. ? Yeah. Functionally the same apparently.
  8. Miraculously, via ignorance and delusion. Not two. Careful not to use the truth that there is no you as the truth you know. You can see, smell, taste and eat all kinds of corn. Just not a unicorn.
  9. Holy shit! South Park was right! Also, picturing Dan Reynolds reading this and cringing a bit. F it though. It’s your story, more power to ya. ?? My question is, psychedelics & nondual snobbery aside, what is the fastest way to help one realize the true nature?
  10. Meh...I don’t know what everybody has. I know these my thoughts thingys though. If everybody has “FOMO”, then to you, I am a liar when I tell you I do no have “FOMO”. Had you not written the acronym full stated, I would’ve had to google it to know what you’re saying. First and foremost, if you ever notice that I have fallen into the deep sleep of a ‘my teachings’ dream, please do me the favor of a solid zen like face slap. Wanting to have a good time inherently feels...good. Wanting to make good use of time, is believing in time, and therefore that you are an object in time. That won’t really resonate because it just isn’t accurate. Yes. You are infinite being. You do not need. There is no ‘other you’, the “ego”. Like time, ego is the thought, ego. If time & ego ‘work for you’, roll with it. It does not sound like it’s ‘working’, as in resonating. I suggest it’s because it was never true in the first place. Because it’s the belief you made a comparison, but you didn’t directly experience any comparison. This is tricky to hear perhaps... you made a comparison between the thought “my life” and the thought “someone else’s life”. No comparison was actually made between two “lives”. You have never directly experienced a “my life”. Even more thought arose “my life”, one thought arose, “someone else’s life”, and one thought arose, “comparison”. The thoughts are not connected. Another one thought may arise, “they are connected”. As to more precisely why that doesn’t feel good...source might say “I am right here bruh. What do you want? I am unconditionally loving you. Name what you want and I am on it. We shall create!” (Meh. You’re ‘not good’. Feeling: ?) No suffering, no problem. A good feeling thought is a good feeling thought. In that regard, what you experienced is not infinity. What has been is not infinity. The confusion is the map belief. There is no map. Only territory. Territory can go too. Well that’s textbook solipsism. A theory is a theory. Don’t expect a theory to be truth and you won’t feel unsure. Is reality unconditional, or not? What is the difference between a human thought (so to speak), and a condition?
  11. The direct experience of infinity. (Vs a story about infinity I can only assume you must have heard and believed, or made up for some personal reason, no offense. It’s not ‘wrong’, it’s just thinking). Point to that which you are making a comparison to. Notice you’re not making a comparison, only believing you are. For example, compare your hands, to the perfect hands in your head. Then notice no comparison actually transpired. Stop “supposing” when you could be creating this... that guy who has a mansion full of models, an exciting and social life, a confident business passionate entrepreneur, without fear or losing out because there's no death. Just the next imagination. You think ‘you’re’ somewhere resting outside awareness? Are you aware, or not? Are you aware that you are aware, or not? Does that awareness begin and end in direct experience, or not? Is reality unconditional, or not? “Let's say you have fomo because“. Let’s not. Let’s not give it a label, and an acronym, and start believing it’s something you have because of something else. Let’s say it’s what you’re doing. What you’re creating Hugh. ??
  12. Yes, but not in the sense a psychedelic has a property of releasing tension. More in the sense the psychedelic is a dose of truth, and stands to aid in being aware of how you create the tension, by providing a break from the tension, with clarity being the other side of the coin. This might ‘land’ and be applicable, and it might not... at present the fundamental collective creating of tension is that of ostracizing individuals. This can not jive because there are no individuals. The toll it takes is on the whole, or “all of us”, because there is no separation. Judgment is problematic enough. Justification, projection, and reinforcing it leads to nuclear warheads & plagues. It is equivalent to thinking something is unacceptable & wrong with one of my kids, and locking them away in the basement rather than loving & understanding. I could carry on like everything’s cool, but I’d be missing my judgment, fear and projection, and have no more understanding, love or compassion for having done so. If you extrapolate that to other kids in the neighborhood hearing about it, you can imagine the impression this might make on them, and how it might reinforce a certain “so check yo self or you’ll be ostracized too” message. Soon enough there’d be a neighborhood of kids suppressing to bend to my ignore-ance. You might say you are on the cusp of discovering how you create suffering, which stands to simultaneously reveal how suffering is created collectively, which stands to reveal how they are one self perpetuation, from one generation to the next. (Video coming soon )
  13. @Loving Radiance (Just to reference up front, we are talking now about the content of the quote and also the interpretation.) Not Knowing indeed would suffice, but not knowing is a ‘substance’ if you will, not a perspective, realization, mindset or state. It is a matter of ‘regular’ logic & the meaning of words. Awareness, especially when specified as nondual awareness, is not-two awareness, and the very reason for the specification of not-two awareness is to note there is not someone who has ‘it’, as of course that would be two. Awareness is not some thing that some thing has. That is essentially a reinforcing of the common materialist paradigm, that awareness is a product of a someone, person, or body mind. Awareness is formless and is appearing as the someone’s claiming that have it. Saying things like “I have nondual awareness”, “I have God Consciousness”, or more simply “I am God”, is problem free. Saying it to someone else, while knowing there is not in actuality someone else, but yourself, is misleading yourself which believes there to be individuals who have awareness. This gives an impression “I” have something “you” do not. Initially, questioning the intention comes to mind, but with some caution not to be cynical. But, (and again we’re mixing the content of the quote & the interpretation) the fallout, or confusion, is that one is left looking for people who have nondual awareness. Such is to seek, and is ‘the way’, and is not inherently a ‘problem’. However, when such a reader comes across a Rupert Spira for example, and hears an articulation of deconstruction oriented toward that ‘you’ indeed are awareness, the hearing of that message has already been insulated against with “anyone who says otherwise is selling you something they don’t have”. Demeaning someone else, or even a potential someone else someone might come across, sticks out as a means to assert “how woke I am in comparison with you”. This communicates the very opposite of what is actual. It is separative, rather than deconstructing or unifying. So this particular message goes to intention, which is something of a marketing brilliance and easy to appreciate. The intention is “I have it”, “anyone who tells you otherwise does not”. This is arguably the basis of how cults are formed, and the genius how products are sold. But again, I digress.
  14. Because you’re nobody; formless & infinite. There isn’t that “I” and thus “it” cannot “have” anything, which is the crux of attachment to the thoughts “I” and “body”, and the very heart of suffering.
  15. If we all drew a picture of whatever came to mind as our individual experience of life, we’d have a bunch of unique pictures. If we all drew a picture inwardly, we’d all draw the same picture, so to speak. In that sense, it’s a matter of untangling what is relative and being identified with. What is absolute is automatic, or ‘floats’ of it’s own accord, and is without tenses or tension.
  16. @Tim R I’m referring to the ‘tension headache’ mentioned in the op, my hunch is it is in the neighborhood of a self limiting belief or two grounded in a perspective of comparison with what is not actual, in the sense of ‘some people are lucky’, or, ‘x’ is ‘just how it is’, with the other side of the coin being ‘it’s just how I am’. That ‘how I am’, is based on the past (past tense) but the thought pattern that perpetuates it is present tense, and so there is a past trying to be made present which isn’t ‘fitting’, and so the tenses are essentially conflicting (tensions). Present, no tension. ‘Pulling’ past into present, tense-in (to present). A mindset of tripping to let go, instead of tripping to resolve, would be helpful.
  17. @Craigxt22 The mushrooms aren’t the source or cause of the tension but the relief from it. The tension is the resuming of the tension that was prior to the trip which ‘seems normal’ / there wasn’t as much awareness of it, and the headache is the heightened awareness of the tension being resumed & the concern of not knowing why it is. There are dots to be connected as to the why of the tripping and the tension & headache.
  18. @Marinador I really like his wit & humor. Also that passage is misleading.
  19. Yes this is a duality you create. Essentially, ‘deep & not deep’. It is also a preference. I don’t know if it’s validation related, but I know you & pancakes as infinite unconditional love.
  20. @Marinador No actually, not at all. ? Nonduality means not two, as in the subject & objects, or possessor and possession. Existence = awareness. That’s all that is. No one has it. Some claim they do, apparently.