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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Just a perspective being offered...connotations, opinion, rather than definitions...just a way to look at this, not me trying to tell you how anything ‘actually’ is.... If we can allow “not awake”, to basically amount to, “I don’t like how I feel right now”...then a new way of looking at this, a new way of thinking about this, a new way of feeling about this might arise. A way which does feel good to you, right now, and is productive. If “not awake” is really just saying “I don’t like how I feel right now”....then we can inspect, why - what is it, literally, which does not feel good to you, right now... If your foot is stuck in a bear trap, it’s most definitely that. If your balls are stuck in a car door someone just slammed, it is most definitely that. If there is no physical factor in your immediate environment which can be said to be the obvious source of the ‘not feeling good right now’...then let us consider the culprit might be the perspective...the way you’re looking at experiencing life, which is not resonating (does not feel good right now). If this is the case, or is at least in some way agreeable...then it can only stand to be reasonable, that you must acknowledge this. To feel better, you must acknowledge that the way you’re looking at it currently, is not working, and also does not feel good. Why though, amIright? Why doesn’t the perspective feel good? the paramount, pertinent, relevant factor...both in terms of you being productive, and you feeling great right now. Sacrificing how you feel right now, via the perspective that you are doing so - for the sake of how you will feel in the future, is what is not working for you...right now. There are existential explanations about time, where the fuck a self might be, yada yada, but if all that does not amount to you feeling great right f’ing now - then who f’ing cares!? AmIright or amIright? You are learning what ‘letting go’ is. If you don’t like how you feel right now, you must let the present perspective go. Then, you must do something, anything at all that you like - until you feel, better. Then, in your feeling better, you can re-approach the subject - from a different perspective. That different perspective, would be the realization that feeling will never be in a future. I would offer that in this case, “not awake” could be defined as feeling not good now, because you might not be feeling good in the future. If this is the case, this will not work, because feeling is only thought to be in a future, but is actually only now. You, will never actually be ‘in a future’. You are presently, thinking of yourself, as if you were in a future. But it doesn’t feel right, because it is not right. “If I continue putting how I feel second, focusing on the perspective which does not feel good to me, I will not get a thing accomplished”. “I am fully capable of letting a perspective go, and relaxing, and focusing on something else that feels better. I am really getting what crazy guy is saying, when he says relaxation is not a thought, but is feeling. Letting go, when I find I have stumbled into not feeling good, is the only option that works. This is because there is a source of good feeling, and it is ever present - but only now. When I ‘go into the future’, I leave this source of feeling good. Feeling is the present, feeling is not in a future. This whacko of a guy has said this a hundred thousand times but I think I might actually entertain this now because I’m getting that this is how I’m creating my own suffering, and life can be in nirvana if I stick with my source of good feeling. If I don’t leave it, how could I ever experience a moment without it. I wonder if this could be because the only point of this experience, is the experience. Maybe if me & my source are like this ??, I will feel great and be productive.” If I may...”caring” has been hijacked. It won’t work. It already isn’t. It’s dead to you now. Also, it’s still ‘thinking about yourself’. If you were truly thinking of yourself, how you feel would be put first, without exception. I mean maybe if some guy is falling off a cliff or drowning or whatever, but I’m talking about the way one goes about this life thing. Actually letting go, ‘works’. This means actually focusing on something else...feeling good again, getting back to ??. Then....proceed, and kick ass. Again, this is no more than a perspective offered. Some say this is bypassing, some say this is the exact opposite of bypassing, some say what you’ve been doing is bypassing. Who cares. Always up to you, and if I may, your source, or, good feeling. Yourself. ???
  2. This is how you’re recreating the suffering. Awake = there isn’t time, this is infinite being appearing to be consistent. “Care” = feeling. “But I feel about being awake tomorrow, and the day after”. No you actually don’t care / feel that. You THINK you do. Awake = Now = You = Love. Stop pretending you can think feeling. Stop pretending you can be awake anywhere, or anytime. Awake = Now. You can not be other-than you. Now can not be other than now. “Why doesn’t this square peg of thinking fit into this round hole of feeling?” Who cares really. Just stop pounding it. “No matter what, I'll keep backsliding and escaping” That ends with laughing.
  3. @randomguy123 Keep returning focus to big big stomach breaths, with the point being feeling. Feel your entire waste-line expand when you take in a big stomach breath. Feel the breath into the body all the way to the sensations in the bottom of your feet, and all the way up to the top of the head. Thoughts take us all for a ride. All the emotional misunderstanding from our past, from all the suppression we had to do just to psychologically function to be on the same page as the conventional collective survival status quo, is completely false. What a toll this took on you love. Keep letting go by feeling via breath. The breath is no thing, and will excavate the body of misunderstandings. On their way out, ‘they’ll try to rope you in’, again & again & again. Don’t ‘fall for it’, allow feeling, slow the breath to excavate. Don’t hold back what comes up, and yet don’t ‘fall for the thought stories’ of it. Keep relaxing over and over, keep feeling via the breath, over & over. You, complete, in the peace of our being, is the result of letting go. The pressures you innocently internalized are clashing with truth. Forgive them, truly, truly, truly, they do not know. Forgive yourself. You are the pure & innocent, untouchable, un-harmable, love and light of this place. Better days are coming my friend. Better days ahead. ☀️ Every being in your universe sends their love home to you. Just keep letting go, and receiving it. Fill yourself with yourself. ?
  4. ‘It’s’ not a state you can get into with psychs or meditation. Hopefully that’s more helpful.
  5. I’m a client who comes to you for help with bringing meditation into my life because I tend to ruminate about money and what other people think. How can meditation help me with this? (And I don’t care how professional you are, I care about if meditation helps this suffering or not).
  6. This is awesome and I am looking forward to it! I second the Sean Carrol invite motion too. John Hagelin, more so. I think the overall potential rebuttal would be if there is no objective reality, what is science and what are the specific limits of science of which there are objections.
  7. Of course. Sounds like this is already the case. Simply appreciate them and express gratitude. If you are making a class system of SP’s, definitely keep studying SD’s. The end of the tunnel is that the tunnel is itself a rainbow, of which you serve as a prism. Identifying as a Christian rather than recognizing the distinctions between the dogma and the message creates, to you, non Christians. When there is conflict, you are creating it. If ever that is unclear, physically point to the conflict. Rather than advance a dogma of classes or levels (wether it is religion or SP’s) just be you. ‘Advance’ “that”. We need more of that. That is the point of the dogma’s and models, not the upholding of dogmas or models. When you arrive somewhere, you get out of the car, yes? No. There is only to recognize religion is not a thing that is yours. You are not connected to it, you are attached to thoughts that you are. Religion = your belief, that there is - “religion”. Try to physically point to ‘religion’, and you will realize you can not. Try to feel it though, and you will feel beyond it, prior to the thoughts of dogma and classes. A belief (in this case) is a thought, repeated, and identified with (my religion). Convince another of your belief, and you’ve essentially started a religion. Get them to identity with it too, and they will murder people for you in God’s name, as you have successfully put yourself, via your own thought attachment, beliefs, dogma & influence, between them and their own source. It is astounding how man can be convinced to ignore the obviousness of pain and hurt, and the Great equalizer becomes a mere poker chip. I stumbled onto some teachings and I am feeling lonely and having difficulty expressing myself and influencing others with it. You interested? Neither is she. Extract and be the juice, and I can not resist you, for I want liberation wether I know it or not, because intuition is feeling, not a thought. Thought gets in the way, like those of what someone else should do. Swiftly shift focus to what you want to do that is not a ‘waste of time’ to you, and I have a hunch she might be interested in that, that ‘juice’ is infectious, irresistible. The self can not be improved upon, and is free to learn unabashedly. In the recognition this is true for you, is the recognition this is true for her, and every one. Allow your life to be your creation. Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like this moment is your last. When the point of life is the experience that is actual, that is now, you are never lost.
  8. @Chives99 I agree with your thinking & approach. The only thing I would offer is ‘do nothing’ rather than hold the intention of ‘strong determination’. It’s connotational, but imo it implies there is a you which is determined, as in fighting or withstanding the ‘sitting’. This could set the stage for battle, rather than (imo) the natural curiosity and wonder, and the seeing of the coming and going of thoughts, perception, and feelings. Also, things will not get ‘scary’ towards the end, things will get very ‘projecty’ towards the end. (Fear is a projection).
  9. Holy synchronicity. Sitting on the porch reading your comment, ups guy walking up to the house is literally bent over by love half way across the lawn, hand’s on his knees, loss of breath. Looks at our lawn sign, looks at me and says “I really appreciate that man, really”. I said “I really appreciate you man, really”. He said “It’s a mess tho, amIright?”. I said “hell yeah it is, but we got this tho, amIright?”. He said “yeah...... YEah.........YEAH we do got this”. I said well alright then.
  10. Meditation isn’t something you’re doing. Truly it can not be first or last.
  11. “Silence speaks as loud as war, and I return to what it was before”. VH "So the last will be first, and the first will be last...the meek shall inherent the earth" JC
  12. Well by all means then my man, enlighten me. is that known?
  13. @Samuel Garcia It could be said that ‘knowing’ perceptions and sensations is (investigatively) a step prior to recognizing perception and sensation.
  14. @Heaven If I’m reading between the lines accurately I think you go it just right. Well done.