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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Maths are incredibly weird imo. One big loopless ‘loop’. This just came to mind.....What if you’re not a good subjective idealist? Then you can not know what you perceive, and yet that is primary (the not knowing via not identifying as a subjective idealist). Then it could no longer be said with certainty that you are having a subjective experience of seeing right now. When you close your eyes, the change is the subjective experience, but recalling there is no certainty of a subjective experience...implies there is no, ‘change’. But if there’s no change, wtf is seeing & experiencing? Like a tree that falls in the woods, I would say it is obvious where it falls. If I hear it, I would say that it is obvious that it was heard. But if I am hearing and no tree falls, there is no experience of the sound of a tree falling. That seems obvious too. If the tree were to fall but I was not there to hear it, then I would not experience the alleged sound of the tree falling. That also seems obvious. What is not as obvious, is that the tree, the ear, and the sound, are vibration. What is even less obvious, is that sight is a vibration. But neither hearing nor seeing need light, as there is no correlation with vision. If I want a correlation, I vibrate as it. Then I will see it, and have a “subjective experience” of a “correlation”. Then, it is seen that to see in certainty, I must be blind. To ‘keep’ two I’s, we say there is a third, but it seems we don’t go so far as to start a second heart movement, because that would just be nonsense.
  2. Enlightenment as a measurable possession of an individual is like sitting on a divine toilet while pissing delusion in your own face. Other is already violence. It just looks, silly.
  3. @Someone here Godspeed. ?? Good vibes to ya sir.
  4. @seeking_brilliance Flipping the accent of the down beat of the kick to the up beat on the snare and back again like it never even happened.
  5. ‘That’ is this. This is absolutely nothing. Nothing is not some other thing, place or dimension ‘after we die’. It’s this. “Everything” is the movie the screen (Nothingness) is being. It’s not that the brain doesn’t know what happens when we die, it’s that brain is a thought, not a thing which knows. You are that which is knowingness of the thought ‘brain’, and that which is the ‘thought’ ‘brain’. Humorously if you will, ‘death’ is also a ‘thought’, which is you, and is about you. It’s funny because it’s the same you ‘life’ is attributed to. How funny are you? “I do not remember what it is like to be in a dream, i simply do not, never have !!! So i don't know what to compare this reality to...” You can’t be in a dream. You can make it seem like it though, by dreaming. Imagine if “you” - conventionally speaking, as a person, wanted to go somewhere. Imagine you don’t have a car, but you can become any vehicle. *poof* - you become a car. But there’s no you to drive the car. But the scenery changes as if.
  6. @SirVladimir Much appreciated, but tbh it’s just what comes to mind. @Leo Nordin Have a great adventure in any case, and sorry if too analytical. ?. Enjoy the buffet.
  7. I am the creator of everything and I choose my experience of life. I dont have any physiological problems when I let myself be in a ecstatic state. "states of consciousness" is just me trying to use language with you. If there are no states of consciousness, and you are consciousness, how is there a you which lets or doesn’t let a myself be in or not be in, a state? Not otherwise either because I chose the ego to do what's needed. I dont get where needs or wants come in. If you are consciousness, and consciousness is choosing the ego, what is the ego, and how is consciousness choosing it? How does consciousness and or ego arrive at what’s needed, as distinguished from what’s wanted? This will become of major importance if you awaken, some that has gone into the bliss too deep really struggle to eat and do whats needed. I don't get where needs or wants come in. Is it possible that there are factors in regard to their experience which you are not aware of, and are thus attaching the importance as relative to their awakening? There is no need for activity when in high states of consciousness. "states of consciousness" is just me trying to use language with you. I don't get where needs or wants come in. If states of consciousness is only semantical, how can the states be the determining factor of need & activity? Dam hahaha, isn't it obvious to the awakened mind? Nahm have you awakened yet? You see when you have awakened often what you do on this world will only be what is needed. I don't get where needs or wants come in. If one were to have an awakening experience, yet still believe in or identify with mind (such as awakened or unawakened mind), one might derive one has ‘an awakened mind’. This also could be semantical, but does not seem so as it is followed with asking another mind (?) if it has awakened yet. Again, could be semantics, but being awake in this instance is being said to be the cause of only doing what is needed. Or if I even should use such unpleasant ego that I am using. I don't get where needs or wants come in. What is the ego and how are you using it? What makes it pleasant or unpleasant to you? Again, you might initially see this to be semantical, or due to English being a second language, but the ego is specified as something you are using, while being said to be unpleasant. I wanted to see, are you doing this for the greater good of the world as the highest unselfishness with no real personal gain or fulfillment from it. Or are you doing all this work to get something out of it, because when you are experiencing ecstasy why choose activity over that, for your survival yes but then what. This is where gurus come in, serving the world. I don't get where needs or wants come in. If states of consciousness is just semantics, and you are self aware consciousness, who are you talking about in regard to selfishness (or selflessness), personal gain, fulfillment, doing work, and getting some thing out of it? This would have to be yourself. If this is recognized, how does this relate to ecstasy being some thing experienced, which comes & goes relative to activity?
  8. I would tell them to contemplate need vs want in hopes they recognize there are no states of consciousness. I would ask them for specific examples of the scenarios in which they will help everyone in their futures and spread joy. Up to you. From another perspective, getting kicked out isn’t the cause of not getting the passing grade. How does your inquiry relate to me? Are you implying that because I do not see things the same way as someone looking to resolve them, I must “not be as awake as you”?
  9. This might be obvious to you but it doesn’t make sense to me.
  10. @Muhammad Jawad To draw out the direct experience and nuance of what is being referred to, first consciously isolate yourself from society. No more friends or family, no coworkers, no so’s, neighbors, nothing. You must fully realize your true nature, and establish a self image of yourself as the most conscious human for having done so, by comparing your direct experience with each person’s direct experience, so you can know you are indeed the most enlightened person.
  11. Hoping to help & not to offend...yes you are doing this backwards. Awareness is directly aware of; thought, perception, and sensation. The direction you’re going in is that of adding thinking. Too much awareness of thinking is perpetuating a loop, or a bouncing back & fourth between discord in thought & discord in feeling, and nothing is making sense, and nothing is helping, and experientially, ‘in the body’ wise, awareness has no where to go. This might be keeping the body in a fight or flight mode, and that might be ‘feeding’ back in to the loop causing even more intensified thoughts... then the bodily feeling of discord intensifies, intensifying thinking, and so on. The other direction is lessening thinking, which gives the body a break, which is readily possible & accessible by more awareness of perception and or feeling / sensation in the body. In the matter of the ‘dropping of awareness into the heart’, this would be the initial step in that direction. I completely believe you are very honestly describing what you are experiencing. I feel for you, it is clearly suffering, and it is obviously valid because it is your experience. However, one perspective that could be considered, is that the more fundamental underlying nature of what you are experiencing is more common than what you might think, or presently be in a position to consider. There is a range if you will of how each mind illuminates and also of how the mind addresses the experience of the body in matters of releasing energies. I do not pretend to know, but I feel you are experiencing an intense aversion to feeling & don’t see or understand why, and that this is not the more common matter of conscience, but of the ‘bouncing back & fourth’. I think it is much more of a spiritual nature than a ‘your personal past’ nature. If any thing it is more vision & future related. Again, want the absolute best for ya, and don’t mean to offend. If it’s not useful just disregard. If it’s helpful, feel free of course to pm me anytime. There can be underlying self misunderstandings of the mind, and or of the nature of bodily sensations which can be understood, addressed & aligned, such that there is peace of mind, no more suffering, and some rather amazing feelings.
  12. My kids favorite game; hide & seek. Favorite Holiday; Halloween. Who they play & trick or treat with...whoever wants to. ??‍♂️
  13. “I'd like to refrain from psychedelics for now (thinking; dual; maybe I will, maybe I won’t, maybe soon, maybe not, maybe it’s best, maybe it’s not) ...although it seems interesting (feeling) and I'm curious (intuition) about them.” I am not suggesting you should or shouldn’t. I’m saying there are muggles & wizards, and when I see a wizard looking for platform 9 & 3/4 in Mugglesville, I mention Hogwarts. This is a very basic & general overview.... The sessions are you laying on your back on a massage table, and a reiki practitioner feels your energy, typically by holding their hands slightly above different areas of your body. They are feeling the chakras, meridians, & aura, and aligning them. These are prior to thinking, and they influence thinking & how reality is experienced. More experienced practitioners can do reiki on anyone anywhere, regardless of the distance between the two people. It varies a bit, but Reiki classes are generally offered as Reiki 1, 2, & 3. Reiki 1 is essentially ‘heal yourself’, Reiki 2 is ‘help others heal themselves’, Reiki 3 is ‘to teach Reiki’. Reiki 3 is much more in depth in regard to the nervous system, psyche, emotions, and how these function with the chakras, meridians, and aura. The theme is aligning all of them. The word “heal” in Reiki is all encompassing in comparison to the conventional usage of the word. Reiki means ray, as in the light, and key, as in love is the key. Like anything, each person has a unique experience, so of course you’d have to go and see what it is for you. In Reiki 1 I experienced purification. (Not just literally in the class per se, but it was began, or, ‘opened’, might be a good way to say it.) In Reiki 2 siddhis were realized. Reiki 3, more of the same but much broader, deeper & nuanced, and more ability to turn it on & off and not be consumed or overwhelmed, if you will.
  14. @Mikael89 You made somebody really happy when you typed that.