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Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity Thought the answer was there in the question really. -
@electroBeam I have an intuitive feeling a yet more expansive insight is going to hit you in a matter of minutes as to the genius of ‘Leo’.
Imagine getting so engrossed in a movie you are convinced when it ends you die. It could be real-I-zed the movie appears of the screen, while the movie is playing. If not, surely, when it’s over.
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, exactly. Yes, but also open mindedness. There is a perspective in which I am utilizing my concentration and it is useful to use the hand. There is also a perspective that experience is a concentration of infinite consciousness, and that I have concentration or are utilizing it are illusory. In the realization of this perspective, there is no longer the implied need for the utilization of the hand or concentration. Likewise, there is a perspective ‘I am knowing, I am seeing’, and there is another perspective I AM = knowing, I AM = seeing. Same, and yet different. In the realization of the second perspective, seeing transpires in Mind (vs mind & eyes), and that points from Reiki to Siddhis. Yes. If you haven’t, try each hand as the ‘receiving hand’ (open with palm up) and the other hand as the ??, as if the energy received is flowing through in between the thumb and index finger. It’ll soon feel like an energetic rope is being pulled through them.
@Leo Nordin The beauty of the quotes is you supply meaning.
Nahm replied to Mjolnir's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If there are causes & effects, then yes it would seem so. Linguistically, something can be prior to something, without being separate, and without causation. Yes. Compare arising thoughts on your worst feeling day, to your best feeling day. Think of Disneyland as an analogy. If I’m suggesting to go to Disneyland and you haven’t been there before, what either of us think about it doesn’t matter much. Going and seeing it is the worthwhile thing. -
Nahm replied to LastThursday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Maybe eyes & seeing aren’t subject & object either. -
Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Situation, aggravation Everybody allegation In the suite, on the news Everybody dog food Bang bang, shot dead Everybody's gone mad All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us Beat me, hate me You can never break me Will me, thrill me You can never kill me Jew me, sue me Everybody do me Kick me, kike me Don't you black or white me All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us Tell me what has become of my life I have a wife and two children who love me I am the victim of police brutality, no I'm tired of being the victim of hate You're raping me of my pride Oh, for God's sake I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... Set me free Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Trepidation, speculation Everybody allegation In the suite, on the news Everybody dog food Black man, blackmail Throw the brother in jail All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us Tell me what has become of my rights Am I invisible because you ignore me? Your proclamation promised me free liberty, no I'm tired of being the victim of shame They're throwing me in a class with a bad name I can't believe this is the land from which I came You know I really do hate to say it The government don't wanna see But if Roosevelt was living He wouldn't let this be, no, no Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Situation, speculation Everybody litigation Beat me, bash me You can never trash me Hit me, kick me You can never get me All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us All I wanna say is that They don't really care about us Some things in life they just don't wanna see But if Martin Luther was living He wouldn't let this be, no, no They don’t really care about us
@StephenK Careful attributing polarization to a society. If it is at all, it is of the individuation and projected onto a collective, and thus perpetuated precisely as some individuations desire it to be. This to this, listen through the words, for the message.
“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” “God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.” “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain and not thunder that grows flowers.” “The very center of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.” “This is a subtle truth, whatever you love, you are.” Rumi ?
Nahm replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The appearance of ‘form’ is not alien to formlessness. Perspectives arise via purification; old paradigm, go for the outward thought story, even though feeling isn’t resonating with it. New paradigm; feeling is paramount & fundamental, perspectives go as effortlessly (and magically) as they arise. It is not uncommon to formulate perspectives in the blame category (also psychosis, paranoia, etc) when the mind is faced with the suppression of feeling that has been transpiring. Also, if there is any struggle in releasing such a perspective, don’t wrestle, forgive, understand, love. Whisper “I didn’t know”, and smile of your awesomeness. Redirect such energy to your well being. -
Nahm replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Total carnofall. -
Nahm replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
?? -
@Nivsch The misnomer is at the very foundation of the inquiry. “Today’s science” can not really be attributed to in the manor you believe, because it is only subjective connotation and opinion. Ironically perhaps, a scientific approach of inspecting direct experience reveals this. Scientists, on the other hand so to speak, are woke & plentiful. Just be more choosy with who & what you’re putting n front of you. YouTube wise, check out PBS Space Time. Look to feeling, the vibrational nature of reality which scientists study. Notice when you first make a devil, and then focus on wanted, people feel your inner discord intuitively, even if they are not cognitively aware of this. Feeling is always first. This is inescapable. Thank God. “No one cares what you know until they know that you care!” ― Benjamin Franklin
Nahm replied to Gneh Onebar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Gneh Onebar Some folks hand authority to Trump. Some to Ramaji and Ananda Devi. Slippery, slippery slope. A book, a video, an index of loc, supports “I am higher consciousness than you”. But that, has always been up to you. -
@Alfonsoo Acknowledging thought by recognizing you are the awareness, aware of thought, is ample. No need to break free of anything, you are already freedom, or, pure spontaneity. Meditation every morning is great for letting thought go by relaxing the body and focusing on feeling & breathing from the stomach. Recognize that “it is very difficult to break free of this way of thinking” is one thought, about thinking. In noticing this is one thought, there is not the impulse to believe the story or narrative, of the thought. Imagine if you realized you’ve had a habit of ‘believing your left hand’. In being aware of the habit, you recognize the left hand is not a matter of belief or not, but just is, in a very neutral sense, the left hand. Write ‘relationship’ on your dreamboard, and imagine / fantasize about how it feels to be in that loving, happy, healthy relationship. Feel appreciation for him / her, and gratitude for the experience of the relationship. Then, if someone asks you if you’re in a relationship, be open minded that this may very well be the coming of the opportunity for the relationship, and tell them you are not, but are looking to be.
Awesome! Hold your left hand out a bit with your palm up. Take some stomach breathes, relax the whole body, ‘let go’, and when you feel the energy tingling into the left palm, hold your right palm above each chakra, one at a time, from bottom to top, feeling the spinning. Feel the direction of the spin, and also you’ll notice a feeling as if a record spinning which is not perfectly flat, like an energetic record with energy ‘lumps’ brushing against the right palm. Spin counterclockwise with the intention of removing / emptying any ‘lumps’, and then clockwise, evening out the chakra by filling it with energy from your right palm. With practice you’ll feel the energy into the left hand...through your entire body...and then through the right hand, back into the body aligning the chakras in a more and more balanced yet energetically intense manor as you go. Then move both palms slowly from lowest to to highest chakra and feel all of them spinning clockwise together at the same speed. Feel the energy coming from below the body, up and out through the top of your head. Caution: bliss may ensue. Also, after aligning the chakras, with the left ‘receiving hand’ lightly make the ‘ok’ ?? hand gesture (with palm facing up), and feel how the energy changes in the sense it is more concentrated. Make the same gesture with the right hand, palm facing out / away, and with practice you’ll feel the entire body as if one whole chakra. Weird as it may sound, you’ll eventually (if not right away) feel around your body exactly as if it was your ‘regular’ body. (The aura)
Nahm replied to Pratyekabuddha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Pratyekabuddha Passive and also not. There’s an on and off to it, very much like the relationship between meditation / yoga and thinking. Reiki classes are great for exploring the energy work end of things, but I wouldn’t underestimate the role a good foundation plays. Practices are really more for letting even expectations go, vs getting results. The desired result is feeling better, which is the natural occurrence of letting go. New hopes, new dreams, new fantasies. -
Nahm replied to Pratyekabuddha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Pratyekabuddha Having experienced satori, and realized nibbana & moksha, as well experiencing a variety of siddhis...they don’t function in the manor you are thinking. While it is experientially wonderful, meta-amazing & blissful in my life, a siddhi has never occurred for my life. I don’t mean to imply that is objectively true, just sharing from direct experience. -
Delightful question. I would just write, “enlightenment”. Wanting is unobstructed, mentality can be obstructive, manifesting is the underlying actuality in either scenario. That is, in either case the experience is being created by the one experiencing, who is free to choose aligned (good feeling) perspectives. To draw out this distinction in direct experience...when an obstructive men-tality is experienced, reconsider the subject, relationship, memory, or category from a perspective of totality, inclusiveness, as if you already had it, as if you already were it.
Nahm replied to bennett oppel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, I think we’re saying the same thing, for ever and forever withstanding. -
Nahm replied to bennett oppel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@bennett oppel Nice. Thought arose...were you to then measure said loop, you would find it to be impossible. A half measure would say nothing, and a double measure would appear to say something, while the default ‘go to’ would be ‘time’.