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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @zeroISinfinity Well yeah, but that’s if the nihilistic idea came from my comment (none of ‘your’ meaning or ideas come from anyone or anywhere). What if I’m already thinking that I’m thinking existence, but not noticing the duality of thought (such as the possibility of existence being something & not nothing)? Then ‘nothing really exists’ stands to throw a wrench in that, and inevitably I’m going to intuitively want to make sense of this. Maybe it stands to under pin necessity is a contingency, but not necessarily.
  2. @LfcCharlie4 Great to hear! ?? I’d stay in step 1 for now: Write anything you want, whatever comes to mind. ‘Small’ things, ‘big’ things, the more the better. Keep it light and effortless.
  3. @zeroISinfinity Not a nihilistic thought about nothing, this nothing existing, apparently.
  4. @Endangered-EGO Awesome! Awareness of subject objecting thinking brings rumination to a natural end.
  5. @Arcangelo What is / was your plan for financial independence prior to the barbecue incident?
  6. @Loving Radiance causation ...can exist when one believes time? Transpiring means imagining? Without believing the thought that happiness is contingent on causations & future outcomes, as if happiness were an object obtainable & achievable...when these thought conditions are recognized as the suffering and let go...happiness is felt, or, known, as the presence that Is already, and the very source of all one is wanting to experience. The causations are implied in language & thoughts, the actuality of which (language & thoughts) is infinite being (not-two). Continual focus upon the conditions is the activity of the mind veiling ‘it’s’ own source, or, true nature, which is not two. Awareness can actually veil itself in this manor to such a degree that it believes itself to be separate of itself and thus considers the causation of killing itself, not noticing it is itself already. @LfcCharlie4 Indeed. All the thought stories ever told about “the ego” have nothing on a single want written on a dreamboard.
  7. @mandyjw There are as many falsities as there are problems.
  8. @Reciprocality There is no more a Nahm, than causation transpiring now.
  9. @Reciprocality It seems so, but there was no wanting of an example, which of course then exemplifies that there is no causation.
  10. This seems as good as any place to put this. “ do you laugh, or does it cry?” Scott Weiland
  11. @Dlavjr If you don’t like it, pick another story that resounds being.
  12. Inspect it directly. It disappears. @mandyjw False. Wake up lasso.
  13. Maybe the question is what is that (“something”).
  14. We limit ourselves with conditions & believing in causation.
  15. If a thought which doesn’t resonate is let go, and focus is on what you want, it will be. This is already the case.
  16. Neither exist. There would have to be two things for them to be identical.