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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Adamq8 I think if you read between the lines, it is seen the writer (op) there is quite woke. They seem to purposefully write in a style that is comprehensively, as well as in individuations, a minefield of traps for deflection, projection, superiority, and claims of the ‘spiritual ego’ in general. Highly enjoyable writer / writing imo.
  2. Question the reality of the questioner first.
  3. @Mafortu Your intuition is perfectly on. It is accurate to say of course, nothing is hidden, nothing is everything, ‘this is it’, etc. Also, this is perfectly accurate too.
  4. @Shin Great question. Would make for a challenging but worthwhile book imo.
  5. God moves by not moving, does by not doing, lives by not living.
  6. God isn’t dealing with anything, nor loving anything.
  7. @Reciprocality I hear ya. Vision, with new meaning, could even be thought of as a sensation, for example.
  8. This, the post as a whole, is a thought, a perspective which doesn’t resonate. Rather than stick a post it over feeling (“afraid”), let the perspective go. There is a certain obviousness of this, if you are willing to laugh at yourself...not take yourself too seriously. Rather than pretending they are seeing, bats abide in sonar and bump not in the night. Also good for a laugh...the notion what you create could ever match the joy of the creating...or that you’re finding wisdom from the words of another. We are sneaky, sneaky bats. Don’t settle for post it notes. (Not that you could).
  9. @Mikael89 It’s even better than that, science is not an entity which could be said to ‘know’, ‘study’, etc.
  10. Through meditation (the middle way), thought attachment is surrendered. Thoughts like body, I, here, there, before, born, where, memory, me, sleep, others, reality, etc. As such awakening is, already was and will eternally be, and there is but to consciously create and celebrate.
  11. @Reciprocality Alright then. Godspeed. Dr tried to check my reflexes the other day with the little knee hammer thingy, but he wasn’t fast enough. I was like ...
  12. It doesn’t sound like ‘beautiful beauty’, it is the same as saying ‘beautiful beauty’. This is being missed.
  13. There is One Source, and it is not “the ego”. If desire is coming from the ego - the priority in regard to what is true, would by default be to see what ‘the ego’ which is being given so much credit, actually is. When you forget where your car keys are, is it “the ego’s” fault? Or do you look for them, ruling out all the places they are not?
  14. Awareness is not a property or possession of an individual. Humans are not aware. A body mind does not produce awareness. When it is recognized awareness is prior to thoughts like I, me, my, mine, you, one creates existential suffering is recognized. It is Truth. All that is, is Truth. A separate self has ever lived. Awareness is prior to thoughts. Meditation is the way. Awareness is aware of awareness. Awareness is aware of thoughts. That there is a paradox, is a thought like ‘there is a tree’. Tree is a label, a thought, not perception. Likewise, only in believing the thoughts I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, does there seem to be a ‘you’, and then, a ‘paradox’, and then ‘insecurity’. The resolve is letting go, no longer attaching to thoughts which convince there is a separate self(s). Meditation reveals there is no problem, because there is no separate self to have it. Believing thoughts about enlightenment is the surest way to perpetuate the separate self paradigm. Letting thoughts go in meditation is the surest way to realize the true nature. When the true nature, or ‘truth’ is realized, the false premise that ‘suffering is desire of change’ is seen through. Suffering is the denial of desire of change, and or the denial of no need for change. Suffering is illusory, but is not exceptional either. The more attached to thoughts and physicality awareness is, the less sense that makes. The less attached, the more sense. No one know’s another’s experience. Assumptions can be surrendered in meditation. No one can meditate for someone. No one can let go of thought attachment for someone. No one can let perspectives in discord with truth go for someone. To perpetuate such an expectation is to perpetuate suffering via the myth of the separate selves. Thinking so much that perfection is missed is similar to talking so much silence is missed. The perfection of water is wetness, though ice cubes struggle to recognize this, while it is their true nature. That the true nature is revealed is absolutely inevitable. When you fill the tray, ‘paradox’ isn’t even an arising thought / question. But first, empty it.
  15. @Reciprocality Infinity is unbelievable. Life is impossible. One reason people meditate is that it brings the activity of the mind to a rest such that there is not an apparent contextualization of what seemed to be experienced. Without a foundation, experiencing such things does seem to lead to depersonalization or derealization, but these are the prior mentioned contextualization. mind is ‘made of’ Mind. When mind is at rest Mind is already present. mind has a ceiling of duality which Mind seems to have but actually doesn’t. Without samadhi, satori seems to come & go, simplified, without a foundation glimpses seem to come & go.
  16. Enlightenment isn’t an achievement, nor your death, nor pertaining to your energies, nor a leaving of a body, because there is no subject object situation such that there could be achievement, nor is there a you, nor is there death, nor a body, nor a your energies. It’s more the realization, or, self recognition of this truth, vs a reinforcing of dualities. Ya bamboozled yourself, which is perfectly fine because there is no alternative option. @James123 This is just a fantasy indeed. ???