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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Lews Therin Infinity is a rational mind like water seems to be an ice cube. Water hands seemingly grasping water.
  2. @Lews Therin Retrace the idea, as in, where’d it come from?
  3. @Anton Rogachevski When that is not left up to another, no.
  4. The duality of hard work or luck is only apparent in thinking & suppressed feeling. It is not actually descriptive of reality, much like ‘celebrity’. Examine your parents’ mentality. Look for your previously unnoticed draw to the opposite, as not to ‘end up like them’.
  5. @LearningPodo With love for you my friend... To anyone & everyone who believes their delusion of authority, and is maintaining ‘personal records’ on God: FUCK. YOU. ☺️ Side note, you don’t even know what the repercussion is yet, so this is a life lesson to align thought with feeling. The opposite is the suffering & fear.
  6. Stand next to the light switch and turn it on and off until you’re laughing at your own nonsense. It’ll feel great! Being wrong, or rather, realizing you were, is actually awesome. It’s a hilarious relief. The instant it is recognized you are thinking precisely how you want to, you are free. Just sort of admit to yourself you actually like the ‘fear’, which is why you watch what you do, think what you do, talk about what you do (like this post). If you didn’t like it you wouldn’t choose it. You’ve never not been in control.
  7. YES. Anyway it is hijacked, still, YES. It is self referential thinking via believing one’s own thought about a comparison with others (as if there was someone else thinking about you). Without such monkey mind, being tends to ‘be warm’.
  8. @Lews Therin Retrace the idea, and you’re freed of righteousness.
  9. @Lews Therin Relativity as the appearance of reality is being missed. That leads to conceptualizing infinity as a linear time line / liver of lives, etc. It doesn’t resonate with & as infinity because it’s nonsense. Mental equanimity is found in spotting all the “should’s” & “will’s” believed about infinity as if there were infinity and also a you.
  10. God awakens, not a ‘person’.
  11. Will hurting someone bring you closer to our true nature?
  12. You would witness what it is, as in, how you create what is being called me & my vision, by being ‘outside of’ what is referred to as ‘reality’.
  13. Are you saying you focused on what you wanted and experienced it, and now you have something else in mind you might want to experience more? If so, a dreamboard is a great idea.
  14. Those points are and are in regard to consciousness. Consciousness appears as humans which have cognition, abilities, upgrades, etc, like a screen might appear as itself, to itself, of itself, as a movie. There is no thing or attribute in a movie which is beyond the screen - which is appearing as the movie.
  15. @mandyjw ‘Who’d’ you think I was talking about? Next....singing.
  16. When playing guitar (as one rando example), there is no question of linearity, form, or time. Life is like that. The experience, creating it, is the only “point”. The purpose, is the experience of playing the guitar, and anything else one creates, and co creates it to be. Presently, it is this sip of coffee, which tastes like the universe.
  17. What was once vision, ideas, laws & rights in the intrinsic sharing of one constitution, is now a collective projection of a puppet show, a nationalist cult of personalities. JFK was spot on, imo. As was Abe Lincoln, MLK, and the average person.
  18. @Adamq8 It is possible there is a relation, or personal aspect I do not see, not knowing who they are talking to, or specific points of maybe a video etc they are commenting on. Idk. Just chatting about op, the content of the thread really.
  19. @Javfly33 No. I think this writer is incredibly intelligent, and writes with incredible nuance and purpose in their writing. Certain effects or impressions might be the evidence of the quality of writing. Just speculating though, interpreting.
  20. @Adamq8 I only read / commented on the op, and did not get that impression. Forgot to answer the question of your thread, I would simply say to him or her, thank you.