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@Dodo As in, there is a deep & profound realization of love, and also there is awakening, as in Self realization. If the first is actual but thought to be the second, there might be a certain cognitive dissonance which could be normalized or balanced with thought, mindset and attitude... but the difference would be highlighted upon waking up in the morning as it follows the complete letting go of thought activity in or as sleep. The dreams would be pointing this out. This would be the good news.
That is the ‘loop’ the dream reveals. Let go of the first few thoughts that arise when reading this, and the last few too. No more ‘false icon’ loop. ? You can love the messenger, but not at the expense of the message.
Understanding is the ‘secret’. A woman looks in the mirror and wishes her ears were smaller, her eyebrows were fuller, and her hair was a better natural color. The misunderstanding is the not so good feeling is because, ‘that’s just how I look’, and the not so good feeling carries on. The understanding is, that ain’t me, that’s a mirror...and the good feeling carries on. There is no such thing as ‘body attachment’. “Body”, is a thought. A word learned, a label. The attachment is to the thought. The attachment to thought is made possible by missing that I am clearly the awareness of the thought, and therefore can never be what follows the thought, or, what the thought is about.
Main board is 3x4, double sided, on wheels. I use posts it’s occasionally, but more often email myself from my phone, putting the category as the subject line in the email. Examples would be ‘songs to learn’, ‘house’ (stuff to fix or change with the house. So for example I can search email for “songs” and all the songs I wanted to learn, and emailed myself, pop up when needed. Same for each company, etc. I also use a chalkboard-paint wall in the basement. I also have a small dry erase board where I write, and one where I play guitar / sing. On those I write pretty much what you’d imagine, like song or book idea’s, chord progressions, chapter themes, etc. We also have a family-dreamboard, where we all contribute whenever whatever thought pops up...stuff we want to experience. When we schedule a trip, or just speaks some family fun time, we just pick stuff from the board. Having a (or multiple) go-to flow like Leo mentioned really resonates. Might sound corny, but if there’s any resistance, any ‘I’m getting in my own way’, I play guitar & sing songs for God. It is pointless and therefore it works.
In my world if you will, I call this the ‘add-vantage’ of dreamboarding. Each day it is added to with anything & everything that comes to mind that you want for this life. All things & experiences desired, ‘big & small’, trivial & not. The difference in vantage between vision & the unfolding ‘to do’s’ being ‘in your head’, vs getting it ‘out of your head and into the room’ - literally seeing it in front of you, changes everything. What I’d call ‘voluntary thinking’ melts into a different way, that of understanding the relationship with sensational guidance inseparable of the play of the universe.
When the dream life of your heart comes alive it illuminates an unshakable vision in your mind. Knowing your dream, inspiration is so intrinsic, so organically & profoundly moving that what you presently ‘need’ to do is reborn anew & revealed to be the very adventure of what you love to do. An action as simple as brushing your teeth is saturated with success & satisfaction, taking the garbage out is an ineffable miracle. Should you ever find you’ve imagined yourself into such a fantasy, proceed pragmatically & accordingly.
Nahm replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nahm replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You’re very familiar with it already, just calling it RASA. I realized my beef with this whole ‘rasa’ thing...it was that the acronym NASA is already taken. ??? @arlin You seem a bit hung up on the ‘free will’. You can test this out in a simple way. Claim there is free will, and wiggle your fingers, then explain how the fingers wiggled, how you did that. Then claim there is not free will, and do the same thing. You’ll notice there is zero difference, except for what you were thinking. The entirety of reality is made of spontaneous infinite being. There are not-two. “Will” is conceptual, contingent on something to will over, or will against. Which there just isn’t. You’re perfect how you are right now, and you can change and create whatever you like going forward. -
@Dodo The passage regarding Simon likely ‘triggered’ what was already underway. Have you thought much about the morals of the Simon story, and how that might be applicable and at the root of the issues?
@Alfonsoo You can leave everything in your life as it currently is, and additionally create a dreamboard. The key here is realizing thinking about the experience is not indicative of the experience. Create one, write what you are wanting on it, and let ‘how’ thoughts about it go, and see.
Nahm replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thanks! I really appreciate the different perspective. Btw, no, reiki denotes ray (light) and love (the key), and is a term coined by Dr Mikao Usui which points to the actuality, vs naming love after one’s self, or as an ability. Same love. But I hear ya, it seems like this to a sleeper, I’m just apparently over cautious not to reinforce it, which I really appreciate you helping me see. I love the Francis quote, and also notice he doesn’t say ‘their being’, but ‘all that there is’. That’s kinda what feels off to me on their RASA. I’m sure their books are great but I think it’s a ‘where you’re at on the path’ matter really. Once the ‘perception’ jig is up...well... This is so always the case that it’s not even a point of contention, just topical. You do help me to realize I’m unnecessarily sensitive to the ‘issue’, and therefore I’m the one making it an ‘issue’, and folks are just gonna do what folks are gonna do anyways as always. Thank you! -
Nahm replied to Raven1998's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That answer must be good. People are dying to know it. -
Nahm replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There’s no you. -
Nahm replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Imagined. -
Nahm replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Beginner Mind That’s like saying breathing depends on your definition of gravity. These all are saying the same. ? ?? -
Nahm replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Appreciate your response, thanks. Would love more clarity on this. How is RASA (“Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunement”) not Reiki (“light, love”). If there is no difference, what is the intention of ‘people knowing it is not reiki’ (as in not the true nature, love & light). Again, much appreciated. Wondering...do you find any difference in feeling when considering Spira’s models & metaphors which serve to deconstruct duality & demystify ‘states of consciousness’ in the vein of realization of nonduality, in comparison to the model Ramaji offers which states separate people have levels of consciousness? Do you feel this misleads & feeds into the materialist paradigm in any way? It seems to imply to consciousness is measurable as a property of a separate self, which (‘who’) can ‘increase it’. Why would a teacher ‘play along’ with such a falsity? Making a confession seems very different that making a model that be default is the confession. Seems so misleading, thoughts? Accurate of consciousness...or accurate to Ramaji’s interpretation of separate selves which have levels of consciousness? See what I’m saying here, or no? Isn’t the assumed basis incorrect and misleading? It is literally feeding beliefs “I can raise my consciousness”, no? Is there a benefit to encouraging these beliefs that I’m missing perhaps? No offense I hope, really, but isn’t the “my students” thinking misleading & divisive? If not, how so? Again, seems rooted in a separate selves model from the start. No? Is this not already the true nature of consciousness...? It seems like adding layers, measurements, identification, beliefs, and teaching models. No? Can you really ‘break it down’ for me...how is what I’m saying skeptical, vs common sense? -
Nahm replied to Chris365's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes. There is no ‘you’. That which the comparison is made with, a you in the past with a different state, is not ‘there’. There is no actuality in comparisons of consciousnesses, because consciousness is not two. Consciousness is that which is appearing as the very comparisons, the thoughts about there being two compared. Consciousness appears altered by comparison, but never is. Consciousness is also the appearance dubbed the comparison, the appearance of “thoughts” of separation being believed. No. Let all explanations go. That ain’t ‘it’. Carrying the weight of ‘climbing the consciousness mountain’ is adverse to well being. You started at the top. Deconstruct direct experience by investigating, let go of theories and comparisons, ‘arrive’ where you already are vs trying to get somewhere you can never be. -
Nahm replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Cosmin_Visan Amen. -
Nahm replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 I agree with you, it’s just the branding that seems dishonest. Like selling RASA water. Been a participant of the transmissions in my sessions for a while now. Can’t say it gets old, but it is now delightfully ‘normal’. What do you think, should I just ‘brand it’? Am I overthinking this? Being nieve? Maybe being ‘too protective of the love’ or something? It seems reiki, light / love does suffice, and a ‘NahmSA’ lol seems whatever another level of spiritual ego might be called. It strikes me as positioning one’s self inappropriately, dishonestly. Likewise, we know there are no ‘levels’ of infinite being, and it seems the book with the levels is a brilliant marketing strategy to sell the water. Especially since “he is the one who determines the levels”, see what I mean? Or no? What will you do in a year in this regard? -
@Preety_India When the goodness of feeling is attributed to coming from another, so too is the heartbreak. There is no question the love is within you, suffering is evidentiary of this. It takes time for the mind to wind down, understandably. Hope you take this the ‘right’ way, but uh, doesn’t sound like much of a loss really (from what you say about him). Expression of the feelings is key...like you’re doing here. Any creative expression in any other category (‘him’ as one category) would do. The theme seems to be ‘he hurt me’, which may very well be true in a variety of ways. However, the past is passed (I know, easy for me to say, sorry). Any suffering now can only be attributed to, now. ‘The challenge’, the (of course) paradoxical end to the suffering...is loving unconditionally.
Nahm replied to Intraplanetary's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 ?? By creating (but missing that one is doing so) an idea of you, the ‘separate self’, an idea which can be self-inspected, and is self-inspection. Unveiling of the falsity of judgement. No, in the regular old sense...look at threads, notice questions asked of someone, which they never respond to. Not saying this is ‘wrong’ or anything, just that it is the deeper insight than questions that were answered. Heard vs manipulated into an existing paradigm. At ‘filling in the blank’ as to why a question specifically asked of someone goes unanswered by that someone. When you see through ‘your’ intention directly, you then see through every one’s. Contrarily, one holds themself to be apart, missing that which is apart is the idea of themself, or their self image, or, ‘the separate self’. -
Nahm replied to Wisebaxter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The biggest mindfuck is there is no mindfuck. -
Nahm replied to jim123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The topic & point of the quote (imo) is not religion(s), but the inward way. A crass but clearer way to say it... hardly anyone is going to cut the shit, inspect direct experience, and relinquish their beliefs, suffering, and nonsense. -
Fear of Success (Achievemephobia) What is thought to be causation, I did this & this happened, is actually not two things and a relationship between them, but one vibration of the whole of expereince. Intention ‘of’ the separate self can be motivating and work for a while, until intention itself is inevitably on the radar, and it begins to be realized there is falsity in the intention for the separate self because there isn’t one. Inspiration is what is sought, but there is often a confusion period in between realizing this. “Achieve me phobia” in the Self realization sense could be said to be the fear of realizing what I really am, due to the impact it could have on ‘my’ means. The fear of this is the avoidance of inspection of intention. Nobody fears success. Every one feels discord & alignment with thought, intention, and source. Not every one aligns these, as it is said, “most men live a life of quite desperation”.
Nahm replied to Intraplanetary's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
As in being presented with the notion ‘you create your own reality’...instead of considering this or pointing the inquiry into it, what is missed is the very notion presented for consideration is being used as the very means not to consider it. Another way of saying it is one would rather suffer than be attentive to their own judgements. (No offense anyone, this is of course more deeply not true). Yet another way to more practically see this...look at any threads here...and put the ‘non’ glasses on...see the deepest insight to be realized is that of the questions that were never answered (op’er and or original inquiry wise). Alternatively, a paradigm was held onto. Most often, judgement is employed inattentively (“asleep”) via comparison. It becomes so habitual it happens right under the nose, but goes unnoticed. But one can be attentive to what one has thus far been inattentive to. A specific example would be being inattentive to one’s belief in separate things & causation, which opens the door to believing concepts about randomness, luck & coincidence, when ‘that there are separate things’ could have been directly inspected. The belly breathing is an alternative to reactionary thinking & behavior, and the inspection is then possible. It could be said that this is to discover the actuality of intention, which one is being / has been, inattentive to. Notice these words said here can be ‘used’ either way. This is always the unnoticed dualistic way, until it is inspected and isn’t (the ‘non’ of ‘it’).