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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. No. I’d call it waking up to the actuality, the continuance of that you are creator-creation-creating. You’ve no shortage of curiosity already, and nothing is ever necessary, and there is no getting enlightened, there is no ‘for’ enlightenment. Drop that for what’s right in front of you - that which you are creating right now - that which is your life and all the experiences in it. Create that. Notice that. That isn’t letting go. That is causation, determinism, contingency, expectation, the tit for tat of a you... ‘if’.
  2. @SamueLSD ? In this particular regard, this insight, or, I wouldn’t suggest thinking about it or pursuing it at all. I’d let it go completely. I would be single pointed in the opposite, more foundational sense, with daily morning med, clean diet, aligning thought w feeling, using the dreamboard and co-creating the greatest life you can dream up. Knock your own socks off if you will, with this life as the creator you are.
  3. There really is no you. There really is no form. 5 hours a day of meditation is a potential red flag of life avoidance and could very well be preventing breakthroughs in an underlying self undermining way. Seeing unconscious is equally helpful. An ego sitting for a thousand years is still an ego. Use google and a pad of paper and actively deconstruct what a glass is. It’ll lead to qm’s, deconstructing the senses, emotions, etc. It’s not really about there being no glass, but there being no you. One of the most effective approaches (they culminate) is simply doing what the ego does not want. If ego says ‘I’m going natural’, take a psychedelic, if it says ‘I’m doing this myself’, talk to someone, etc. Arguably, the greater the variety of approaches, the broader the scope & quicker the breakthroughs, the deeper the embodiment, and the fewer pesky blind spots.
  4. I don’t know about ‘too dangerous’ but if I didn’t think it was useful & helpful I wouldn’t be doing the work so to speak. I have talked with many who would have been much better off with some guidance in the front end, no doubt about that. I’ve seen years, lifetimes really, of misunderstanding, anguish & suffering resolved in an hour or so more often than I would have ever guessed. It’s ultimately always a one off, like snowflakes and water, which in large part makes for the difficulty but also the fun.
  5. It’s related in the sense the behaviors and actions are not indicative of the entity or actuality of ‘who’ they are. Awareness is aware of awareness, and awareness is one source. ‘Two polarities’ labels rather than looking under the hood so to speak. It might be that if (when) medical insurance companies cover what an insured is experiencing, doctors will no longer need to label them in terms of identity for them to use their insurance coverage. This can be misperceived as problematic, as it is difficult to justify that a company is an individual entity when it is recognized a person it insures is not. Feel the nuanced distinction in terms of compassion...’my friend is bipolar / diagnosed bipolar’...’I am not bipolar’...vs ‘is experiencing bipolarity’...therefore ‘I am experiencing bipolarity’.
  6. @SamueLSD I hear ya & what you’re asking. Rupert explains this perfectly well without contradiction. It is a central theme through all of his work. Similar to contemplation, the answer (and there is an answer) can only arise (or be heard) in the emptiness of letting the question & questioner go. What @arlin said is true. This is literally experiencing all shades of ‘mental illness’ directly and losing your mind. This equates to peace, actual sanity, rather than acquiring a lasting mental illness.
  7. When subject object thoughts in regard to consciousness or God arise, like my consciousness, my level, my state...his / her consciousness, level, state...or thoughts generally that there is a me or I and also a source or God.. is there attachment / ego / monkey mind / concepts / theories around and or in addition to these thoughts, vs the apparent / illusory dualistic nature of thought already seen through and thus not even arising? If that is the case, there might simply not be anything missed, just the notion there is.
  8. The speed of light is a mass conspiracy.
  9. Recognizing & understanding limiting beliefs of ‘separate selves’’ is expansive, not preventative. There is nothing to understand, much to let go of, and there is no opposition, no opposing force, no one stopping you but, “your self”. Go within rather than going without.
  10. I would give this thread a read, spot what you know you don’t want as to how different facets of your life are now, then spot how the bridge is being identified with it. Notice when the mind go’s to ‘it’s just that I’m like that’, or, ‘it’s fine how it is’, when really it’s not fine to you, hence the thread. I think you’ll realize the dissonance is in thinking, and between thought & feeling, and is being compensated for with sexual activity / bodily pleasure, rather than going deeper within to realize the life changes you want. Write what it is you do want, let go of any limiting beliefs as they surface. Slowing down and contemplating more deeply is definitely key. Daily meditation comes to mind, and open mindedness. I’d really consider a solo retreat / trip & busting some general human paradigms.
  11. Yep. Like the meaning of relative. If this is the truth, this is not the truth. If this is not the truth, this is the truth. Meaningful is meaningless, meaningless is meaningful. ? That does seem to be happening.
  12. Before meditation, do some basic stretches (google it). The point of stretches is to breathe into each muscle as it is stretched, until you feel the muscle ‘give’, or relax, un-tense. This is letting tension go from the body. This is the same tension that is running the mind amuck. The tension is the body’s reaction to perspectives you believe are true and accurate, but they are not. Listen to the body, not the thoughts & perspectives. Choose to. Do not eat after 8pm, and clean the diet of sugar, carbonated beverages, and any foods that you notice you feel lethargic & tired after eating. I recommend The loophole shake. It’s vegan, raw, and has all the nutrients, enzymes, etc that doctors and nutritionists recommend. Putting this in the body is like putting premium gasoline in a sports car made for premium gasoline. Don’t ‘think about’ it, experience it. It will change your life from the most fundamental level on up, because the body & brain are made of food. You are literally creating a healthier you in doing this. Choosing well being = choosing your true nature, your source, which is the exact same as saying bringing an end to suffering. Start with the foundation so you aren’t spending years at the surface level carousel of thinking. Meditate every morning, before engaging with screens or people. In meditation, let all thoughts go. That is a tricky statement for the duality of thought, because thought already appears & disappears. Thought can neither be directly stoped nor let go. Thought is indirectly let go but focusing elsewhere. The remaining choice in regard to what awareness is directly aware of, are perception and feeling. So focus on breathing from the stomach, and relaxing (relaxation is feeling muscle ‘let go’. Relaxation is not a thought). Feel the body relax, over & over, from head to toe. Meditation is time just for you, for your well being. Time for letting go, relaxing. There’s nothing to fix or accomplish in meditation. There is nothing to be gained by you in meditation. The thought that there is, is indirectly let go. There is nothing to fear, or be concerned about in meditation. The thought that there is, is indirectly let go. Meditate again in the afternoon. Five minutes, twice a day. That’s all. If & when you want to, sit longer in meditation. That you choose to, that you choose to spend ten minutes of your day, in the name of your mental health, bodily relaxation, and general well being, is everything. What you want is to feel better. You’ve been looking for it, and not finding it. It’s because it is within you, it is what you are made of. It will arise from within you. As you choose well being, which is self loving, perspectives naturally change for the better. Again, this is because perspectives arise of a source, and that source is goodness. You can search everywhere for water, or you can take your hand off the hose and see that it was flowing all along. This is letting thoughts go, and good feeling arising. In just thirty days of choosing this well being, perspective will change similar to below.... These are thoughts, not feeling. In the matrix there is only thought, no feeling, so you believe thoughts are feeling, but they are not. You don’t know you’re in the matrix. You think you’re a person on earth. In self love & well being, you start waking up to the truth of this. That is the only way to know you were asleep in it. In the matrix there is a “you” these thoughts are about. In reality there is not this ‘you’ at all. You are not living in reality, you have never lived in reality. You only believe you have and are. This is avoiding feeling, and trying to supplement it with physical pleasure. You do this because you fear feeling. You must go into feeling to discover you’ve been making up fear. You’ve been avoiding feeling for a long time. Hand on the hose for years, plants die, weeds take over. Take your hand off the hose, flowers bloom, world is beautiful. Sleep is perfect peace. When you wake up in the morning, you’re resuming all the false perspectives which suppress feeling. Meditation is for relaxation and letting thoughts go. To say meditation is your best friend and savior, would still not do it justice. You’ve thus far chosen not to meditate daily. This choice is not working for you imo. Choose otherwise. Feel the fear come, relax the body and focus on breathing from the stomach, and feel the fear go. The more you do, the more you understand how you’re creating it, what it actually is, and the better you feel, and the less tension & fear there is. Fear is only the resistance to feeling. No more resisting feeling, no more fear. No more fear, and confidence, esteem, creativity, fun and loving are natural & effortless. Don’t expect this to make sense today, don’t expect to understand. Choose to do it. In thirty days you will out remember feeling like you do today. Write em down and forget em. Later Int he day read what you wrote down - listening to it, rather than avoiding the message. Express properly, creatively, emotionally, by writing about how you feel in a feeling journal a few times a day. Get it out of your head and into the room, so you can visually see what is going on. Understanding arises, clarity & peace ensues. You’re experiencing what does not resonate with you. Instead of seeking out more of that which does not resonate with you, focus on what does. Go to the past now. Notice you can not. You are not in a past, you are here now. Feeling is not in a past. Feeling is here now. When the mind wanders off into the past it doesn’t feel, because feeling is still here now, where you can express, heal, and create the life you actually want. You can not do this in a past. Yes you do. Don’t be afraid anymore, you are stronger, braver, and more powerful that you have ever imagined.
  13. This statement is false.
  14. @Javfly33 ? Psychedelics are a bit like windshield wipers to the bugs of self referential thinking.
  15. Could an eternal being be made to be permanent? Could an infinite being not be this other ‘thing’ (psych’s)? Is there infinity, and also separate ‘things’?
  16. Some different ways of looking... Is the job financially supportive, contributing to or making possible the doing of the five things you shared that you enjoy? (Paying or contributing to the bills, etc) If you lost that job today, would those activities change or be impacted in any way? If so, how would they change? (electricity, music & video equipment, food, etc?) Does the employment work you do contribute to a product and or service that end users pay for? As in, are there customers, or people who value it? As in, is the work you are doing in some (any) way valuable to humans, even though you don’t respect it? Would it be better for you, more impactful, inspiring, worthwhile, if you had 81% of your work time free to work on your music & video editing, marketing, etc? ? What makes it ‘on the side’ (when it’s what lights you up, what you love)? Doesn’t that reveal it is most primary & fundamental of your being? If so, how so? What prevents you from utilizing that mind of creator-ship to create great feeling perspectives about the “work” you currently do? What can you let go of, from mind, such that the result is natural effortless buoyancy in your living & creating? Why ‘tiny steps’? What does getting information (one step at a time) and having clarity look like in regard to people who’ve already taken the easily done path of artistry & wealth? Of what you should be doing with your life and reality, as in what is actual, or, this point you’re currently at in the life, which would you say is ‘more real’? Which would you say ‘feels more actual’? Which feels more like relief? Which is already and or is now becoming, and or can become more attuned with the very nuances you are wanting in it...what is, or what should be? Also, is what you want what you want, or is it what someone else wants you to do / your thought about what you should do? As in do you actually enjoy the music and video production, or are you trying to come across a certain way to someone, or others in general? Is it for self image, or do you like / love it, in terms of feeling. Does that feeling feel stoppable, as in, can you find a beginning or end of it? Or is it unstoppable? How does how you feel, impact how much you pour yourself into the production? You mentioned your mom may have been overprotective. Was it more smothering you in love ish, was it limiting upon you in any way? Did it play a preventative role of someone else, or others in general loving you / you loving them / you loving yourself? How / where / when did mom learn to be overprotective? Was it related to a sudden loss perhaps, or an unexpected life change? If I had the same thing going on as you, what is the first thing that comes to mind you would tell me, if you loved me and wanted me to feel better? How soon can you get away from as much of your day to day life familiarity for a few days to rejuvenate and reconnect? What is the most cathartic thing / experience you’ve heard of? What stuck out, or caught your ears, so to speak?