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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. See it on a dreamboard. It brings how you want life to unfold into focus, and it does. There’s a belief to be let go. Most thoughts come & go unfettered, but that belief can be spotted in that is elicits a reaction when that topic, category, or thought arises. A feeling that is undesirable accompanies the belief. In non-reaction, & non-believing the thought, how one has identified with the belief is recognized. The feeling is recognized as the related only to the occurrence of the thought. The feeling is listened to, rather than the thought believed. Focusing on fearlessness is perpetuating the belief that that feeling, is fear, when it’s not. “Fear” is a label, a thought, not a feeling. Focusing on what you want on your board, seeing it in front of you brings the limited belief up and out. Let go of what you’re been unwilling to let go of. Experience what you have ruled out thus far. One can take a look around at one’s life and see the story ones been telling. One can tell the story of wanted, and one will see that all around as well.
  2. In letting go of the story of me, there never was fear.
  3. Ego, death, thinking, vantage, stubborn self, killed, others, escape...are all a priori.
  4. @James123 Yes, absolutely. ?? Only if the thinking arising “what” is “it” does “it” seem as if “it” is not nothing. Meanwhile, the “thinking” is nothing. It’s a trolling-for-of-by-beauty thread, imo.
  5. @lmfao The point of pondry perhaps, is precisely that there is no one there. @Gesundheit
  6. @Rolo You, “the hooker”, might benefit from a dreamboard. Alluring, but you’re the the pole & the fish.
  7. @Endangered-EGO It doesn't matter what I say, so long as I sing with inflection that makes you feel I'll convey some inner truth or vast reflection. But I've said nothing so far, and I can keep it up for as long as it takes, and it don't matter who you are, If I'm doing my job then it's your resolve that breaks. Because the hook brings you back, I ain't tellin' you no lie. The hook brings you back, on that you can rely. There is something amiss, I am being insincere. In fact I don't mean any of this, still my confession draws you near. To confuse the issue I refer, to familiar heroes from long ago. No matter how much Peter loved her, what made the Pan refuse to grow was that the hook brings you back, I ain't tellin' you no lie. The hook brings you back, on that you can rely. Suck it in suck it in suck it in, If you're Rin Tin Tin or Anne Boleyn. Make a desperate move or else you'll win and then begin to see what you're doing to me, this MTV is not for free, It's so PC it's killing me, so desperately I sing to thee of love. Sure, but also of rage and hate and pain and fear of self, and I can't keep these feelings on the shelf. I've tried, well no in fact I lied, could be financial suicide but I've got too much pride inside to hide or slide, I'll do as I'll decide and let it ride until I've died and only then shall I abide this tide of catchy little tunes, of hip three minute ditties. I wanna bust all your balloons, I wanna burn all your cities to the ground. I've found I will not mess around unless I play then hey, I will go on all day. Hear what I say, I have a prayer to pray, that's really all this was, and when I'm feeling stuck and need a buck I don't rely on luck because the hook brings you back, I ain't tellin' you no lie. The hook brings you back, on that, you can rely. John Popper, waf harmonisist.
  8. ‘What’ makes ‘love’ ‘the exception’.
  9. If nothing lasts forever, what makes love the exception?
  10. I’ve no faith in it, just in you. It would be funny for anyone to be skeptical of there being stars, when they could check & see, and live under so much beauty.
  11. Awareness of self talk / inner monologue. Specifically, seeing through thoughts which suggest there is a second entity involved, like the ego, or the I, or a me. Read some of @Faceless posts from his profile. If there are some you don’t get yet, but intuitively feel the hunch there is something there to be recognized, do like you mentioned about this it a few times, then let it go for a while, then read it again. ??
  12. @Beginner Mind Awesome. Also a nice pointing...’awareness aware of being awareness’
  13. Are you aware? Are you aware, that you are aware? What in this entire world, is also aware? Is there awareness, and I, an ego, and a perceiver? Exactly how is there “the perceiver” in a body and or life? Literally explain that in detail, and you might realize there is only the story about it. It’s a thought story about a ‘me’. That’s what you’re focusing on, doing, and spending time on. There’s no “ego”. (Tough love ?) That’s just thoughts arising. That’s diet related, activity related, too-much-thinking & to-little-creating related. It has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘reality’. Believing the thoughts, there seems to be a ‘you’ “in time”, there seems to be “some other time”, other than now. No thing or event, namely awakening, “occurs once & a while”. That is a thought story - no time or place has ever been experienced but here - now. Anything & everything beyond that - “the past” - “the future”’s all thought story, thoughts being believed - about a “you”. You’re aware. Only awareness is aware. No thing else. You must = awareness. If there is a “second you” - write about “it” in detail, to uncover that there is not - it’s just thoughts. Awareness is aware -> of -> thought. There is no “thinking -> awareness”. That is not possible, has never, and will never happen. “You” will not be the first to do it. “You” is a thought, that (actually you) awareness is aware of. Thus, every single thought about yourself (which pretty much all of this thread is) is not, and can not be ‘true’, in the sense that the thought ‘says’ or describes anything about you whatsoever. There is absolutely no need to think about yourself. That is energy for creating the experiences, the ‘life’, that you actually want to create & experience. (Again, tough love, intention is to help ya see). There is no “those awakenings” “in my past”. There is no “separate self” which experienced or experiences “partial awakening”, “full awakening”, etc, etc. That is a thought story. That’s how you keep pretending there’s “an ego”, it has nothing whatsoever to do with - literally - anyone. The ‘thin’ / ‘thick’ ‘reality story’ - you want to feel more, love more, and think less, true? Recognize all of this is thoughts, thought stories, which amount to nothing more that thinking about yourself. You can not think about yourself - you are yourself, awareness. The tongue can not taste itself. The finger can not point to itself. “Trying not to” (sorry, tough love) equal avoiding feeling. Feeling is actually what is wanted. Avoiding feeling is suffering. Let that thought go. It’s the story about “the you”. You’re the awareness of those thoughts, about yourself. The thoughts are a mirage, they’re never actually going to be, about yourself. Believing they are does not make it so..... just suppresses feeling....which is how you create suffering. Suffering is believing the thought stories about yourself, believing you’re in a “past”, will be in a “future”, etc. That is a thought. That is not, you. That is why it feels that way. That feeling is ‘coming from’ you, awareness, love. What you are seeking is feeling, while feeling is always arising, and is never not arising. Reacting to arising thoughts, without pause, is very subtle, yet is ample to keep feeling suppressed.....”while ‘you’ look for ‘it’. “What you seek is seeking you”. - Rumi That’s more thoughts, a thought story, about yourself, as if you were ‘separate’, ‘in time’. You’re nowhere! Now. Here. Now-here. You are the awareness, aware of those thoughts. You’ve never not been aware. You’ve never been anywhere but here. You’ve never been any time but now. What you can do is literally what you want to do......then a thought arises “I’m lost and trapped into this spiritual vicious circle’ arises.....and is believed reactionally, and you actually believe the ‘you’ thought about is actually ‘somewhere’, ‘trapped’. The vicious circle, is believing thoughts about yourself. There is also perception and feeling. It is effortless for awareness to be aware of feeling & perception. Effortless. Yes, feeling will arise, and you will feel, and you will no longer avoid or fear feeling, and much understanding will arise ‘behind’ that arising of feeling. This will require NO effort on your part whatsoever. The effort is all in the avoiding, reacting, suppressing, thought-story-ing, suffering & then trying to make ‘your self’ feel better. You already are yourself. You......can not make.....a “yourself”.....feel better. Good feeling is the default, is ever present. There is only to let go of the thought stories. Effortlessly. Same here. Hope something here is helpful, and not seen as anything else.
  14. @Heaven Make a fist as strongly as you possibly can, and then uncontract the hand and shake it out. Then make a fist as softly as possible. Do it again, way way way softer. Notice there are degrees of contracting, or contraction, muscle wise. Breathe into your stomach, and as you do feel the breath go from the the stomach through out the rest of the body, in the inside of the body. Take a really big breathe into the stomach, as much air as you can. When you think you’ve taken in as much air as you can, continue and double it. Stretch the entire stomach & waistline, feel the air filling downward, front ward, backward, and up ward filling the entire stomach with as much air as possible. Then notice the tension. It’s likely there is a tensing when you do this, felt in the lifting of the shoulders, the back of the neck, the hips, the abs, and the bottom of the feet. When you let out the breathe, do so in a natural slow manor, feeling each of those ares, the entirety of the body, relax, like dropping and sinking into the general pull of gravity. Strong fist body doesn’t last long. Dropped gravity relaxed body can go all day and night. Feeling & thus knowing the difference is the key. Letting go is feeling, not a thought. Relaxation is feeling, not a thought.
  15. @Endangered-EGO When you talk about yourself, who / what are you even talking about? When you talk about the ego, what are you even talking about? Are these ‘there’, or are you making the story up as you go? Not ‘some other time’, right now - what are you even talking about? What are you trying to accomplish with all this? Are you accomplishing anything? Or are you avoiding something?
  16. You can not be happy and creating, you are happiness-creation-creating. To me it sounds like you have a concept of climbing a mountain, achieving enlightenment, clarity, truth. You were not born with such a concept, you were born of and as happiness-creation-creating. You do not seem to realize ‘it’ is always letting go, deconstructing, seeing through, untangling...vs perpetuating the story of a you and somewhere to get to. (You’re what’s creating that story, and you’re what’s experiencing precisely that.) There is much to let go of. If every time you gave me a dollar, I gave you ten - what percentage of your money would you give me?