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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Judy2 Yeah I don’t know either but real af for sure lol. Btw my comment was more to the convo and title (identification awakening). Apologies if it seemed about you so to speak. If there’s any question, make a dreamboard. It’ll simultaneously bring it up & clear it out, while creating your dreams.
  2. @Bacher Awesome. ?? Am I taking it too far in mentioning… if you have any interest in contact with what we refer to as aliens… they aren’t using archaic sound vibration to communicate, and symbols (reiki ime) open the line of communication.
  3. I wouldn’t say broken, but yes. What relieves us is the expression. Much clarity, understanding, relief and better feeling follows. Down the path a bit, deeper understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, etc. More and more mental freedom and emotional equanimity arises, and generally speaking, better and better feeling as well. But… many people feel the emotions of rage and anger for example, and immediately attach to the thoughts in regard to other people. So it seems like one will feel better upon getting revenge / hurting someone. It also seems like one will be or feel more empowered (better feeling) by “gaining power” from taking power away from someone else. It can also seem like sharing the pain would reduce it. But these actions do not work or help, or result in relief. It makes one’s life much more difficult. Mad, mad respect for you in looking into these matters. ?? There is much love for you here. Truly, truly, truly, one who has endured such difficulty, suffering & pain, and chooses the path and in doing so chooses not to perpetuate the conditioning is a true unspoken hero. You got this brother, and we’re all here to help. ?
  4. Obviously deplorable on your parents behalf and so sorry to hear. What a tragic waste of what could have been a wonderful parenting experience. While it’s possible they choose to align with the influence of source, it’d be pretty miraculous to happen anytime soon. The priority seems to be moving out. Plans in place? Ideas of what you want in that regard? Anything we all can help with? If you don’t intend to very soon, I’d consider making a police report. I know that can be a difficult can of worms to consider but he sounds quite out of control and that doesn’t typical improve on it’s own without some accountability.
  5. @RMQualtrough It’s a matter of direct experience. As an example, people having NDE’s. Telepathy is interpreted as new agey, only because you haven’t directly experienced it. Telepathy doesn’t really have anything to do with hovering, flapping your arms, or flying. Schrödinger’s cat & the double slit are ime really great for cracking that “facts” shell open.
  6. No longer suppressing. It’s as varied and unique as the thoughts, people, justifications, avoidances, rationalizations, substances, etc, etc, used to suppress.
  7. You are. You’re believing you’re not. Understanding what you are already feeling (emotions) is the key. Trying to ‘start feeling’ is not possible, because you have always been feeling. Letting go of the repetition of the belief is possible. There isn’t something you have to do to feel better. What you’ll find in acknowledging and expressing, is that you are feeling the discord of perspectives, interpretations and beliefs. In letting them go, you naturally feel pretty amazing. One of the life changing recognitions from using the emotional scale, is that ‘getting to’ contentment is not a doing, but a letting go of what doesn’t resonate / feel good, to you. It is perfectly natural and effortless to feel happiness. Beliefs are very tricky, because one is believing them, believing it’s true. Like ‘numb’, ‘not feeling’, etc. I presume you are talking about things like feeling and emotions much more than you previously have, and just want to suggest you give yourself some credit in that regard. You deserve to feel good about it! ‘Doing the work’ as they say. Much love sir ??
  8. That’s what you’re feeling. Don’t ‘beat up on yourself’ for it, or that’d be more of the same. ‘Reach’ for a better feeling thought. ? Believing it’s anxiety, stress, pain & numbness, thinking that way results in chest pain because it’s all discordant with the truth. Gotta let those concepts go and understand the emotions you are experiencing, orient toward truth. Hate is in view so to speak, it’s an emotion. You’re not emotionally numb (hate is an emotion you’re feeling). It’s guidance in regard to the way you’re thinking about the job. There was a point when you wanted the job, and now there is something you want more, and you can have that too, and the evidence is the job you have which you wanted but didn’t have before. Focus on what you want & it will indeed be. Make a dreamboard. ??
  9. @ShardMare I was asking in a slightly different context. I’m not asking if you feel it, I am asking if you understand what you’re experiencing is jealousy. Essentially that other people are happy and you desire happiness.
  10. @LfcCharlie4 Can’t possibly recommend it enough. But like you said only when ready & if it’s what’s desired. So much love every which way you turn, ya be tripping over it. ??
  11. @Judy2 Spiritual ego is a weaving of new identities out of illusory experience to compensate for emotional ignorance that was never addressed. Conditioning, …shadow work, ‘emperor’s new clothes’ as they say. All thought attachment & suppression. @Nadosa Exactly. ??
  12. Listen to feeling, not belief and discordant misinterpretation. People arriving at assumptions for not having directly experienced spread ignorant conjecture. Ya gotta not believe discord simply for how it feels. It’s all the same light wether the communication is through the internet, sound waves vocally, or telepathically, and that is really introductory. There is unthinkable mystical (normal) experience to be experienced. There is a sweet spot between ignorance and nondual snobbery. It’s bigger than a football field, yet is so commonly missed via thought attachment, arrogance, pride, vanity, and overall really, ignorance & suppression.
  13. @ShardMare Time & money. Lots of time, no money, not the funnest. Lots of money, but no time, not so great either. You can have and experience what you want. Making a dreamboard makes it easy. It’s a matter of focus, and ‘getting out of your own way’. It’s not a matter of motive and effort, but of knowing & focusing on what you do want, and allowing it. Discordant perspectives are a refuting, not an allowing. This, the experience, is heading somewhere. If you don’t like where you think it’s headed, change the thinking focused upon. Other students experiencing the same school aren’t suffering because they aren’t holding depressive perspectives. Dreamboard makes it’s very easy to be looking forward joyfully, now. Most practically speaking, definitely get that gun out of your possession. It’s tragic when a young person hasn’t let their conditioned discordant perspectives go yet, and does something from that youthful ignorance which dramatically changes the course of their life, only to later realize their troubles were their own discordant interpretations and perspectives all along. Don’t internalize conditioning and resent the world or others, it’s circular thinking and is depressive, and is cowardly. Don’t fall for it by believing you are not enough, or you are not loved, or you are not love. You very much are. Express jealousy instead. It is how you receive what you want, the knowing of what you want, and is what you write on that dreamboard, and reality does become as you focus. Always has been. Takes some letting go of discordant views, and some humility, and some caring about how you feel. Much love. Choose self respect. Care about what you think, say and share. Choose alignment. Care about yourself, your life, and this, which is your creation. Exercise every morning. Meditate every morning. Eat clean. Make a dreamboard. Express & understand the emotions you are experiencing. You aren’t emotionally numb, clearly. You just don’t like how your perspectives & interpretations feel. Reach for a better feeling thought. Have fun with it. Do so simply for the magic of how it feels. See what becomes of it. If you do, you will be so ever pleasantly surprised.
  14. Those are just beliefs. Psych’s are unique in the sense they show that there isn’t experience or psychedelics. Same as any other trip, you’d have to actually go see.
  15. And when you die what’s seen is that it was all thoughts, including you and death.
  16. @ShardMare Do you understand that you want to feel better, and lots of people are feeling better, and what you are experiencing is jealousy?
  17. @ShardMare Are you saying you don’t want to feel better / feel more?
  18. @ShardMare ?? What emotion are you experiencing there?
  19. The bravest thing you could do is find out that isn’t actually true.
  20. @ShardMare @Medhansh It’s not that you aren’t feeling, it’s that you don’t like what / how (the emotion) you are feeling.