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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. The attribution of easy come easy go, itself, comes & goes, effortlessly. .
  2. There is the thought that there is that perspective, from the standpoint or point of view of evolution and such that ‘it’ is headed towards. But there is only the thought. There is no actuality of that perspective. It doesn’t actually occur. The meaning of up is not down, and of down is not up. What is the meaning of evolution?
  3. Awareness is a thought. Now is a thought. Awareness is not a thought. Now is not a thought.
  4. I as God knows full well there is not a duality of self & other, and that what is not can not be destroyed. Likewise, God’s fully aware there’s no form.
  5. @Swarnim Sense of self, is the circular thinking, the ‘hijack’ via thought attachment.
  6. @Swarnim That people reach enlightenment is a misnomer of circular thinking. The word enlightenment points to the nonexistence of individual people and things or states they therefore reach. If you can imagine the thought process per se, the activity of the mind while writing the question, were made of sand, and someone just blew it away mid-activity...there would not be a enlightened person nor an un-enlightened person remaining. With the thoughts, or activity of the mind blown away, there would be nothing.
  7. @Cosmin_Visan Can you recognize how the duality ( me & x ) in thinking is circular?
  8. Both accounts...not me & you, not ego & consciousness.
  9. @Dodo A thought which resonates, then four which don’t, is like one step forward & four steps back.
  10. @zeroISinfinity That’s trolling, you devil. You gotta beat around the bush and end up at serious. Can’t straight shot it.
  11. To know the distinction experientially, between psychedelics, and the more general label or category of ‘drugs’. From what I understand, many drugs, such as cocaine or heroin, are of an ‘escape’, or ‘forget my troubles’ nature. Psychedelics are arguably completely opposite. They essentially equal truth. They stand to reveal there’s no such thing as ‘my troubles’, and that one is making ‘troubles’ up. Literally. So, there’s no telling what an individuations experience will be, as it is the undoing or dissolving of the person, and reality. Each individuation created this personhood & idea of reality in their mind if you will. If you are indeed into honesty, odds are you’ll find them interesting and revealing of a great many insights. I’d offer a ‘they are like’, but they are not like, say, a Pepsi, where I can say ‘it tastes a lot like coke’. They ‘are like’ undoing that you are appearing as a ‘universe’. They also, as truth if you will, are clarifying-healing. It is our delusions we trip on in life, it is only oneself which ‘holds oneself back’. They show oneself ‘that’. And much more, which the duality of words can not convey. It’s exactly the same as saying ‘that there is a screen, and someone typing to you, etc’ is an illusion. Saying that to you is surely not the least bit helpful, which points to the value of psychedelics. Only direct experience will do in this case. I can’t really say I suggest them, but then again I am your imagination, so it’s really up to you.
  12. @Breakingthewall There are no states. The consciousness is ‘the person’. @zeroISinfinity @electroBeam Hilarious.
  13. @Dodo Create a dreamboard. Write what you really want, then let it go. Let there be no doubt. (I’m not ‘against’ trust or anything.)
  14. @Endangered-EGO Point up, then let the finger naturally relax. It’s like that.
  15. @Endangered-EGO Just as you’re really deeply discovering, the mind is infinitely sneaky....can’t even claim ‘it’ is not nothing or absolute. Maybe it is. Yes, catch it at the seed, or ‘at the root’, at supposition. Notice the activity of the mind as it arises, which is really to say the one thought arising now, and ‘bring it to a rest’. That takes some experience but it’ll ‘click’. As an analogy of sorts, point your finger up, and feel the release / relaxation of ‘letting go’, such that the finger simply goes from the tensing of the muscles involved in pointing relaxed, or ‘sagging’ down. Feel the subtle relief of the letting go of the finger tension. Feel that subtle relief in noticing the thought arising, and letting the mind relax, or ‘sag’, instead.
  16. @Endangered-EGO Super awesome to hear. Sounds like a great breakthrough. On a cautionary note, if there is the question ‘if it’s it’, and or the proclamation that ‘this, or it, is it’, it is not it. That is a substantial recognition however, which I hope you’re feeling wonderful about. Look for the seeds of what used to be self referential thought stories, ‘catch em’ at the seed, and bring it to a rest before the seed is a tree.
  17. An orgasm is a great ‘blissful’ experience. Imagine what the whole of experience must be ‘made of’, such that experience is the apparent limitation of ‘that’. Can’t get ‘there’, but letting limitations go, you already are what ‘there’ is.
  18. @Dodo Shake all the “if’s” outta that, and that is absolutely literally what is already happening. Relish this ‘part’. We will be old (hopefully), and we will ‘die’. This is it! Now! Beautiful high vibe first (attraction vibe). There isn’t universe / infinite being and money. Just magic.