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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Missing out on life is a thought, not a feeling. It doesn’t resonate with feeling, because feeling is life, or, aliveness if you will. It’s infinite, so no chance of missing out on it. It’s like me and you are hanging out and I say “man...I’m really missing out on you”. You’d be like, “dude, what are you even talking about, I’m right here with you.” And I’d be like, “oh yeah”. Then we’d laugh together I imagine. Let that thought go...and pick a thought that does feel good to you...well, that’ll make a lot of sense. That’s what life is for.
  2. Hilarious typo. All is let go in meditation. (Levels, maps, etc)
  3. What’s being noticed is a lot of thoughts arise. That is completely fine. There was a time when you were not orienting home, or, inward. And now you are. So this is a / the time where you are, and are noticing a lot of thoughts about feeling. That is really great. Nothing need be thought about it, like it’s progress, good, bad, right, wrong, etc. Maybe tomorrow you self inquire again, and there’s a bit less thoughts about feeling, and a pinch more feeling. That’s also great. Maybe next day, even more so. Enjoy the ride. ☺️
  4. @Endangered-EGO What do the instructions say in this regard? Please don’t take that as ‘blow off’, but a pointing to the usefulness of scrutinizing.
  5. @Muhammad Jawad The flesh of mushrooms is mildly toxic and throws the whole trip off. Make tea instead. Just advice...3 - 4g is the no-go zone. Enough thought attachment is dissolved to recognize it seemed it was ‘there’, but not enough to fully see through identity & perception. The two punch combo is the ‘physical’ ‘toxicity’, and psychosomatic ‘I can not digest what is seen’ (not ‘fully seen’ due to the no-go zone).
  6. Is this space awareness, or is there an I which is aware of this space?
  7. Great video in regard to communicating the actuality of some mental health issues and the importance of nutrition. Not so great on communicating historical spirituality, at least in regard to Buddhism. Siddhartha was not not trying to become enlightened, but trying to see if there is cessation to suffering. I do not believe Siddhartha would have been put in a psych ward, because he did not say he was God, or that there is a God. He was not viewership minded, quite the opposite, at least in the one sense.
  8. The identification is with the thought, that there is a you in time, from a few weeks ago. Notice self referential thoughts, and see that they come & go.
  9. This is used as a write off of noninspection, monkey mind, thought attachment. Debating would just be more of this. The Jesus inquiry is more of the same outward thought attachment movement. The intention is viewership...and it’s working. It is all indeed completely made up.
  10. If only you exist, as stated...who or what is there a disagreement with? There is a solipsistic lens at play.
  11. @JohnD Maybe there’s something you’d like to just...say?
  12. @JohnD You find this direct experience unrelatable? What don’t you get, so to speak?
  13. @JohnD Sweetly, in a googly manor. Arguably, this is the greatest joy in the universe. It is ineffable magic, which makes all things worthwhile, and all things possible. But only direct experience will do.
  14. Spend some time watching thoughts come & go. Thought only rises here, now. “I” is a thought. Attachment to that thought functions like a bridge to the next thought, “am neurotic”. Neither thought actually says anything of the awareness, of the thoughts. Believing it does, feels off. Another thought arises, which seems to label that feeling, “fear”.
  15. @UDT “I CAN NOT get over this” “I” is a thought, that points back to awareness of the thought. So ‘I can not get over this’, is the ‘clue’ sought after.