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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. You can always get checked out by a doctor of course, otherwise the head tension is from holding onto beliefs & perspectives which won’t jive with feeling. The tension is the resistance / the holding onto what you don’t agree with / what doesn’t resonate. The thought might arise ‘but I don’t know what beliefs & perspectives I’m holding that don’t feel good’. Let that thought come & go, and feel. When you don’t like how you feel, stop and write about what you’re thinkin. Get it in front of the eyes so you can see it, so to speak. A belief about yourself is a condition. You are actually unconditional. Feeling better is accomplished via letting go of your conditions. When conditions are not held, the unconditional true nature is no longer obscured, and feels great. Emotional intelligence. Discovering the beliefs & perspectives which don’t feel good to you, and letting them go. Using the emotional scale as a reference can be useful. There might also be the belief ‘something is wrong with me’. Then the belief ‘how I feel is not due to beliefs & perspectives’. Then the belief ‘I need x or I won’t feel better’. Feeling better is the result of letting what doesn’t feel good to you, go. When the beliefs & perspectives which don’t resonate are let go, what is is found to be, great. What you want, is good feeling. Imagine if what you wanted was water, and each time you were a few steps from the fountain - you bailed, and asked about how to get water. This would result in tension of the head after a while. Instead, relax the body, and breathe. Feel whatever arises. Continue to relax, and breathe. Focus on seeing, hearing, feeling. Allow emotions and thoughts to come and go. Don’t suppress, don’t avoid, don’t fear, don’t react to thoughts about feeling....just relax, breathe, and gently focus on seeing, hearing, & feeling.
  2. ?‍♂️ Is not. Not is. There is no you in Nonduality. There is no separation in Nonduality. There is no appearance in Nonduality. There is no dream in Nonduality.
  3. Appearance, not plural, and not even. Appearance doesn’t do (write). No. No.
  4. Indeed. Does the devil, the zen devil, or zen devilry exist, absent of you saying it does?
  5. @Conscious life Does the devil, the zen devil, or zen devilry exist, absent of you saying it does?
  6. That belief, that you are the one who has the truth, and keeps it for ‘itself’ isn’t resonating with the truth that you are, but will never have.
  7. Nothing. As a concession...knowing nothing, not knowing, knowing there is nothing to know, knowing nothing is known. A remnant of a questionable memory of sorts, that there was a you and something that happened, which dissipates into nothingness like a forgotten dream. Nothing. Direct experience, of no experience, such as a self, reality, knowledge, etc, is as close as a pointer gets, arguably, apparently.
  8. @Someone here Infinite ways is nothing. Contemplate, if interested...self actualization, is the realization ‘self’ is nothing. What would there be for infinite know? Nothing. Nothing can not be validated, or de-validated, because it’s one to do so. No one gets off the carousel of thinking. (A not-too-shabby title call back ?)
  9. Let the paradigm of levels & claiming of intelligence go. Then it is readily seen that ‘body’ is a thought, or a separate thing. Subject (you) objects (what ‘you’ uses). That is only apparent in thinking. There isn’t. This is thought attachment. Subject (I) causation (can see) object (them). That only appears to transpire in thinking. It is not “out here”, so to speak. Labels are great for communicating in a dream. Believing the labels are the things, is missing the dream.
  10. @Someone here ? Without the carving out of the separate things (food, water, air), which support the separate me, there’s no causations, no determinism, no survival. The separate things are thoughts of separate things, and the thoughts appear & disappear, and are not actually things. Without the monkey mind of causation, determinism, survival and the separate self, it begins to be recognized there is a whole of experience, one “substance” of dream. An appearance inseparable of the awareness of “it”.
  11. Body is a thought. Functioning is a thought. These thoughts appear. What these thoughts appear to be about, is the very same appearance. Someone agreeing is irrelevant. Inspecting & bringing an end to the believing of thoughts is relevant. Being attentive to what one is presently inattentive to is ample. It’s not about the communication of the doing of it. Those are thoughts. There is not a teeth and a me and a you and a universe. Yes, it’s true. The ‘you’ accredited is bs. (“It’s” just another “thought”).
  12. @Heart of Space ?? For anyone interested...a list of meditations.
  13. This is a subject object causal thought narrative. That there is a body functioning. ‘Sense of being a self’ is a poor term. Thought narrative of being a body, or self, is more accurate.
  14. @Raptorsin7 Explore how you feel by writing about it.
  15. @Raphael Awesome. That also really brings awareness to mind in the sense, there is no thing like awareness, which has the attribute of being aware. Awareness is aware of thoughts coming and going, including thoughts about itself. Awareness is not of this world, and cannot therefore be thought. Awareness is aware of thoughts, yet always remains unconditional, eternally prior to patience, not knowing negativity in any meaningful, intimate, or worthwhile way. Awareness is so good, and so radical, that the very first thought in the history of man of an act to harm was too much. Already strayed too far. But he thought how he felt was because of the other guy. Taking responsibility is great. The ease of awareness being aware is also great.
  16. @Raphael It will help you to let other people off the hook. You’ll realize you’re using other people to justify how you feel, and the reason it’s not working out for you is because how you feel is relative to your own perspectives.
  17. @Farnaby Beautiful. ? This Equanimity Meditation came to mind. Great for exactly what you’re talking about.
  18. It seems like without the subject (you) and object (your teeth) thinking, reality would just come to a standstill or something. But that is the miracle, if you will. There is not a you and a your teeth. “Sense of self”, in regard to the ‘separate self’, is the most misleading term possible.
  19. Sorry...Hoosiers is a movie based on a true story, of a group of people who address the pitfalls of pride & arrogance. It highlights the power of fundamentals & parallel unity.
  20. One orientation is focusing on & believing the thoughts. This reinforces the thought story of the separate self. (The suffering). Another orientation is focusing on perception & feeling. This releases thought patterns which don’t resonate, simply because they are not focused upon. Monkey mind will hijack, contextualize, and recontextualize the trips, just as it will any other ‘ordinary’ thought. It does not care. It will contextualize literally all experiences to warp and wrap them around - the idea of the separate self (monkey mind). Do not be a gardener of weeds. Address the root. Monkey mind. Peace is never created. Peace is always under-lying of the monkey mind. In the orientation of letting go, of focusing on perception, feeling, and wanted, peace is abundant & ever present. Here are some suggested meditations.
  21. You’re probably feeling/noticing how much you were bypassing emotions, and were being reactive / impulsive. Doesn’t sound like you are bypassing to me, sounds like the opposite.
  22. The more layers shed, the more sensitive. The ‘layers’ are the ‘defenses’, so to speak.