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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @longusername12345 Wherever you are the majority of the time would be ideal. It’s going to be filled with what you want, so it’s going to feel good to see it. Feeling good is going to produce more thoughts & ideas, to write on the board.
  2. @Someone here That was kind of the insight shared. No one actually knows what anyone thinks or knows. There isn’t a “we all know”. Especially when it comes to meditation. Letting all activity of the mind go in meditation may not resonate with you, and that’s fine. I can appreciate that so much, that I mentioned meditation. @electroBeam I didn’t mean any disrespect. Quite the opposite. Sorry if I came across that way.
  3. ? What comes to mind is taking a few minutes together and writing the pros and cons on paper to see and discuss. Both of you letting reaction & impulse go, staying in communion, or true open communication with each other, and being mindful to be objective about it. I think the data might speak for itself.
  4. Bring it all to meditation, and blow it a big kiss goodbye. ? @Someone here Hire a meditation coach.
  5. @seeking_brilliance Sorry. Was slightly off there. Re-honing.
  6. Care to share more on these? What did those ‘extremes’ look like? What were ‘their commands’?
  7. Not what are their reactions like...what are they reacting to? What behavior or words transpired at your end to which their reaction was that you are a danger to your son? It could very well be the case, but it’s hard to picture you woke, loving & compassionate...and them saying such things out of nowhere. Possible indeed, but highly unlikely. If someone was telling you only the above...wouldn’t you see there is more to the story? What is ‘stopped playing my part’ which results in losing twenty year friendships and your wife? Is it really simply that you just prefer the changes? You’re questioning how many people end up in a mental institution because of their environment is a sort of red flag, possibly a cry for Blaming other people’s ego’s...? What exactly is it which they ‘can’t handle’? How sure are you that “your own ego” isn’t the biggest hurdle here? Awakened folks are a joy to be around ime. Not implying the awakening was invalid or anything, but maybe it’s being spread like butter across everything...maybe that’s not sitting well...? Some times awakening is just so damn good it doesn’t matter, but it might. More than anything else, maybe. If your wife is experiencing monkey mind (drama) and you are experiencing true peace of mind & are you not seeing and experiencing orders of magnitude beyond this, such that ‘dramas’ are not persisting? Unless, again, what you really want is to not have the friendships, marriage, child, parents, etc. Wish you the best in any case.
  8. @seeking_brilliance I did, bout an hour before he said it. Enjoy the soup btw.
  9. So sorry to hear. What a tragic loss at such a tender age. My advice in regard to feeling better would be to listen to feeling. If thoughts of guilt don’t feel good, don’t assume we are supposed to feel bad in that way. There is obviously great loss and mourning, but listen closely to feeling when it comes to thoughts and suffering. Don’t distance yourself from the love within, it is there we are never lost, never separate, prior to our lifetimes. I realize that may mean very little right now, but I hope there is some relief, some peace for you. The world is hurting in a big way, much bigger than any one of us. None of what has transpired is your fault in any way. If you’re interested in a read, Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani comes to mind. It is a very beautiful book from her direct experiences in regard to life and death, and could be the different perspectives you’re looking for. Love & hugs my friend. ?
  10. @longusername12345 A piece of chalk and a wall would suffice, but I’d get a dry erase board like this on wheels and plant it in the center of your living space. Then, write anything you want to do, have, experience, etc on it.
  11. The finite mind can not dispel the illusion of itself via it’s own activity. Brought to rest, again & again & again & again, it ceases in the awe & illumination of it’s source. Meditation. Letting go. Only truth remains, and not even.
  12. @zeroISinfinity Figurative, literal, and absolute truth. Very nice.
  13. An insight from a chat today that might be useful regarding meditation and horseshit. There’s nothing wrong with a quick morning meditation, to let thought activity settle, get in touch with feeling, etc. Yet, calling this meditation is comparable to calling a wink, sex. Meditation is truly, really, the end. There’s not going to be anymore you and your roles, your gender, your preferences, your stuff to do, a ‘reality’, an ‘experience’, etc. That’s all done now, it’s all over. Hopefully you enjoyed it, because this is the actual end of everything. Whatever could be said to be left of you dissolves into the void of nothingness and that’s it, show’s over. Nothing happens “next”, no one ‘comes back’ with ‘benefits’ to ‘live a life’. All horseshit. ?
  14. The contradiction is the claim, which in & of itself debunks the actuality of the claim. As to levels of absolute, the tongue can not taste itself.
  15. @ChickenFeathers Appreciate your service ??. Very relatable. Catholicism & coping go hand & hand, like peaks & valleys of a roller coaster. The beliefs & forcing of authority don’t resonate, but they are believed, internalized & identified with...and coped with. Odds are your entire families have been coping their entire lives and do not know otherwise, because they refuse to let beliefs go. Essentially they are choosing to be right rather then feel amazing (creating suffering). My two cents would be instead of educating the kids spiritually, spot any coping, and teach them inspecting direct experience to uproot that which they believe to be true but is not actual, the “cause” of the belief they ‘must cope’ with. They’ve already learned / mirrored the behaviors, but do not yet have the core beliefs behind it. You might say this is indirectly teaching letting go, in comparison with dogma, be it religious, spiritual, or parental personal bias. Just an opinion, again from a very relatable experience...your wife probably doesn’t resonate with verbiage like “consciousness work” because it’s a false basis. ‘How swift can we let go of what doesn’t resonate’ with us, and therefore recognize & get back to that we are always creating...might resonate. An individual Dreamboard , as well as one you both use as a couple, creating consciously together, makes this incredibly easy. (Letting crap go is the key). Why let this crap go right now? One look at the board answers this. Because what you want, and what you don’t. Easy. Peasy. There is no ‘thinking’ in between, so to speak. Engaged in creating in this manor, does the work for you, you might say. The ‘Worldwide MultiBillion Dollar Catholicism Religion’ is naturally seen to be one’s own beliefs and nothing more. When what you write on the board is showing up in reality, the speed bumps of belief & dogma, (the suffering), and the limitation it is on your creating what you both actually most want, becomes plain as day. And is let go, more and more swiftly. Ultimately, it’s just a pass through, a witnessing of a coming & going. Without reaction, there is no call for coping. Eventually, there isn’t even the passing through of the ‘resistance’. Quality of life, like consciousness, goes way way up - all on it’s own. Trying to “do the consciousness work” assumes the basis consciousness needs work, or a separate self needs ‘more consciousness’ or ‘higher consciousness’. Recognize the obvious ignorance of “I need to work on infinite consciousness”. It does not make sense, does not resonate, does not feel good in ‘soul’, only in egoic righteousness...which of course has it’s coping. “The work”, in truth, is not work, it is effortlessness. Letting go. The non. Don’t replace one person’s dogma with another person’s dogma. I would also consider what you ‘should’ not do, for her benefit, which would be preventing her from fully feeling, including the micro day to day fall outs, from the continual holding of the dogma. Careful not to ‘cope her’. Here’s some family friendly Meditations. They are the ‘other than thinking’. The source is accessible to every one. No one has higher or more access. Consider the practicality of this. One of my kids calls the other “stupid”...and then is told to write five things they love about their “stupid sister”. Lol. Source is so Good. ☺️
  16. @Someone here There is no difference while thinking there is. ?
  17. @PurpleTree We can definitely see auras. Look at your hand, considering hand is a thought label, like seeing, and the experience is actually Mind. That there is a hand there separate from air is not actually true. The ‘thoughts’ are ‘made of’ the same Mind as ‘the hand’, ‘seeing’, etc.
  18. @Kyle Gjerseth What do you want? Anything that comes to mind. Things, experiences, etc. Anything. What do you want? Not on anyone’s behalf, just your own. What do you want?