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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @levani The lesson I learned is not to think of these as separate things, but rather to recognize thought is thought, and instead inspect myself for what is actual & true.
  2. For each of these, feel your way to a thought that feels good to you, and write that thought....
  3. @VeganAwake ?? ♥️ It really is The Good News folks!
  4. ‘Final awakening’ is a thought about yourself. You’re what thought is made of. Thought attachment is the missing of this (yourself), by considering if the thought is true or not. The consideration of final awakening or not, is monkey mind.
  5. What’s not resonating (imo) is the narrative... ‘automatic negative thoughts & emotions’, the ‘mind/emotions that I keep getting 24/7 are causing this’. I don’t doubt one bit that this is how you are experiencing, but the more this is inspected and the more that thoughts which don’t resonate are let go, the more you realize you’re in control, creating the experience of suffering. If thoughts which don’t resonate have been repeatedly focused on for a long time, it would seem as if the emotion is caused by the house, or some other ‘outside’ source. When you are heading back to the house, have a piece of paper and pen at the ready, choose to be willing, and notice the thoughts that arise which do not feel good, and write them on the paper so you can see. When you spot the ‘negative meaning given to the house’, it won’t be related to the house, but to you...which it isn’t resonating with.
  6. @4201 Sounds like everything (& practices) is being reduced to meeting expectations, benefitting, solving a problem. Like it’s all about insights, awakening, enlightenment...vs just feeling good right now. Letting go is much deeper.
  7. @Preety_India You truly are radiant & beautiful Preety. Better vibes & times are coming. ??
  8. That is incredibly (You ‘went into it’ / inspected / addressed it, and it disappeared...’shot out of existence’.) I do not mean this in any ‘your wrong’ argumentative sense at all...just testimony / information to consider because if might be helpful to you... I have talked to hundreds of seekers and woke folk in recent years and those impressions are not at all in accordance with what’s been seen & experienced. Not even remotely, like not even 1%. I would consider the opposite, not attributing / accrediting / associating this with spirituality, awakening or enlightenment at all. I also think there is some serious misunderstanding of some teachers in that they are suggesting you’re ‘perturbing the natural inertia and homeostasis’, or that you should be ‘trying to get distance from your ego’.
  9. @Yoshy Love makes sense of everything. Don’t think of yourself in those ways.
  10. It’s as it appears / is experienced...there wasn’t a universe or consciousness here before you.
  11. @Gesundheit Read your op again but not sure what you mean by preventing & solving and what the problem is...? Are we on the same page that this is all the activity of mind / thought..?
  12. ...don’t agree with....the no self...? Are there such conditions under the hood?
  13. Your question says they did all the required practice to experience God.
  14. How to get past the self-reference problem? No how will do as it is still the activity of the mind. Only bringing the mind to absolute stillness will do. That there is a self reference problem and that there is a solution is said activity. The Babble-on is all so Grey.
  15. Simple Grounding Modern life is so complex and busy that it is common for people to feel overly mental, caught up in too much thinking, "revved up," worried, spacey, or even "disembodied." Under such conditions, the world begins to seem flat, two dimensional, lifeless, adversarial, and painful. Luckily there is a quick cure for this feeling, which is to get "grounded." Grounding means to bring awareness back into the body, back into the senses, and back into the present. These three things - the body, the senses, and the present - are the keys to reigniting creativity, passion, love, connection, peace, and wellbeing. Grounding is also very easy to do. Sit still and connect with your body and your senses. 1. Find a comfortable sitting posture. Your back should be straight and your body relaxed. 2. Close your eyes, and take ten slow, deep, full breaths. With each exhale, imagine that you are breathing out all your worries and cares. 3. Continuing to breathe deeply, concentrate on feeling your feet. Simply see if you can feel the sensations in the bottoms of your feet. Do this before moving on to the next step. 4. Now see if you can feel the sensations in your hands. Can you feel your palms tingling? Do this before moving on to the next step. 5. Keep breathing deeply. Continue to feel the sensations in your hands and feet. Do this for ten slow breaths. 6. Now see if you can feel the sensations in your whole body. Let your awareness cover your entire body at once. Feel yourself breathing. Feel your butt on the floor (or chair). Do this for ten more breaths. 7. Continue you this for as long as you like, or at least 5 minutes. This grounding exercise is a combination of many similar exercises. It is a quick, basic mindfulness practice that will get you in touch with your sensory experience the present moment. Meditations
  16. @Someone here It’s like telling mechanics there’s nothing under the hood, and the mechanics saying, yep. Nothing. Yet no communication in regard to infinity can occur through the language barrier, or above the hood. One would have to be open minded to consider the no self hood reference is not the Self engine reference. Yet, one need not be open minded at all.
  17. “So...this is no thing.” ”and the thoughts make it seem like stuff.” “Honestly, I’m in love with all of it. The tea pot. The tile. The garbage. The thoughts. The experience. This.” “...ohhh....self love”. ”ok....alright”.
  18. Semantics aside, only the direct experience of infinity will do. Mind blowing doesn’t begin to describe.
  19. Careful with what you ‘know’ to be true, it acts as a filter of what you’ll experience. These are conditions held now, which can be let go. Unless of course, what you actually want is a sexless lifetime alone. Doubtful.