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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. “Separation never occurred”. ACIM ”Body” is not ‘this thing that is alive’. ‘Body’ is a thought
  2. @electroBeam I meant that agreeably. It does boil down to that. The clearly is literally the clarity. ‘Cheers’.
  3. @captaind (Also) Directly inspect the belief there is a separate you / that you are separate. Use the full extent of the intellect.
  4. @Javfly33 ? When it’s noticed there is thinking of you, thinking in two...bring conviction to taking a stand as you, as presence. As the presence that is you, and is actual. Not thoughts about it.
  5. @levani Awesome. I’d skinny those memories/feelings down to a word or two each, and write em on the dreamboard. All the stuff you write adds up & comes into focus, and those ‘underlying layers’ kind of pop as dots connect. Inspiring ideas will come to mind from connecting with those memories/feelings.
  6. You’re dialed in just fine already in abiding in & listening to intuition. All I’d add is I agree with the perspective of letting go of an object of meditation. In ‘reaching the light’, that will no longer do. I’d double, triple, quadruple letting go, ‘zooming out’. Let go internally, muscularly, so profoundly deep, that it is discovered there is a body within the body. Then let go way deeper to let that body go. Eventually there will be no body, only the illumination. For ‘zooming in’, concentration, there is always the honing exercise of concentration meditation, which has instant ‘effects’, and effects which effortlessly apply to all other facets of living.
  7. I didn’t. I’m saying you’re thinking of yourself and not noticing that you are the awareness of the thoughts.... ...and then rationalizing it, as if it made sense. A tug of war, with no one. The “I” is context. “I” is thought, not the other-than-awareness entity you are justifying that it is. It’s just a thought. It’s the “bridge” to thinking about yourself. Story of justification.... ...more “I bridge” un-inspected thinking about ‘yourself’. Judgement. Monkey mind of ‘right & wrong’. Really - who are you even talking about which could be right or wrong? Where is the “I” in perception? Seen it? Heard it? Where is the “I” in feeling? Or is this “I”, a thought? Give this a listen.
  8. Play it so much that you are inspired to make a compelling case for people who are avoiding creating the life they really want. Scrutinize & communicate the beliefs at play such that others are liberated in understanding. Articulate the habits which revolve around and support this. Recognize traction in dream creation, and distraction. Help others see there is no ‘increasing awareness’ for later. Make a dreamboard, and write a huge list of everything you like about playing Fortnight. Everything, every aspect you can possibly think of. Discover deeper underlying principles, deeper common themes. You LP will become more & more clear.
  9. @Striving for more Judgement is not per se easy to let go of, but it is let go of by being aware of reactionary behavior, by not reacting. Just ‘sitting with it’, witnessing it, observing...but not reacting. If you no longer react to thoughts, you no longer judge. When you no longer judge, there is no longer the cringe. It is not ‘when I talk to others’, etc. It is when judgmental thoughts arise and are reacted to in behavior.
  10. Nobody’s perfect, and everyone deserves to know their power of Forgiveness.
  11. @Javfly33 Is there or is there not, the actual direct experience, of talking to your self? Or is there a safe guarding at play against what is only the thought that you are?
  12. @Javfly33 I just want to know the truth. I is a thought repeated, believed, assumed, more than a thought inspected. The truth is not a concept an “I” can know, because I is a concept. All that “need” transpire, is the recognition of how much you’re thinking & talking, about yourself. (“Beating up on yourself” for it, is more of the same.) You are black & blue into your dream. It’s time to stop beating up on yourself. You’re Good as you are.
  13. @Javfly33 The release is the recognition you were told this, vs realized this. The acceptance of a false authority is the loss of intrinsic curiosity, interest, eagerness to know Self. Imagine you’d never been told ‘it’s’ solipsism. Imagine there’s no you looking up to people anymore. Receive the message of the dream. When monkey mind of teaching is playing out even in’s time to acknowledge it and liberate of it. It’s time to stop being so easy influenced by “other”. ?
  14. Theory is away, not toward. There are no ‘things’. What if God is unconditional and is simply happy being you...while thinking on behalf of “a God” that there are ‘mortals’, ‘biological immortals’, ‘infinite time’, ‘life forms’, and ‘getting stuck’? It’s the thought there is time. There isn’t time. Infinity is infinity. (No “parts”). Inspect direct experience. Find ‘parts’. Find ‘separation’. Find division between what is seen, seeing, and knowing seeing. Find separation between thought, perception, and feeling. Recognize thought attachment. Notice the twoness of thinking. (God and ‘that’...God and ‘everything’). Can you ‘back that thinking up’ finding this division, or twoness, in direct experience? Notice the apparent effect of thought attachment. In believing the duality of thoughts, rather than inspecting direct experience... you assume you are not aware enough. You assume you are not the awareness aware of the thoughts. ‘Not aware enough’ is a thought about yourself, only from believing there is this ‘other thing’...consciousness...which is immortal, all built in thought upon the false assumption there is consciousness and an ego. Immortal God, and myself, “the ego”. “My finite mind” is a thought. “Something beyond language” is language, thoughts. “Your thoughts, insights” is a thought, of which direct experience reveals there is no actuality.
  15. If only people would meditate such that the thought of other people meditating is recognized as the thought of other people meditating. What a wonderful world it is.
  16. When you let go of the ‘why’ question the answer to why is readily known.
  17. ? If you want to have a monogamous relationship you can. If you want to be single and date you can. Take time to reflect on how you feel about her, and about what you really want. Express what you want openly so there is minimum room for confusion and her getting hurt down the road. Expressing is like letting go, letting blockage out. It is then much easier & very natural to focus on what you want to create & experience, and to feel the excitement of creating. Make a Dreamboard. It really shines here. What you want comes into focus easily. It also helps along letting thoughts which don’t feel good go. We experience the story we tell. How do you want the story to go?
  18. @ShugendoRa Yes imo you should, as well as utilizing all other resources available. And not just one person, but multiple people. Wishing you healing, understanding, love and all the best in your life. ??