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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. “Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky. Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, ...I” Pink Floyd
  2. ?? ? Mad respect. A ‘resounding gong, or a clanging cymbal’.
  3. @Someone here Hypothetically, as a thought experiment, if you could explain something to yourself and actually understand, what would that something be? Allow intention to arise and pass, only witnessing. What would that be? Then scrutinize why it is impossible to answer this directly, in a straightforward manor. Contemplate what the absolute most ideal, most amazing feeling ‘answer’ could be. you wanna tell me that just by saying "there is no self" and your balls are a concept that you now explained the whole universe????? Who are "we" kidding? That is exactly, precisely, literally, actual. Point to the mouth with the balls in it. See. There’s nothing there.
  4. @Someone here Holy ball sucking Batman! The other-than inspection.
  5. I’ve found family, having kids, to be the single most fulling aspect of experience possible. Much more so than enlightenment, which is who I am either way. An inexplicably mystical groundhogs day of love, joy, laughter, learning, self discovery and togetherness. Bliss. Nowhere I can turn, nowhere I can go, which is not radiant visceral love. Infinite L??P. “I mean what's the point of it all right?”. Nothing like a kid to make you realize how full of shit you are. ? Inspect those who avoid and can not tolerate such interaction. Contemplate this, child.
  6. Before is a warm blanket to sleep in. Where is before? When is before? What is before?
  7. Who is all this thinking about?
  8. The collapse of the dualistic thinking control vs not control.
  9. You create your own reality... you’re saying it is so...and experiencing, that it is so. And it is so.
  10. Going out on a limb, but I suspect you misunderstood the author. I don’t think the message is Olivia is the better method, but rather that you can ‘hone’ the feeling itself, without a method at all.
  11. @Javfly33 Sorry to hear. ? Much love for ya. ?
  12. @Eren Eeager ☺️ Turn belief into relief. When a limiting belief is recognized as a limiting belief, the work is already done. If they pop up again, they are met with this recognition, and the relief feels good. Letting go of what doesn’t feel good...feels good. Spotting thoughts that aren’t true, feels good. Make a game of it. Have fun.
  13. @Eren Eeager Selfish is conceptual. Retrace where you learned this to unlearn the duality.
  14. Look for the distinction between reacting and responding. Reaction: It’s the world’s fault. Response: It’s not a problem, it’s educating. What can I change here? Reaction: Self judgement. Response: Self acceptance, self love. Reaction: How I feel is because of others. (Disempowering) Response: I’m feeling my own perspective. (Empowering) Reaction: Something lead to this, and that something already happened, so there’s nothing I can do now. Response: I’m the one doing this now. I can choose otherwise. Reaction: I expect benefits. Response: I can experience the coming & going of sensations without reacting, avoiding, or suppressing sensations.
  15. A separate self is the contingency of causation.