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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Look around. God doesn’t get em at the appliance store. God is the appliance store, and the fridge. Infinite can not know finite.
  2. @ValiantSalvatore Does it seem as if you’ll be happier, more complete & whole, in the future… when you know, actualize or fulfill your purpose?
  3. Usually from tension, might be feeling tension which was masked. Deep relaxation like meditation would be helpful, but it’ll come back around on it’s own accord in any case.
  4. @PurpleTree Those great feeling energies are you, summon at will. The ‘one’ with anxiety & confidence issues is not you, but are discordant thoughts about a you.
  5. @Bob Seeker Just enjoy the ride. There’s no separate self. It isn’t possible to hate yourself, or for a yourself to be afraid. Express what’s really going on. It’s not about “paranormal entities”. Only thought makes it so.
  6. @Bob Seeker There’s no “doer” for which there’s a ‘problem’.
  7. @Preety_India One can’t stay away from what one is creating / there are no negative entities. There is judgement, and it is felt directly. One can not maintain “states” of positive vibration - one is the “positive” vibration - there isn’t “that you” which is or isn’t vulnerable, is trying to remain or maintain anything, or is in states.
  8. No, they just are where they are on this journey. No one is underdeveloped, but thinking that way makes it seem so. Sounds like she was being nice and didn’t actually want to hang out, and didn’t be upfront and let you know. Ask what’s been happening with them. “Low consciousness people” is judgement, discordant, and that way of thinking isn’t indicative of you in the sense it doesn’t resonate with your true nature. You’re learning to think that way, which comes with learning to believe thoughts and suppress the discord therein. I’d look to unlearning that way of thinking, as the judgement has the effect of being isolating for you. Also a judgement. People like other people holding expectation over or upon them just as much as you don’t. Talk to a therapist or the like until you have let go of ‘problem thinking’, of framing experiencing in that way. Notice, whatever you hold to be ‘problem’, those thoughts don’t feel good to you. Why would you think they would feel good to someone else / they would want to spend their time in discord? It is as if you’re learning how to be megalomaniacal, but missing the discord of the judgements to ‘get there’. Relationships for value and survival agenda is conceptual and doesn’t really ‘work’ per se in actual relationships because people are not objects, and thus objectification is discordant. It sounds like you simultaneously desire genuine friendships but push what you want away by conceptualizing yourself and others. Just. Have. Fun. Let friends be for that. No expectations. You’re missing that value doesn’t apply. It’s not wether you are “low value” or “high value”, it’s that attempting to apply that way of thinking is discordant. Consider why McDonalds literally calls their product “value meals”. Consider McDonalds intention. Boredom is an emotion you experience in regard to what you’re thinking, and is not a property of people as objects with ranging values and “consciousnesses”. It doesn’t. It conceptualizes the enjoyment of life right out from under your nose, via the conjecture of conceptualizing - yourself. The best thing you can do imo is recognize all of this as compensating for underlying discord, and use the emotional scale to uncover and release this via expressing how you feel, and understanding emotions more acutely. Try to let thoughts of judging others go when they arise, instead of expressing them to others. When the discordant thoughts arise, write the opposite, what you do want, on your dreamboard. Let everybody of the hook, in the recognition they can do the same. This will also infuse passion into your life, making it easy to have great feeling stuff to talk about, and holding people less accountable for your happiness. It’s more of a natural effortless ‘sharing’ of the happiness you truly are, than this, kind of, self centered mental gymnastics to remain “valuable” and “high conscious”. ?
  9. Just a suggestion. Replace “surrender” with bringing attention to feeling of breathing from the stomach, aka meditation of course.
  10. Humility is kind of a direct “hack” through that. Whatever it is in life that fits that bill, when such experience arises, try stopping and sitting, relaxing & breathing for just a few minutes and then just consider, nuts as it may or may not sound… “I actually love this!” No matter what it is.
  11. Nothing happening would be the best case scenario, not a trap. There’s no meditator. Or time.
  12. @Flyboy I hear ya. That is the very means of utilization though. Understanding doesn’t play any role. Truly, there is no such thing as anyone understanding any thing, or an understander & anything understood. It is entirely a facade of thought attachment & identity. The symbols do not represent a thing or things and don’t have any meaning. I wouldn’t say that makes them special, just, not sound waves, understanding & cognition based communication. And it isn’t really communication in any common sense, but communion. It is very much ‘realer than real’. Just words that point to direct experience & aren’t intended to define… it is infinite mind which appears within finite mind, and purely directly, like the sun is visually. There’s no mistaking it. It’s like a million K hologram made of love, appearing where it was once believed a brain or mind was. Again though, I hear ya. There was a time this would all have sounded like complete nonsense. @blankisomeone No. The thinking like invading others is many neighborhoods away in terms of frequency and resonance of reiki. Respect and or self respect plays a big role.
  13. @YeahIam If I understand what you’re saying, what’s not being taken into account is that you don’t have to manipulate. That is a conditioned / conditional way of thinking & being, not a must or a should. Again, the ‘work’ is done. When one willingly recognizes that way of thinking is discordant, and is inherently that of lack, shortage, inferiority or the like, one simultaneously recognizes manipulation is no more than an attempt to compensate, to feel better by using. If you are interested in tools in this regard, not that any are needed… Meditation. For allowing the activity of thought, which is what a belief is, to settle, and insights to arise. Create a dreamboard, that you may see for yourself that what you want - reality be’s, and it is a matter of allowing the relinquishing of limiting beliefs. Mindfully, this is a seeing of what is, what is already the case, and it is not a learning of a how to do. One is already attracting, one does not ‘learn to attract’. Understand the emotions, recognize them as guidance to that which you want, which is what’s on your dreamboard. If you’re overall interested in exploring receiving as compared to manipulating, that is the theme of my youtube channel. In regard to social situations and the difference, I have a dreamboard(s) full of much which I feel much enthusiasm and passion for, which is and will continue to manifest, and am never at a loss to speak openly, plainly, and genuinely about it, to share it. I feel and find that it resonates, well beyond the manipulation type tactics of acquiring skills, gaming people, etc. Being funny is quite the opposite of being serious, and manipulation is a serious game, which I find very funny, given reality be’s in vibrational accordance. A sad funny perhaps, more so than humor at anyone’s expense. Be serious on purpose right now. See how long you can go before you’re laughing.
  14. Clarity in this regard has been available for decades. Centuries even. Truly, eternity, as like all ism’s, the truth is veiled only by the addition of belief. And of course, not even. For ‘those with two good ears’.
  15. Experiencing through belief is like holding your eye against a window, not realizing that you are, nor that there even is a window. Meditation is like stepping back into the room a bit, away from the window, and indeed it can then be ‘seen’, one was looking through a belief, but innocently did not know, could not have known, because the window can not be seen, only seen through. But the beliefs are felt. And this is how it is known there is the presence of, belief. Conversely, clarity, ultimately, is that you are unconditional & are being the person, room, window, & beliefs, and therein, there is no person, room, window or belief. There is no thing which could ever contain the love that you are, which is being. For killing or harming people, there is prison. There is all the time in the world to meditate & understand emotions in prison. But of course, one need not go that route. There is more than ample time & resources for this already.
  16. Oodles of love to you good sir. ?
  17. Any distinction(s) between nonduality and unconditional love, are conditions, thoughts. Including ‘them’. If nonduality were an experience, that’d be two. If unconditional love were an experience, that’d be a condition. Consciousness is conscious of the thoughts, ‘my consciousness’, ‘my human experience’, and ‘death’.
  18. It’s already done. It was just the recognition that it isn’t true, but was a belief.
  19. Of course. The title. There aren’t low conscious people, there is thought attachment, belief of, and judgment. Conjecture & group think. More what you could do so you can keep the belief in low conscious people, and the judgement therein. If desirable of course. Same thing. Without the belief what need is there for resolution and self esteem? Just directly feeling the discord of the belief / thought.