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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @LfcCharlie4 ?? Indeed. ? Also, there’s a show called Evil (on Netflix I think) which really gets deep blurring all the lines of psychological issues, psychosomatic effects, in regard to paranormal / exorcisms, etc.
  2. @Forestluv Very insightful. Would you say this can even flirt with / surface as physiological psychosomatic dis-ease? Curious of your opinion given your background, if you will. Quite a few people I’ve talked to, including my mom with her what used to be chronic adrenal / thyroid issue have healed, but it’s very tricky pointing to any actual ‘connection’ and bringing the so called ego defenses through this. I feel like that is what you might point to, and wonder if anything else comes to mind. I’m always looking for insight in this specific regard as it seems to affect so many. @allislove ??
  3. @peanutspathtotruth I know right?! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything convey unconditional love like that in media.
  4. It’s “a thought” though not from an ego. That would be another thought. There truly is no such experience as ‘the feeling of being more advanced than other people’, as other people is also a so called thought. You could say there is the experience of the feeling of the relativity of that thought, but more relevant would be that the thought repetition of ‘other people’ & ‘ego’ is contingent on the identification with the thought ‘person’, and or ‘ego’. There is an ocean of compassion and unity in not believing the thought ‘I think of people’. That is you. There can be the experience, without the identification labelling, or, thought is applicable to the experience of communication, but never defines itself / it’s source, if you will. All labelling, though it might be more convincing in an ‘outward’ manor, is labelling upon yourself. From the Matrix (paraphrasing)...”the prison you can’t see, hear or touch”.
  5. I relish the unclogging too. ? I like the phrase, “how Good are you Source?”. Source always be like BAAM. This Good.
  6. Go prior, so to speak.
  7. @Leo Nordin Planning in regard to avoiding a problem is motivation, or one’s motive being avoidance of said problem. Thinking in regard to what you want to experience is connective and inspirational.
  8. @Forestluv Yes. Like steam of an ocean. The experiential feeling of the resistance is the very evidence of the absolute peace.
  9. @Forestluv The feeling would be that of resistance (rather than a lack of feeling), which would point to the ‘beating up thoughts’, which could be let go. I do think the board full of one’s dream is encouraging in a sense.
  10. Inspect how you’re interpreting, your perspectives.... ‘Living life’s will’ is a perspective. If it resonates, serves you, feels good, or is liberating, then great. Otherwise it can be inspected. The easiest way to do this is to entertain & experience other perspectives, and feel more resonance, more goodness in feeling. ‘Money paper is scarce’ is also a perspective. Money is abundant, is another perspective. Money comes to me freely and naturally, is another perspective. That is another perspective. I really hope you don’t take this like I’m ‘beating up on you’, and that you don’t internalize what I’m saying that way and ‘beat up on yourself’ either. If what I’m suggesting here is grasped at all at 18, that is phenomenal, amazing. I’m essentially just saying how reality is experienced is entirely open and up to you. There is another 18 yr old somewhere in this place to whom going to school would be the greatest opportunity in their life. There are / is the perspectives we currently have, and the discovery no perspective is ‘right’ or ‘absolute’, and this is liberation mentally speaking. That perspectives can be tried on and let go just like pairs of shoes. I do not mean to imply this is something you ‘should’ already realize or be doing. It is a beautiful, freeing, exciting discover imo. We can extract Goodness from anything because everything is Goodness. When we do this letting perspectives which don’t resonate go, we experience more peace, love and understanding. Then, matters of school, work, money...while not ‘trivial’, are just, not so primary. Had someone told me this at 18 I wouldn’t have heard a damn word of it. You are much much further along than I was at your age. To the extent it can be heard, I guess what I’m saying is there is a ‘free fall’, a fuck all....and just appreciating everything as much as possible. No longer saying anything is limiting, or a problem, etc. You might frame it as a fun challenge...can I experience the is awesome, these people are awesome, this place is a good time, I’m benefiting, learning, I’m fucking awesome, everything is already working out great & is total fucking awesomeness. ‘Letting go’ is really letting perspectives go. It is ‘emptying the cup’...then new better feeling perspectives can arise in that empty cup. This can be emotional. Might be crying, might be resenting & forgiving, might be apologizing to another or yourself, might be punching a hole in the wall. So what really, shit happens. We learn through experience. Words only go so far, if at all. I think you’ve got to find your way, through experiencing perspectives, to what resounds with you (being). I’m sure it’s a ‘broken record’ in a way, but a dreamboard makes this so much easier. Not ‘one upping’ at all, just sharing from experience for reference, but I experienced that desire to be free & live to the fullest as well. I recognized the adventure ways already underway. That is the expression of the desire. Dreamboard really shines here. Getting all that comes to mind that you want, the freedom, living to the fullest, and everything & anything else that looks like...what that looks like for you, comes into focus readily because it is in front of you not ‘swirling in the thoughts’, and because it remains there the next day, on the board. No starting back at zero. Feeling is naturally first, and infuses the vision / dream for your life. The board is filled with what you want, which comes from feeling. The opposite approach would be “what should I do so that one day I feel the way I want to”. It pulls the rug right out from under that, imo, effortlessly, in the most natural way possible. Wishing you the best dream ever man. ??
  11. The thread is about wether or not “enlightened nazi” is a contradiction. There are awakened people to various levels and non-awakened people only in thought attachment to misunderstanding.
  12. Yes it’s shit. But only in the sense, it’s exactly the same shit as my shit, and the same shit as everyone else’s shit. There will be shit every single day. I feel as if your approach is like a flashlight reconfiguring the light on the wall, while I favor more of a clearing the lens approach. Then the light on the wall reflects this, is this. Then the shit is gone & it is realized the shit was just on the lens. But that requires addressing the shit.
  13. @How to be wise Not so much the nazi nationalism, but the misunderstanding that there are enlightened people/ individuals.
  14. @Forestluv Wishing you infinite peace my friend. Wish I could do more of course.
  15. @Yali Not really. Just a few videos. Thought they were great.
  16. @sat2493 I use a dreamboard and put feeling first, that way I don’t experience the frustrations you’re describing.
  17. @LfcCharlie4 Very insightful. Did you by any chance happen to watch The Handmaids Tale, on Hulu I think?
  18. @Leo Nordin Make a list of expenses, and divide it to get a daily amount, and compare that to your savings. Or invest the savings into an ongoing income production so you can travel and do what you like for the rest of your life.
  19. @James123 On the bright side, we stopped using crosses a while back. ??
  20. @Yali It is a contradiction. It might be a concession to the reader, but it’s very misleading.
  21. @Forestluv I seem to be missing the sad element.
  22. @Forestluv The nonrecontextability is kinda what I was pointing to / what he was pointing to. @Javfly33 Because nonduality.
  23. @Forestluv Though he is admittedly casual about it, what Rupert’s saying is far more profound. It’s a very ‘bricks will be shat / Sixth Sense ending’ situation. (referencing the movie Six Sense).