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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @StateOfMind Infinite can not know finite.
  2. Knowingness is prior to, or, the very knowing of... the thought ‘we’. Check direct experience. Ever experienced a ‘we know’?
  3. Yes, and if you like you can explore even the perspective of need, and of problem, to feel if into if those perspectives resonate. You can also relax into allowing the clarity that is source, and see what resonates in that experience as well. That really depends on how you choose to look at it honestly. In the same manor there is the happening or experience of a film, and of sight & sound, yet there is no Filmic. In regard to intuition, feeling, being, I would say that every conversation that transpires is a reading.
  4. @seeking_brilliance An overzealous rapture indeed. Thank you sir, I appreciate you. @Intraplanetary Thank you.
  5. @somegirl Appreciating the kindness. A lot came to mind... You have an incredibly strong vibration. I can feel it now, from ‘all the way over here’. I can also feel the stuckness you mentioned, and am experiencing & interpreting it somewhat differently. What comes to mind is the ineffable power you’re discovering & tapping into, of nonresistance. The thinking mind, if you will, serves your creating very well in producing preferences derived of your experiences. It effortlessly sifts & sorts in shades of what you want, and what you do not want. What resonates with your being, and what does not. In it’s imagining, visioning, and focusing upon wanted, the mind allows for the illumination of what’s next in your creation, so you may experience the physical manifestation of those preferences & desires. The ‘biggest’ step in regard to the dreamboard is the relinquishing, or trading of the thought about creating one, for the actuality, or direct experience of it. Soon enough your board is filled with lots of these preferences, and the mind becomes more & more relaxed in the seeing of these preferences in front of you, in the world, manifesting. You might say it is again at rest in the recognition it has done it’s job of the sifting, sorting, identifying & expressing of preferences, and has manifested those preferences in the physical, on your board. It is again in it’s delightful nature of peace in the recognition it’s work is done, and you are again relishing in the divinity of the recognition of your true creatorship. One of the ways the experience of life changes in using a dreamboard is that it becomes very clear that you have many, many aspects of life (on the board in front of you to see clearly) that are flowing with well being, going really great for you, synchronistically ‘clicking’ more & more everyday. This is important in regard to nonresistance, because you are never at a loss for an aspect of your life experience which you can go to and reconnect with source, to fill up on this goodness, this magic of living. You are more fully knowing of what you like, what you prefer, what you love, what lights you up. It’s abundance is viscerally known to be always readily available, top of mind, at your finger tips, easy to access, and indeed already ever-present to be tapped into. What you really want is not only to feel amazing, but to feel amazing about the brand name which arises - to feel great about this topic altogether. The mind recognizes and relates to the changing of paradigms, so the easiest thing to do is meet it where it’s at. Old paradigm: I want to know this brand name to ease this stuckness that I am experiencing. It is important as I go forward, because I love this excitement & passion of creating my company, and I don’t want to experience the feeling of regret. After all, I’ll be ‘stuck’ with this brand name, forever, so this is pretty important to me. New paradigm: Honestly, ‘at the end of the day’, what I really want is to feel amazing, free, eager & excited in my living & creating. There is much truth felt right now as I recognize that this good feeling I want, has never been experienced in a past or future, and has never been contingent upon a past, a future, or any choices that I make. When I recognize that good feeling is always here for me, I feel the nature of my being. That is, I do not need the past to change, nor the future to be certain, to feel this amazing unconditional feeling right now, and it is unequivocally always...right now. The shift: When I think about the brand name, honestly recognizing where I’m at with it today, I don’t feel amazing, I feel, ‘stuck’. When I think about it, I can feel there is some self doubt around this topic in my life, a desire to ‘get it right’, and I intuitively sense something is not resonating with my inner being here. I am however beginning to recognize that what seemed to be an impass, a ‘stuckness’ actually revealing a profound recognition of my true nature, and the nature of this reality, and of my role as a creator in it. That is, some thoughts have congealed, coagulated, around this topic of ‘my brand name’. These thoughts didn’t resonate when they first arose, and now, really, the whole topic just isn’t resonating for me. I know the vibe I want, I know the experience I want. I can recognize more deeply what ‘resistance’ points to now, as I am recognizing more deeply that there is a source within me which these thoughts didn’t resonate, with. Maybe, the knowing of the wanting is enough, and I can now shift to the receiving of that which I am knowing that I am wanting. Perhaps thinking has already done it’s job. Yet, ‘here I am’, and this topic is still not resonating. I can continue to focus on this topic & these thoughts about it, even though I am feeling the discord. Or, I can focus on any of the other topics, aspects, or areas of my life which are resonating. By doing that, I go straight to feeling, straight to ‘the juice’, directly into the source of the ‘electricity’ of this entire experience. Straight to the source, directly to what I really want, in the biggest of pictures, prior to all thoughts, and all lenses. I begin to see how profound it is that I can always go directly to the awesomeness, of me. And when I do, I am reminded and taken back by the beauty of the impermanence of all things, which is to say, I am bringing the best of me, the unseen unspoken eternal creator that I am, to this topic. When I do, I infuse it with the absolute bottomless goodness of I am. I notice, I feel it when I do this, and the topic - any topic - seems smaller, not as critical, less serious, less rigid & permanent, less weighty, less ‘sticky’, ‘stucky’, and life is just...far less sucky. That I can even experience such a discord is a revelation, the direct evidence & recognition of my true nature that this place is made of...Good... and I must be, I am, that. I will put this topic down for a bit. Maybe a day or so, and I will truly & completely let it go, recognizing the mind has done it’s work already, and source is already on it. I will get out of the way, and yet again, and yet more deeply than ever before, I experience the rediscovery, of myself. I’ll likely notice I ‘dragged’ some other thoughts, and maybe some other topics, into the ‘stuckness’ of this topic. As I let it go and focus on what is clicking, and this beauty all around me, and what does feel good, I notice the unwinding of the resistance in mind around this topic that is so desired and so dear to my heart. It is a funny ‘thing’, how what is seen & heard matters not, and what is unseen and unheard is all that matters. You matter, not the small stuff, and truly, it is all small stuff. Allow this topic to be in it’s rightful place, relative to you, by standing firm in your rightful place as the creator. The initial notion, every single idea, every detail so far, every single insight and infusion of spirit that has arisen in regard to the business you’re creating, has arose from within you. Nonresistance is the way-less way. When we let go, the One simply keeps doing what Goodness does, giving Goodness. When you let go in the name of your true nature, just as when you give in the name of your true nature, you are never let down by what you receive of this Goodness.
  6. @Swarnim You’d have to realize memory and understanding are appearance of infinite being. There is no thing for what is infinite to know because there are no actual things. Just thought attachment, or, believing thoughts as labels are perception, which is also appearance of infinite being. It could be said knowledge leads to humor.
  7. Experience isn’t distraction, it’s the whole point in & of and as itself so to speak. What appears to forget actually forgets by appearing as ‘experience’ to itself.
  8. What’s goin on? Spill the beans. Get it out, let it go. Express. Empty. Tomorrow you’ll be feelin right as rain. ?
  9. Great. Thanks, yada yada. lol. Notice there’s no me that came from. REALLY notice.
  10. You have an inner being, and the feeling of this inner being is better than any experience. It is better than sex, any relationship, any food or drug, any accomplishment, notoriety or achievement. All that is ‘required’ to directly experience this, is letting thought come & go and not attaching. That requires no effort. Attachment to thought is effortful. The distinction between direct experience and a thought is this very being, overlooked. Right now, in direct experience, is there being born, or is there the experience of the thought about being born? Not in a past. There is no past in direct experience. Right now...what is actual - NOW. The greatest of experience is intuition, siddhis, mediumship, etc. All just below thought attachment.
  11. One perspective...solipsism is not an exceptional belief. No belief can be overcome, only let go. Like any belief, it functions as a finite condition, an apparent overlay upon what it is not. A purging / releasing contemplation might be ‘why do I focus on it’, ‘I must want to, but why’.
  12. Almost every day I see the same face On broken picture tube It fits the attitude If you could see yourself You put you on a shelf Your verbal masturbate Promise to nauseate Today I'll play the part of non-parent, not make a hundred rules for you to know about yourself Not lie and make you believe what's evil is making love, making friends, and meeting God you're own way, the right way To see, to bleed, cannot be taught, in turn you're making us fucking hostile We stand alone The truth in right and wrong The boundaries of the law You seem to miss the point Arresting for a joint!? You seem to wonder why Hundreds of people die You're writing tickets man My mom got jumped -- they ran! Now I'll play a public servant To serve and protect By the law and the state I'd bust the punks That rape steal and murder And leave you be If you cross me I'll shake your hand like a man Not a god Come meet your maker, boy Some things you can't enjoy Because of heaven/hell A fucking wives' tale They put it in your head Then put you in your bed He's watching say your prayers Cause God is everywhere Now I'll play a man learning priesthood Who's about to take the ultimate test in life I question things because I am human I call no one my father who's no closer that a stranger I won't listen Phil Anselmo
  13. @Intraplanetary Appreciating the opportunity to elaborate, noble of you, thank you. To recognize what’s being said would require the recognition of the truth of the “I” and the “understanding” referred to. The “lack of understanding” is only apparent, and is the very veil. Is this thread, the intention, waking up & ‘seeing reality as it is’, or more along the lines of a philosophical (thinking rather than inspection) discussion?
  14. The intellect inspects itself realizing it’s own unreality. It’s ineffably humbling. The answer is alway let it go, there is no ‘you’. Can’t be a solipsist without a ‘you’.
  15. Loving a whole bunch. There’s just no need for that. Direct inspection of reality, awareness of things like the body mind is only made of the food, etc. Also, just not taking yourself seriously, such that you are laughing out loud alone a lot. That is also useless & uncalled for.
  16. How could infinity get infinitely close to itself? It already is itself.
  17. “Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew...we’re fated to pretend.” Ben Goldwasser, Andrew Vanwyngarden
  18. I can appreciate that perspective. I don’t think of it as spiritual advice. To me, reading all that you’ve done which hasn’t helped... non-doing, what to let go of, comes to mind. I hear ya though, hope you’re feeling better asap and wish you the best.