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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Why not ...what? Not sure what you’re saying. Can you elaborate a bit?
  2. @mandyjw ? Not to imply by the way, that I have the capacity to actually understand a woman. Even within ourself I do see the violence of this place, and recognize a certain ordain timing of all things. I’ve see what’s been missing all around, in my own home, in my mind, in my heart, and everywhere & on every channel I turn. I know who’s seeing through the cam of Kamala, I see what works in Sahle-Work, and our turn in Ardern, the Phoenix that is the angels of our murk, in the Angela Merkel’s. I see what’s so sorely needed arising and it is an even yet more pure joy, imo, a more-wholeness in my experience. I’m humbled by the era, the revolution, the finite and infinite beauty of this. While ineffable, it looks at me in clarity, and I look at it in the humbled purity of a long overdue and most obvious truth. I’d even go so far as to reference the second coming, and even acknowledge had it been done proper, it’d have been the first.
  3. @Ima Freeman If there is the willingness and interest to elaborate how, what you don’t get, the liberation (feeling how you really want to be feeling) will follow.
  4. What are some high-quality, high-consciousness resources for understanding women? The greatest resource for understanding women is of course God. Meditation, letting mind chatter go, and simply listening to a woman is best. Odds are she has never experienced this before in her life, and recognizes the distinction between a “listener”, and being heard for the first time. That experience is magical and divine, and unfortunately it is highly, highly likely, she will attribute this feeling as coming from you. Good luck with that. The experience of the absence of the mind chatter, that of you effortlessly enjoyably saying “all the right things” will make this ever more difficult. Godspeed.
  5. What, like all ‘other’ vibration, is happiness. Appears to be a ‘thought’ as well.
  6. These judging thoughts are energy zappers because it is the creation of discord with truth, with you. When you experience a self referential thought, you’re the awareness of it, not what it’s about. This is why “how lazy I am” doesn’t resonate. You are ‘not that’. Keep believing thoughts like that, and you keep recreating the discord, and are not creating what you want to be creating. Feeling matters, not concepts about yourself. It’s as if you’re vacuuming a floor, not noticing the vacuum is not plagued in. You can do that, but no much gets done. Notice the slippery slope self referential thinking. It’s led into a thought story about yourself as a physical object in time. This is the creating of even more discord because who you really are is fully knowing there are no physical objects or time. You are the entirety, the whole, of experience. The apparent physicality is apparent. Then notice that self referential thinking led to the question about you...”forcing”...a....”myself”. You are yourself. There is not a separate self, which you, could force. Meditation , the non-self-referential-thinking. If you feel you’d like to change this, rather than thinking about a “yourself”...make a dreamboard and discover thoughts are for creating. This mugglry is not becoming of you Harry.
  7. @BartekD Experience the perception & sensation of wiggling your fingers. Then explain how you perform such a miracle. When it is inevitably humbly realized there is no actual explanation at all, that it is pure spontaneous unexplainable ‘magic’ (and the explanations are just thoughts arising)...that wiggly thingy is recognized as what the words perception, or perhaps, ‘creator-creation-creating’ point to. If you like, reply. As you do, type one letter and pause for a few seconds, then the next letter and so on. How are you moving those fingers as you type? Rather than seeking a special creative state, perhaps magic was already previously overlooked. Now try to not be creator-creation-creating. (Good luck ‘not being’ )
  8. There’s no thinker thinking, nor a thinker not thinking, only the thought that there is. Likewise, and perhaps relevant, there is no ‘succeeder’ or ‘one who succeeds’, nor a ‘failer’, or ‘one who fails’. Likewise there is no one which starts over. (All just thoughts.) A self referential thought is a thought which is about what is aware of thoughts, which can never actually be thought. (Also just thoughts). Thoughts are ‘things’. The Enlightened One is No Thing. Awareness Of Thoughts Meditation
  9. Can a mirage have a desert by analyzing it’s water? Can a desert tell a mirage what a desert is?
  10. @Ima Freeman Peaceful mind is the default, the given, the fundamental actuality, reality as it is. Peaceful mind is never a place or state one can get to, achieve, or create. This is like building a device with your hands designed to allow your hands to be at rest. It could go on forever unfortunately, because it is the wrong direction. Likewise, we could never create enough war to discover peace. War is the effort in the aversion of listening to feeling. Peace is effortless. Every thing is actually a thought, thought is an appearance of peace, appearing or arising only ever, now. The story of a me and past is actually the arising of thoughts, now. The story of a physical self and world is thoughts which only ever arise, now. Now = Peace. The most horrific movie possible experienced by a viewer fully knowing it is a movie is not really experienced by a ‘viewer’ at all, but by peacefulness ‘itself’, our infinite Being, our source. Only via attachment to thought is there “a viewer” which convinces himself he is a separate physical self in the movie, and there is then the seeming loss of the true nature of Being, or, peaceful mind. Peaceful mind is abundantly available in every moment. The truth indeed sets us free, and honest expression, emptying, is the way. When emptying of emotional misunderstanding arises to be purified out - thought attachment hijacks & suppresses it again, and again, and again, and again. The intellect knows no bounds, no limit to it’s hijackery, and can only surrender to it’s true nature, the substance it is made of, the only reality of “itself”, Peace, Being. There isn’t ‘someone out there’ judging you for anything. These are thoughts which arise only now. Talk to a non-viewer, not someone stuck in a movie of thoughts. Experience that directly for yourself so to speak. A movie about this experience won’t do. Relinquish what has seemed to become a big dark secret of identity. “Be like melting snow, wash yourself of yourself”. - Rumi
  11. Full stop & reverse. What is being attributed to the body is actually attachment with thought. The mind can not find satisfaction in these outward antibody movements and modes of ‘trying’, ‘being more’, ‘evolving past’, fasting, celibacy, judgement, blaming, achieving, etc because this is the very cover story, the veiling activity of the mind, which you are always prior to as the awareness of. Just as evolution is an apparent yet convincing vestige of now, the ‘body’ thought is the cloak of the true nature of experience. Likewise, ‘things’ have no ‘pull’. Things are not pulling you, you are not a thing, you are attracting all “things”. There is not a source of this right now experience and a secondary source of ‘things’, there is one auspicious source inseparable of ‘experience’. When awareness is reoriented back upon itself the hallowed truth of the thinking mind is divulged and the true nature of experience (what was thought to be ‘a world’ and ‘things’) is remembered in self recognition as the one whole & seamless divine perfection, or, perception, as it always was and will be.
  12. SEEING YOURSELF WITH LOVE Practicing Seeing Yourself with Love can help shift your perspective to see the good qualities within you that others see every day. Through this practice, you can begin to reclaim and embrace the good that you have overlooked, and see how lovable you really are. Imagine seeing yourself and good qualities through the eyes of someone who loves you. Then, come back to your own perspective and notice how it feels to possess these qualities. Choose someone in your life who truly loves you. If you have trouble thinking of someone, try choosing a person that you knew previously or briefly who made you feel “seen” and accepted. Or, try choosing a pet. Now, imagine you and this person sitting across from each other beholding one another. Begin to see yourself through this person’s eyes, focusing on the good qualities he or she sees in you, and this person’s love for you. Ask yourself, “Why does this person love me? What does he/she see?” Go slowly with this exercise until you can really see and feel what this person sees and feels for you. When you are ready, come back to yourself and notice how it feels to possess these good qualities. Really take in the good of this experience, savoring the love, worthiness, and good that exist within you. If you wish, write down these good qualities and read them daily to remind yourself of them. ? “Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times Come, yet again, come, come.” Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
  13. @qormolq Can there be the recognition that this is the activity of thoughts, a story about you progressing, reaching levels, etc? Can there be the recognition that that ‘self’ cannot be pointed to in feeling or perception, because it’s actually thoughts about a self, and not a self? Can it be recognized that is a story about a yourself which is repeated, in a reactionary manor? Can awareness be what a thought implies, when awareness is already the awareness of the very thought? Can there continue to be self doubt, without the repeating of the story about the ‘self’...a thought story which doesn’t resonate in feeling?
  14. Meditations. (The non-thinking, non-conceptual, non thought-believing, non-self referencing, non-depressing, non-ignoring, of the true nature.) It’s SO simple. Allow it to be as it is. Having An Inner Smile Sometimes we can get in our own way by striving too hard or taking life too seriously. Smiling and lightening up can be beneficial for both physical and mental health. Having an inner smile means we’re greeting our experience with more kindness and openness. As Thich Nhat Hahn says, “You need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow.” Holding an inner smile also reminds us to keep a sense of humor and avoid being too hard on ourselves. You can maintain an inner smile in everyday life as well as during formal practices such as yoga, prayer, or meditation; gently smile to yourself, with kindness, appreciation, and a sense of perspective. Gently smile to yourself. The smile is not so much a physical gesture, but is more of a gentle, internal smile. Let this smile remind you not to strive too hard or criticize yourself. Also, let it make your thoughts, words, and deeds more gentle and accepting. Be mindful of what it’s like to maintain this gentle smile, and notice if any reactions arise. If you notice that you have become caught up in striving or struggling, remember to smile. See if you can find any humor in your thoughts or experience. Also, if you notice strong thoughts, emotions, or sensations arise that are particularly challenging, see if you can meet them with a smile. You are not denying them or resisting them. You are just opening to the possibility that these experiences are not your true identify, and you are much more than them. Practice “smiling” at difficult situations or relationships to honor and acknowledge them with friendliness. Notice what happens when you do this. Please note that by smiling at your experience you are not trying to deny or diminish it, you are simply meeting what is present with friendliness.
  15. @Heaven Thought says anxiety is in the body like my kid with chocolate all around his mouth says he didn’t eat my donut.
  16. This forgets and that appears. Eternal forgets and time (forever) appears. Infinite forgets and space appears (to continue in). One forgets and causation appears (continuance), and aspects appear (a perception of a perceiver by a secondary perceiver). Not knowing forgets as meaning such as this appears.
  17. I experience that buzzing, turbulence, and ‘different route’ pretty much everyday. I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s a very normal, natural ‘part’ of experience. It too is you. It seems you believe the uncomfortable feeling is coming from a secondary source, which you consider an adversary. Meditation is ideal for addressing thought attachment / letting go of beliefs. Body meditation will help you realize empowerment in address this. Grounding meditation will help with stability addressing it, and Emotional Awareness meditation will bring clarity to what is direct experience, and what is a thought / belief. Expressive writing is great for emptying emotional misunderstanding of the past out so clarity, presence & emotional understanding, which are now, can fill you up. I would really utilize the Emotional Scale, and if I can be of any help pm me anytime.
  18. @BartekD Awesome. Beautiful. So great to hear! .....I might have misspoke btw, I suggest allowing the energy ‘up & out’, (in comparison to ‘moving it up & down’).
  19. @Scholar I believe I feel where you’re coming from. I was way into politics in my thirties. I even served in a small local volunteer role for a while, chamber member, etc, you know. Hung with some Mayors, saw some different perspectives, nothing ‘big’, very grass roots. After a while it seemed like a pretty clear ‘garbage in garbage out’ scene. I’m not sayin I’m above it at all, but I saw through it in a way. I do sometimes wonder who, as in which party will be the first to wake up and turn the other cheek, choosing absorption for the absolute win. I imagine a Biden asking a Trump how he got so dialed into law of attraction people will go against their own conscience following him, and a Trump who asks a Biden how we can unify in accordance with it. I imagine a debate rooted in competitive inclusion. Could you even imagine that? “You know, we’ve seen the light recently on this whole gun thing. Folks, we now get it, it’s important to you and we’re making it important to us. We’re also with you on making sure you kids are safe, and we wanna regulate this with you, not against you.” ”Uhhhh...ok...ok...alright, alright....(for the win....) we...uh...we....we... we love & embrace minorities now! Watcha got on that!”. ? ? “...?” (This is not to bash a section or anything, I just found cheeseburgers made me lethargic after awhile.)
  20. @Vibroverse More of a ‘do this and extract from the direct experience’ pointer than a comment of conceptual philosophy or existential notions. You can do it! ??
  21. If somebody’s choking, don’t feed em. Help em get it up and out. Drowning waves don’t care about oceanic wave concepts. Sometimes a nut is just a nut. Lives saved: ocean; 0. Heimlich maneuver; countless. “For where two or more gather in my name, there I am among them.” - Matt