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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Ya know So you could derive the insight of both stories ya know. Inner monologue it… “why was I crucified, and not, how was I poisoned, and not?”. @catcat69123 How many me’s are there?
  2. Weird it’s still literally called ‘the forces’. Seems so obvious.
  3. Self Inquiry “Focus on the feeling of being "me," to the exclusion of all arising thoughts.” Not to imply any of these meditations below are needed or necessary. If it’s insightful, consider the rhyme & reason these meditations are listed in the order they are. Specifically, awareness of thoughts, equanimity, emotional awareness, and forgiveness & using the tools… the emotional scale and expressive journaling. And then having an inner smile, lovingkindness and seeing yourself with love & the contemplations. And then concentration / single pointedness & improv writing & streaming. And then do nothing. And then self inquiry.
  4. Less inclination for self referential thinking.
  5. @PurpleTree Skipping jealousy, anger & discouragement and expressing blame doesn’t pan out. It lands you back in insecurity, guilt, unworthiness, fear, grief & powerlessness every time.
  6. @ChrisZoZo Ye might say meditation is the allowing of the settling of the thoughts that there is a Nahm which means something, or most simply & normally said, nothing.
  7. Thoughts appear. An example is ‘definition’, ‘you’, ‘don’t, ‘know’. As is, this is an appearance, thoughts appearing. Thoughts can also be believed to be true, then there can be the (still just apparent) belief there is a Nahm which does or does not know… whatever it is, which is believed. Nothing can not per se ‘be clever’, as clever is of course, just another appearance (thought). This is english. What’s ‘more normal’?
  8. The thought ‘I’m sad’ is just a thought. There isn’t the implied self the thought is about. The thought was attached to, it was believed there was a self which ‘has’ a thought(s) and is / was sad. But there isn’t a past either, that is also a thought. ‘I’m glad’ I was never sad, is just another thought.
  9. @Irina Wolf Narcissist & personality disorder are thoughts, labels upon yourself.
  10. There isn’t a me and a my purpose. This is the activity of thought. In large part, the discord felt is the not fitting of this way of thinking, because you are not that ‘separate self’ of thoughts. Purpose isn’t something a you has, sans, the idea of a you with a purpose. You are not two, and each occurrence of thought which coincides with the theory that you are / there is, a you has a this and or that, is discordant. Suppressing this leads to suicidal ideation, as the momentum of discord can become unbearable. Expressing this leads to, really is the actual intrinsic allowing of, happiness. The happiness that you are. The difference or relevance, is enjoyment of now comes first, naturally, intrinsically, without effort or need for any thought(s), and whatever activity engaged in, a distant second, and far more is accomplished, perhaps seemingly paradoxically at first, after much momentum to the contrary. Jealousy can be a tricky emotion in regard to thought, and how it’s thought about. Jealousy can be as simple as, jealous of people who are happy and not experiencing that discord at all. You might also consider, there are people with ample time & money, to do & experience what they want. Notice (in accordance with your op) this began with wanting to become conscious. Open-mindedly consider, this is not actually possible, and is actually a way of thinking (thoughts, really) which is most discordant, as you are already consciousness, which is infinite. This need not be realized to recognize this is what’s felt (the discordant thoughts) in regard to the momentum of the discord, and why it (those thoughts) leads to ideation thoughts. A discordant separative idea, which is a discordant separative ideology, leads of course to, ideation, and the intense desire to resolve this. But ‘this’ is only the activity of the thoughts, of a way of thinking about ‘yourself’ as the separate one with the purpose. Living and loving therein, is the purpose of living, and loving. Life is supposed to be fun. This is natural, intrinsic. Unless suppressed, with the activity of dualistic self referential thoughts (me and my purpose). Boredum can also be thought of in tricky ways, and can be avoided, when what’s actually experienced is the suppression or non-allowance of the recognition of pessimistic thoughts, which arise because this discordant way of thinking isn’t being seen, and the emotion(s) is / are being suppressed.
  11. @Amannl3in Meditation is the resolution because there isn’t actually an issue with focus, focus is just clouded by over activity of thought. This may not be readily seen without meditation, due to the nature of thoughts about ‘my mind’. It’s not a ‘problem’ and ‘solution’ scenario really, it’s allowing thought activity to settle, thus experiencing directly that there is no problem with focus / experiencing more than ample focus, for however long. A sort of ‘unclogging’ occurs, and I’d write each day about how you feel, as an allowing of expression, instead of the thinking about what ‘my mind’ is doing. All of the thoughts about ‘my mind’, ‘focus’, etc, are thoughts. The difference is the thoughts would be recognized as thoughts, and the underlying suppression of emotion is expressed… whereas presently, the thoughts are believed to be true. When the thoughts ‘something is wrong with my mind and or focus’ are believed, what is actually believed is ‘something is wrong with me’. But nothing’s wrong with you, focus, or mind… and this is revealed by meditation, expression & understanding (vs suppressing) emotions. ‘Controlling’ the mind is actually the outcome of letting go of control, not forcing, as forcing or controlling the mind is a facade of thought activity & believing thoughts. What’s actually desired, but is yet unrecognized, is allowing, and not controlling. What’s chiefly desired, is feeling better, and better feeling arises within you, whenever allowed.
  12. You don’t have a fear of discomfort, you feel the emotion of fear when you focus on that thought / thinking that way. ’Behind that thought’ is a thought about yourself, which feels off because the thought isn’t actually about yourself. When you acknowledge that, it is simultaneously seen that this is true for everyone else, and you naturally couldn’t experience the emotion of fear about making someone else uncomfortable, because you’d be aware they’re feeling how / what they’re thinking, just like you. No antidote is needed to understand a misunderstanding. I’d use the scale and acknowledge & express jealousy, as lots of people have used the scale and successfully understood what they’re feeling. (Emotion is guidance, not something to ‘deal’ with.) Nothing personal, this is to help and you’re free of course to take it or leave it… but nobody’s holding you back. Emotional ignorance is difficult & limiting. The admittance of the ignorance is already relieving. You’re not supposed to, or expected to know anything you don’t know. The recognition of not knowing, of ignorance, is not negative, it is relief. You don’t have fear (try to pinpoint where you have it), you just don’t understand it yet. Once you do, you won’t experience it.
  13. I would definitely use the emotional scale daily, and realize how you feel is about how you think about circumstances and people, and not actually because of circumstances & people. That might sound absurd or belittling, and I don’t mean it that way. It actually just works. Thought of judgment and knowing emotions like jealousy bring about clarity and dispel unnecessarily added resistance and clear the mind a ton, and much more clarity & focus is experienced. Stable attention is the natural result of understanding the emotions. A lot of thoughts are about you, and feel off. When it’s understood what emotion is felt, there are naturally far less thoughts about yourself. As an example, and this probably sounds odd presently, but ‘skill development’ is a misnomer. You could just the same, have that experience of 4-6 hrs enjoying it & effortlessly absorbing it, without the additional thoughts about yourself developing skills. This leads to feeling great all the time, vs contingently upon accomplishments. The same is true about relationships in regard to feeling good about how one is seen, vs because one is good as in goodness.
  14. Are you already meditating every morning? @flowboy Subscribed. Keep it comin. ??
  15. @RMQualtrough @WokeBloke Also… you’re taking that there is reality for granted. As if it’s just a given. It’s not.
  16. @WokeBloke If Wokebloke could… and did, right now… literally be a fridge… as a fridge… Wokebloke wouldn’t remember Wokebloke is actually, Wokebloke, because Wokebloke would be being, a fridge. So it is with you (formlessness) and the Wokebloke you appear to be. But but but… if as the fridge, the fridge started meditating & inspecting what it is, the fridge would inevitably discover, it is actually Wokebloke… which firmly believed it was, that there was - “a fridge”.
  17. You are what ‘it’ refers to, but you might be experiencing some confusion from those who say a human has a state of consciousness which they can raise to God consciousness. I wouldn’t blame ya for adding the next logical step of being able to like, snap your fingers and a fridge appears, but these are all misunderstandings.
  18. @WokeBloke I am dude. That’s not a refrigerator, refrigerator is a thought.
  19. Unacceptably loud music. ‘Is this ok for my bones’ decibels. I wanna live in an amplifier built on top of a subwoofer.